1、电子商务(英)-课程教学大纲 电子商务)(英)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16065502 课程名称:电子商务(英)英文名称:Introduction to Electronic Commerce 课程类别:专业课学时:32 学分:2 适用对象:本科英语专业三四年级学生 考核方式:笔试 先修课程:当代商学概论二、课程简介随着互联网在上世纪末的快速发展,越来越多的企业通过网络平台来加强与用户、商业伙伴以及员工之间的沟通,提高企业生产管理效益。商务英语电子商务作为电子商务的入门课程,旨在为对网络商务感爱好的同学供应系统学习的机会,开阔他们的视野,帮助他们初步了解电子商务在各个商业领域的应
2、用,并通过实操进一步了解电子商务领域涉及的一些管理和技术动向。本课程主要介绍电子商务的性质、电子商务的实现和管理、电子商务给企业带来的契机、以及电子商务的局限和风险等。除电子商务领域的基本学问外,学生将接触电子商务领域一些好用性强、具有创新性和前瞻性的观点,并有机会策划创建自己的电子商务网站。本课程是一门面对本科英语专业三四年级学生的选修课,每次讲授一个学期,每周 2 学时,共 32 学时,学生依据爱好和时间支配自由选择参与。授课方式以老师讲解为主,学生主题发言、学生探讨和练习为辅。课堂教学采纳中国高等教化出版社和美国 Pearson Education 出版集团出版的电子商务。由于时间有限,
3、部分章节的内容可依据详细状况合并或省略。 With the phenomenal growth of Internet over the last decade, having an online presence has become a primary concern of today’s business management that endeavors to reach out to its customers, collaborate with its partners and support its employees in most efficient fashio
4、n. Introduction to Electronic Commerce serves as an introductory course that aims to provide those who are interested in online business with a broad overview and an insightful exploration of the roles of E-business in a modern corporation from different perspectives. The purpose of this course is t
5、o describe what EC is; how it is being conducted and managed; and its major opportunities, limitations, issues, and the risks. Apart from being introduced the fundamental EC notions and applications, students will be exposed to innovative and practical E-commerce ideas and allowed chances to design
6、their own E-commerce solution through in-class and out-of-class activities, plus a basic set of hands-on skills in developing a pilot E-commerce website.In addition, this course will be using many examples, past and up-to-date, to introduce the development of EC in China, especially the science and
7、technology development such as AI, quantum computing, etc. that have enabled EC popularity, to raise Ss’ awareness of both technological and business innovation in the Information Age and China’s contribution in this regard; to build Ss’ confidence and pride in themselves as well a
8、s in the nation; and to encourage Ss to think critically not only in matters of electronic business, but also in how life and society has been affected by the introduction of the latest technology developments, e.g., information cocoon and populism rekindled by social media, etc.This course is a sel
9、ective course for third-year and fourth-year students at the School of Foreign Languages. It lasts one semester, or 32 academic hours in all. The teaching process consists of instructor’s lectures, thematic speech by students, discussion among students and in-class and out-of-class online prac
10、tice. Textbook assigned for this course is Electronic Commerce by Efraim Turban, published by the Higher Education Press of China and the Pearson Education Group of the US.三、课程性质与教学目的 电子商务(英)属于商务英语专业学生的后期教学,是对学生商务学问的必要扩充。本课程重视理论,更强调实践,涉及面广,能为学生供应深化探讨的机会,拓展他们的学问面,提高他们对现代商业发展趋势的深化了解,并将进一步培育他们应对现代商业发展的
11、实力。本课程的目的是:通过老师的精讲和学生的多练,通过课堂探讨和各种形式的课堂内外的实践,培育和发展学生的网络商务学问和技能,以拓展学生的爱好,增加他们的实力,提高他们的综合文化素养。四、教学内容及要求第一章 Foundations of Electronic Commerce (一)目的与要求 Upon completion of this chapter, the students will be able to: 1. Define electronic commerce (EC) and describe its various categories; 2. Distinguish b
12、etween electronic markets and inter-organizational systems;3. Describe the benefits of EC to organizations, consumers, and society;4. Describe the limitations of EC; 5. Describe and discuss the framework of EC and its major components; 6. Understand the forces that drive the widespread use of EC; 7.
