1、M7M88语法(重重点难点点用红色色标明)常用介词词辨析:表示空间间关系的的介词on/ooverr/abboveeon tthe tabble(接接触)overr thhe rriveer(正正上方不不接触)abovve tthe horrizoon(不不一定正正上方且且不接触触)abovve ssea levvel (可指指温度或或刻度)in/iinsiide/amoongin/iinsiide thee roooma hoousee ammongg thhe ttreees* Off thhosee sttudeentss, ttwo aree addoptted.(数量量概念“。中中”)
2、besiide/neaar ttoHe ssitss beesidde tthe firre.Sit neaarerr (tto) thee fiire!undeer/bbeloowThe boook yyou aree loookiing forr iss riightt unnderr yoour nosse.(正下方方,与ooverr相反)I liive bellow thee moounttainn.(不不一定正正下方,与与aboove相相反)beloow ssea levvel (可指指温度或或刻度)awayy frrom/offfI feell offf thhe lladdder
3、.Therres aa baathrroomm offf tthe maiin rroomm.Keepp offf/aawayy frrom thee grrasss!He llivees 110000 meeterrs aawayy frrom schhooll.in ffronnt oof/iin tthe froont ofIn ffronnt oof mmy hhomee ruuns a ssmalll rriveer.Dont ssit in thee frrontt off thhe ccar.overr/opppossitee/accrosss/tthrooughh/paastw
4、alkk ovver thee sttreeet/cclimmb ooverr thhe mmounntaiinwalkk accrosss/ooverr thhe sstreeet (穿过过某一平平面)Therres aa baank acrrosss thhe sstreeet.(在。的的对面)walkk thhrouugh thee gaate/thee crrowddwalkk paast a sshoppoppoositte tthe shoop表示时间间的介词词in/aafteerWelll mmeett aggainn inn twwo wweekks.We sstarrtedd
5、 ouut ffor thee USSA oon JJulyy thhe ffirsst aand aftter 20 houusess, wwe aarriivedd att LAA Aiirpoort.Afteer ggradduattionn, IIlll fiind a jjob to makke mmoneey.(可可以跟时时间点)Sincce/FForIvee beeen leaarniing Engglissh ffor 20 yeaars.Itss 200 yeearss siincee I sttartted leaarniing Engglissh.By/BBefoore/
6、unttilIlll bee baack befforee 6:0 pp.m.Suppper willl bbe rreaddy bby 66:0 p.mm.Theyy haave finnishhed 10 proojeccts by thee ennd oof tthe terrm.Illl woork herre uuntiil 66:0 p.mm.The worrk wwont bbe ffiniisheed bby/uuntiil ttomoorroow.(终终止性动动词的否否定式里里by/unttil都都可以用用)in/wwithhin/bettweeen/dduriingMany
7、y trrafffic acccideentss haappeenedd wiithiin/dduriing thee paast weeek.(在在某段时时间范围围内)I caantt teell youu att thhe mmomeent, buut IIlll leet yyou knoow iin aa feew ddayss.(在在若干时时间后)I caan ttypee moore thaan 1100 Chiinesse ccharractterss inn onne mminuute.(在若若干时间间里做成成了某事事)Im bussy bbetwweenn 9:00 a.mm
8、. aand 2:000 pp.m.Pleaase remmainn seeateed dduriing thee peerfoormaancee.(at somme ppoinnt iin aa peeriood oof ttimee)duurinngmyy sttay其他but/excceptt/exxceppt ffor/bessidees/Chilldreen wwoulld ppreffer to do eveerytthinng, excceptt whhat theeir parrentts aask theem tto.(表示排排除)The buss iss emmptyy e
9、xxceppt ffor twoo paasseengeers.(要不不是因为为)But forr yoour advvicee, II woouldd haave faiiledd.(虚虚拟,要要不是因因为)Besiidess reeadiing, I loove lisstenningg too muusicc. (包包括。在在内还)Noboody butt/exxceppt JJohnn knnowss thhe ccityy weell. (只只有)表示数量量关系变变化的介介词The nummberr off caars thaat wweree reecallledd haas rr
10、iseen tto 88,0000,0000.The priice of neww apparttmennts thiis yyearr haas rriseen bby $1000. (相差)其他常见见短语性性动词1. IIt iis ccerttainn thhat he willl hhandd ovver hiss buusinnesss too hiis sson wheen hhe ggetss olld.2. SShe alwwayss heelpss heer mmothher eveen tthouugh goiing to schhooll taakess upp moos
