1、桩基施工平安方案(WMS)Work Management System中国化学CNCEC合器。先将柴油机空载启动,运转平稳后再启动发电机。Before starting, set the maximum valune of Magnetic force rheostat, disconnect the output switch, a clutch of generating set should release the clutch.Diesel engine no-load start first, stable running and start generator.iii .发电机开头
2、运转后,应随时留意有无机械杂音,特别振动等状况。确认状况正常后,调整发电机至额定转速,电压调到额定值,然后合上输出开关,向外供电。负荷应逐步增大,力求三 相平衡。We started running generator, shall pay attention to the presence of mechanical noise, abnormal vibration, and so on and so forth.After the situation is normal, the adjustment of the generator to the rated speed, transf
3、erred to the rating voltage, and then close the output switch, to the outside power supply.Load should be gradually increased to three phase equilibrium.iv .发电机并联运行必需满足频率相同,电压相同,相位相同,相序相同的条件才能进行。Generator in parallel operation must meet the same frequency, voltage is the same, the same phase, phase
4、sequence to the same conditions.V.预备并联运行的发电机必需都已进入正常稳定运转。Parallel operation of generator must have been to the normal and stable operation.vi.接到预备并联”的信号后,以整部装置为准,调整转速,在同步瞬间合闸。After the received signal parallel, the entire device shall prevail, adjust the speed, the synchronous closing moment.vii.并联运
5、行的发电机应合理调整负荷,均衡安排各发电机的有功功率及无功功率。有功功率通 过油门来调整,无功功率通过励磁来调整。Parallel operation of the generator should be reasonably adjust load, equilibrium of each generator active power and reactive power.Active power through the throttle to adjust, reactive power regulation by excitation.viii.运行中的发电机应亲密留意发动机声音,观看各
6、种仪表指示是否在正常范围之内。检查运转局部是否正常,发电机温升是否过高。并做好运行记录。The running generator should pay close attention to the engine sound, observe whether various instrument is within the normal range.Check the running part is normal, the generator temperature rise is too high.And make a record run.ix,停机时,先减负荷,将励磁变阻器回复,使电压降
7、到最小值,然后按挨次切断开关,最终停止运转。When stopping, load reduction at the first, the excitation rheostat reply, that minimize voltage value, and then in order to cut off the switch, stop at the last.X.移动式发电机,使用前必需将底架停放在平稳的基础上,运转时不准移动。十一、发电机在运转时,即使未加励磁,亦应认为带有电压。禁止在旋转着的发电机引出线上工作及用手 触及转子或进行清扫。运转中的发电机不得使用帆布等物遮盖。Before
8、 use portable generators, chassis must be parked on the basis of the smooth, not allowed to move during operation.il, generator when running, even without excitation, should also be considered with voltage.Banned in rotating generator online derivation and reach the rotor by hand or cleaning work.Th
9、e content such as canvas cover shall be used for operation of generator.xi.发电机经检修后必需认真检查转子及定子槽间有无工具、材料及其它杂物,以免运转时损坏 发电机。After Generator repaired, between rotor and stator slot must be carefully checked for tools, materials, and other sundry, lest damage the generator during operation.xii.必需牢靠接地。Must
10、 be grounding.xiii.发电机用柴油应存放在阴凉、通风的库房,远离火种、热源。储存区张贴醒目的平安标志标识,配备足够数量的消防器材,禁止使用易产生火花的机械设备和工具。Diesel oil for generator shall be stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse, away from fire and heat source. The storage area shall be marked with eye-catching safety signs, equipped with adequate fire fighting e
11、quipment, and the use of mechanical equipment and tools that are easy to produce sparks shall be prohibited.1.7 吊装平安措施 Hoisting safety measures.司机和指挥人员要经过专业的培训,并经培训部门考核合格后持证上岗,严禁顶岗和无证操作。指挥人员在作业前要生疏机车的性能并了解所起吊的重量及现场四周环境。起重作业 时,指挥人员应穿荧光服。Drivers and controllers shouled have professional, show certific
12、ates after passing the examination by the training department, it is forbidden to them and unlicensed operationXommand personnel before work must be familiar with the performance of thelocomotive and understand the weight lifting and site environment.When conducting lifting works, the banksman must
13、dress in fluorescent clothes.i .吊装前,作好平安教育及平安技术交底工作,作好吊环、起重绳及起重机的检查,觉察问题准时解决。Before lifting, safety education and safety technical clarificaiton work, make the suspension loop, the lifting rope and crane inspection, found the problem to solve in time.ii .在吊装作业前必需将支腿支设坚固、平稳、不倾斜。开头吊装前吊装人员必需具体检查被吊物是否坚固
