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1、Unitt 1A. TTrannslaate thee foolloowinng iintoo Chhineese. P771.Twwo nnoteed AAmerricaans expplaiin wwhy its nnot whaat yyou earrn-iitss whhat youu leearnn. Bellgiaans 比利时时1、两位位美国名名人解释释为什么么不是你你所挣的的而是你你所学的的更重要要。2.I havve nneveer tthouughtt I wass beetteer tthann annyonne eelsee, bbut I hhavee allwayy

2、s bbeliieveed II cooulddntt bee ouutwoorkeed.2、我从从不认为为我那时时比其他他任何人人强,但但我一直直相信我我当时干干的活儿儿别人都都赶不上上。3.Waatchhingg myy mooneyy grrow wass moore rewwarddingg thhan anyythiing I ccoulld hhavee booughht.3、看着着存款数数增加比比我当时时原本可可以买到到的任何何东西都都更让我我满足。4. II toook a ggenuuinee innterrestt inn thheirr quuesttionns aand

3、 wass abble to traansllatee whhat theey wwantted intto mmakeeup ideeas.4、我发发自内心心地关心心她们的的问题,并能理理解她们们的愿望望,给她她们出些些该如何何化妆的的点子。5. II enndedd upp seelliing a rrecoord amoountt off coosmeeticcs.5、结果果我创下下了化妆妆品销售售量的最最好成绩绩。B. TTrannslaate thee foolloowinng iintoo Enngliish.1. SShe plaans to sett upp heer oown

4、 busssinnesss她计划自自己创业业(seet uup)2.Atttittudee allso mattterrs.2. 态态度也很很重要(mattterr)3. sshe hadd poolisshedd alll tthe furrnitturee beeforre tthe gussetss arrrivved. (HHostt 主人人 hoosteess )3.她在在客人们们到达之之前把所所有家具具都擦亮亮了. (poolissh)4.Soome mannageers havve nno iideaa hoow tto hhanddle peooplee. CConmminuu

5、te沟沟通4.有些些经理不不知道如如何与人人打交道道。(hhanddle)5.Wee fiinisshedd thhe wworkk inn reecorrd ttimee. 5.我们们完成那那项工程程的时间间打破了了记录(reccordd)6.shhe llikees eeverrythhingg too bee inn pllacee beeforre sshe staartss woorkiing.(inn pllacee)6.她喜喜欢东西西都摆好好以后再再开始工工作。(putt inn)7.Shhe oofteen pputss inn 122 hoourss wworkk a day

6、y. 7.她常常常一天天工作112小时时.(acqquirre)8. HHe aacquuireed tthe infformmatiion froome thee neewsppapeers.8.他是是从报纸纸上得到到这一信信息的.(acqquirre)9. TTherress ann oppeniing forr ann asssisstannt iin oour depparttmennt.( Asssocciatte ppreffesssor 副教授授 leectuurerr 讲师师)9.我们们部门有有一个助助理的职职位空缺缺.(opeeninng)10.tthe orgganiiza

7、ttionn woorkss too prromoote friienddshiip bbetwweenn naatioons.10.该该组织旨旨在促进进各国之之间的友友谊.(proomotte)2选择择适当的的时态填填空。(l) Acccorrdinng tto tthe timme ttablle, thee trrainn foor LLonddon _ aat sseveen oocllockk inn thhe eevenningg.A. wwas leaavinng B, haas lleftt C. leeavees D. wiill leaave(2) Youu neeednn

8、t hurrry herr. SShe _ iit bby tthe timme yyou aree reeadyy.A. wwilll haave finnishhed B. woouldd fiinisshC. wwilll haave beeen ffiniishiing DD wiill be finnishhingg(3) Darrwinn prroveed tthatt naaturral sellecttionn _ thee chhieff faactoor iin tthe devveloopmeent of speeciees. A. hass beeen B. haad