11、t of herr daay.3. OOncee a deccisiion hass beeen madde, alll off uss shhoulld ssticck tto iit .4. WWe hhavee too geet iin tthe wheeat as sooon aas pposssiblle bbecaausee a stoorm is on thee waay.5. II waas jjustt taalkiing to Marry wwhenn Toom ccut in.6. TThiss piictuure wass taakenn a lonng ttimee
12、aggo. I wwondder if youu caan ppickk ouut mmy ffathher.7. HHe ggavee awway mosst oof hhis monney to chaaritty.8. SShe toook mme iin ccompplettelyy wiith herr sttoryy.9. YYou shoouldd brreakk awway froom ssuchh haabitts.10. We mmustt caatchh upp wiith theem.11.LLets ffacee upp too thhe ssituuatiion.1
13、2. Do tthesse pplanns ffit in witthyoour arrranggemeentss?13. Lets gget dowwn tto oour bussineess.14. I caant puut uup wwithh hiim aany lonngerr.15. The speeciaal ttraiin ppullled in at 9 aa. mm.16. Pricces of veggetaablees hhavee goone up reccenttly.有关否定定全部否定定1. We ddisccusssed it alll moorniing bu
14、tt goot nnowhheree.(没有有进展)2. Neveer eeverr teell anyyonee yoour passswoord. 永远远不要部分否定定3. All thaat gglittterrs iis nnot golld。不不是所有有否定转移移4. It ddoessntt sooundd ass iff thhe ppoorr giirl knoows whaat hhas happpenned to herr inn thhe aacciidennt. 听起起来if句式式5. I woondeer wwhettherr/iff I shooulddntt/sh
15、houlld bbrinng iin uumbrrellla.6. I wooulddntt bee suurprriseed, if theey mmoveed/ddidnnt movve ssoonn.双重否定定7. Itss noot uunliikelly tthatt hee wiill staay aat hhomee onn Suundaay.8. You cannt makke ssomeethiing outt off noothiing.形式肯定定,意义义否定9. The beaautyy iss moore thaan wwordds ccan desscriibe.(无
16、法法用语言言表达)10. Thiss iss moore thaan II caan ttelll.(无无法区分分)11. He iis mmoree brravee thhan wisse.只是勇勇敢并不不明智12. Illl doo annythhingg buut tthatt. 绝绝不做。13. The hottel is anyythiing butt saafe. (ddefiinittelyy noot) 绝不安安全14. He iis tthe lasst mman forr mee too innvitte tto vvisiit mmy sschoool. (绝绝不找某某人
17、)15. The claassiics aree faar ffromm diisapppeaarinng. (远非非,一点点都不会会)16. Thiss kiind of fasst ffoodd iss saaid to beffreee frrom/of arttifiiciaal ccoloors andd fllavoorinngs.(没有有witthouut ssth harrmfuul)17. She is tooo coold-blooodeed tto bbe aa Gooodwwilll Ammbasssaddor. (太太。而而不)几乎否定定(harrdlyy, bbar
18、eely, raarelly, scaarceely, liittlle, selldomm, ffew)18. He hhas feww, iif aany, miissppelllinggs.19. He rrareely, iff evver, trraveels to thee coounttry.20. Richh ass thhe bbosss iss, hhe hharddly knoows howw too wrritee hiis oown namme.21. She selldomm haas aa kiind worrd tto ssay.形式否定定,意义义肯定22. A
19、 sttudeent cannt be tooo diiliggentt.(在在。也也不为过过)23. Pip cannt waiit tto sstarrt hhis neww liife.(迫不不及待)24. As oofteen aas nnot/Morre oofteen tthann noot, hes llatee foor wworkk.(像像往常一一样)25. Nothhingg buut aa miiraccle cann saave herr noow. (onnly)26. He ccoulldnt ffeell beetteer. (感觉觉最好)27. Nothhing
20、g iss moore valluabble thaan hheallth. (最最重要)28. no + 形容容词比较较级+ thaan: as 形容词词的反义义词ass29. He iis nnot a llitttle anggry.(veery)30. He iis nnot a bbitaangrry.(nott att alll) 31. No ddoubbt aa loot oof CChinnesee wiill nevver / nno llongger seee heer ffilmms oor bbuy prooduccts reppressentted by herr.
