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1、HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Security Level:对外公开对外公开Slide title:40-47pt Slide subtitle:26-30ptColor:white Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:A华为多媒体联络中心解决方案华为多媒体联络中心解决方案华为技术有限公司HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:3

2、2-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logot

3、ypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 2联络中心发展趋势联络中心发展趋势HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential

4、 Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or

5、 partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 3联络中心演进历程联络中心演进历程随时随地随时随地,高效联络!高效联络!提供卓越服务提供卓越服务,提

6、供精确信息提供精确信息!第四代:第四代:多媒体联络中心多媒体联络中心多种媒体接入渠道支持视频交互能力视频坐席/视频IVR支持虚拟/移动办公支持规模运营能力第三代:基于第三代:基于CTI,排队机,排队机+计算计算机网络机网络,智能呼叫中心智能呼叫中心支持多技能队列支持丰富路由策略支持多种坐席方式自动人工服务有机结合第二代:板卡第二代:板卡+计算机计算机简单呼叫中心第一代第一代热线电话热线电话第五代:第五代:综合信息中心综合信息中心与CRM/Back Office系统深入融合IMS信息业务中心面向体验架构,客户行为即时感知HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Con

7、fidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,cu

8、stomer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 4华为多媒体联络中心发展历程华为多媒体联络中心发展历程推出高集成度机架式推出高集成


10、超大规模全省集中客服中心,树立大容量下稳定性品牌特征稳定性品牌特征2002.11推出推出ICD 3.0ICD 3.0解决方案解决方案2003.062005.032006.10HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Colo

11、r:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color

12、 group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 5华为多媒体联络中心在中国华为多媒体联络中心在中国HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBulle

13、ts level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should onl

14、y use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 6行业网行销部行业网开发部行业网服务部行业网合作部行业网MKTGl 行销人员分布行销人员分布2828个分支机构个分支机构l 杭研所专注行业需求研发杭研所专注行业需求研发l 3333个办事处服务网络平台个办事处服务网络平台华为行业联络中心战略的组织保证华为行业联络中心战略的组织保证行业联络中心行业联络中心PDTHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Conf

15、idential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,cus

16、tomer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 7强大的服务支持团队强大的服务支持团队客户满意是华为存在的唯一理由,全国客户满意是华

17、为存在的唯一理由,全国3131个省会城市和部分二级城市均设个省会城市和部分二级城市均设有办事处进行技术支持。有办事处进行技术支持。HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:

18、FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For s

19、pecific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 8华为多媒体联络中心特点华为多媒体联络中心特点HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:

20、BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color g

21、roup per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 9呼叫中心系统架构呼叫中心系统架构CTIWeb/Email/SMS etc人工座席人工座席ServiceCreateIVRCCS管理管理外呼控制外呼控制质检质检PSTN/PLMN/NGNInternet功能支撑功能支撑业务应用业务应用排队机排队机PortalWebMEmailM媒体接入媒体接入 媒体适配媒体适配APP ServerManagement销售销售电子商务电子商务增值服务增值服务业务支持业务支持.CRM/ERP/OA/网管

22、网管.CTI ServerAudio/FAX/视频视频 etcSocket/Tuxedo/CICS/SOAP/FTP华为呼叫中心基础平台HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Fo

23、nt:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.Fo

24、r specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 10多渠道的呼入呼出接入模块多渠道的呼入呼出接入模块支持多渠道接入:电话、短信、支持多渠道接入:电话、短信、Email Email、传真、传真、WEBWEB、WAPWAP、MMSMMS、视频等;、视频等;支持人工请求分配话务;支持人工请求分配话务;话务分配支持话务员技能分组,支持分群话务分配支持话务员技能分组,支持分群服务;服务;定义话务员的各种工作状态,并可统计查定义话务员的各种工作状态,并可统计查询;询;各渠道的接触记录可方便地显示、查询;各渠道的接触记录可方便

25、地显示、查询;以子菜单项、按钮、快捷键方式提供系统以子菜单项、按钮、快捷键方式提供系统接续功能;接续功能;功能键的排列体现人性化思想,并减少误功能键的排列体现人性化思想,并减少误操作;操作;能以热线号码做为主叫号码进行呼出、并能以热线号码做为主叫号码进行呼出、并可录音。可录音。Wap-push Wap-push smsAgentFaxEmailIVRSMS联络中心服务平台HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext L

26、T MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an exa

27、mple of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 11CCS核心控制服务器核心控制服务器IRC智能路由中心智能路由中心SMPP/CMPP接口接口SMPM 服务器服务器PSTN/PLMN/NGN/3GWEB ServerWEB 媒体服务器媒体服务器ACD语音语音 媒体服务器媒体服务器

28、SMS/USSD队列状态队列状态客户资料客户资料多种媒体统一路由多种媒体统一路由HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFon

