1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.中国银行笔笔试英语阅阅读真题阅读下面的的短文。每每篇短文的的后面有五五个问题,每每个问题有有四个备选选答案。请请根据短文文的内容选选择最佳答答案。每个个试题计33分,共计计15分A Taale oof Sccottiish RRurall Liffe Lewiis Grrassiic Giibbonns SSunseet Soong (19322) waas vooted “thee besst Sccottiish nnovell of all timee
2、”by Scotttishhs rreadiing ppubliic inn 200051 OOnce conssiderred sshockking for its frannk deescriiptioon off asppectss of the livees off Scootlannds poorr rurral ffarmeers,iit haas beeen aadaptted ffor sstagee,fillm,TVV andd raddio iin reecentt deccadess. The noveel iss sett on the ficttionaal esst
3、atee of Kinrraddiie,inn thee farrmingg couuntryy of the Scotttishh norrthweest iin thhe yeears up tto annd beeyondd Worrld WWar II.At its hearrt iss thee stoory oof Chhris,wwho iis booth ppart of tthe ccommuunityy andd a llittlle ouutsidde itt. Grasssic Gibbbon ggivess us the mostt dettaileed annd i
4、nntimaate aaccouunt oof thhe liife oof hiis heeroinne.Wee wattch hher ggrow throough a chhildhhood domiinateed byy herr cruuel bbut hhard-workking fathher;eexperriencce trrageddy (hher mmotheers suiccide and murdder oof heer twwin cchilddren);andd leaarn aaboutt herr feeelinggs ass shee groows iinto
5、 womaan.Wee seee herr marrry,llose her husbband,tthen marrry aggain.Chriis haas seeemedd so convvinciing aa figgure to ssome femaale rreadeers tthat theyy cannnot beliieve thatt shee is the creaationn of a maan2. Buut itt wouuld bbe miisleaadingg to sugggest thatt thiis boook iis juust aaboutt Chrri
6、s.IIt iss truuly aa novvel oof a placce annd itts peeoplee.Itss opeeningg secctionn tellls oof Kiinradddies loong hhistoory,iin a langguagee thaat immitattes tthe pplacees cchangging pattternss of speeech aand wwritiing. Thhe sttory itseelf iis ammazinngly fulll of charracteers aand iinciddentss.It
7、is ttold fromm Chrris poinnt off vieew buut allso ffrom thatt of the gosssipinng coommunnity,aa commmuniity wwheree eveeryboody kknowss eveeryboody eelses buusineess aand nnothiing iis evver fforgoottenn. Sunsset SSong has a soociall theeme ttoo.IIt iss conncernned wwith whatt Graassicc Gibbbon perc
8、ceivees ass thee desstrucctionn of tradditioonal Scotttishh rurral llife firsst byy modderniizatiion aand tthen by WWorldd Warr 1.GGibboon trried hardd to showw howw cerrtainn chaaractters resiist tthe wwar.DDespiite tthis,tthe wwar ttakess thee youung mmenawway,aa nummber of tthem to ttheirr deaath
9、s.In ppartiiculaar,itt takkes aaway Chriis hhusbaand,EEwan Taveendalle.Thhe waar fiinallly kiills Ewann,butt nott in the way his widoow iss tolld.Inn facct,thhe Geermanns arrentt ressponssiblee forr hiss deaath,bbut hhis oown sside.He iis shhot bbecauuse hhe iss saiid too havve ruun awway ffrom a ba
10、attlee. If tthe nnovell is abouut thhe ennd off onee wayy of lifee it alsoo loooks aaheadd.It is aa “Suunsett Sonng”buut iss conncernned ttoo wwith the new Kinrraddiie,inndeedd of the new Euroopeann worrld.GGrasssic GGibboon weent oon too pubblishh twoo othher nnovells abbout the placce thhat cconti
11、inue its storry.练习习: 1.WWhat is SSunseet Soong mmainlly abbout? AA)Thee Firrst WWorldd Warr. B)Thhe beeautyy of the sunsset. C)The new Euroopeann worrld. D)The livees off rurral SScotttish farmmers. 22.Whhich stattemennt iss NOTT truue off Chrris? A)She is tthe hheroiine oof Suunsett Sonng. B)SShe h
12、had aa misserabble cchilddhoodd. C)Shhe iss thee creeatioon off a mman. D)She marrried onlyy oncce. 3.Whatt is the openning secttion of tthe nnovell maiinly conccerneed wiith? A)The climmate of KKinraaddiee. B)Thhe hiistorry off Kinnradddie. C)The geoggraphhy off Kinnradddie. D)The langguagee spooke
13、n in KKinraaddiee. 4.WWho aare rrespoonsibble ffor EEvans deeath,aaccorrdingg to Chriis? A)TThe GGermaans. B)The Frennch aarmy. CC)Thee Briitishh trooops. DD)Thee Russsiann solldierrs. 5.The wordd sunnset occuurrinng inn thee tittle oof thhe noovel mostt proobablly meeans A)the end of tthe hheroiine
14、ss liffe. B)tthe eend oof onnes lifee. C)thhe ennd off traaditiionall liffe. D)tthe eend oof thhe daay.答案与题题解: 1.D 问题题问的是日落歌主要讲的的是什么?选项A说说的是:第第一次世界界大战。选选项B说的的是:日落落之美。选选项C说的的是:新欧欧洲世界。选项D说说的是:苏苏格兰农夫夫的生活。选项D是是正确的,相相关的信息息可在第一一段中找到到。 2.DD 问题问问:哪个陈陈述对Chhris是是不符的?选项A说说的是:她她是日落落歌中的的女主人公公。选项BB说的是:她的童年年很苦。选选项