21、倒装32. Neveer hhavee I seeen (seee)thee coouplle qquarrrelllinng ssincce II liivedd thheree.33. Not onlly ddid he reaad (reaad) thee boook, buut aalsoo hee reememmberred whaat hhe hhad reaad.34. Not unttil he reaacheed (reaach) scchoool ddid he reaalizze (reaalizze) thaat hhe wwas latte.35. Selddom d
22、oees hhis sissterr haave(hhavee) aa kiind worrd tto ssay.36. No ssoonner hadd thhe tthieef sseenn (ssee) thhe ppoliicemman thaan hhe rran awaay.37. Harddly hadd thhe tthieef sseenn (ssee) thhe ppoliicemman wheen hhe rran awaay.38. Undeer/IIn nno ccirccumsstanncess shhoulld yyou lennd (shoouldd leend
23、) Paaul anyy mooneyy.39. On nno aaccoountt shhoulld tthe houuse be lefft uunloockeed. 绝不40. By nno mmeanns iis sshe an ineexpeerieenceed tteaccherr.关于省略略(红色色是重点点/黄色色光标常常省略)1. 冠词l Mikee waas eelecctedd ass Prresiidennt ffinaallyy.l Chilld aas hhe iis, he knoows howw too weeighh upp thhe ppross annd c
24、conss.l Theyy arre tthe garrdenner andd thhe ggateekeeeperr.2. 介词l Any, eaach, evveryy, nnextt, llastt, ssomee, aall, thhis, thhat, onne等开开头的表表示时间间的名词词短语中中。(nnextt weeek)l Todaay, tommorrrow, yeesteerdaay, yessterrdayy affterrnooon/eevenningg/moorniing, Saaturrdayy等前面面.(SSundday eveeninng)l 在表示一一段时间
25、间的名词词短语中中forr一般可可以省略略。(TThe firres lasstedd maany houurs.)在否定句句或句首首不可省省:I haavennt hhearrd ffromm hiim ffor a llongg tiime.For a wwholle yyearr, II waas hhelppingg myy daad oon tthe farrm.l Of在与与agee, ssizee, ccoloour, heeighht, shaape等等名词连连用时, 常省略略Theyy haave a ddaugghteer (of) myy agge.The twoo pa
26、airss off shhoess arre (of) thhe ssamee siize.At (thee) aage (off) 114, I beecammel I haave no ideea (of) hoow ggrattefuul II amm foor l I liive neaar(tto) Taiihu Lakke.l Willl yoou ssit oppposiite (too) mme aand havve aa frrienndlyy taalk?l Folllow me (inn) tthiss waay, pleeaseel Lets ccookk (iin)
27、thee Ammeriicann sttylee.l Shalll wwe mmeett (aat) aboout 9 oocloock tommorrrow morrninng?l Havee diiffiicullty/trooublle (in) dooinggl Spennd/wwastte(inn) ddoinngl Itss noo usse/ggoodd (iin) doiingl Stopp/prreveent(frrom) dooinggl End up(byy) ddoinngl Whatts tthe goood (of) dooingg l Takee tuurnss
28、(aat) doiingl Be bbusyy (iin) doiingl Havee a goood/ppleaasannt /harrd ttimee (iin) doiing3. 连词l She is nott onnly/merrelyy kiind, buut sshe is (allso) hoonesst.l Whettherr heell atttendd thhe mmeettingg (oor nnot) iss noot kknowwn.l He sspokke iin aa looud voiice so (thhat) wee heeardd hiim ccleaar
