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1、英语高考同源阅读:“元宇宙”是什么?Everyone wants to own the met averse including Facebook and Microsoft.But what exact Iy is it?Mike SniderBrettMolina USA TODAYThe met averse has been a hot top i c of conversat i on recent I y, with Facebook and M i crosoft both stak i ng claims. But what i s the metaverse? And whe

2、n wi I I it get here?stake:打桩子做标记,claim主张权利。Stake claims就是“跑马圈地”这里意思是:脸书和微软都在元宇宙上积极布局、抢占先机。Author Neal Stephenson i s credited with coining the term met averse in h i s 1992 sc i ence fiction nove I Snow Crash, i n wh i ch he env i s i oned lifelike avata r s who met i n reaI i st i c 3D bu i Id i n

3、gs and other v i rtuaI reaI i ty env i ronments.Credit动词意思是“将归功于;coin的动词意义是“创造”(源自“铸币”)。 尼尔史蒂芬孙被认为是第一个创造“元宇宙”名词的人。在他的雪崩一书中,他创 想出在三维建筑和其他虚拟现实环境中相逢的栩栩如生的化身。S i nee then, var i ous deveIopments have made mi I eposts on the way toward a rea I met averse, anon I i ne vi rtua I wor Id which i ncorporates

4、augmented rea I ity, v i rtua I rea I i ty, 3D ho I ograph i c avatars, v i deo and other means of commun i cat i on. As the met averse expands, it wi I I offer hyper-reaI a Iternat i ve worId for you to coex i st i n.AR (augmented rea I i ty):增强现实;holographic:全息影像InkI i ngs of theme averse a I read

5、y ex i st i n on I i ne game un i verses such as Fortunate, Mine craft and Rob I ox. And the compan i es beh i nd those games have amb i t i ons to be part of the evoIut i on of the met averse.What is the met averse?Its a comb i nat i on of multiple eIements of techno Iogy, including v i rtuaI reaI

6、i ty, augmented reaI i ty and v i deo where users I i ve within a digital un i verse. Supporters of the met averse env i s i on i ts users work i ng, playing and stay i ng connected with f r i ends through everyth i ng from concerts and conferences to v i rtua I tr i ps around to the wor I d.“Right

7、now, we are on the cusp of the next i nternet, sa id Matthew Ball, managi ng partner of venture cap i taI firm Pillion Industr i es, i n a February 2021 essay on h i s website.元宇宙定义:多种技术要素的结合,包括虚拟现实、增强现实 视频,构成一个数字 宇宙,用户的全部生活都发生在其中工作 娱乐、交往、旅行等等一切的一切。(注: 是否迎合了新冠流行、居家隔离这样的形势?)在资本眼中,这个是下一代互联网的转折 点。(注:上一

8、次这种大转折,是移动互联网的兴起。)When can we expect to see it?Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of the new I y named Meta (former I y Facebook), est i mates i t cou I d take f i ve to 10 years before the key features of the met averse become ma i nstream. But aspects of the met averse current Iy ex i st. Ultra-fast broadba

9、nd speeds, vi rtua I reaI i ty headsets and persi stent always-on on I i ne worI ds are a I ready up and runn i ng, even though they may not be access i bIe to all.未来十年,元宇宙的各种特征将渐渐成为主流。What are some examp Ies of it?Heres a Iook at whats happen i ng today that couId Iead to the metaverse of tomorrow:

10、说的云里雾里的,来点干货吧举个栗子!Meta.The tech g i ant former Iy known as Facebook has a I ready made s i gn i f i cant i nvestments i n v i rtuaI reality, including the 2014 acqu i s i t i on of OcuI us. Meta env i s i ons a v i rtuaI worId where digital avatars connect through work, traveI or enterta i nment us

11、i ng VR headsets. Zuckerberg has been bullish on the met averse, be I i ev i ng i t couId rep I ace the i nternet as we know i t. The next pIatform and med i um wi I I be even more immers i ve and embod i ed i nternet where you re i n the exper i ence, not just Iook i ng at i t, and we call th i s t

