1、21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第1辑 9 The best way to insure quality conformance is to _.A. distribute the responsibility to subordinates.B maintain total control.C. train each worker to implement the work.D. inspect quality into the project.E. None of the above正确答案:C Using the diagram in the Spe
2、cial window, what is the probability that Alternative I will be adopted and completed below budget:A 1.4B 0.8C 0.2D 0.12E None of the above正确答案:D 你准备结束项目的合同,你应该评审以下各类文件,除了( )A合同收尾的有关文件B采购审计C发票和付款记录D卖方绩效报告正确答案:B 用于采购计划编制的三种技能是-a. 制造或购买的分析,专家判断和合同类型的选择b. 固定价、成本补偿和单元价c. 成本和进度预计、发票处理和现金流推算d. 范围描述、变更管理和市
3、场分析e. 合同类型选择、谈判和现金流推算正确答案:Aa. 制造或购买的分析,专家判断和合同类型的选择 制造或购买的分析是用于决定是否一个产品能被一个运行组织用有效的成本制造的技巧。专家判断通常用于评估采购计划编制过程的输入。合同类型的选择叙述的是用于描述买主要求的详细水平。 全同收尾与管理收尾在一定程度上是一样的,因为它们都需要( )A除了项目经理以外的人来管理有关的活动B在工作招待期间确保任何时候都没有错误C需要准备一个WBSD确保工作被满意地完成正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第2辑 197 The sequential steps that define the pro
4、cess for successfully completing a project is: A. Implementation PlanB. a life cycleC. Development PlanD. a critical pathE. Management Plan正确答案:B 179 100 % inspection of output is:A. the best proven method to ensure qualityB. is expensive, ineffective approach to quality managementC. can never be, j
5、ustifiedD. can still leave some defects undetectedE. B and D only正确答案:E Scope reporting is the timely determination, _, and _ of project progress, status data, and transforming this into structured documentation (reports) necessary to judge project performance (reporting on work packages).A Recordin
6、g, accumulation.B Recording, graphical display.C Accumulation, graphical display.D Graphical display, interpretation.E Interpretation, analysis.正确答案:A 过滤这个概念在什么时候出现?A、 一个技术结合项目沟通计划使用时B、 监督人执行沟通信息审核和文档记载时C、 在上下级之间的沟通中大部分信息丢失D、 A和B正确答案:C 最近,你所在的产品加工公司经历了几起公司产品引起的作健康恐慌事件。这是在三周内在不同地点同时发生的几起孤立事故。公司过去从未发生
7、过类似事件,并且确信公司的质量检查体系没有问题。但是,最近新引进了加工系统。你是这个新加工系统的项目经理,你被要求领导一个小组对情况进行调查并执行任何必要的项目变更。为帮助分析新的加工流程,你和你的小组决定使用以下什么技术A、系统流程图B、实验设计C、帕雷托分析D、控制图表正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第3辑 强制性权力coercive power的一个例证是( )A降级B减少工资C惩罚性的解雇D惩戒E以上都是正确答案:E 项目控制的两个基本目标是:( )A改变活动以达到目的;管理组织财产B清除预料外的技术问题;确认需要更多资源的技术困难C保证在需要时可以获得资源;避免工作范
8、围的延伸D在需要时可以获得材料人员和设备;保证预算是充分的正确答案:A 186 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the schedule performance index (SPI) for WBS Element P is:A. 1.10B. 0.90C. 0.956D. 1.15E. 0.869正确答案:A Cost management includes:A . Cost estimating/forecasting.B . Cost budgeting/cost control.C . Cost applicatio
9、ns.D . All of the above.E . A and B only.正确答案:D 39 Filling vacant positions by recruiting within the organizationA. Is exempt from equal employment opportunity lawsB. Is less expensive than recruiting externallyC. Can help provide new and innovative ideas to the organizationD. Is more time consuming
10、 than recruiting externallyE. A and B正确答案:B21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第4辑 项目经理可以使用( )来保证项目团队清楚的了解到他们的每一项任务包含的工作。A项目工作范围B项目章程CWBS词典D风险管理计划正确答案:C 在一个小项目中,一个供应商通知项目经理他将用高质量的管道替代原有管道,此方案放到立项计划里,因为管道的原先的报价没有。鉴于这种情况,供应商提出他们不增加项目成本。他同时告诉项目经理因为管道有一点延迟,他将做其他超出进度的工作。项目经理将把此变更记在那里?a. 工作分解结构b. 成本变更控制c. 范围变更控制d. 项目进度e. A
11、 和 d正确答案:Dd 项目进度必须对这些变更进行调整。成本变更控制和范围变更控制不会被影响。可是如果需要任何变更控制,项目经理不能不遵守已经制定的处理项目变更的程序而批准变更。 执行情况报告被用于向利益相关者提供项目范围、进度、成本和质量方面的信息。以下那种陈述最精确的描述了这一过程?a. 配置控制委员会接到执行情况报告并生成变更报告以修改项目的相关方面.b. 执行情况报告包括状态报告(详细描述工程状况),进展报告(描述完成情况),和预算(预测未来状况和进度)c. 执行情况报告着重于调查挣得值分析以确定是否超支并需要更改所需预算d. 执行情况报告包括柱状图,流程图,线性图以演示网络的丛属及相
12、互关系e. 执行情况报告提供偏差分析信息,从而有助于项目组遵循零偏差原则正确答案:B66. b. Performance reporting includes status reports, which detail where the project is now; progress reports, which describe accomplishments; and forecasts, which predict future status and progress. The information provided from these reports is valuable on
13、ly to the extent that the project manager customer, and other key stakeholders use them to make decisions regarding present and future actions. In the decision-making process, the project manager needs to know the current situation (status reports); the past performance capability which led to the c
14、urrent status (progress reports); and a best estimate of future progress, using past performance as a predictor (forecasts). 199 Which method shown below is acceptable for reducing cost or shortening the schedule? A. CrashingB. Changing scope.C. Performing activities in parallel rather than in serie
15、s.D. All of the above.E. A and C only正确答案:D 192 The cost of a quality program should be budgeted at _ of the total project.A. 10-12%B. 2-3 %C. 6-8%D. 3-5%E. more than 15 %正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第5辑 53 The Quality Risk _ .A. is minimized through continuous monitoring.B. is considered a long term ris