29、lyy.l Now (thhat) yoou aare alll reeadyy, llets gget staarteed.4. 句子成分分主语:(Youu)Coome in andd siit ddownn, ppleaase.(It) Loookss liike raiin.In aand arooundd thhe ccityy (ttherre) aree loots of rosses.谓语或谓谓语部分分:Onlyy onne oof uus wwas injjureed, andd hee (wwas) juust sliighttly.Welll ddo tthe besst
30、wwe ccan (doo).- Wass itt coomplleteed?- Yess, iit wwas (coomplleteed).表语:Thiss prrobllem is thee moost diffficcultt (pprobblemm) tto ssolvve.某些动词词的宾语语:I paaid (Peeterr) tthe monney.I paaid Petter (thhe mmoneey).She wasshedd (tthe shiirt), iironned ( tthe shiirt), aand folldedd thhe sshirrt.5. 主语+bb
31、eThouugh (hee waas) tirred, hee diidnt sstopp att alll.Whenn (hhe wwas) reescuued, hee waas aalmoost deaad.6. 从句You wouuld do thee saame (iff yoou wweree inn myy poosittionn.)You havve ddonee beetteer tthiss tiime (thhan youu diid bbefoore. )- Wheere is my catt?- Howw shhoulld II knnow? ( wheere you
32、ur ccat is.)7. 整句- Aree yoou aall rigght?- Yess. (Im aall rigght.)- Aree yoou ccomiing?- No. (IIm nnot commingg.)8. 习惯l Posssiblle/nneceessaary 与iff, wwhenn, wwherre, wheenevver, whhereeverr连用 (iff(itt iss) pposssiblle)l Asaas pposssibllel If oonlyy 后常常加一个个虚拟句句, 表表示“要是。就就好了”If oonlyy yoou hhad comme
33、 tto tthe gett-toogettherr.l Whatt iff/thhouggh 句句式表示示“要是/即使。怎怎么办/怎么样样”Whatt iff itt raainss?Whatt thhouggh yyou faiil?l Whatt/Hoow aabouut 用用来提出出建议或或征求对对方意见见I caant mmakee itt Frridaay. Howw abboutt Saaturrdayy?l Why/Whyy noot (提供建建议)Itss soo coold herre. Whyy sttandd heere so lonng? Why nott coome
34、 in?关于倒装装不倒装:主谓倒装:谓谓语在主主语前 倒装的形形式:全全部倒装装;部分分倒装全部倒装装:整个个谓语在在主语前前 ( up fleew tthe balll)1) Therre aare manny kkidss pllayiing basskettballl oon tthe couurt.2) 表示方向向,地点点,和时时间的词词herre , thheree, iin, outt, ddownn, uup, offf, bbackk, aawayy, ooverr thheree, nnow, thhen, fiirstt等放于于句首,若若主语是是名词而而不是代代词时,则倒倒
35、装。Heree coomess thhe bbus! Herre yyou aree!Thenn beegann thhe llongg teen-lli mmarcch iintoo Beeijiing.Now commes youur tturnn.3) 表示地点点,时间间的介词词短语放放在句首首,主语语较长又又无宾语语时,一一般要倒倒装。Throoughh thhe wwinddow camme iin tthe sweeet mussic.Afteer tthe heaad wwalkked a ggrouup oof wworkkerss.4) Suchh arre tthe res
36、sultts.Suchh waas AAlbeert Einnsteein, a simmplee buut ggreaat sscieentiist.5) 主主语太长长Pressentt att thhe ppartty wweree a grooup of youung peooplee whho ccallled theemseelvees ppionneerrs oof mmodeern artt.部分倒装装:谓语语的部分分(助动动词,情情态动词词,系动动词bee)放于于主语前前(Neeverr haad tthe balll fflowwn tthatt hiigh./didd主+动
37、动词原形形.)1) 否定词或或带有否否定意义义的表达达置于句句首时。Not, little, few, hardly, never, rarely, seldom, nowhere, no soonerthan., hardlywhen, not onlybut also, not onlybutas well, neithernor, at no time, by no means, under no condition/circumstances, in no case, on no account, no longer/moreNo llongger is it neccesssaryy
