1、城市形象与旅游营销中英文对照外文翻译文献文献信息文献标题:City image towards tourist attraction (case in Solo, Central Java) examining city image of solo as tourist attraction( 城市形象对旅游吸引力的影响(以中爪哇省梭罗市为例)文献作者:T Wiyana,T S Putranto,A Zulkarnain,R N Kusdiana文献出处:Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Scie, 2018, 126(1):0122
2、00字数统计:英文 2252 单词,11870 字符;中文 3505 汉字外文文献City image towards tourist attraction (case in Solo, Central Java) examining city image of solo as tourist attraction Abstract Affective and cognitive image are two main factors that influence destination in Solo. The purpose of this research is to examine th
3、e two main factors of Solo towards tourist attraction. The research method is quantitative. Data collected from observation and survey. A total of 113 respondents obtained from accidental sampling method. The results indicate based on cognitive and affective image. Cognitive consists of culture, bat
4、ik, city tagline, and community. While, affective consists of tradition, culinary, purposes, climate, and welcoming. The findings show that image has weak correlation towards tourist attraction of Solo. It means most of the tourists are not influenced by city image when they choose Solo as one of th
5、eir travel destination. The differences between primary and minor image are also examined. Research implication is directed for local government to pursue continuousimprovement particularly for the branding of Solo.Keywords: city image, affective, cognitive, tourism, destination.1.IntroductionThe ci
6、ty of Solo increasingly shows its existence as a tourist destination. By carrying the slogan Solo, the Spirit of Java, the city of Solo formed its image as a cultural tourism city. The number of tourist enthusiasm to visit Solo proves the success of Government in implementing the policy of tourism d
7、evelopment. From the last ten years, the performance of the Solo City Government in developing tourism has revealed results. The number of tourists visiting Solo City is increasing consistently. Based on data obtained by Strategic Area Management on Tourism Offices 2016, by 2014 the number of Solo t
8、ourists averagely 4.1 million, for 2015 up to 4.2 million and in 2016 increased to become 4.4 million visitors. There have been many efforts that have been done to develop tourist assets owned to be able to boost tourist visits, as well as improvements to tourism facilities, the optimization of hist
9、oric buildings and cultural activities as tourism assets, and performance optimization of various departments to coordinate each other in building tourism in the city Solo. One of the main factors in tourist destination is the image that provides the level of satisfaction that requires the manager t
10、o develop a representative and appropriate city branding to encourage tourist to visit the destination. Tourism is a sector that stimulates economic growth derived from the income received from the arrival of tourist to the tourist destination. Local cultural events featured in attracting a tourist
11、visit must also have power in the life of the community. Taylor states creative events are useful to boost and get attention from visitors. As an industry sector that offers fantasies and feeds upon the imagination, belief, expectation and of people’s imagery, which in turn are reflectedin con
12、sumer goods and experiences. How then that power can become energy for the growth and development of tourism city of Solo. One thing that will never be abandoned is the spirit of Solo as a cultural interaction event that is the concept of the Solo cultural city. The cultural interaction event will a
13、lways be the spirit of the ideal form search process. The purpose of this research is; (1)To analyze the influence of city image on the motivation of tourist visits to Solo.(2)To describe the impact of city image on the increasing trend of tourist visits in Solo. (3) To explain the effect of City Im
14、age variables on the attraction of destinations in the city of Solo.2.Literature Review 2.1.City Image Kotler and Getner state destination image as a total of view and impresses of a customer about the location. All of the information regarding the tourism object is constructed by such variables as
15、product description, physical appearance, economic and political contextual, history, and civilizations. According to Bigne et.al, destination image reflects as an important point in post consumption to behavior intention. Prayag and Ryan argue that three main factors in the formation of destination
16、 image are place attachment, overall satisfaction, and revisit intention. In the tourism sector, research related to the destination image is needed because it is an important element in terms of tourist visits. Cultural tourism has developed its offer based on cultural amenities, and museum facilit
