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1、Chappterr3 MMachhineery andd Eqquippmennt ffor Dirrectt/Inddireect Hott ExxtruusioonTHE MACCHINNERYY ANND EEQUIIPMEENT reqquirred forr rood(杆杆,棒,竿竿) aand tubbe eextrrusiion is dettermmineed bby tthe speeciffic exttrussionn prroceess.Ideaallyy, tthe macchinneryy annd eequiipmeent shoouldd haave fleex

2、ibbiliity butt, aalsoo, pprovvidee sppeciificc exxtruusioon pproccesss wiith thee opptimmum(最最适宜的的) qquallityy annd eeconnomiic eeffiicieencyy. DDireect hott exxtruusioon iis tthe mosst wwideely useed pproccesss, aand thee teerm exttrussionn ussuallly refferss too thhis proocesss. Thee maachiinerry

3、uusedd iss ussuallly bassed on so-callledd sttanddardd deesiggns.The othher exttrussionn prroceessees uusuaallyy reequiire speeciaallyy deevellopeed mmachhinees. Theey aare dessignned acccorddinggly andd buuiltt too meeet thee neeedss off thhe ooperratoor.注释:rodrd杆,棒,竿竿optiimummptiimmm 最适适宜的3.1 Macc

4、hinneryy foor DDireect ExttrussionnThe dessignn off a dirrectt-exxtruusioon ppresss iis ddeteermiinedd byy thhe ffolllowiing facctorrs: Prroduucta. AAlumminuum aand aluuminnum allloyss (llighht mmetaal) eassy tto eextrrudee annd/oor ddiffficuult to exttrudde. Wirre(金金属丝制制的;金金属网制制的), baar(木、金金属等的的条),

5、 seectiion, hoolloow ssecttionn, aand widde at secctioons b. CCoppper(铜铜) aand coppperr allloyys iinclludiing braass (黄铜铜) (heaavy mettal) eaasy to exttrudde aand/or diffficcultt too exxtruude. Wiire, baar, andd seectiionc. SSteeel aand higgh-sstreengtth ssteeel aallooys eassy tto eextrrudee annd/oo

6、r ddiffficuult to exttrudde. Prroceess tecchnoologgya. EExtrrusiion witthouut llubrricaatioon (润润滑)aand witthouut aa shhelll (壳壳)b. EExtrrusiion witthouut llubrricaatioon aand witth aa shhelllc. EExtrrusiion witth llubrricaatioon wwithhoutt a sheell Toooliinga. CConttainner(挤挤压筒), stem(杆), dummy blo

7、ck(挤压垫), and dieThe widde rrangge oof ddifffereent dessignns ffor exttrussionn prressses hass reecenntlyy beeen redduceed iin mmostt exxtruusioon pplannts to a ffew higgh-ooutpput(高高输出)types.Therrefoore, onnly exttrussionn prresss deesiggns thaat ddomiinatte(主主导)ttodaays mmarkket aree diiscuusseed i

8、in tthiss chhaptter. Thhesee arre rrefeerreed tto aas sstanndarrd eextrrusiion preessees iin TTablle 33.1.Direect-exttrussionn prressses acccounnt ffor morre tthann 955% oof tthe tottal vollumee off alll ppresssess. TThe dirrectt-exxtruusioon ppresss iis uusedd foor aall currrennt eextrrusiion prooc

9、esssess.Table 3.1 Presses for the direct extrusion of aluminum alloys (light metal), copper alloys (heavy metal), and steelMachhinees ffor thee diirecct hhot exttrussionn off liightt-meetall allloyys aare maiinlyy ussed forr thhe eextrrusiion of secctioon (80%), tubbe (10%), andd rood(10%) iin aalum

10、minuum aand aluuminnum allloyss. TThe macchinnes forr diirecct hhot exttrussionn off heeavyy meetalls, maiinlyy cooppeer aand coppperr allloyys, aree ussed forr thhe eextrrusiion of rodd, wwiree, aand secctioon (60%) (maiinlyy inn brrasss) aand tubbe (40%) (maiinlyy inn cooppeer).Steeel aand steeel

11、allloyss arre oonlyy prroduucedd byy exxtruusioon tto aa liimitted exttentt (范范围,程度), annd tthenn onnly wheen rrolllingg (滚滚压;轧轧制)iis nnot posssibble or thee voolummes aree tooo ssmalll.The folllowwingg maajorr poointts mmustt bee coonsiiderred in thee coonsttrucctioon oof eextrrusiion preessees: Te

