1、英语练习题1Section Use of English Directtions: Read tthe foollowiing teext. CChoosee the best word(s) foor eacch nummberedd blannk andd markk A, BB, C oor D oon ANSSWER SSHEET 1.( 110 poiints ) Some ccall iit thee Smarrt Shoooter, a neew riffle foor Ameericann infaantry troopps thaat is two wweaponns in
2、one, is acccuratte up to 1,000 yyards and iin 1 ffires 2 corrners. Its messaage too enemmies iis thaat theey cann run but tthey ccant hide. Still in thhe devvelopmment pphase, the riflee for 2006 has jjust bbeen 33 off with greatt 4 byy the Pentaagon tto memmbers of Coongresss whoo willl be aasked t
3、o 5 the mmoney. The makerrs, Allliantt Techhsysteems, ssay thhat thhe weaapon wwill rrevoluutioniize 6 combaat mucch as the mmachinne gunn. Pentaggon jaargon has ggiven the nnew guun a(aan) 7 titlee: thee Objeectivee Indiividuaal Commbat WWeaponn. 8 oone trriggerr, thee riflle cann firee a sttandarr
4、d 5-556mm NNato bbullett and a 20mmm higgh expplosivve sheell thhat wiill buurst iin thee air. It ccan 9 shrappnel bbehindd, 10 or evven frrom thhe sidde of enemyy trooops whho havve takken 111 behiind a buildding. The sshell can bbe 12 to exxplodee afteer a sshort delayy. Thee weappons 1,0000 yardd
5、 accuuracy is twwice 113 of otherr riflles, mmade ppossibble byy a laaser ssystemm buillt intto thee sighht. Thhis raangefiinder fixess the targeet, meeasurees thee disttance and ppassess it aalong to a compuuter cchip iin thee shelll. The guunsighht hass an iinfrarred leens foor nigght 144. It can
6、aalso hhave vvideo camerra witth a zzoom llens tthat iis linnked tto a vvideo displlay atttacheed to the ssoldieers hhelmett, alllowingg him to aiim 15 withoout exxposinng himmself to ennemy rreturnn firee. Butt therre aree snaggs stiill bee 16 oout. TTwo meen werre 17 when a sheell buurst iin a bba
7、rrell duriing fiiring testss. Thee riflle weiighs mmore tthan 1181b. Theree are questtions whethher itts eleectronnic innnardss willl be rruggedd enouugh foor raiin, snnow annd diffficullt 18. Michaeel Klaare, aa proffessorr of ppeace and wworld securrity iissuess and a boaard meember of thhe Armms
8、Conntrol Assocciatioon, saays thhat thhe Penntagonn is sseekinng thiis commbinattion oof firrepoweer andd autoomatioon to compeensatee for the uuncerttain aaim off GIs. He ssaid: Solddiers wontt havee to wworry aboutt careeful ssteadyy aim. Theyyll jjust llook 119 thee viewwfindeer andd 20 tthe trri
9、ggerr. 1.A reealityy B afffect C efffect D opeeratioon 2.A.att B.in C.beyonnd D.arounnd 3.A.puut B.shownn C.checkked D.givenn 4.A.prride B.anxieety C.honorr D.expecctatioon 5.A.puut up B.countt in C.pay ffor D.look for 6.A.Laand B.brillliant C.powerrful D.awkwaard 8.A.Ussed B.Fixedd C.Usingg D.Fixin
10、ng 9.A.sppray B.spattter C.splassh D.sprinnkle 10.A.oover B.on C.abovee D.upon 11.A.aaim B.coverr C.riskss D.heed 12.A.eestimaated B.calcuulatedd C.seedeed D.timedd 13.A.aas B.that C.than D.much 14.A.vvisionn B.sightt C.obserrvatioon D.specuulatioon 15.A.eexactlly B.preciisely C.accurratelyy D.corre
11、ectly 16.A.rremoveed B.ironeed C.made D.drawnn 17.A.iinjureed B.hurt C.harmeed D.woundded 18.A.tterraiin B.domaiin C.fieldd D.terriitory 19.A.aat B.over C.into D.throuugh 20.A.ppush B.pull C.presss D.jerk Sectioon Readding CCompreehensiion Part AA Directtions: Read tthe foollowiing foour teexts. Ans
12、weer thee quesstionss beloow eacch texxt by choossing AA, B, C or D. Maark yoour annswerss on AANSWERR SHEEET 1.(40 ppointss) Text 11 It is all vvery wwell tto blaame trrafficc jamss, thee costt of ppetroll and the qquick pace of moodern life, but manneers onn the roadss are becomming hhorribble. EE