14、,任何人不准随吊装设备升降。Before lifting, landing leg must be firm, smooth, not tilt.Before lifting hoisting personnel must check whether the suspended matter is strong in detail, nobody can lift the hoisting equipment.iii .起重机操作人员在操作时,精神要集中,要听从指挥人员指挥。Crane operator in the operation, to concentrate, to obey the
15、 command staff.iv .起重机在使用中回转半径范围内严禁站人。During using crane, it is strictly prohibited standing people, within radius of gyration.吊装作业时设置警戒区域挂警示牌,非作业人员不得入内。During lifting, Set up warning region hang warning signs, the operation personnel shall not enter.v .严禁在风速六级以上或大风、大雾天气进行吊装作业。It is strictly prohibi
16、ted in wind velocity by more than 6 or high winds, heavy fog weather for lifting.vi .在吊装过程中如因故中断必需实行平安措施。During lifting, such as security measures must be taken for interrupt.吊装作业人员在高空移动和作业时,必需系牢平安带,作业人员上下设专用爬梯,作业平台脚手板铺设严密。During Lifiting personel working in the high altitude, must fasten your seat
17、belt, has dedicated gym, work platform with planks laid tightly.vii .作业人员时常检查钢丝绳有无断丝、断股现象,如有隐患马上停止施工,整改后作业。Personnel must check with and without broken wires, wire rope fault phenomenon, if there is a hidden danger to immediately stop the construction, improvement after operation.Xi.在接受两台或多台起重机械吊运同一
18、重物时,应尽量选用相同机种和相同起重力量的起重机械并合理布置;明确起重作业总指挥和中间指挥人员,统一指挥信号。升降、运行应保持 同步,每台起重机械的载荷不宜超过额定起重力量的75%。When two or more sets of cranes are adopted to lift an object at the same time, cranes of similar model and lifting capacity should be reasonably arranged as far as possible. Determine a general banksman to gi
19、ve signals. Lifting and running of cranes shall be carried out at the same time, and the load of each crane shall not exceed 75% of rated lifting capacity.xii.如需吊运工件行走时,载荷不得超过吊车的允许起重量;工件应处于吊车的正前方,离地不得超过500毫米,对于较长物件要防止摇摆,缓慢行驶。If it is needed to move crane when it is lifting objects, the load shall no
20、t exceed the allowable lifting capacity of crane. Objects should be lifted in front of crane with height of no more than 500mm.xiii.起重机械在起重重量到达其额定负荷或接近其额定负荷的物件时,应先将物件吊离地面200500毫米,停止提升,检查起重机械的稳定性、制动器的牢靠性、重物的平稳性、绑 扎的坚固性,确认无误后,方可连续提升;对于易摇摆的物件,应拴溜绳把握。If the lifting capacity of crane is very close to the
21、 rated load, firstly, lift the object out of the ground for 200-500mm, then stop lifting, check the stability of crane and objects, reliability of brake, then continue to lift when everything is ok. Those objects which are easy to slide should be controled by tying with rope.xiv.利用物件本身的部件(如管口、人孔等)作为
22、起重受力点时,起重作业技术负责人应对物件 及零部件的强度进行核算,并实行必要的保护措施。The person in charge of lifting works should compute and verify the strength of objects and parts and take some necessary protective measures.XV.未设吊耳的物件用捆扎法或其他兜系的方法捆绑时,捆绑处所垫防滑垫块要坚硬牢固,并有 足够的强度和摩擦力。The strength and friction of contact area should be sufficie
23、nt to ensure stability of objects.xvi.严禁使用起重机械吊运超载或重量不清的物件或埋置物体。Overloading is strictly prohibited for crane.xvii.吊装作业指挥人员须配备旗、哨进行指挥Lifting operations command personnel shall be equipped with flags, whistles command1.8 桩机防倾倒措施 Pile Machine Anti -dumping Measuresi .当桩机启动后,机组人员应亲密留意桩机的动向,如觉察特别现象,应马上停机
24、检查,排解故障后,在连续施工。Pile machine starts, the crew should pay close attention to the trend of the pile machine, if discovery is unusual phenomenon, should immediately stop check, troubleshooting, continuing the construction.ii .遇有地基超脆弱状况或脆弱不均地段时,应即使调整机体或垫平枕木等,增加地面承载力防 止桩机倾倒。In case of weak foundation or w
25、eak in different areas, should adjust the body or even cushion flat sleepers, such as increasing pile bearing capacity of the ground to prevent dumping machine.iii .支配专人收听气象台关于天气、海洋预报,并以准时通知区域施工人员。Arrange people to listen to the weather service about the weather, ocean, and notice people in construc
26、tion areavi.遇到雨天、大雾和六级以上大风时应停止作业,并切断电源,稳固桩机,将桩机必需移到平 坦地方,钻杆必需入地防止意外的滑动。It is stop woking on a rainy day, fog, and more than six levels of winds, and cut off the power, solid pile machine, must be moved to the flat place pile machine, the drill pole must slide into the ground to prevent accidental.1.