15、C说的的是:她是是由一个男男人创作出出来的。选选项D说的的是:她只只结过一次次婚。D不不对。第三三段有这么么一句话:We ssee hher mmaltyy,losse heer huusbannd,thhen mmarryy agaain.我我们看见她她结婚,失失去丈夫,后后来又结婚婚。 3.BB 问题问问的是:小小说的开头头部分主要要说了些什什么?选项项A说的是是:Kinnradddie的气气候。选项项B说的是是:Kinnradddie的历历史。选项项C说的是是:Kinnradddie的地地理。选项项D说的是是:Kinnradddie说的的语言。看看看下面这这句话:IIts oopenii
16、ng ssectiion ttellss of Kinrraddiies longg hisstoryy,in a laanguaage tthat imittatess thee plaacess chaanginng paatterrns oof sppeechh andd wriitingg.小说的的开头部分分讲述了KKinraaddiee的悠久历历史,讲述述时模仿了了该地方变变化着的口口头语和书书面语的表表达方式。可以看出出,B是对对的。 4.A 问题题问的是:根据Chhris,谁谁杀死了EEvan?选项A说说的是:德德国人。选选项B说的的是:法国国军队。选选项C说的的是:英国国部队。
17、选选项D说的的是:俄罗罗斯士兵。B是正确确的。倒数数第二段有有这么两句句话:Thhe waar fiinallly kiills Ewann,butt nott in the way his widoow iss tolld.Inn facct,thhe Geermanns arrentt ressponssiblee forr hiss deaath,bbut hhis oown sside.战争最后后杀死了EEwan,但但不是他的的寡妇说的的那样。事事实上,德德国人没有有杀他,是是他自己一一边的人杀杀的。 5.C 问题题问的是:小说题目目中sunnset这这个词的意意思很町能能是哪一个个意
18、思?选选项A说的的是:女主主人公生命命的结束。选项B说说的是:一一个人生命命的结束。选项C说说的是:传传统生活方方式的结束束。选项DD说的是:一天的结结束。正确确答案是CC。最后一一段的第一一句话是这这么说的:If tthe nnovell is abouut thhe ennd off onee wayy of lifee it alsoo loooks aaheadd.如果小小说是关于于一种生活活方式的结结束,那么么它同时也也是朝前看看的。阅读下面面的短文。每篇短文文的后面有有五个问题题,每个问问题有四个个备选答案案。请根据据短文的内内容选择最最佳答案。每个试题题计3分,共计155分Who
19、 Wantts too Livve Fooreveer? If yourr docctor coulld giive yyou aa druug thhat wwouldd lett youu livve a heallthy lifee forr twiice aas loong,wwouldd youu takke itt? The goodd newws iss thaat wee mayy be drawwing nearr to thatt datte.Sccienttistss havve allreaddy exxtendded tthe llivess of fliees,wo
20、orms and micee in labooratooriess.Manny noow thhink thatt usiing ggenettic ttreattmentts wee willl sooon bbe abble tto exxtendd humman llife to aat leeast 140 yearrs. Thiis seeems a grreat ideaa.Thiink oof hoow muuch mmore timee we coulld sppend chassing our dreaams,sspendding timee witth ouur loove
21、d oness,wattchinng ouur faamiliies ggrow and havee fammiliees off theeir oown. “LLongeer liife wwouldd givve uss a cchancce too reccoverr froom ouurmisstakees annd prromotte loong tterm thinnkingg,”saays DDr Grregorry Sttock of tthe UUniveersitty off Calliforrnia Schoool oof Puublicc Heaalth.“It wou
22、lld allso rraisee prooducttivitty byy addding to the year we can work.” Longer lives dont just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole.“We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I dont think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,”says US
23、 bioethicist Daniel Callahan.“The question is What will we get as a society? I suspect it wont be a better society.” It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would to marriage in a society where people l
24、ived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if nine or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters bom 50 years ap
25、art.We think of an eider sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation. Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.Tha
26、t would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgement. On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career prog
27、ress more difficult.And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss? Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on
28、making life comfortable for the old. And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young
29、 people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything. The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now. “If
30、this could ever happen,then wed better ask what kind of society we want to get,”says Daniel Callahan.“We had better not go anywhere near it2 until we have figure those problems out.”练习: 1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do
31、? A) Spending more time with his family. B) Having more education. C) Realizing more dreams. D) Working longer. 2.Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragraph? A) Marriages in the US today are quite unstable. B) More and more people in the US today want to get married. C) Living longer w
32、ould make it easier for people to maintain their marital ties. D) If people live longer,they would stay in marriage longer. 3.All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT A) Communication between employers and employees would be more difficult. B) More mo
33、ney would be used by employees in payment of their employees. C) The job market would be more competitive. D) It would be more difficult for young people to be promoted to top positions. 4.An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that A) it places more emphasis on educat