13、verybbody kknows that the nnicestt men becomme monnsterss behiind thhe wheeel. IIt is all vvery wwell, againn, to have a tigger inn the tank, but to haave onne in the ddriverrs seeat iss anotther mmatterr altoogetheer. Yoou migght tooleratte thee odd road-hog, the rrude aand innconsiideratte driive,
14、 bbut noowadayys thee welll men neareed mottoristt is tthe exxceptiion too the rule. Perhhaps tthe siituatiion caalls ffor a Be kkind tto Othher Drriverss cammpaignn, othherwisse it may gget coomplettely oout off handd. Road ppoliteeness is noot onlly goood mannners, but good sensee too. It ttakes t
15、he mmost ccool-hheadedd and good-tempeered oof driivers to reesist the ttemptaation to reevengee whenn subjjectedd to uunciviilizedd behaavior. On tthe otther hhand, a litttle ppoliteeness goes alongg way towarrds reelieviing thhe tennsionss of mmotoriing. AA frieendly nod oor a wwave oof ackknowlee
16、dgemeent inn respponse to ann act of poolitenness hhelps to crreate an attmosphhere oof gooodwilll and tolerrance so neecessaary inn modeern trrafficc condditionns. Buut succh ackknowleedgemeents oof polliteneess arre alll too rare todayy. Manny driivers nowaddays ddont even seem able to reecogniize
17、 poolitenness wwhen tthey ssee itt. Howeveer, miisplacced poolitenness ccan allso bee danggerouss. Typpical exampples aare thhe driiver wwho brrakes violeently to alllow aa car to emmerge from a sidde strreet aat somme hazzard tto folllowinng traaffic, whenn a feew secconds laterr the road wouldd be
18、 cclear anywaay; orr the man wwho waaves aa chilld acrross aa zebrra croossingg intoo the path of onncominng vehhicless thatt may be unnable to sttop inn timee. Thee samee goess for encouuraginng oldd ladiies too crosss thee roadd wherrever and wwhenevver thhey caare too. It alwayys amaazes mme thaa
19、t thee highhways are nnot cooveredd withh the dead bodiees of thesee grannnies. A veteeran ddriverr, whoose maannerss are faulttless, toldd me iit wouuld heelp iff motooristss learrnt too filtter coorrecttly innto trrafficc streeams oone att a tiime wiithoutt caussing tthe tootal bblockaages tthat g
20、give rrise tto badd tempper. UUnforttunateely, mmodernn motooristss cant eveen leaarn too drivve, leet aloone maaster the ssubtleer asppects of booatmannship. Yearrs agoo the experrts waarned us thhat thhe carr-owneershipp expllosionn woulld demmand aa lot more give and ttake ffrom aall rooad ussers
21、. It iss highh timee for all oof us to taake thhis meessagee to hheart. 21.Acccordinng to the ffirst paraggraph, whicch of the ffollowwing rrefleccts thhe sittuatioon on the rroads? A.Trafffic JJams aare maainly causeed by the ccost oof pettrol aand thhe quiick paace off modeern liife. B.The manneer
22、s off the driveers arre thee onlyy reasson foor thee trafffic jjams. C.Be kind to otther ddriverrs iss a caampaiggn to changge thee rudee drivve. D.Peopple caan nott toleerate good manneers onn the road. 22.Thee authhor arrgues that road polittenesss . A.can betteer thee trafffic uuncondditionnally
23、B.callls forr a drrivers coool-heaaded aand goood-teempereed perrsonallity C.can be foound aafter the mmodernn trafffic ccondittions standd up D.are acknoowledgged byy mostt drivvers 23.Whiich off the folloowing does NOT iillusttrate mispllaced polittenesss? A.Encoouragiing olld laddies tto crooss t
24、hhe roaad at any ttime tthey wwant. B.Brakking ssuddennly too alloow a ccar too emerrge frrom a side streeet. C.A mootorisst driiving into trafffic sttreamss withhout cconsidderingg otheers. D.Waviing a childd acrooss a zebraa crosssing into the ppath oof onccomingg vehiicles. 24.Acccordinng to the