27、9焊接作业的管理 Welding managementi.金属焊接和切割作业人员必需符合特种作业管理规定的要求,持政府主管部门颁发的特种作业 操作许可证上岗。Workers in charge of welding/cutting works must be chosen in accordance with relevant requirements of special works, and only qualified workers could work with certificate.ii .在作业过程中,作业人员必需穿戴符合标准要求的防护服、防护面罩、眼镜及绝缘靴等专用个 人防护
28、用品,必需戴平安帽。All the workers have to wear appropriate PPE, such as protective clothing, protective mask, googles, insulating boots, safety helmet and so on.iii .工人必需使用合适的呼吸保护设备,在有条件的状况下配备先进的焊接送风面罩。Appropriate respiratory protective devices must be equipped to workers.iv .使用前,电焊机等金属焊接和切割设备的平安性能必需经检查确认合格
29、后方能使用。Welding/cutting machines have to accept safety properties inspection, only qualified equipment could be put into use.V .电焊工和气焊工负责焊接/切割设备的日常维护和保养,每月对设备进行一次全面检查,做好 记录和标识。Electric welders and gas welders are incharge of daily maintenance of welding/cutting machine. These equipment shall receive c
30、omplete inspection once every month, besides, make the relevant records and marks.VI .在施工现场使用的焊接/切割设备要有防雨措施,做到下垫上盖,防止雨水侵袭和设备受潮。Cushions and cover would be needed for welding/cutting machine to be used in construction site, in order to prevent machine from being damaged by rain or water.vii.焊接/切割设备的接
31、线应符合三相五线制,一台设备一个漏电保护器并在设备的外壳做好重 复接地。Welding/cutting equipment wiring shall comply with the requirements of Three-phase-five-wire system.viii,电焊机高频引弧部件必需有牢靠的防护措施,焊机一次绕组和二次绕组之间要完全绝缘,在 金属密闭容器、潮湿环境等触电危急性大的场合进行焊接时,电焊机必需有空载自动断电保护 装置。Some appropriate measures shall be taken to high frequency arc ignition p
32、arts of electric welder. There should be something insulated between the primary winding and secondary winding of welding machine. When welding works has to be conducted in dangerous places, such as metal sealed-container or humid environment, no-load power-off device of power supply must be equippe
33、d.ix.准时修理、更换焊接/切割设备上不符合使用要求的零部件及电缆线,不允许在故障状态下使 用焊接/切割设备。Unqualified parts and cables of welding/cutting machine must be timely repaired or replaced, only qualified machines could be put into use.X.电焊机电源线应选用满足载荷需要的无接头的橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,其性能应符合GB5013额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆的要求。Flexible copper cable with water-pro
34、of rubber case satisfied the load requirements should be chosen as power line, besides, its properties should meet the relevant requirements of rubber- insultaed power cables with rated voltage from 450V to 750V”.xi .沟通弧焊机变压器一侧电源线长度不大于5米,其电源进线处必需设置防护罩。The wire of power supply on one side of AC arc w
35、elding machine transformer should be less than 5m, the corresponding safety shield must be prepared for power supply wire .xii .电焊机的二次线应接受防水橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,电缆长度不大于30米。As to the secondary line of welder, flexible copper cable with water-proof rubber case shall be used, and the length of cable should be les
36、s than 30m.xiii .电焊机应正确接地。始终确保接地线坚固接在接地杆,接地杆稳固地根植在地下(至少600毫 米),全部连接应坚固。日ectric welder must be correctly earthed. Ensure to fix the earth line on the ground rod all the time, all the connections must be solid.xiv .作业前,依据业主相关的规定要求办理动火作业许可证。作业点应提前预备好灭火器、接火 毯等消防设施,应提前清理作业点四周的易燃物品,在危急区域作业,要支配专职监火人。Before
37、 starting works, the hot work permit must be applied as per the requirements of the owner. Fire extinguishers should be prepared in advance; besides, remove all the flammable and explosive objects near working site, and arrange full-time fire-monitoring people.XV.建立焊材发放回收制度,严禁随地丢弃污染环境。Establish the