9、bbeenn C. waas D. iss(4) WWhille PPegggy _, hher brootheer iis pplayyingg reecorrds. A. reaads B. iss reeadiing CC. hhas reaad D. hass beeen reaadinng(5) IItss beeen a llongg tiime sinnce I _, Hoow aare youu? AA. hhad lasst sseenn yoou B. saaw yyou lasst C. haave lasst sseenn yoou D. laast wass seee

10、inng yyou(6) Wee _ on it forr seeverral houurs, buut wwe hhavee noot yyet reaacheed aany conncluusioon.A. wworkk B. arre wworkkingg CC. hhavee beeen worrkinng D. haave beeen wworkked(7) Hee saaid thaat hhe_ forr Shhangghaii thhe nnextt daay. AA. wwilll leeavee B. haas lleftt C. woouldd leeavee D. ha

11、ad lleftt(8) Thhis is thee fiirstt tiime I_ tthiss kiind of reffriggeraatorr. A. saww B. havve sseenn C. amm seeeinng D. seee(9) Hee_ tthiss joob bbefoore he movved intto tthiss ciity. AA. ffounnd B. woouldd fiind CC. wwas finndinng D. hadd fooundd(10) II thhinkk thhis timme yyestterdday he _ aan EE

12、ngllishh cllasss inn Noo, 33 CllasssrooomBuuilddingg. A. wass haavinng B. wiill havve CC. hhad D.wouuld havve(11) BBy 220000, tthe uniiverrsitty _ 2000000 poostggradduattes. AA. wwilll bee trrainned BB. ttramms CC. wwilll haave traaineed DD. wwilll bee trrainningg(12) SSincce 119700, hhe_ inn thhis

13、bannk aand he lovves thee joob vveryy muuch. A. haas wworkked B. haas bbeenn woorkiing c. iss woorkiing D. willl bbe wworkkingg(13) II doontt liike to be dissturrbedd iff l_. A. amm woorkiing B. wmm woork C. worrk DD. hhavee woorkeed(14) BBefoore lonng, shee_ aall aboout thee maatteer. A. wiill havv

14、e fforggottten BB wiill forrgett C. willl bbe fforggottten DD. wwilll haave beeen fforggetttingg (115) Yoou ccan seee thhe hhousse_ forr yeearss. A. issntt paaintted BB. hhasnnt paiinteed C. haadnt bbeenn paaintted DD. hhasnnt beeen ppainnteddUnitt2A. Trannslaate thee foolloowinng ssenttencces intto

15、 CChinnesee.1. WWithh thhe cclicck oof aa moousee, iinfoormaatioon ffromm thhe ootheer eend of thee gllobee wiill be traanspportted to youur ccompputeer sscreeen at thee exxtreemelly ffastt sppeedd off seevenn-annd-aa-haalf timmes arooundd thhe eeartth pper seccondd.1、要用用鼠标点点击一下下,在地地球另一一端的信信息马上上就会以以

16、每秒钟钟绕地球球七周半半的惊人人速度传传输到你你的电脑脑屏幕上上。2. BBesiidess, iif eeverryonne sshopps oon tthe Nett, wwhatt wiill happpenn too thhe hhunddredds aand thoousaandss off shhopppingg maallss?2、此外外,如果果大家都都在网上上购物,那么成成千上万万的购物物中心该该怎么办办呢?3. TThe hugge ppoweer oof eelecctroonicc coommeercee (ee-coommeercee) wwilll chhangge

17、tthe facce oof ttradde ddrammatiicallly.3、电子子商务的的惊人威威力会使使贸易的的局面发发生激动动人心的的巨变。4.thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof ee-coommeercee maay wwelll brringg thhe wworlld iintoo a braand neww erra oof “e-llecttronnic currrenncy”4、电子子商务的的发展很很可能会会把世界界带进一一个“电子货货币”的崭新新时代。5. AAs tthe Nett puushees tthe ecoonommy aaheaad rra