12、echnnoloogy reqquirremeentss: TThiss cooverrs tthe mettalllurggicaal (冶冶金的,冶金学学的)aaspeectss off thhe ddefoormaatioon ttechhnollogyy off exxtruusioon. Ecconoomicc faactoors: Thhe eeconnomiic nneedd foor rratiionaalizzatiion (合理理化)iin tthe connstrructtionn off exxtruusioon ppresssess iss moost cleearl

13、ly sseenn inn allumiinumm exxtruusioon. Neww exxtruusioon pplannts aree buuiltt ass innteggratted (整合合的)pprodducttionn liiness. TTheyy inncluude billlett sttorees, billlett heeatiing, exxtruusioon ppresss, hanndliing equuipmmentt wiith lonngittudiinall (纵纵向的)and transverse(横向的) conveyors(输送带), secti

14、on cooling systems, stretcher(拉伸机), cut-to-length saws(定长剪切锯床) and stackers (栈式存储器), as well as heat treatment equipment and packing(包装)lines. Similar developments can be found in heavy-metal extrusion plants. Sophisticated(富有经验的;精致的;复杂的)systems for electronic data collection and data analysis for t

15、he economic optimal production are already considered to be standard.注释:Wireewaai 金属属丝制的;金属网网制的bar b: (木、金金属等的的)条Coppper kkp 铜brasss br:s 黄铜lubrricaatioon ,luu:brrikkein 润滑shelll el 壳Conttainner kntteinn 挤压筒stemm sstemm 杆杆dummmy dmi bloock bllk 挤压压垫highh-ouutpuut高输出exteent ikksttentt 范围,程度rolllingg

16、ruuli 滚压压;轧制metaalluurgiicall ,mettll:ddikl 冶金的的,冶金学学的ratiionaalizzatiion ,rrnlaiizeein 合理化化inteegraatedd inttigrreittid 整整合的longgituudinnal ,llndittju:dinnl 纵向的trannsveersee trrnzzv:s 横向向的convveyoors knvvei输送带streetchher sstreet 拉伸伸机cut-to-lenngthh saaws 定长剪切锯床stacckerrs sttk 栈式存储器packkingg pkki 包包

17、装Sophhistticaatedd ssffisttikeeitiid 富有有经验的;精致的的;复杂杂的3.1.1 EExtrrusiion Preess Dessignn PrrinccipllesInittiall diiscuussiionss, ooverr 500 yeearss aggo, to rattionnaliize thee coonsttrucctioon oof eextrrusiion preessees, ressultted in thee sttanddarddizaatioon oof eextrrusiion tooolinng iin (DINN 24

18、45400). Witthinn thhe llastt 300 yeearss, tthe preess mannufaactuurinng ccomppaniies havve iintrroduucedd sttanddarddizeed ddesiignss onnto thee maarkeet.Tablle 33.1 shoows thee feeatuuress off exxtruusioon ppresssess foor llighht mmetaals, heeavyy meetalls, andd stteell.The maiin ffeatturee off thh

19、e ddireect-exttrussionn prresss iss thhe sstattionnaryy coontaaineer dduriing exttrussionn. TThe diee, wwhicch iis aalsoo sttatiionaary, annd tthe suppporrt ttoollingg arre llocaatedd att onne oof tthe endd faacess off thhe cconttainner, inn frrontt off thhe cconttainner borre( (管、圆筒的的)空心部部分,膛膛孔). O

20、pppossitee thhe ddie, thhe ddummmy bblocck llocaatedd inn frrontt off thhe eextrrusiion steem ppushhes thee biilleet tthrooughh thhe cconttainner borre, andd thhe ssecttionn emmergges(形形成,出出现)tthrooughh thhe ddie (Fiig. 3.11).Fig. 3.1 Tool arrangement for direct extrusionFig. 3.2 Geometric relations

21、hips for different designs for direct extrusionThe geoomettricc prropoortiionss (比例例;大小小)foor ddifffereent dessignns ffor dirrectt exxtruusioon aare shoown in Figg.3.2.The mosst ccommmon dessignn off exxtruusioon ppresss ttodaay iis tthe preestrresssed(预应力力的)ffourr-coolummn ppresss(四四柱压力力机). Itt iss

22、 ussuallly buiilt witth aa sttanddardd sttrokke(行行程,冲冲程), whhichh prroviidess goood acccesss annd eeasyy maainttenaancee(维护护,保持,维修).In aa sttanddardd-sttrokke ppresss, thee biilleet iis lloadded bettweeen tthe conntaiinerr annd tthe steem. Thee prresss sttrokke iis ddeteermiinedd byy thhe lloaddingg

23、 sttrokke aand thee exxtruusioon sstrooke. Thheree arre nno sspeccifiic rrequuireemennts plaacedd onn thhe qquallityy off thhe bbilllet geoomettry; itt iss noot iimpoortaant forr thhe bbilllet loaadinng. Oveer 995% of exttrussionn prressses in exttrussionn pllantts aare staandaard-strrokees.Figuure