17、ies reflect local wisdom, religious and historical relations. Seddighi and Theocharous states that destination image as known to influence visitor awareness, repurchase intention and to select the destination. Key factor importance element: The concept of image has a guideline that the tourist desti
18、nation image is the result of the combination, cognitive-affective aspectsof the destination image, structural elements, place brand, cultural events and selected cultural event brand. The cognitive image is the first stage of a person’s judgment of an object. It confirmed that the cognitive w
19、as formed earlier than the affective component. Also the cognitive component is a consumer feedback of their knowledge of an object. The cognitive image contains a set of ideas about a tourist destination. The affective image will occur after ideas and knowledge about tourist destinations in the cog
20、nitive process. Affective aspect was judge from the feeling of tourists in assessing tourist destinations. In this case, the aspect in the form of affective image associated with feelings after visiting the tourist area in the city of Solo and the emotions of tourists from personal experience that c
21、an affect the motivation to visit tourists. According to Klenosky, before tourist deciding to choose destinations, a person will have a more positive affective image of the tourist destination when the emotions evoked by the place coincide with their functional aspects. Lorenzini et.al., state,This
22、offers an opportunity to develop differentiation in place brands, cultivating the image of the locations in which events take place. Baloglu and McCleary state that the process of forming tourist destination images and has proposed a model that takes into account two relevant determinants: stimulus
23、factors, or functional variables, which can be directly detected and / or measured (information sources); subjective factors, which refers to the incidentally observed psychological characteristics such as values and personality. The important aspect of the destination image is an attitudinal constr
24、uct consisting of the personal value of knowledge beliefs, feelings, and total impressions about an object. A person perception about a place is formed by one’s sum of beliefs, ideas, and impressions. As a result, the destination image creates the perception and representation of a place.2.2.M
25、otivation to VisitThe success factor in the development of tourism in an area depends on the ability of planners to integrate both sides in a balanced way into a tourism development plan. Martín, et.,al explained that tourists with a high level of motivation to travel, but with a low level of
26、 situational involvement of the destination itself – quiet retain a positive image: they are willing to give a positive news of the destination to others but not to re-visit. Different with visitors with an overall high level of participation– psychological and situational – have a
27、 positive image: they will be pleased to recommend the location to others and re-visit the experience on the other time. Baloglue and Erickson stated that while many global visitors may prefer to change between destinations, some do have the potential to re-visit a tourist location. Besides, discove
28、ring tourists’ revisit motivation has proven useful in forecasting actual revisitation. Huang et.,al have convinced the connection between re-visit motivation and desire to visit the same location. Suggest that re-visit motivation has not been made a central point of the examination, resulting
29、 in the supposed arrangement being less-specific in the context of re- visitation. Factors affecting the demand for international tourism include the choice of the attraction of tourist destinations and other factors of the tourism industry. This attribute of tourist attraction is often used as an i
30、ndicator in determining the quality of tourism. Swarbrooke and Horner, suggest that, the tourist buys an overall experience rather than a defined product. The experience has several clear phases: (1) The anticipation phase, before the trip commences, (2) The consumption phase during the trip, (3) Th
31、e memory phase after the trip has ended.3.MethodologyThe location of this research conducted in Solo City, Central Java with local tourist object of the period of May-July 2017. The research design use used survey method. The variables used in this study consist of City Image (X) and Destination (Y)
32、. Population and sample in this research are local tourists who visited in Solo as much as 113 respondents. Data processing in this study, use software to process data, SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) 16.0. Table 1. Research InstrumentsVariable Dimension Indicators City imageThe ima
33、ge of a tourist destination is based on consumer’s rationality and emotionally, and as the result of the combination of two main components or dimensions.Motivation of VisitTourism products that many consumers consider when deciding to travel (purchase tourism products) one of which is the dec
