1、Unit 1A. Trransllate the folllowinng innto CChineese. P71.Twoo notted AAmeriicanss expplainn whyy its noot whhat yyou eearn-itss whaat yoou leearn. Beelgiaans 比比利时1、两位美美国名人解解释为什么么不是你所所挣的而是是你所学的的更重要。2.I hhave neveer thhoughht I was bettter tthan anyoone eelse, butt I hhave alwaays bbelieeved I coould
2、nnt bbe ouutworrked.2、我从不不认为我那那时比其他他任何人强强,但我一一直相信我我当时干的的活儿别人人都赶不上上。3.Wattchinng myy monney ggrow was moree rewwardiing tthan anytthingg I ccouldd havve booughtt.3、看着存存款数增加加比我当时时原本可以以买到的任任何东西都都更让我满满足。4. I tookk a ggenuiine iinterrest in ttheirr queestioons aand wwas aable to ttransslatee whaat thhey
3、wwanteed innto mmakeuup iddeas.4、我发自自内心地关关心她们的的问题,并并能理解她她们的愿望望,给她们们出些该如如何化妆的的点子。5. I endeed upp selllingg a rrecorrd ammountt of cosmmeticcs.5、结果我我创下了化化妆品销售售量的最好好成绩。B. Trransllate the folllowinng innto EEngliish.1. Shhe pllans to sset uup heer owwn buussinness她计划自己己创业(sset uup)2.Atttitudde allso mma
4、tteers.2. 态度度也很重要要(mattter)3. shhe haad poolishhed aall tthe ffurniituree beffore the guseets aarrivved. (Hosst 主人人 hosstesss )3.她在客客人们到达达之前把所所有家具都都擦亮了. (poolishh)4.Somme maanageers hhave no iidea how to hhandlle peeoplee. Coonminnute沟沟通4.有些经经理不知道道如何与人人打交道。(handle)5.We finiishedd thee worrk inn recc
5、ord timee. 5.我们完完成那项工工程的时间间打破了记记录(reecordd)6.shee likkes eeveryythinng too be in pplacee beffore she starrts wworkiing.(in pplacee)6.她喜欢欢东西都摆摆好以后再再开始工作作。(puut inn)7.Shee oftten pputs in 112 hoours worrk a day. 7.她常常常一天工作作12小时.(acquuire)8. Hee acqquireed thhe innformmatioon frrome the newsspapeers.8.
6、他是从从报纸上得得到这一信信息的.(acquuire)9. Thheres ann opeeningg forr an assiistannt inn ourr deppartmment.( Asssociaate pprefeessorr 副教授授 lecctureer 讲师师)9.我们部部门有一个个助理的职职位空缺.(openning)10.thhe orrganiizatiion wworkss to prommote frieendshhip bbetweeen nnatioons.10.该组组织旨在促促进各国之之间的友谊谊.(prommote)2选择适适当的时态态填空。(l) Acc
7、oordinng too thee timme taable, thee traain ffor LLondoon _ aat seeven ocllock in tthe eeveniing.A. waas leeavinng BB, haas leeft C. leavves DD. wiill lleavee(2) YYou nneednnt hhurryy herr. Shhe _ iit byy thee timme yoou arre reeady.A. wiill hhave finiishedd B. wwouldd finnishC. wiill hhave beenn fi
8、nnishiing D wwill be ffinisshingg(3) DDarwiin prrovedd thaat naaturaal seelecttion _ thee chiief ffactoor inn thee devveloppmentt of speccies. A. hass beeen B. had beenn C. wass D. is(4) Whiile PPeggyy _, hher bbrothher iis pllayinng reecordds. A. reaads B. is rreadiing CC. haas reead DD. haas beeen
9、 rreadiing(5) Its beeen aa lonng tiime ssincee I _, How are you? A. had lastt seeen yoou B. ssaw yyou llast C. havve laast sseen you D. lasst waas seeeingg youu(6) We _ on iit foor seeveraal hoours, butt we havee nott yett reaachedd anyy connclussion.A. woork B. aare wworkiing CC. haave bbeen workki
10、ng D. havve beeen wworkeed(7) He ssaid thatt he_ for Shannghaii thee nexxt daay. A. willl leaave B. has leftt C. wouuld lleavee D. hadd lefft(8) Thiss is the firsst tiime II_ thiss kinnd off reffrigeeratoor. A. saww BB. haave sseen C. am sseeinng D. seee(9) He_ tthis job befoore hhe mooved intoo thi
11、is ciity. A. founnd B. wouuld ffind C. wwas ffindiing D. hadd fouund(10) I tthinkk thiis tiime yyesteerdayy he _ an Engllish classs inn No, 3 CClasssroomm Builldingg. A. was haviing B. wwill havee C. hadd DD.wouuld hhave(11) By 20000, thhe unniverrsityy _ 200000 posttgradduatees. A. willl be traiine
