1、奥巴马就就职演讲讲稿中英英文对照照(CNNN) - BBaraack Obaama wass swwornn inn ass thhe 444thh prresiidennt oof tthe Uniitedd Sttatees aand thee naatioonss fiirstt Affriccan-Ameericcan preesiddentt Tuuesdday. Thhis is a ttrannscrriptt off hiis ppreppareed sspeeech. In hiss sppeecch TTuessdayy, PPressideent Obaama saiid
2、 AAmerricaa muust plaay iits rolle iin uusheerinng iin aa neew eera of peaace.My ffelllow cittizeens:I sttandd heere todday hummbleed bby tthe tassk bbefoore us, grrateefull foor tthe truust youu haave besstowwed, miindfful of thee saacriificces borrne by ourr anncesstorrs. I tthannk PPressideent Bu
3、ssh ffor hiss seerviice to ourr naatioon, as welll aas tthe genneroositty aand coooperratiion he hass shhownn thhrouughoout thiis ttrannsittionn.Fortty-ffourr Ammeriicanns hhavee noow ttakeen tthe preesiddenttiall oaath. Thhe wwordds hhavee beeen spookenn duurinng rrisiing tiddes of proospeeritty aa
4、nd thee sttilll waaterrs oof ppeacce. Yett, eeverry sso oofteen, thee oaath is takken amiidstt gaatheerinng cclouuds andd raaginng sstorrms. Att thhesee moomennts, Ammeriica hass caarriied on nott siimplly bbecaausee off thhe sskilll oor vvisiion of thoose in higgh ooffiice, buut bbecaausee Wee thhe
5、 PPeopple havve rremaaineed ffaitthfuul tto tthe ideealss off ouur fforeebeaarerrs, andd trrue to ourr foounddingg doocummentts.So iit hhas beeen. So it musst bbe wwithh thhis genneraatioon oof AAmerricaans.Thatt wee arre iin tthe middst of criisiss iss noow wwelll unnderrstoood. Ouur nnatiion is at
6、 warr, aagaiinstt a farr-reeachhingg neetwoork of vioolennce andd haatreed. Ourr ecconoomy is baddly weaakenned, a connseqquennce of greeed andd irrressponnsibbiliity on thee paart of somme, butt allso ourr coolleectiive faiilurre tto mmakee haard chooicees aand preeparre tthe nattionn foor aa neew
7、aage. Hoomess haave beeen llostt; jjobss shhed; buusinnessses shuutteeredd. OOur heaalthh caare is tooo coostlly; ourr scchoools faiil ttoo manny; andd eaach dayy brringgs ffurttherr evvideencee thhat thee waays we usee ennerggy sstreengtthenn ouur aadveersaariees aand thrreatten ourr pllaneet.Thess
8、e aare thee inndiccatoors of criisiss, ssubjjectt too daata andd sttatiistiics. Leess meaasurrablle bbut no lesss pproffounnd iis aa saappiing of connfiddencce aacrooss ourr laand - a nnagggingg feear thaat AAmerricaas decclinne iis iinevvitaablee, aand thaat tthe nexxt ggeneerattionn muust lowwer i
9、tss siightts.Todaay II saay tto yyou thaat tthe chaalleengees wwe ffacee arre rreall. TTheyy arre sseriiouss annd ttheyy arre mmanyy. TTheyy wiill nott bee meet eeasiily or in a sshorrt sspann off tiime. Buut kknoww thhis, Ammeriica: Thhey willl bbe mmet.On tthiss daay, we gattherr beecauuse we havv
10、e cchossen hoppe ooverr feear, unnityy off puurpoose oveer cconfflicct aand disscorrd.On tthiss daay, we comme tto pprocclaiim aan eend to thee peettyy grrievvancces andd faalsee prromiisess, tthe reccrimminaatioons andd woorn-outt doogmaas, thaat ffor farr tooo llongg haave strranggledd ouur ppolii
11、ticcs.We rremaain a yyounng nnatiion, buut iin tthe worrds of Scrriptturee, tthe timme hhas comme tto sset asiide chiildiish thiingss. TThe timme hhas comme tto rreafffirrm oour endduriing spiiritt; tto cchooose ourr beetteer hhisttoryy; tto ccarrry fforwwardd thhat preecioous gifft, thaat nnoblle i
12、ideaa, ppasssed on froom ggeneerattionn too geenerratiion: thhe GGod-givven proomisse tthatt alll aare equual, alll aare freee, andd alll ddeseervee a chaancee too puursuue ttheiir ffulll meeasuure of happpinnesss.In rreafffirrminng tthe greeatnnesss off ouur nnatiion, wee unnderrstaand thaat ggreaa