38、 tooNeveer hhavee I fooundd hiim iin ssuchh a goood mmoodd.Neittherr amm I immpreesseed bby tthe paiintiingss noor ddo II liike theem.Not unttil we saww maany deaad ffishh inn thhe rriveer ddid we reaalizze hhow serriouus tthe pollluttionn iss.We ddidnnt rreallizee.unntill wee saawNo ssoonnerthaanBy
39、 nno mmeanns wwilllNeveer hhavee IHarddly hadd I piickeed uup tthe phoone wheen hhe hhungg upp.Nowhheree ellse willl yyou finnd hher.She is nowwherre tto bbe ffounnd.Not a wwordd diid hhe ssay aboout hiss viisitt too thhe aart musseumm.He ddidnnt mmenttionnat alll.2) Onlyy修饰状状语放在在句首时时。(Onlly yyou he
40、llpedd mee. OOnlyy修饰主主语不用用倒装)Onlyy yeesteerdaay, didd Ifinnd oout thaatOnlyy byy dooinggcann weeOnlyy whhenwilll II 3) Sotthatt中的sso修饰饰形容词词或副词词出现于于句首时时,一般般倒装。So mmuchh dooes he worrry aboout thee poosittionn thhatSo ssmalll wwas thee maark thaat II coouldd haardlly ssee it.(Thhe mmarkk waas sso ssma
41、lll tthatt)(当当被强调调成分是是表语时时全倒)4) 也是/也也不是(do/be/情态动动词)He hhas madde uup hhis minnd tto bbe ddevootedd too sttudyy, aand so havve II.If yyou donnt ,; sso wwilllIWe ddont hhavee tiime to do it;no/neiitheer ddo wwe pplann too.He iis aa muusicc looverr annd ssinggs qquitte wwelll; sso iit iis wwithh Miike
42、.区别别-Yoou llikee muusicc.- SSo II doo. (确实)不倒装装5) 虚拟条件件句中,省略if, 且含有were, had, should, could 等Shouuld I bee asskedd, II miightt teell himm alll tthatt I knnow.Had I knnownn thhe ddangger, I woouldd haave warrnedd yoou.Weree I inn yoour plaace/Werre II yoou, I woouldd neeverr aggreee.Had it nott beeen
43、 forr,6) How 与whhat引引导的感感叹句,若若主语较较长时,引引起倒装装。How beaautiifull arre hhillls wwithh clloudds aagaiinstt thhem?How colld iit iis hheree!(不不倒装)其他:1. 以as, (tthatt, tthouugh)引引导的让让步状语语从句中中, Chilld aas hhe iis, he cann sttandd onn hiis oown feeet.Althhouggh hhe iis aa chhildd,heeYounng aas hhe iis, he Try a
44、s I miightt, II coouldd noot bbrinng hhim rouund.(Noo maatteer hhow mucch II miightt trry,)(回回心转意意,使苏苏醒)Comee whhat mayy, (Noo maatteer wwhatt maay hhapppen, Ill stiick to my plaan oof rreviiew.)2. May alll off yoou ssuccceedd inn thhe ccomiing exaaminnatiionss!3. 省略whhethher 的让步步状语从从句中Whettherr I s
45、uucceeed or faiil, it wonnt mmattter to me.无论。=Succceeed oor ffaill, Whettherr yoour aree faamilliarr wiith himm orr noot, youu shhoulld ggo tto hhim forr moore advvicee.=Be youu faamilliarr wiith himm orr noot, youuWhettherr I amm a teaacheer oor wworkker, I shhoulld pput my harrt iintoo myy woork.=Be Iworrkerr orr teeachher, I shhoulld4. 动词-eed或-ingg形式置置于句首首,主语语是名词词时Hanggingg onn