24、3.33 shhowss a 75 MN aluuminnum exttrussionn prresss wiith exttrussionn toooliing forr thhe eextrrusiion of rouund andd fllat billletts. Thee moovinng ccrosss hheadd haas XX-guuidiing simmilaar tto tthe conntaiinerr hooldeer. Thee coontrrol andd innforrmattionn syysteems to monnitoor (监监视,监听,监督)aand

25、 opttimiize(使使最优化化,使完完善)tthe exttrussionn prroceess cann bee seeen in thee fooreggrouund(最最显著的的位置).Fig. 3.3 Standard stroke extrusion press. Location: Alusuisse in Chippis, SwitzerlandThe shoort-strrokee prresss iss coompaact (紧凑凑的,紧密的的,简洁的的)annd rrequuirees llesss sppacee. TThe shoort strrokee (aap

26、prroxiimattelyy 600% oof tthe staandaard strrokee) iinclludees tthe exttrussionn sttrokke aand a ffreee sttrokke ffor mannipuulattionn (操操作;操操纵;处处理). Thheree arre tthreee ddifffereent dessignns.The billlett-looadiing reqquirremeentss arre eeithher: Biilleet lloaddingg wiith a bbilllet loaaderr inn t

27、hhe ffreee sppacee beetweeen thee diie aand thee coontaaineer, witth tthe billlett cllampped(夹夹住,夹夹紧)oon tthe preess cennterrlinne (thee moost commmonn deesiggn) Frree spaace by exttrussionn sttem traansvversse mmoveemennt oon tthe movvingg crrosss heead (biilleet lloaddingg wiith a bbilllet loaader

28、r beetweeen thee moovinng ccrosss hheadd annd tthe conntaiinerr) Thhreee coontaaineers thaat ccan be rottateed(旋旋转)aarouund a ccoluumn of thee prresss frramee(框,结构,骨架) (biilleet lloaddingg wiithoout a bbilllet loaaderr inn onne oof tthe thrree conntaiinerrs ooutssidee thhe ppresss)Fig. 3.4 Short-str

29、oke press (compact press) for direct extrusionFiguure 3.44 shhowss thhe cconttroll deesk, moovabble auxxiliiaryy (辅辅助的)control desk (swinging(旋转的)), hot log shear(圆棒剪)with the billet loader, and the short-stroke press for aluminum alloys. The container is in the extrusion position. The billet is loa

30、ded between the die and the stem when the container has moved back over the stem. The billet must be held exactly between the die and the stem on the press centerline. This ensures that the clearance between the billet and the container is as uniform as possible, guaranteeing perfect upsetting (缩锻,镦

31、锻)of the billet in the container.The tolleraancee-reelatted diaametter varriattionns mmustt bee coompeensaatedd(补偿)bby tthe billlett looadeer tto eensuure thaat tthe billlett caan bbe cclammpedd onn thhe ppresss ccentterllinee (FFig. 3.5). Thhis enssurees tthatt thhe uupseettiing of thee biilleet tt

32、akees pplacce uundeer ooptiimall coondiitioons beccausse oof tthe equual cleearaancee onn alll ssidees tto tthe conntaiinerr boore. Aiir iincllusiionss arre llesss crritiicall, aand traansvversse fforcces, evven if acccepttablle tto aa smmalll deegreee, aree avvoidded durringg uppsetttinng.Fig. 3.5

33、Upsetting of a billet clamped on the press centerline (good), and upsetting of a billet resting in the container (poor)Shorrt-sstrooke exttrussionn prressses havve bbeenn thhe sstatte oof tthe artt foor ssomee tiime. Thheree arre vvariiouss reeasoons forr thhis. Scchlooemaann buiilt twoo 1225MNN roo

34、d-aand-tubbe eextrrusiion preessees ffor aluuminnum arooundd appprooximmateely 19550. Theese werre mmanuufaccturred as shoort-strrokee prressses forr prroduuctiion reaasonns, witth bbilllet loaadinng bbetwweenn thhe ddie andd thhe cconttainner. Thhe sstemm trranssverrse movvemeent wass ussed beffore

35、e thhe eend of thee laast cennturry. Thee leengtth oof eexpeensiive preess commponnentts, inccluddingg coolummns andd thhe mmainn cyylinnderr, ccan be keppt tto aa miinimmum.The commpanny LLoewwy bbuillt aa stteell tuube exttrussionn prresss inn 19960, wiith thrree conntaiinerrs tthatt coouldd bee r

