1、腹腔镜疝修补术(英文版)LaparoscopicVentralHerniaRepairWhere Do Hernias Occur?Abdominal WallAt a previous surgical incisionAt the umbilicusAbove the umbilicus(epigastrium)In the inguinal region(groin)Who Requires Treatment?Pain or DiscomfortEnlarging HerniasIntestinal ObstructionNausea,Vomiting,Abdominal Disten
2、tionIncarceration or StrangulationHernia Contents are trapped and painfulAbdominal Pain and/or a Painful BulgeBlood Supply to trapped contents may be compromisedPreoperative Work-upEvaluation by SurgeonPhysical ExaminationCT ScanMay or may not be neededAt the discretion of the surgeonSurgical Techni
3、queKey Components:Reduce the hernia contents“Patch”the defect in the fascia with MeshMesh is incorporated into the abdominal wall by the bodyReinforces the defect in the fasciaSecure the Mesh to the abdominal wallPrevent movement of the mesh prior to incorporationLaparoscopic Ventral Hernia10555Lapa
4、roscopic PortsHerniaLaparoscopic Inguinal Hernia105Laparoscopic PortsHerniaHernia5Ventral Hernia DefectMesh Used to Patch Defect Mesh Secured to Abdominal Wall Completed Repair ComplicationsBleedingMesh InfectionInjury to Adjacent OrgansRecurrenceAdvantagesDecreased Wound ComplicationsPotentially,th
5、eorize decrease recurrences;exposes entire undersurface to identify small defects that lead to recurrencesLaparoscopic repair can diagnose the“Swiss cheese”herniasEffective modality for recurrent hernias that have been repaired anteriorly(Open)此此课课件下件下载载可自行可自行编辑编辑修改,修改,仅仅供参考!供参考!感感谢谢您的支持,我您的支持,我们们努力做得更好!努力做得更好!谢谢谢谢