34、ing the young. B) it is both wise and energetic. C) it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is new. D) it welcmes changes. 5.Which of the following best describes Callahans attitude to anti-ageing technology? A) Optimistic. B) Pessimistic. C) Reserved. D) Negative.答案与题解: 1.B 长寿使个人能做的事主要在第3、4段里讲到,作
35、者没有提到长寿可以让人更多地接受教育 2.A 本题答案以下面的这两句话为依据:Psople are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.暗示美国人目前的婚姻关系已经十分脆弱。 3.B 文章的第9段讲了寿命延长、退休推迟可能带来的种种问题,但作者没有提到雇佣者需要更多的钱来支付员工的工资。 4.C 答案可以在10、11这两段里找到。 5.C 本题的答案依据可以在最后一段里找到。Callahan认为在搞清楚长寿社会会给我们带来哪些问题之前,最好不要急着搞抗衰老的技术。可见他对抗衰老技术
36、的发展是有保留的。阅读下面的短文。每篇短文的后面有五个问题,每个问题有四个备选答案。请根据短文的内容选择最佳答案。每个试题计3分,共计15分The Best Way to Reduce Your Weight You hear this:“No wonder you are fat.All you ever do is eat.”You feel sad:“I skip my breakfast and supper.I run every morning and evening.What else can I do?”Basically you can do nothing.Your gen
37、es,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it. Albert Stunkard of the University of Pennsylvania found from experiments that,“80 percent of the children of two obese parents become obese,as compared with no more than 14 percent of the offspring of two pa
38、rents of normal weight.” How can obese people become normal or even thin through dieting?Well,dieting can be effective,but the health costs are tremendous.Jules Hirsch,a research physician at Rockefeller University,did a study of eight fat people.They were given a liquid formula providing 600 calori
39、es a day1.After more than 10 weeks,the subjects lost 45kg on average.But after leaving the hospital,they all regained.The results were surprising:by metabolic measurement,fat people who lost large amounts of weight seemed like they were starving.They had psychiatric problems.They dreamed of food or
40、breaking their diet2.They were anxious and depressed;some were suicidal.They hid food in their rooms.Researchers warn that it is possible that weight reduction doesnt result in normal weight,but in an abnormal state resembling that of starved non-obese people. Thin people,however,suffer from the opp
41、osite:They have to make a great effort to gain weight.Ethan Sims,of the University of Vermont,got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.In four to six months,they ate as much as they could.They succeeded in increasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent.But months after the study ended,they were back t
42、o normal weight and stayed there. This did not mean that people are completely without hope in controlling their weight.It means that those who tend to be fat will have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance if they want to significantly lower their weight. The findings also provide evidence
43、 for something scientists thought was true-each person has a comfortable weight range3.The range might be as much as 9kg.Someone might weigh 60-69kg without too much effort.But going above or below the natural weight range is difficult.The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing the meta
44、bolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.练习: 1.What determines your weight? A)Your working manner. B)Your eating habit. C)Your life style. D)Your genes. 2.What did Jules Hirsch do in his study? A)He let the eight fat people skip supper. B)He let the eight fat people skip breakfast. C) He
45、 let the eight fat people run every morning and evening. D)He gave the eight fat people a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day. 3.What happened to the eight fat people after they left the hospital? A)They went mad. B)They killed themselves. C) They were back to normal weight. D)They attempted
46、 suicide. 4.What did Ethan Sims make his subjects do? A)Battle their genetic inheritance. B)Increase their weight. C)Stay at home. D)Lower their weight. 5.What did scientists think was true? A)Each person has a fixed weight range. B)Each person has a weight range of 9 kg. C)Each person wants to cont
47、rol his weight. D)Each person wants to eat to his hearts content.答案与题解: 1.D 问题问的是:什么决定了你的体重?A说的是:你的工作方式。B说的是:你的吃饭习惯。C说的是:你的生活风格。D说的是:你的基因。正确答案是D。第一段中有这么一句话:Your genes,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.你的基因而不是你的生活习惯决定了你的体重,因此你的身体总是试图保持它。 2.D 问题问的是:Jules Hirsch在他的研究中做了什么?A说的是:他让八个胖子不吃晚饭。B说的是:他让八个胖子不吃早饭。C说的是:他让八个胖子早晚都跑步。D说的是:他给八个胖子一种每天提供6