12、d B. traams C. willl haave ttrainned D. willl bee traaininng(12) Sinnce 11970, he_ in thiss bannk annd hee lovves tthe jjob vvery muchh. A. hhas wworkeed B. hass beeen woorkinng c. is workking DD. wiill bbe woorkinng(13) I ddontt likke too be distturbeed iff l_. A. aam woorkinng B. wm workk C. worrk
13、 D. hhave workked(14) Beffore longg, shhe_ alll abbout the mattter. A. wwill havee forrgottten B wwill forgget C. willl be forggotteen D. wwill havee beeen foorgetttingg (155) YYou ccan ssee tthe hhousee_ forr yeaars. A. iisntt paiintedd BB. haasntt paiintedd CC. haadntt beeen paainteed D. hhasnt be
14、een ppainttedUnit22A. Transslatee thee folllowiing ssenteencess intto Chhinesse.1. Wiith tthe cclickk of a moouse, infformaationn froom thhe otther end of tthe gglobee willl bee traanspoortedd to yourr commputeer sccreenn at the extrremelly faast sspeedd of seveen-annd-a-halff timmes aarounnd thhe e
15、aarth per secoond.1、要用鼠鼠标点击一一下,在地地球另一端端的信息马马上就会以以每秒钟绕绕地球七周周半的惊人人速度传输输到你的电电脑屏幕上上。2. Beesidees, iif evveryoone sshopss on the Net, whaat wiill hhappeen too thee hunndredds annd thhousaands of sshoppping mallls?2、此外,如如果大家都都在网上购购物,那么么成千上万万的购物中中心该怎么么办呢?3. Thhe huuge ppowerr of elecctronnic ccommeerce (e-
16、ccommeerce) willl chhangee thee facce off traade ddramaaticaally.3、电子商商务的惊人人威力会使使贸易的局局面发生激激动人心的的巨变。4.thee devveloppmentt of e-coommerrce mmay wwell brinng thhe woorld intoo a bbrandd neww eraa of “e-llectrronicc currrenccy”4、电子商商务的发展展很可能会会把世界带带进一个“电子货币币”的崭新时时代。5. Ass thee Nett pusshes the econnomy a
17、heaad raapidlly, tthe eeconoomy iis allso bbringging the Net markket fforwaard, resuultinng inn thee Intterneet ittselff beccominng thhe woorlds laargesst emmergiing mmarkeet.5、在网络络化高速地地推动经济济发展的同同时,经济济也反过来来促进网络络市场的发发展,其结结果是国际际互联网本本身将成为为全球最大大的新兴市市场。B. Transslatee thee folllowiing iinto Engllish.1、今晚她
18、她很可能给给我打电话话。(liikelyy)1. She iis veery llikelly too rinng mee tonnightt.2、我看不不懂这篇文文章(beeyondd)2. Underrstanndingg thiis arrticlle iss beyyond my ccapaccity.3、新刷的的一层油漆漆可使房间间焕然一新新(traansfoorm)3. A freesh ccoat of ppaintt cann traansfoorm aa rooom.4、做事不不先考虑总总会导致失失败。(rresullt inn)4. Actinng beeforee thi
19、inkinng allwayss ressultss in faillure.5、他估计计那项工作作需要三个个月。(eestimmate)5. He esstimaated thatt thee worrk woould takee thrree mmonthhs.6、我们相相信这个协协议将会积积极地促进进两国之间间的贸易。(promote)6. We beelievve thhat tthis agreeemennt wiill pposittivelly prromotte thhe trrade betwween our two counntriees.7.新机场场必将推动动这个地区区的
20、旅行业业。(puush aaheadd)7.Thee neww airrportt willl ceertaiinly pushh aheead tthe ttouriism iin thhis rregioon.8、网络经经济将对人人们的生活活产生重要要的影响。(have significant influence on)8.Nett ecoonomyy willl haave ssigniificaant iinfluuencee on the peoppless liffe.9、在昨天天的会议上上,他提出出了一个新新的经济发发展计划。(bring forward)9.At the yes
21、tterdaays meetting, he brouught forwward a neew pllan ffor tthe eeconoomic deveelopmment.10、到目目前为止,他他们还没有有找到遇难难的渔船。(to date,wrecked )10.Too datte, tthey haveent founnd thhe wrreckeed fiishinng booat.Submaarinee 潜艇选择适当的的被动语态态填空。(l) Thatt mann _ too telll a lie.A. waas neever knowwn B. hhas nneverr be
22、een knnown c. willl neever be kknownn DD. iss nevver kknownn(2) The chilldrenn _ maany ttimess nott to go nnear the streeet. A. havee tolld BB. toold C. havee beeen toold D. wwere beinng toold(3) The new typee of compputerr is goinng too_ the montth affter nextt A. turnn outt B. be tturneed ouut C.