18、piidlyy, tthe ecoonommy iis aalsoo brringgingg thhe NNet marrkett foorwaard, reesulltinng iin tthe Intternnet itsselff beecommingg thhe wworllds llarggestt emmerggingg maarkeet.5、在网网络化高高速地推推动经济济发展的的同时,经济也也反过来来促进网网络市场场的发展展,其结结果是国国际互联联网本身身将成为为全球最最大的新新兴市场场。B. Trannslaate thee foolloowinng iintoo Enngli

19、ish.1、今晚晚她很可可能给我我打电话话。(llikeely)1. She is verry llikeely to rinng mme ttoniightt.2、我看看不懂这这篇文章章(beeyonnd)2. Undeersttanddingg thhis artticlle iis bbeyoond my cappaciity.3、新刷刷的一层层油漆可可使房间间焕然一一新(ttrannsfoorm)3. A frreshh cooat of paiint cann trranssforrm aa rooom.4、做事事不先考考虑总会会导致失失败。(ressultt inn)4. Acti

20、ing befforee thhinkkingg allwayys rresuultss inn faailuure.5、他估估计那项项工作需需要三个个月。(esttimaate)5. He eestiimatted thaat tthe worrk wwoulld ttakee thhreee moonthhs.6、我们们相信这这个协议议将会积积极地促促进两国国之间的的贸易。(prromoote)6. We bbeliievee thhat thiis aagreeemeent willl pposiitivvelyy prromoote thee trradee beetweeen our

21、r twwo ccounntriies.7.新机机场必将将推动这这个地区区的旅行行业。(pussh aaheaad)7.Thhe nnew airrporrt wwilll ceertaainlly ppushh ahheadd thhe ttourrismm inn thhis reggionn.8、网络络经济将将对人们们的生活活产生重重要的影影响。(havve ssignnifiicannt iinflluennce on)8.Neet eeconnomyy wiill havve ssignnifiicannt iinflluennce on thee peeoplless liife.

22、9、在昨昨天的会会议上,他提出出了一个个新的经经济发展展计划。(brringg foorwaard)9.Att thhe yyestterddays mmeettingg, hhe bbrouughtt foorwaard a nnew plaan ffor thee ecconoomicc deevellopmmentt.10、到到目前为为止,他他们还没没有找到到遇难的的渔船。(too daate,wreeckeed )10.TTo ddatee, ttheyy haavennt fouund thee wrreckked fisshinng bboatt.Submmariine 潜艇选择适

23、当当的被动动语态填填空。(l) Thhat mann _ to telll aa liie.A. wwas nevver knoown BB. hhas nevver beeen kknowwn c. wiill nevver be knoown DD. iis nneveer kknowwn(2) Thhe cchilldreen _ maany timmes nott too goo neear thee sttreeet. A. haave tolld B. toold C. havve bbeenn toold DD. wweree beeingg toold(3) Thhe nnew

24、 typpe oof ccompputeer iis ggoinng tto_ tthe monnth aftter nexxt A. tuurn outt BB. bbe tturnned outt C. wiill be turrn oout D. wiill turrn oout(4) Affterr thhe ssyntthettic_, ennginneerrs hhad a bbettter chooicee foor mmateeriaals forr coonsttrucctioon.A. hhad beeen ddeveelopped BB. hhad devvelooped

25、d c. to be devveloopedd D. beiing devveloopedd(5) Affterr beeingg teesteed iin mmanyy waays, thhis newwly-dessignned macchinne wwilll_ iin tthe neaar ffutuure. A. bee taakenn acctioon BB. ccomee too usse C. bee puut iintoo usse DD. ttakee itts pplacce(6) Hiis ppareentss diied wheen hhe wwas youung,

26、soo hee _ by hiss grranddma. Awass brred B. wass feed C. wass brrougght up D. wass grrownn upp(7) Leead_ ass a matteriial forr scculppturre ssincce tthe timme oof tthe earrly Greeekss.A. bbeinng uusedd BB. hhas useed cc. iis tto uuse D hass beeen useed(8) Wee heeud thaat MMaryy _aa raaisee byy heer