12、he met averse, sa i d Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Iast month after reveaI i ng the companys rebrand i ng.脸书(Facebook)现在改名叫Meta。我猜测小扎还是受了咱中华文化影响吧。这个meta, 本意有超越 变化的意思。我想应该能对应咱们的“道”。有人把它译作“元”,我觉得 不妥,我觉得不如简单叫做“道”;要么叫“万物生长”。(设想新闻中这么说:“扎克 伯格和他的万物生长公司”)Bul I ish来自bull (公牛),即“牛市的“。Be bul I ish on 看好的前景”。 Immer

13、sive and embodied:沉浸式的、全方位的。Epic Games.Tim Sweeney, CEO of the company that deve I oped Fortunate, has sa id, s no secret that Ep i c i s i nvested i n bu i I d i ng the met averse. Its he I d concerts by the I i kes of Ar i anna Grande and Trav i s Scott, mov i e tra i Iers and mus i c debuts and e

14、ven an immers i ve re-imagi n i ng of Mart i n Luther Ki ng Jr. s 1963 h i stor i c I Have A Dream1 speech. And its deve loping photorea I i st i c digital humans with its Meta Human Creator, wh i ch cou I d be how you custom i ze your digital doppeI ganger i n future open-worId games.movie trai Ier

15、s and music debuts 电影预告片和音乐首映。digital doppelganger模拟出来的另一个数字化的“你”。Rob I ox.The pIatform, founded i n 2004, houses scores of user-generated games, including roIe-playing offer i ngs I i ke BIacksburg and Brookhaven, where users can build homes, work and pI ay out scenar i os. Rob I ox i s now vaIued

16、at more than $45 billion after go i ng pub I i c th i s year. On the day of i ts IP0 i n March, Rob I ox founder and CEO Dav i d Baszuck i tweeted a thank you to a I I who he I ped br i ng the p I atform one step c I oser to fu I f i I I i ng our vision of the #Met averse, S i nee then, Rob I ox has

17、 teamed up with skateboard i ng shoe company Vans to create Vans Wor I d, a v i rtua I skateboard i ng park where p I ayers can dress up i n fresh Vans gear and opened a I imited Gucc i Garden, where you can try and buy c Ioth i ng and accessor i es for your v i rtuaI seIf.houses scores of user-gene

18、rated games:容纳了数十款用户生成的游戏。Team up with 与组队 合作。在这个集工作、游戏 社交一体的虚拟世界中,有另一个“我”,你 可以给自己的那个“我(avatar) 55买各种时尚装备。Mine craft.Another v i rtuaI un i verse be Ioved by kids, the M i crosoft-owned Mine craft i s essent i a I Iy the digital equ i vaI ent of Legos, where pIayers can create the i r own digital ch

19、aracter and build whatever they des i re. As of August, Mine craft boasts more than 140 million month I y act i ve users. Dur i ng the pandem i c, i t has exp I oded i n popular ity among k i ds who had to re I y more heavi ly on v i rtua I connect i ons.微软旗下的Mine craft,主打产品是“数码乐高”,用户可以创造自己喜欢的形象, 建造

20、自己喜欢的一切o疫情之下,在小孩子中迎来一波需求的爆发(exp I ode i n popu lar ity)oSome I esser-known compan i es have I aunched the i r own on I i ne wor I ds. The on I i ne fantasy worId Second L i fe, founded i n 2003, i s i n i ts second decade as an a I ternate reaIi ty.The on I i ne haven Nowhere has pers i stent and te

21、mporary v i rtuaI spaces - for pub I i c or pr i vate use - to ho I d concerts, fest i va I s, reun i ons, and conferences. The Wi ndmi I I Factory, the New York product i on company wh i ch began developing the p I atform more than a year ago, has done projects for Lady Gaga and N i ne I nch Na i I

22、 s.The Sensor i um Ga Iaxy ear I i er th i s year opened the f i rst two of its pIanned gaIaxy of var i ous connected on I i ne worI ds to exp I ore with VR headsets or desktop computers. Pr i sm, the f i rst to open, involves music - v i rtua I DJs and bands p I ay, for i nstance - i n futur i st i c I andscapes.不知名的其他公司Second I i fe推出a I ternate rea I i ty :替代现实。Nowhere的在线音乐会、各种节庆。还有其他各种内容,未来会越来越丰富。


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