29、t to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,ref

30、er to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 12基于客户价值的技能路由基于客户价值的技能路由v如客户打电话给客服中心做咨询的情形下,根据客户对企业的持续价值,将客户的呼叫如客户打电话给客服中心做咨询的情形下,根据客户对企业的持续价值,将客户的呼叫分配到熟悉该类需求的专业级别服务代表完成,服务代表可以提供更优服务,同时也可分配到熟悉该类需求的专业级别服务代表完成,服务代表可以提供更优服务,同时也可以对该客户实施即时主动服务,要求客服中心能够支持:以对该客户实施即时主动服务,要求客服中心能够支持:基于技能的呼叫路由基于技能的呼叫路由基于客户价值的呼叫路由基于客户价值的

31、呼叫路由呼叫与数据同步(屏幕弹出)呼叫与数据同步(屏幕弹出)知识中心、主动服务知识中心、主动服务支持综合业务系统支持综合业务系统客户数据库CTI服务器判断客户价值智能路由屏幕弹出座席CSR 工作台排队机HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level

32、 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use on

33、e design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 13 预览呼出预览呼出 预测呼出预测呼出 预约呼出预约呼出 自主呼出自主呼出 混合呼入呼出处理混合呼入呼出处理 电子邮件呼出电子邮件呼出 传真呼出传真呼出灵活的呼出功能灵活的呼出功能获得国家专利的预测算法专利号:01101859.3智能排队机智能排队机外拨服务器PSTN/PLMNPSTN/PLMN/Internet/InternetHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei

34、Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark

35、,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 14Web监控台监控台:全方位内容监控、多形式异动全方位内容监控、多形式异动

36、告警告警随时随地监控:随时随地监控:可以对当前话务情况,业务代表状态、接通率等状况进行监控,具有“监控台”权限的业务代表可通过IE访问Web监控系统,实时掌握话务情况。异常情况告警异常情况告警:可以对系统接通率、平均通话时长、技能队列、无人上班等异常情况告警,支持屏幕滚动、特定颜色告警、短信通知等方式l忙闲监控 l实时监控 l热点信息情况监控 l来电原因统计监控 l后台工单监控 l技能队列话务监控 l自动台话务监控 l人工台话务监控 l内部求助话务监控 l人工台座席监控 l接通率异常告警 l平均通话时长异常告警l技能队列异常告警l无人上班异常告警 ll告警分级l屏幕滚动l显示特定颜色l短信通知

37、HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:A

38、rialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 15电

39、信级呼叫中心接入设备电信级呼叫中心接入设备支持多媒体接入:Voice,Fax,Web,E-mail,SMS,Video等支持宽窄带一体化组网支持IP座席,PC+Phone座席,PC+Soft Phone座席、PC+IP Phone座席采用电信级设计,具有高可靠性,强大处理能力采用综合的系统安全策略:用户认证,访问控制,数据加密,可审计呼叫接通率:99.999%拨叫方718人向系统发起冲击向系统发起冲击向系统发起冲击向系统发起冲击持续持续持续持续2 2 2 2个小时个小时个小时个小时接通率接通率 99.999%99.999%包括功能在内的各项指标均达到或超过设计要求广州电信客户服务中心广州电信客

40、户服务中心广州电信客户服务中心广州电信客户服务中心大话务量拨测大话务量拨测大话务量拨测大话务量拨测大话务量下的网络安全是系统重要的特性HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Fon

41、t:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For

42、 specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 16双机、双网高可靠性设计双机、双网高可靠性设计CCSCCSIVRSIVRSDBPROXYDBPROXYDBDBCTI SERVERCTI SERVERCCSCCSIVRSIVRSDBPROXYDBPROXYDBDBCTI SERVERCTI SERVER双机、双网设计,呼叫数据热备份,自动倒换业务控制系统负荷分担,系统自动闭塞故障站点业务切换拥塞控制异常处理核心控制系统核心控制系统采用双机热备采用双机热备数据中心系统数据中心系统采用小型机双机采用小型机双机核心业务系

43、统核心业务系统采用负荷分担采用负荷分担HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by custo

44、mers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting

45、 Standard”.Page 17开放的业务开发平台开放的业务开发平台VXML、SCE、API智能报表系统智能报表系统调试工具包调试工具包模拟开发环境模拟开发环境ApApp pAppAppAppAppOpen APIs VXMLVXML业务开发业务开发中心中心API人工业务人工业务SCE,VXML自助业务自助业务COM/DCOM集成成熟应用集成成熟应用ActiveXWEB应用应用DLL更多的应用扩展更多的应用扩展l开放的层次化结构更有利于系统的快速构建l提供模拟开发环境,可在便携机上进行业务开发HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential S

46、lide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or p

47、artner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 18开放的开放的CTICTI平台平台广泛的广泛的合作案例合作案例开放的系统平台,全球范围的合作伙伴开放的

48、系统平台,全球范围的合作伙伴All trademarks identified by the(R),SM,PM are registered trademarks,servicemarks or trademarks respectively.All trademarks are properties of their respective owners.HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Font:FrutigerNext LT Medium

49、Font to be used by customers and partners:ArialSlide text:20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners:ArialTop right corner for field-mark,customer or partner logotypes.-The following nine groups of colors are an example of

50、how our design colors can be used,please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide.For specific usage details,refer to the“Typesetting Standard”.Page 19华为多媒体联络中心产品介绍华为多媒体联络中心产品介绍HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Confidential Slide title:32-35pt Color:R153 G0 B0Corporate Fo


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