25、eexpertts, faacing the ccar-owwnershhip exxplosiion, wwe shoould . A.be mmore cconsidderatee yielld to each otherr B.commmunicaate wiith eaach otther mmore ooften C.havee a coool heead annd goood temmper D.avoiid missplaceed polliteneess 25.Thee authhors attittude ttowardds roaad polliteneess seeems
26、 tto be . A.susppiciouus B.indiffferennt C.ironiical D.objecctive Text 22 In thee warmm encllosed waterrs of farm pondss, connditioons arre verry likkely tto be lethaal forr fishh whenn inseecticiides aare apppliedd in tthe viicinitty. Ass manyy exammples show, the poisoon is carriied inn by rrains
27、and rrunofff fromm surrroundiing laands. Somettimes the pponds receiive noot onlly conntaminnated runofff butt alsoo a diirect dose as roop dussting pilotts negglect to shhut offf thee dustter inn passsing oover aa pondd. Eveen witthout such compllicatiions, normaal agrriculttural use ssubjeccts fii
28、sh too far heaviier cooncenttratioons off chemmicalss thann woulld be requiire too killl themm. In otherr wordds a mmarkedd reduuctionn in tthe ennclosuure neets ussed woould hhardlyy channge thhe letthal ssituattion, for aappliccationns of over 0.1 ppound per aacre tto thee pondd itseelf arre genne
29、rallly connsiderred haazardoous. AAnd thhe poiison, once introoducedd is hhard tto gett rid of. OOne poond thhat haas beeen treeated with DDT (杀虫剂) to reemove unwannted sshinerrs remmainedd poissonouss throough rrepeatted drraininngs annd fluushinggs thaat it killeed 94 perceent off the sun ffish ww
30、ith wwhich it waas latter sttockedd. Appparenttly thhe cheemicall remaained in thhe mudd of tthe poond boottom. Condittions are eevidenntly nno bettter nnow thhan whhen thhe moddern iinsectticidees firrst caame innto usse. Thhe Okllahomaa Wilddlife Conseervatiion Deepartmment sstatedd in 11961 tthat
31、 rreportts of fish lossees in farm pondss and smalll lakees hadd beenn comiing inn at tthe raate off at lleast one aa weekk, andd thatt suchh repoorts wwere iincreaasing. The condiitionss usuaally rresponnsiblee for thesee lossses inn Oklaahoma were thosee madee famiiliar by reepetittion oover tthe
32、yeears: the aappliccationn of iinsectticidees to cropss, heaavy raain, aand pooison washeed intto thee pondds. In somme parrts off the worldd the cultiivatioon of fish in poonds pproviddes ann in ddispennsablee sourrce off foodd. In such placees thee use of innsectiicidess withhout rregardd for the
33、eeffectts of fish creattes immmediaate prroblemms. Inn Rhoddesia, for exampple, tthe yooung oof an imporrtant Africcan foood fiish arre killled bby expposuree to oonly 00.04 pparts per mmillioon of DDT iin shaallow poolss. Eveen smaaller dosess of mmany oother inseccticiddes woould bbe letthal. The
34、sshalloow watters iin whiich thhese ffish llive aare faavorabble moosquitto-breeedingg placces. TThe prroblemm of ccontroollingg mosqquitoees andd at tthe saame tiime coonservving aa fishh impoortantt in tthe Ceentrall Afriican ddiet hhas obbvioussly noot beeen sollved ssatisffactorrily. 26.Thee aut
35、hhors tone in thhis paassagee can be beest deescribbed ass . A.repoortoriial B.sarcaastic C.conddemnattory D.mournnful 27.Acccordinng to the ppassagge, thhe onee facttor thhat iss not respoonsiblle forr the preseence oof inssecticcides in poonds iis . A.the weathher brringinng in rainss B.humaan err
36、ror inn cropp-dustting C.commmon faarmingg methhods D.induustriaalizattion uuse off chemmicalss 28.Thee authhor usses thhe casse of the RRhodessian ffish iin ordder too . A.showw the harmfful efffectss of kkillinng fissh B.provve thaat prooblemss are the ssame eeverywwhere C.showw thatt fishh is aan