27、eemplloyeer.A. ggavee B. hadd beeen givven CC. wwilll giive D. hass giivenn(9) Hee orrderred thee woork_ . A. sttartted at oncce B. too bee sttartted at oncce cc. tto sstarrt aat ooncee D. at oncce tto sstarrt(10) HHe wwas _ tto bbe cclevver butt diishoonesst.A. tthouughtt ass BB. tthinnkinng Cthoou

28、ghht DD. tto tthinnkUnitt 3A Puut tthe folllowwingg seenteencees iintoo Chhineese.1.Soo, iif yyou losse aa keey sspecciess, yyou migght cauuse a wwholle ffloood oof ootheer eextiincttionns.1、 所以,如如果失去去一个重重要的物物种,那那也许会会引起大大量其他他物种的的绝迹。2. IInstteadd off deepenndinng oon llarggelyy innefffecttivee laaws

29、agaainsst iilleegall huuntiing, itt giivess loocall peeoplle aa goood ecoonommic reaasonn too prreseervee pllantts aand aniimalls.2、 这种办法法使当地地人们可可以为了了经济上上的原因因而去保保护动、植物,而不是是依靠在在很大程程度上难难以奏效效的那些些反非法法偷猎的的规章制制度。3. WWithh coorruuptiion poppulaar iin mmanyy deevellopiing couuntrriess, ssomee obbserrverrs a

30、are ssusppiciiouss thhat thee mooneyy wiill acttuallly reaach thee peeoplle iit iis iinteendeed ffor.3、由于于许多发发展中国国家普遍遍存在腐腐败,一一些观察察家对这这些钱财财实际上上能否到到达应该该接受这这笔财物物的人们们手中表表示怀疑疑。4. SSusttainnablle mmanaagemmentt off fooressts reqquirres conntrools on thee nuumbeer oof ttreees wwhicch aare cutt doown, ass w

31、eell as invvesttmennt iin rrepllaciing theem.4、森林林的可持持续管理理既需要要投资种种植新树树以取代代被砍伐伐的数木木,也需需要对被被砍伐树树木的数数量进行行控制。5. IIn ttheoory, coonsuumerrs wwoulld bbuy onlly tthiss woood andd soo foorcee looggiing commpanniess too goo ggreeen or go outt off buusinnesss.5、理论论上讲,消费者者只能购购买这些些获得认认可的木木材,这这将迫使使伐木公公司开始始保护“绿色”

32、,否则则将无生生意可做做。 B. Putt thhe ffolllowiing intto EEngllishh1这场场特大洪洪水给长长江中下下游地区区造成了了严重的的灾害。(doo daamagge tto)1. TThe exttremmelyy heeavyy flloodd diid ggreaat ddamaage to thee miiddlle aand lowwer reaachees oof tthe Yanngtzze RRiveer.2这本本畅销书书对读者者严生了了深刻的的影响oo (iimpaact on)2. TThe besstseelleer hhad a ggr

33、eaat iimpaact on itss reeadeers.3这辆辆旧自行行车,我我最多能能付你55美元。(att moost)3. II caan ggivee yoou $5, at mosst, forr thhe uusedd biicyccle.4他们们的经济济利益及及政治权权利都应应当受到到保护。(ass weell as)4. TTheiir ppoliiticcal rigghtss, aas wwelll ass thheirr ecconoomicc beeneffitss shhoulld bbe ssafeeguaardeed.5这场场突发疾疾病把我我的假期期计划搞

34、搞得一团团糟。(makke aa meess of)5. TThe uneexpeecteed iillnnesss maade a mmesss off myy hoolidday plaans.6.如果果你明智智的话,你就再再学习一一年.(sennsibble)6. IIf yyou aree seensiiblee yoou wwilll sttudyy foor aanottherr yeear.7.倘若若这本书书没有其其他人想想借的话话,你可以以再续一一个礼拜拜.(pprovvideed)7. YYou mayy keeep thee boook a ffurttherr weeek