13、tneess is nevver a ggiveen. It musst bbe eearnned. Ouur jjourrneyy haas nneveer bbeenn onne oof sshorrtcuuts or setttliing forr leess. Itt haas nnot beeen tthe patth ffor thee faainttheaarteed - ffor thoose whoo prrefeer lleissuree ovver worrk, or seeek oonlyy thhe ppleaasurres of ricchess annd ffam
14、ee. RRathher, itt haas bbeenn thhe rriskk-taakerrs, thee dooerss, tthe makkerss off thhinggs - ssomee ceelebbratted, buut mmoree offtenn meen aand wommen obsscurre iin ttheiir llaboor - wwho havve ccarrriedd uss upp thhe llongg, rruggged patth ttowaard proospeeritty aand freeedoom.For us, thhey pacc
15、kedd upp thheirr feew wworlldlyy poosseessiionss annd ttravveleed aacrooss oceeanss inn seearcch oof aa neew llifee.For us, thhey toiiledd inn swweattshoops andd seettlled thee Weest; enndurred thee laash of thee whhip andd plloweed tthe harrd eeartth.For us, thhey fouughtt annd ddiedd, iin pplacces
16、 likke CConccordd annd GGetttysbburgg; NNormmanddy aand Khee Saahn.Timee annd aagaiin, theese menn annd wwomeen sstruugglled andd saacriificced andd woorkeed ttilll thheirr haandss weere raww soo thhat we migght livve aa beetteer llifee. TTheyy saaw AAmerricaa ass biiggeer tthann thhe ssum of ourr i
17、nndivviduual ambbitiionss; ggreaaterr thhan alll thhe ddifffereencees oof bbirtth oor wweallth or facctioon.Thiss iss thhe jjourrneyy wee coontiinuee toodayy. WWe rremaain thee moost proospeerouus, powwerfful nattionn onn Eaarthh. OOur worrkerrs aare no lesss pprodducttivee thhan wheen tthiss crrisi
18、is bbegaan. Ourr miindss arre nno llesss innvenntivve, ourr gooodss annd sservvicees nno llesss neeedeed tthann thhey werre llastt weeek or lasst mmontth oor llastt yeear. Ouur ccapaacitty rremaainss unndimminiisheed. Butt ouur ttimee off sttanddingg paat, of prootecctinng nnarrrow inttereestss annd
19、 pputttingg offf uunplleassantt deecissionns - tthatt tiime hass suurelly ppasssed. Sttarttingg toodayy, wwe mmustt piick ourrsellvess upp, ddustt ouurseelvees ooff, annd bbegiin aagaiin tthe worrk oof rremaakinng AAmerricaa.For eveerywwherre wwe llookk, ttherre iis wworkk too bee doone. Thhe sstatt
20、e oof tthe ecoonommy ccallls ffor acttionn, bboldd annd sswifft, andd wee wiill actt - noot oonlyy too crreatte nnew jobbs, butt too laay aa neew ffounndattionn foor ggrowwth. Wee wiill buiild thee rooadss annd bbriddgess, tthe eleectrric griids andd diigittal linnes thaat ffeedd ouur ccommmercce aa
21、nd binnd uus ttogeetheer. We willl rresttoree scciennce to itss riighttfull pllacee, aand wieeld tecchnoologgyss woondeers to raiise heaalthh caares qquallityy annd lloweer iits cosst. We willl hharnnesss thhe ssun andd thhe wwindds aand thee sooil to fueel oour carrs aand runn ouur ffacttoriies. An
22、nd wwe wwilll trranssforrm oour schhoolls aand colllegges andd unniveersiitiees tto mmeett thhe ddemaandss off a neww agge. Alll thhis we cann doo. AAnd alll thhis we willl ddo.Now, thheree arre ssomee whho qquesstioon tthe scaale of ourr ammbittionns - wwho sugggesst tthatt ouur ssysttem cannnott t
23、oolerratee tooo mmanyy biig pplanns. Theeir memmoriies aree shhortt. FFor theey hhavee foorgootteen wwhatt thhis couuntrry hhas alrreaddy ddonee; wwhatt frree menn annd wwomeen ccan achhievve wwhenn immagiinattionn iss jooineed tto ccommmon purrposse, andd neecesssitty tto ccourragee.Whatt thhe ccyn
24、iics faiil tto uundeersttandd iss thhat thee grrounnd hhas shiifteed bbeneeathh thhem - thaat tthe staale pollitiicall arrgummentts tthatt haave connsummed us forr soo loong no lonngerr appplyy. TThe queestiion we askk toodayy iss noot wwhettherr ouur ggoveernmmentt iss tooo bbig or tooo smmalll, bb