34、ision to choose a destination is the attraction of the tourist destination to be visited. Cognitive Attractiveness Tourism TaglineCulture Batik Local Community Tradition Welcoming Culinary Destination Object Weather Local Event Entrance Fee Accommodation Culture Culinary Experience 4.Research Findin
35、gThe variable assessed by the respondent is the city image.Table 2. Distribution Frequency of Statement - City ImageSolo The Spirit of Java. Cultural City. Variable Statement %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 Total City I know the tourism tagline of 0,00%50,44% 13,27% 32,74% 3,54% 100% Image TheSolocityisknown as a 0,
36、00%0,00% 10,62% 45,13% 44,25% 100% than other cities. traditional Solo’s culinary. the Keraton as a tradition. courtesy to the guests. ethnic element of Keraton. Based on the results of the assessment conducted by the respondents, the tendency for each statement is in the category Agree and St
37、rongly Agree. This assessment shows that respondents know the City Image of Solo and become the motivation of the visit. The information explained through the visualization on table 3 below: Table 3. Distribution of Frequency of Statement - Motivation of Visitmotivation to visit the city culture is
38、one of theis a consideration to stay in Solo cityMany culinary places are typical as of the attraction of tourists. 0,00% 0,00% 4,42% 63,72% 31,86% 100%Based on the results of the assessment conducted by the respondents, the tendency for each statement is in the category Agree and Strongly Agree. On
39、e of consideration to travel to Solo is the cheap price mark on the entrance signs. Tourist who have been to Solo has a willingness to re-visit the city. A various accommodation become a consideration to stay in Solo. Based on the results of the assessment conducted by the respondents, the tendency
40、for each statement is in the categorySolo’sBatikis veryspecial 0,00%0,00% 5,31% 32,74% 61,95% 100%Many food court offers special 0,00%0,00% 4,42% 37,17% 58,41% 100%People of Solo are very friendly towards the 0,00% tourists. 0,00% 15,93% 59,29% 24,78% 100%ThepeopleofSolo still visit 0,00%0,88%
41、 15,93% 44,25% 38,94% 100%Local people are politeand 0,00%0,00% 11,50% 50,44% 38,05% 100%Tourism objects have the 26,55%44,25% 14,16% 9,73% 5,31% 100%The weather is quite hot. 0,00% 0,00% 4,42% 57,52% 38,05% 100% Variable Statement %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 TotalCulturaleventsbecomea 0,00%of Solo. 0,00% 5,31%
42、41,59% 53,10% 100%The originalanddiverse 0,00%motivations to visit Solo. 0,00% 21,24% 36,28% 42,48% 100% Motivation One of the considerations oftravelingtothe city of 0,00% Solo is the affordable price of attractions fee entrance. 0,00% 13,27% 49,56% 37,17% 100% of Visit Touristswho have visited, 0,
43、00% will do re-visit. 0,00% 10,62% 43,36% 46,02% 100%The varied accommodation 0,00%0,00% 18,75% 58,93% 22,32% 100%Simply Agree, Agree and Strongly Agree. City Image influences on the Motivation of Visit, by interpretation: H 0 : t-value ≤ 1.96 then accept H 0reject H a(If t-value ≤ 1.96 means
44、there is no affect City Image on Motivation Visits). H 0 : t-value > 1.96 then reject H 0accept H a(If t-value > 1.96 means there is influences of Image on Motivation of Visit). T-value = 1.24 and t table = 1.96Decision due t-value> t table then H 0rejected; There is no effect of City Image
45、 on the Motivation of Visit.5.Discussion and conclusionThe dimension of the city image variable is related to awareness and culture is a factor that cannot generate tourists to travel to Solo. Respondents answered this aspect above 50% did not agree that the city image can encourage tourist to visit
46、 Solo. In this study, the city image has no influence on the motivation of the visit, then based on the result of the distribution of questions that the government of Solo should pay attention to the potential and excellence in the tourism sector that can have a strong identity as a city of culture
47、and tourism, but cannot attract tourists to visit Solo. The thing done by the government of Solo City is implementation, the image of Solo City as a promotional tool in the field of tourism. Support from the government still needs to be improved and the need for various events that can provide a mem
48、orable experience for the tourist. These activities will provide a positive stimulus for tourism activities in Solo. We recommended that the city image also functioned as a unifying and binding tool of all parties who deal with tourism to further improve the quality of its services or products in at
49、tracting foreign tourists to be able to visit the Solo City.中文译文城市形象对旅游吸引力的影响(以中爪哇省梭罗市为例)摘要情感和认知形象是影响将梭罗市作为旅游目的地的两个主要因素。本探讨的目的是探讨梭罗市旅游吸引力的两个主要因素。探讨方法是定量的。从视察和调查中收集数据。运用随机抽样法调查了 113 名受访者。结果表明, 这是基于认知和情感形象的。认知包括文化、宣扬、城市口号和社区。而情感则包括传统、美食、目的、气候和欢迎。探讨结果表明,形象与梭罗市旅游吸引力的相关性较弱。这意味着大多数旅游者在选择梭罗市作为旅游目的地时不会受到城市形象的影响。同时还分析了主要和次要形象之间的