35、 proovidded (thhat) noo onne eelsee reequiiress itt.8.报界界纷纷指指责专题题电视节节目使用用的粗鄙鄙语言.(a floood of )8. TTherre wwas a ffloood oof ccompplaiintss frrom thee prresss abboutt thhe bbad lannguaage useed iin tthe speeciaal TTV sshoww.9、她的的任务是是把货物物整齐地地排列在在商店橱橱窗里.(raangee)9. HHer tassk iis tto rrangge tthe goood

36、s neaatlyy inn thhe sshopp wiindoow.10、校校长鼓励励参加全全国数学学竞赛的的选手们们争取取取得最好好的成绩绩.(eencoouraage)10. Thee heeadmmastter enccourrageed tthe canndiddatees ffor thee naatioonall maathss coompeetittionn too sttrivve ffor thee beest ressultts.1选择择适当的的比较级级形式填填空。(l) Peeterrs reccordd waas _ on thee teeamA. nnot so

37、goood aas aall thee pllayeers B. nott goood as thee pllayeersC. nnot so goood aas aany othher plaayerrs D. soo goood as nott thhat of anyy pllayeerss(2) Thhe tteamm iss goood. buut nnot as goood aas_ .A. oourss BB. uus CCwe D. ouurseelvees(3) Thhis toool iis _ tthatt onne.A. aas uusefful almmostt as

38、s B. ass allmosst uusefful asC. aalmoost as useefull ass D. allmosst aas uusefful thaan(4) Hee wiill nott bee_ tto vvotee inn thhis yeaarss ellecttionn.Aolld eenouugh BB. aas oold enooughh CC. eenouugh oldd D. ennouggh oold as(5) Boobss woork proovedd _ thaan tthatt off ottherrs.A. nnot mucch bbettt

39、er BB noot mmoree beetteer C. noo moore as goood D. noot mmuchh ass goood(6) Thhey aree_ my othher neiighbborss.A. aas ffrieendlly B. frrienndlyy thhan C. frrienndliier as DDmorre ffrieendlly tthann(7) I thiink he is_ thaan II.A. eeldeer tthreee yyearrs B. olld tthreee yyearrs C. thhreee yeearss ell

40、derr D. thrree yeaars oldder(8) Caan wwe ddo oour worrk bbettter witth _mooneyy annd _ ppeopple?A. llessser.ffew B. leess.ffeweer C. liittlle.leess DD. ffew.llesss(9) Shhe iis _ beeauttifuul oof tthe twoo siisteers.A. yyounngerr annd mmoree BB. mmoree yooungg annd mmoreeC. yyounngesst aand mosst D.

41、thee yooungger andd moore(10) HHe ccan runn_ II doo.A. aas ffastter thaan BB. ffastter as C. ass faast as DD. sso ffastt thhat(11) _ , thee woorsee I seeem tto ffeell.A. WWhenn I takke mmoree meediccinee B. Thee moore meddiciine I ttakeeC. TTakiing morre oof tthe meddiciine D Morre mmediicinne ttake

42、en(12) Whyy iss thheree _ traaffiic oon tthe strreetts iin FFebrruarry tthann inn Maay?A. llesss BB. ffeweer C. feww D. liittlle(13) Priicess foor ccarss inn thhe UU.S. caan rrun_ $20.8000.A. aas hhighh ass B. soo hiigh as C. as higgh tto D. soo hiigh to(14) Thiis rroomm iss_ tthatt onne.A. tthreee ttimees bbig thaan B. thrree timmes as bigg assC. tthreee ttimees bbiggger D. bigggerr thhreee tiimess thhan(15) Thiis yyearr, tthe graain prooducctioon wwas thrree timmes _


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