25、ut wheetheer iit wworkks - wwhettherr itt heelpss faamilliess fiind jobbs aat aa deecennt wwagee, ccaree thhey cann affforrd, a rretiiremmentt thhat is diggniffiedd. WWherre tthe ansswerr iss yees, we inttendd too moove forrwarrd. Wheere thee annsweer iis nno, proograams willl eend. Annd tthosse oof
26、 uus wwho mannagee thhe ppubllics ddolllarss wiill be helld tto aaccoountt - too sppendd wiiselly, refformm baad hhabiits, annd ddo oour bussineess in thee liightt off daay - bbecaausee onnly theen ccan we resstorre tthe vittal truust bettweeen aa peeoplle aand theeir govvernnmennt.Nor is thee quues
27、ttionn beeforre uus wwhettherr thhe mmarkket is a fforcce ffor goood oor iill. Itts ppoweer tto ggeneeratte wweallth andd exxpannd ffreeedomm iss unnmattcheed, butt thhis criisiss haas rremiindeed uus tthatt wiithoout a wwatcchfuul eeye, thhe mmarkket cann sppin outt off coontrrol - andd thhat a nna
28、tiion cannnott prrospper lonng wwhenn itt faavorrs oonlyy thhe pprossperrouss. TThe succcesss oof oour ecoonommy hhas alwwayss deepenndedd noot jjustt onn thhe ssizee off ouur ggrosss ddomeestiic pprodductt, bbut on thee reeachh off ouur pprossperrityy; oon oour abiilitty tto eexteend oppporttuniity
29、 to eveery willlinng hhearrt - nnot outt off chhariity, buut bbecaausee itt iss thhe ssureest rouute to ourr coommoon ggoodd.As ffor ourr coommoon ddefeensee, wwe rrejeect as fallse thee chhoicce bbetwweenn ouur ssafeety andd ouur iideaals. Ouur FFounndinng FFathherss, ffaceed wwithh peerills wwe cc
30、an scaarceely imaaginne, draafteed aa chhartter to asssuree thhe rrulee off laaw aand thee riightts oof mman, a chaarteer eexpaandeed bby tthe bloood of genneraatioons. Thhosee iddealls sstilll llighht tthe worrld, annd wwe wwilll noot ggivee thhem up forr exxpeddiennces ssakee. AAnd so to alll otth
31、err peeoplles andd gooverrnmeentss whho aare wattchiing todday, frrom thee grranddestt caapittalss too thhe ssmalll vvilllagee whheree myy faatheer wwas borrn: Knoow tthatt Ammeriica is a ffrieend of eacch nnatiion andd evveryy maan, womman andd chhildd whho sseekks aa fuuturre oof ppeacce aand digg
32、nitty, andd thhat we aree reeadyy too leead oncce mmoree.Recaall thaat eearllierr geenerratiionss faacedd doown fasscissm aand commmunnismm noot jjustt wiith misssilles andd taankss, bbut witth ssturrdy alllianncess annd eenduurinng cconvvicttionns. Theey uundeersttoodd thhat ourr poowerr allonee ca
33、annoot pprottectt uss, nnor doees iit eentiitlee uss too doo ass wee plleasse. Inssteaad, theey kkneww thhat ourr poowerr grrowss thhrouugh itss prrudeent usee; oour seccuriity emaanattes froom tthe jusstneess of ourr caausee, tthe forrce of ourr exxampple, thhe ttempperiing quaalittiess off huumill
34、ityy annd rresttraiint.We aare thee keeepeers of thiis llegaacy. Guuideed bby tthesse pprinncippless onnce morre, we cann meeet thoose neww thhreaats thaat ddemaand eveen ggreaaterr effforrt - eevenn grreatter coooperratiion andd unnderrstaandiing bettweeen nnatiionss. WWe wwilll beeginn too reespoo
35、nsiiblyy leeavee Irraq to itss peeoplle, andd foorgee a harrd-eearnned peaace in Afgghannisttan. Wiith oldd frriennds andd foormeer ffoess, wwe wwilll woork tirreleesslly tto llesssen thee nuucleear thrreatt, aand rolll bbackk thhe sspeccterr off a warrminng pplannet. Wee wiill nott appoloogizze ffo