23、willl be turnn outt D. willl turrn ouut(4) Afteer thhe syyntheetic_, engiineerrs haad a bettter cchoicce foor maateriials for consstrucctionn. A. had beenn devvelopped B. had deveelopeed c. tto bee devvelopped D. beinng deevelooped(5) Afteer beeing testted iin maany wways, thiis neewly-desiignedd ma
24、cchinee willl_ inn thee neaar fuuturee. A. be ttakenn acttion BB. coome tto usse C. bbe puut innto uuse D. takke itts pllace(6) His pareents diedd wheen hee wass youung, so hhe _ bby hiis grrandmma. AAwas bredd B. wwas ffed CC. waas brroughht upp D. wwas ggrownn up(7) Leadd_ as a maateriial ffor ssc
25、ulppturee sinnce tthe ttime of tthe eearlyy Greeeks.A. beeing usedd B. has usedd c. iis too usee D hhas bbeen usedd(8) We hheud thatt Marry _a raisse byy herr empployeer.A. gaave B. had beenn givven C. willl givve D. has giveen(9) He oorderred tthe wwork_ . A. starrted at oonce B. to be sstartted aa
26、t onnce c. to starrt att oncce D. aat onnce tto sttart(10) He was _ to be ccleveer buut diishonnest.A. thhoughht ass B. thinnkingg Cthouught DD. too thiinkUnit 3A Putt thee folllowiing ssenteencess intto Chhinesse.1.So, if you losee a kkey sspeciies, you mighht caause a whhole floood off othher eext
27、innctioons.1、 所以,如果果失去一个个重要的物物种,那也也许会引起起大量其他他物种的绝绝迹。2. Innsteaad off deppendiing oon laargelly inneffeectivve laaws aagainnst iilleggal hhuntiing, it ggivess loccal ppeoplle a goodd ecoonomiic reeasonn to presservee plaants and animmals.2、 这种办法使使当地人们们可以为了了经济上的的原因而去去保护动、植植物,而不不是依靠在在很大程度度上难以奏奏效的那些些反非法
28、偷偷猎的规章章制度。3. Wiith ccorruuptioon poopulaar inn manny deeveloopingg couuntriies, somee obsserveers aare suuspicciouss thaat thhe mooney willl acttuallly reeach the peopple iit iss inttendeed foor.3、由于许许多发展中中国家普遍遍存在腐败败,一些观观察家对这这些钱财实实际上能否否到达应该该接受这笔笔财物的人人们手中表表示怀疑。4. Suustaiinablle maanageementt of foree
29、sts requuiress conntrolls onn thee nummber of ttreess whicch arre cuut doown, as wwell as iinvesstmennt inn repplaciing tthem.4、森林的的可持续管管理既需要要投资种植植新树以取取代被砍伐伐的数木,也也需要对被被砍伐树木木的数量进进行控制。5. Inn theeory, connsumeers wwouldd buyy onlly thhis wwood and so fforcee logggingg commpaniies tto goo grreen or go o
30、out oof buusineess.5、理论上上讲,消费费者只能购购买这些获获得认可的的木材,这这将迫使伐伐木公司开开始保护“绿色”,否则将将无生意可可做。 B. PPut tthe ffolloowingg intto Ennglissh1这场特特大洪水给给长江中下下游地区造造成了严重重的灾害。(do damage to)1. Thhe exxtremmely heavvy fllood did greaat daamagee to the midddle aand llowerr reaachess of the Yanggtze Riveer.2这本畅畅销书对读读者严生了了深刻的影影响
31、o (impaact oon)2. Thhe beestseellerr hadd a ggreatt imppact on iits rreadeers.3这辆旧旧自行车,我我最多能付付你5美元。(aat moost)3. I can givee youu $5, at mostt, foor thhe ussed bbicyccle.4他们的的经济利益益及政治权权利都应当当受到保护护。(ass welll ass)4. Thheir poliiticaal riightss, ass welll ass theeir eeconoomic beneefitss shoould be ssa
32、fegguardded.5这场突突发疾病把把我的假期期计划搞得得一团糟。(make a mess of)5. Thhe unnexpeectedd illlnesss madde a messs of my hholidday pplanss.6.如果你你明智的话话,你就再学学习一年.(sennsiblle)6. Iff youu aree sennsiblle yoou wiill sstudyy forr anootherr yeaar.7.倘若这这本书没有有其他人想想借的话,你可以再再续一个礼礼拜.(pproviided)7. Yoou maay keeep tthe bbook a f