38、welding materials distribution & recycling system, and it is strictly prohibited to throw rubbish everywhere.xvi .不得把钢丝绳、脚手架、设备、阀门、管道等作为焊接的地线使用。It is strictly prohibited to adopt steel wire, scaffolding, equipment, valves or pipelines as ground wire.xvii .空气湿度大于90%及雨天,假如没有牢靠的平安措施,严禁进行户外焊接作业。In rainy
39、 days or days with humidity of more than 90%, outdoor welding works must be carried out in the premise of adoption of relaible safety measures.xvm.焊接、切割作业要与油料 易燃/易爆品等保持足够的平安距离,在以上区域的四周作业时还 必需严格落实规定的消防措施。When conducting welding and cutting works, oil, flammable/explosive objects must be kept a safe d
40、istance, besides, fire fighting measures must be implemented while carrying out construction in those areas.xix .工作结束或长时间离开作业地点,要关掉电焊设备的电源。If workers have to leave construction site for a long time, the power supply of welding machine must be shut off.xx .随着作业进度清理作业区域,保证现场平安、洁净、文明。Construction areas
41、 should be cleaned to guarantee construction site safe, tidy and civilized.xxi .作业人员应稳妥放置工具和材料,将边角余料放到桶内,严禁向地面抛掷材料和工具。Construction workers should stably store tools and materials, put the residual materials into barrel, and it is strictly prohibited to drop materials and tools on ground.xxii .合理支配施工
42、作业挨次,尽量避开/削减高空作业。Construction sequence should be arranged reasonably, and avoid/reduce working at height as far as possible.xxiii .焊接、切割作业人员没有到达作业点之前,不得开启焊机开关/气瓶阀门。The swith of welding machine/valve of gas cyclinder must not be started before welders arrive at the construction site.1.10 施工机械、设备的使用维护
43、和保养 Usage and maintenance of construction machinery and equipment.施工机械的操作人员应经过培训,考试合格,并持有操作资质合格证。Only qualified operators could work with certificate.i .工作前,操作人员应检查施工机械设备的清洁、紧固、润滑、保护接地等状况,确认合格方可启动。Prior to construction, operator shall check the construction machinery and ensure them in good working
44、conditions, only qualified machine could be adopted.ii .患有疾病有碍平安的人员,不得驾驶和操作施工机械。Only healthy people is authorized to operate construction machinery.iii .操作人员不得擅自离开工作岗位,严禁把机械交给其他人员驾驶和操作。Operator is strictly prohibited to leave without permission, it is also not allowed to leave machinery to other irr
45、eletive people.v施工机械应由经过批准的机组人员或专人负责使用和管理,操作人员应遵守保养规定,认真做好各级保养,保持施工机械经常处于完好状态。Construction machinery only could be used and managed by those authorized people or special people. Operators should comply with the relevant maintenance rules, and ensure them in good working conditions.vi.操作人员中应按规定时间对机械设
46、备运转部件加注润滑剂,开动前、工作前、工作中、停工后,均应按规定工程对各部位进行检查,并应准时排解故障或提出修理意见。Operators shall add lubricant to the running parts of machinery & equipment as scheduled, besides, they are also in charge of check these parts before, being and after construction in order to eliminate anything which may cause machine failu
47、re.vii.施工机械在运行中如有特别响声,发热或其他故障,应马上停车切断电源或动力源后,方可 进行检修、修理。If anything abnormal happened to construction machinery & equipment, such as noise, heat or other breakdown etc, just stop the machine immediately, then turn off power and repair.viii.施工机械不得带病运转或超负荷使用。施工机械的外传动部位,应加设平安防护罩。防护 罩应便于停车检查和加注润滑剂。Only
48、qualified construction machinery could be put into use. Some safety shield could be installed to rotating parts of construction machinery.ix.固定式施工机械应安装在坚固的基础上。移动式施工机械在使用前应将移动轮子用垫块拦住 或将底座固定牢靠。Stationary construction machinery should be installed to a solid foundation. Cushion blocks also shall be put behind the wheels of movable construction machinery.X .新的施工机械或经过大改装和拆卸后重新组装的机械设备,必需按有关现行标准进行检查、鉴 定和试运转。New or modified construction machinery have to be inspected, verified as per the relevant requirements.XI .运转中的施工机械,严禁进行修理、保养、润滑、紧固、调整等工作。夜晚或光线缺乏时,作业区和驾驶室内应有足够的照明。Do not touch any