16、k.C. will be reflected in the in-service life of the project result.D. B and CE. All of the above正确答案:E 83 Budgetary estimates are the output of the _ phase(s) of the project.A. conceptualB. developmentC. implementationD. finishE. All of the above正确答案:B 以下哪项是由于外部事件引起的变更请求的实例?A、 使用政府规定旧版本造成的项目范围定义错误B
17、、 执行权变措施方案带来的次级风险C、 适用于当前项目的环境规定发生的变化D、 由于供货商研发出新的技术使得我们可以使用单个元件替代原来定义的3件套正确答案:C Situations calling for a matrix organization include outside pressure for dual focus, _ and pressure for high information processing capability.A . Pressure for clear accountabilityB . Pressure for reduced duplication o
18、f effortC . Pressure for shared resourcesD . Pressure for formalized communication正确答案:C 沟通过程不包括以下部分a. 交流者b. 信息c. 功能d. 接收者e. 媒体正确答案:C75. c. Function Function is not part of the communication model, which focuses on the communicator, or person who originated the message; the message being transmitted
19、; the medium, or methods of message delivery from one place to the other; and the recipient, or person who receives the message.21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第6辑 进行活动排序时可采用多种工具和技术。工具和技术的选区由几个因素决定。如果项目经理决定把子网或部分网作为他/她的进度计划编制技术的一部分,这对项目意味着什么?( )A该工作非常特殊,在不同的阶段需要特殊的网络图。B在现有的电子网络上可以获取管理资源的软件C在项目整个生命周期有几个相同或几乎相同的活动系
20、列反复重复。D项目中存在多个关键路径。正确答案:C 149 Scope Management:A. entails managing the projects work content.B. is a subset of configuration management and as such is performed by CM specialists.C. is concerned with naming all activities performed, the end products which results and the resources consumed.D. is not
21、 a concern of the project manager.E. None of the above正确答案:C ETC的含义是( )ABCWP/ACWPB预计总成本减当前成本CACWPBCWP/BCWP*100D总估算ACWP正确答案:B 141 To calculate the expected value of an outcome:A. divide the value of each outcome by its probability, then add the results.B. divide the value of the desired outcome by th
22、e value all possible outcomesC. multiply the value of each outcome by its probability, then add the resultsD. use linear regression to assess the expected value of the outcomeE. B and D only正确答案:C 53 Documented work authorization provide:A. a means of effective internal coordination of the projects
23、activities.B. an audit trail of all work authorized from project initiation to completion.C. a means for communication of work activity between the project manager and the performing activities.D. All of the aboveE. A and B only正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第7辑 Including the customer in the process of pro
24、ject planning is:A Slow and counterproductive.B Essential in the definition and documentation of project goals.C Necessary, but of limited value.D Unnecessary because project goals are defined in the proposal stage.E None of the above.正确答案:B 在CROSBY,JURAN,DEMING以及他人之前对于质量业绩标准的传统看法认为错误是( )A有益的,因为我们可以
25、从我们的错误中吸取到教训B不可避免的C如果在项目过程中有足够的检查就不易发生错误D比为阻止错误发生所需要的最复杂的设计工作的成本更大正确答案:B 103 Which contract type consists of - target costs profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus Ince
26、ntive正确答案:E 25 Obtaining team commitment depends on:A. clear and interesting job assignmentsB. consensus on project goalsC. involvement in developing task objectivesD. All of the above.E. B and C正确答案:E 84 Risk can be divided into two basic types; business risk and pure (or insurable risk). Of the fo
27、llowing, which one(s) fall(s) under business risk?A. liability lossB. direct property lossC. profit lossD. personnel-related lossE. B and C正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试题免费下载8辑 第8辑 当多个项目需要在职能组织结构中进行管理的时候,会出现很大的困难,因为:A、 项目经理的权限有限B、 不同的项目在竞争有限资源过程中会发生冲突C、 项目小组成员更关注职能部门的本职工作而不是与项目有关的工作D、 需要项目经理运用个人交际能力非正式的解决冲突正确答案:B
28、 你想要对当前这个项目的工作内容进行细分,以使得每个项目团队成员都有各自独立的工作。每个团队成员完成的各自独立的工作字项目管理中被称为:( )A工作分解结构中最低水平上的可交付产品B有着特殊标识符的工作任务C必要的报告水平D可以分配给多个工作单位的任务正确答案:A 以下因素中,哪一个对项目沟通需求有最大的影响?a. 利害关系者职责关系b. 外部信息需求c. 技术的可用性d. 项目组织结构e. 期望的项目人员招募正确答案:D62. d. The projects organizational structure Forms of project organization range from f
29、unctional to projectized. In each form, the project manager, team members, and key stakeholders relate to one another in different ways. Accordingly, communication plans must be developed to address the advantages and disadvantages of each structure to ensure an optimum flow of communication among the parties. 155 The following individuals are responsible for determining the content of the Communications Management Plan.A. Project SponsorB. Task Manager(s)C. Director of CommunicationsD. Project Manager正确答案:D 变更控制委员会的作用是:( )A基准计划变更B规范和标准变更C项目绩效评审D决定管理储备正确答案:A