36、ootatted arooundd a collumnn. TThe aimm waas hhighh-thhrouughpput(高高生产量量) eextrrusiion witth ffastt prresss cyyclees. In praactiice, thhis wass unnsucccesssfuul. Thee maanippulaatioon oof tthe heaavy heaatedd coontaaineers wass onnly posssibble witth eexpeensiive tecchnoologgy. Temmperratuure varria

37、ttionns wwithhin thee coontaaineer hholdder as welll aas iin aadjaacennt(毗毗连的,邻近的的,接近的的)prresss coompoonennts couuld nott bee avvoidded durringg prroduuctiion. Acccurratee loocattionn off thhe rrotaatinng cconttainnerss onn thhe ppresss ccentterllinee annd iin llinee wiith thee sttem andd thhe ddie

38、couuld nott bee guuaraanteeed to thee neecesssarry rreprroduucibbiliity. Thhe cconttinuuouss moovemmentt off thhe llargge cconttainnerss, tthreee rrotaatioons of 1200 wwithhin an exttrussionn cyyclee, rrequuireed eexteensiive maiinteenannce andd reegullar reppairr. OOnlyy a feww prressses werre bbui

39、llt tto tthiss deesiggn aand acttuallly useed ffor prooducctioon. In genneraal, shoort-strrokee prressses aree moore exppenssivee thhan staandaard-strrokee prressses beccausse oof tthe mannipuulattionn neeedeed ffor billlett looadiing andd thhe mmechhaniicall deesiggn.注释:boree bb: (管、圆筒的)空心部部分,膛膛孔.e

40、merrgess iim:d 形成成,出现现propporttionns prupp:n比例;大小presstreesseed prii:sttress预应力的的fourr-coolummn ppresss 四四柱压力机.strooke sttruuk 行程,冲冲程mainntennancce meeinttinns维护,保持,维修moniitorr mnitt 监视,监听,监督optiimizze ptiimaiiz 使最优化,使使完善foreegrooundd f:rauud 最显著的位位置.comppactt kmpkt 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的maniipullatiion m,niip

41、juuleein 操作;操纵;处理clammpeddklmp 夹住,夹紧紧rotaateddrutteitt 旋转frammeffreiim 框,结构,骨架auxiiliaary :ziiljri 辅助的swinnginng swwiii旋转的upseettiing pssetii 缩锻,镦锻comppenssateed kmpeenseeit补偿highh-thhrouughpput高高生产量adjaacenntdeissntt 毗连连的,邻近的,接近的的3.1.2 MMainn Suubasssemmbliies of thee Diirecct EExtrrusiion PreessAl

42、l exttrussionn prressses connsisst oof tthe folllowwingg maain subb-asssembbliees: Prresss frramee, cconssisttingg off thhe ffolllowiing subbasssembbliees:a. MMainn cyylinnderr: OOne or twoo piiecee; hhoussingg annd mmainn cyylinnderrb. PPlatten(台板;焊机床床面): Onne ppiecce wwithh orr wiithoout a ddiscca

43、rdd (丢丢弃;抛抛弃;放放弃)ssheaar aand/or witth aa diiscaard sawwc. CColuumnss: RRounnd ccoluumnss wiith inbboarrd aand extternnal nutts, rouund collumnns wwithh coomprresssionn slleevves (套筒筒;套管管)(tubbulaar) andd exxterrnall nuuts, laamelllarr (薄薄片状的的;薄层层状的)tension elements with compression membersd. BBed p

44、laate(底底板): Sttanddardd wiith rouund collumnns Moovinng ccrosssheead(联杆器器,十字字头), coonsiistiing of steem hholdder , rretuurn cyllindderss, aand, iff neecesssarry,aadvaancee cyylinnderrs Coontaaineer hholdder witth cconttainner-movvingg cyylinnderrs Diie sslidde oor sshorrt ddie carrrieer, rottatiing

45、diee caarriier, orr sttatiionaary toool ccarrrierr acctinng aas tthe diee hooldeer Diiscaard sheear andd/orr diiscaard sawwThe funnctiion of thee prresss frramee iss too wiithsstannd tthe exttrussionn looad. A preestrresssed stiiff preess fraame prooviddes: Loow ppresss eexteensiion Loow ddeeectiion

46、 (挠度度)off thhe ddie suppporrt Shhortt deecommpreessiion timmeThe preess fraame connsissts of a ccyliindeer hhoussingg wiith thee maain cyllindder andd raam, a pplatten, annd, if thee foour collumnns aare nott deesiggnedd ass teensiion andd coomprresssionn ellemeentss, aa beed pplatte aand guiide.The elaastiic bbehaavioor oof tthe preess


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