37、 inddispennsablee sourrce inn diett D.conssider the pprobleem of contrrollinng mossquitooes 29. Inn thiss passsage, what the aauthorr doess not do iss . A.statte a pprobleem B.give exampples C.proppose aa soluution D.relatte cauuses 30.Thee lastt senttence of thhis paassagee meanns thaat . A.you can
38、 nnot coontroll mosqquitoees if you wwant tto connservee an iimporttant ffish B.you can nnot coonservve an imporrtant fish if yoou wannt to contrrol moosquittoes C.the Centrral Affricanns willl havve no fish to eaat if this fish cantt be pproteccted pproperrly D.it iis nott so eeasy aand saatisfaact
39、oryy to ssolve thesee two probllems aat thee samee timee Text 33 The teerm jjoint interrnatioonal bbusineess veenturee, jooint vventurre forr shorrt, haas comme to mean many thinggs to many peoplle. Itt someetimess is ttaken to meean anny joiint reelatioonshipp betwween oone orr moree foreeign ffirm
40、s and oone orr moree locaal firrms. SSuch aa broaad deffinitiion iss exclluded here. Joinnt vennture will be taaken tto meaan joiint owwnershhip off an ooperattion iin whiich att leasst onee of tthe paartnerrs is foreiign baased. Joint ventuures ccan taake maany foorms. A forreign firm may ttake aa
41、majoority sharee, a mminoriity shhare, or ann equaal shaare inn owneershipp. Whiile itt is nnot neecessaary too havee finaanciall conttrol oor to have operaating contrrol, ssome ffirms refusse to use tthe jooint vventurre forrm if it iss not possiible tto havve a mmajoriity poositioon in ownerrship.
42、 Therre aree firmms thaat havve feww quallms abbout hholdinng minnorityy posiition, howeever, so loong ass theyy can have operaating contrrol. TThey aachievve thiis thrrough technnical-aid, managgementt, or supplly conntractts. It shoould bbe reccognizzed thhat maaintaiining operaating contrrol iss
43、someetimess diffficultt if oone dooes noot havve finnanciaal conntrol too. Objecctivess of tthe paarticiipantss may diverrge; wwhen tthey ddo,finnanciaal conntrol becommes immportaant. MManageement may wwish tto reiinvestt earnnings whilee the majorrity oof thee boarrd mayy wishh earnnings distrribu
44、teed as dividdends. Unleess poolicy issuees of this kind can bbe setttled amicaably, lack of fiinanciial coontroll can provee to bbe verry unssatisffactorry, iff not fatall. Many jjoint ventuures eemergee as mmatterrs of necesssity: thatt is, no siingle firm is wiillingg to aassumee the riskss entaa
45、iled, whille a cconsorrtium of fiirms iis. Laarge, capittal-inntensiive, llong-llived invesstmentts aree natuural ccandiddates for tthe jooint vventurre. Exxploittationn of rresourrce deepositts oftten iss donee by aa conssortiuum of severral peetroleeum orr miniing fiirms. Roless are parceeled oout
46、 evven thhough each phasee of tthe opperatiion iss owneed joiintly. One firm does the aactuall miniing, aanotheer proovidess trannsporttationn, andd stilll anoother does the rrefiniing annd exttractiion. TThere is a wide varieety off combbinatiions. Also tthe jooint vventurre cann posee probblems, e
47、speeciallly if it iss an eenforcced maarriagge of partnners. For mmany vventurres inn smalll couuntriees, itt is ddifficcult tto finnd a ssuitabble loocal ppartneer, thhat iss, onee withh suffficiennt cappital and kknow hhow too be aable tto conntribuute too the partnnershiip. Inn somee deveelopinng couuntriees, a smalll handdful oof fammiliess conttrol tthe enntire locallly-owwned ppart oof thee induustriaal strructurre. Unnder tthese circuumstannces, a joiint veenturee mereely innsulattes thhem fuurtherr fromm indeependeent, fforeiggn-ownn