36、r ourr waay oof llifee, nnor willl wwe wwaveer iin iits deffensse, andd foor tthosse wwho seeek tto aadvaancee thheirr aiims by indduciing terrrorr annd sslauughtteriing innnoceentss, wwe ssay to youu noow tthatt ouur sspirrit is strrongger andd caannoot bbe bbrokken; yoou ccannnot outtlasst uus, an
37、dd wee wiill deffeatt yoou.For we knoow tthatt ouur ppatcchwoork herritaage is a sstreengtth, nott a weaakneess. Wee arre aa naatioon oof CChriistiianss annd MMusllimss, JJewss annd HHinddus - andd noonbeelieeverrs. We aree shhapeed bby eeverry llangguagge aand cullturre, draawn froom eeverry eend o
38、f thiis EEartth; andd beecauuse we havve ttastted thee biitteer sswilll oof cciviil wwar andd seegreegattionn, aand emeergeed ffromm thhat darrk cchappterr sttronngerr annd mmoree unniteed, we cannnott heelp butt beelieeve thaat tthe oldd haatreeds shaall sommedaay ppasss; tthatt thhe llinees oof tt
39、ribbe sshalll ssoonn diissoolvee; tthatt ass thhe wworlld ggrowws ssmalllerr, oour commmonn huumannityy shhalll reeveaal iitseelf; annd tthatt Ammeriica musst pplayy itts rrolee inn ussherringg inn a neww erra oof ppeacce.To tthe Musslimm woorldd, wwe sseekk a neww waay fforwwardd, bbaseed oon mmutu
40、ual inttereest andd muutuaal rresppectt. TTo tthosse lleadderss arrounnd tthe gloobe whoo seeek to soww coonfllictt, oor bblamme ttheiir ssociietyys illls oon tthe Wesst: Knoow tthatt yoour peooplee wiill juddge youu onn whhat youu caan bbuilld, nott whhat youu deestrroy. Too thhosee whho cclinng tt
41、o ppoweer tthrooughh coorruuptiion andd deeceiit aand thee siilenncinng oof ddisssentt, kknoww thhat youu arre oon tthe wroong sidde oof hhisttoryy; bbut thaat wwe wwilll exxtennd aa haand if youu arre wwilllingg too unncleenchh yoour fisst.To tthe peooplee off pooor nattionns, we pleedgee too woork
42、 aloongssidee yoou tto mmakee yoour farrms floouriish andd leet ccleaan wwateers floow; to nouurissh sstarrvedd boodiees aand feeed hhunggry minnds. Annd tto tthosse nnatiionss liike ourrs tthatt ennjoyy reelattivee pllentty, we sayy wee caan nno llongger afffordd inndiffferrencce tto ssuffferiing o
43、uttsidde oour borrderrs; norr caan wwe cconssumee thhe wworlldss reesouurcees wwithhoutt reegarrd tto eeffeect. Foor tthe worrld hass chhangged, annd wwe mmustt chhangge wwithh itt.As wwe cconssideer tthe roaad tthatt unnfollds befforee uss, wwe rremeembeer wwithh huumblle ggrattituude thoose braave
44、 Ameericcanss whho, at thiis vveryy hoour, paatrool ffar-offf deeserrts andd diistaant mouuntaainss. TTheyy haave sommethhingg too teell us todday, juust as thee faalleen hherooes whoo liie iin AArliingtton whiispeer tthrooughh thhe aagess. WWe hhonoor tthemm noot oonlyy beecauuse theey aare guaardi
45、ianss off ouur llibeertyy, bbut beccausse ttheyy emmboddy tthe spiiritt off seerviice; a willlinngneess to finnd mmeanningg inn soometthinng ggreaaterr thhan theemseelvees. Andd yeet, at thiis mmomeent - a mmomeent thaat wwilll deefinne aa geenerratiion - it is preecisselyy thhis spiiritt thhat muss
46、t iinhaabitt uss alll.For as mucch aas ggoveernmmentt caan ddo aand musst ddo, it is ulttimaatelly tthe faiith andd deeterrminnatiion of thee Ammeriicann peeoplle uuponn whhichh thhis nattionn reeliees. It is thee kiindnnesss too taake in a sstraangeer wwhenn thhe lleveees breeak, thhe sselfflesssne
47、ess of worrkerrs wwho wouuld rattherr cuut ttheiir hhourrs tthann seee aa frriennd llosee thheirr joob wwhicch sseess uss thhrouugh ourr daarkeest houurs. Itt iss thhe ffireefigghteerss coouraage to stoorm a sstaiirwaay ffillled witth ssmokke, butt allso a ppareents wwilllinggnesss tto nnurtturee a chiild, thhat finnallly ddeciidess ouur ffatee.Our chaalleengees mmay