33、uurtheer weeek pproviided (thaat) nno onne ellse rrequiires it.8.报界纷纷纷指责专专题电视节节目使用的的粗鄙语言言.(a floood off )8. Thhere was a fllood of ccompllaintts frrom tthe ppresss aboout tthe bbad llanguuage usedd in the speccial TV sshow.9、她的任任务是把货货物整齐地地排列在商商店橱窗里里.(raange)9. Heer taask iis too rannge tthe ggoodss
34、neaatly in tthe sshop winddow.10、校长长鼓励参加加全国数学学竞赛的选选手们争取取取得最好好的成绩.(enccouraage)10. TThe hheadmmasteer enncourragedd thee canndidaates for the natiionall matths ccompeetitiion tto sttrivee forr thee besst reesultts.1选择适适当的比较较级形式填填空。(l) Peteers recoord wwas _ oon thhe teeamA. noot soo goood ass alll th
35、ee plaayerss BB. noot goood aas thhe pllayerrsC. noot soo goood ass anyy othher pplayeers D. so goodd as not thatt of any playyerss(2) The teamm is goodd. buut noot ass goood ass_ .A. ouurs B. us Cwe D. ourrselvves(3) Thiss toool iss _ tthat one.A. ass useeful almoost aas B. as aalmosst ussefull asC
36、. allmostt as usefful aas D. almoost aas ussefull thaan(4) He wwill not be_ tto voote iin thhis yyears ellectiion.Aoldd enoough B. as oold eenouggh C. enoough old DD. ennoughh oldd as(5) Bobs woork pproveed _ tthan thatt of otheers.A. noot muuch bbetteer B noot moore bbetteer C. nno moore aas goood
37、D. not muchh as goodd(6) Theyy aree_ myy othher nneighhborss.A. ass friiendlly B. ffrienndly thann C. frieendliier aas Dmoree friiendlly thhan(7) I thhink he iis_ thaan I.A. ellder threee yeears B. oldd thrree yyearss CC. thhree yearrs ellder D. thrree yyearss oldder(8) Can we ddo ouur woork bbettee
38、r wiith _moneey annd _ peopple?A. leesserr.ffew BB. leess.fewwer C. litttle.lesss D. ffew.lesss(9) She is _ beauutifuul off thee twoo sissterss.A. yooungeer annd moore BB. moore yyoungg andd morreC. yooungeest aand mmost D. tthe yyoungger aand mmore(10) He can run_ I doo.A. ass fasster thann BB. faa
39、sterr as C. aas faast aas DD. soo fasst thhat(11) _ , the worsse I seemm to feell.A. Whhen II takke moore mmediccine BB. Thhe moore mmediccine I taakeC. Taakingg morre off thee meddicinne D Moore mmediccine takeen(12) Whhy iss theere _ trafffic on tthe sstreeets iin Feebruaary tthan in MMay?A. leess
40、 B. fewwer C. few D. llittlle(13) Prricess forr carrs inn thee U.SS. caan ruun_ $20.8800. AA. ass higgh ass B. sso hiigh aas C. as hhigh to D. so hhigh to(14) Thhis rroom is_ tthat one.A. thhree timees biig thhan BB. thhree timees ass bigg asC. thhree timees biiggerr DD. biiggerr thrree ttimess thaa
41、n(15) Thhis yyear, thee graain pproduuctioon waas thhree timees _ llast yearr. AA. ass mucch ass B. aas maany aas C. aas moore DD. ass mucchUnit 4Transslatiion: A. Putt thee folllowiing ssenteencess intto Chhinesse.1. TThe ttrendd beggan iin eaarnesst inn 19995, wwhen the Queeen off Engglandd admmit
42、teed thhat the Maorri peeoplee of New Zealland had beenn shaamefuully treaated, wheen thhe ccounttry wwas aa Briitishh collony.1、这个潮潮流是从11995年年才真正开开始的。当当时英国女女王承认当当新西兰还还是英国的的殖民地时时,新西兰兰的土著毛毛利人曾遭遭到英国人人的羞辱。 2. MMany poliiticaal leeaderrs, llike mostt of theiir ciitizeens, beloong tto poost-wwar geeneraationns, wwho nnow llook on tthe cconfllict as mmore thann simmply the victtory of goood ovver eevil.2、许多政政治领袖,和和他们的国国民一样,属属于战后的的一代,他他们现在认认为那次战战争并不是是简单的正正义战胜邪邪恶的战争争。3. BBut iits not justt a ssensee of conssciennce, nor demaands fromm preessurre grroupss,