13、 Describe and discuss the changes that will be caused by EC; 8. Discuss some major managerial issues regarding EC.(二)教学内容 1. 主要内容 1) Some foundational information about electronic commerce; 2) Some EC-related, introductory managerial issues.2. 基本概念和学问点 1) Definitions and content of Electronic Commer
14、ce a. Definitions b. The EC field c. Electronic markets d. Inter-organizational information systems and electronic markets e. Classification of the EC field by the nature of the transactions f. The electronic marketing process g. A brief history of EC h. Interdisciplinary nature of EC i. The future
15、of EC 2) Benefits and limitations of Electronic Commerce 3) The driving forces of Electronic Commerce a. Business pressures b. Business Process Engineering 4) Impact of Electronic Commerce a. Improving direct marketing b. Other marketing-related impacts c. Transforming organizations d. Redefining or
16、ganizations e. Impacts on manufacturing f. Impact on finance and accounting g. Human resources management, training and education 3. 问题与应用(实力要求)Discuss some of the introductory, EC-related managerial issues to get a better picture of how EC helps with the management in an organization.(三)课后练习 1. Que
17、stions for Review 2. Questions for Discussion 3. Internet Exercises (四)教学方法与手段 课堂上以老师的精讲为主,以学生的主题发言、课堂探讨和实际操 练为辅,课外布置学生完成相关练习。其次章Retailing in Electronic Commerce (一)目的与要求 Upon completion of this chapter, the students will be able to:1. Define the factors that determine the business models of electro
18、nic marketing; 2. Identify the critical success factors of direct marketing; 3. Design the desirable relationship within the direct marketing setting; 4. Analyze the critical success factors of electronic brokers; 5. Identify the typical products that sell well in the electronic market; 6. Observe t
19、he reactive strategy of traditional department stores; 7. Discuss whether EC should always target the global market; 8. Identify the consumer’s shopping procedure on the Internet; 9. Discuss the types of comparison-shopping aids; 10. Describe the impact of EC on disintermediation and reinterme
20、diation in retailing.(二)教学内容 1. 主要内容 1) Some foundational information about business-to-consumer electronic commerce; 2) Some B2C EC-related, introductory managerial issues. 2. 基本概念和学问点 1) Overview of electronic marketing structure 2) Forecast of the B2C electronic markets 3) Business models of elec
21、tronic marketing a. Direct marketing vs. indirect marketing b. Full cybermarketing vs. partial cybermarketing c. Electronic distributor vs. electronic broker d. Electronic store vs. electronic shopping mall e. Generalized e-malls/stores vs. specialized e-malls/stores f. Proactive vs. reactive strate
22、gic posture toward cybermarketing g. Global vs. regional marketing h. Sales vs. customer service 4) Direct Marketing a. Proactive and full direct marketing b. Reactive and partial direct marketing 5) Online customer service 6) Electronic intermediaries a. Generalized e-brokers b. Specialized electro
23、nic distributors 7) Reactive electronic department stores 8) Regional shopping service 9) Procedure for Internet shopping: the consumer’s perspective10) Aiding comparison shopping a. Search of hypertext files by agents b. Search in a Web-based database: human and software agents sharing inform
24、ation c. Comparable item retrieval and tabular comparison d. Comparison of multiple items from multiple malls e. Comparison as a multiple-criteria decision making 11) The impact of EC on traditional retailing systems a. Disintermediation and reintermediation b. Impact on manufacturer’s distrib
25、ution strategy 3. 问题与应用(实力要求)Discuss some of the B2C EC-related managerial issues to get a better picture of how EC helps with the management in an organization.(三)课后练习 1. Questions for Review 2. Questions for Discussion 3. Internet Exercises (四)教学方法与手段 课堂上以老师的精讲为主,以学生的主题发言、课堂探讨和实际操练为辅,课外布置学生完成相关练习。
26、第三章Internet Consumers and Market Research (一)目的与要求 Upon completion of this chapter, the students will be able to: 1. Describe the essentials of consumer behavior; 1. Describe the characteristics of Internet surfers and EC purchasers; 2. Understand the process of consumer purchasing decision making;
27、3. Describe the way companies are building relationships with customers; 4. Explain the implementation of customer service; 5. Describe consumer market research in EC; 6. Understand the role of intelligent agents in consumer applications; 7. Describe the organizational buyer behavior model.(二)教学内容 2
28、. 主要内容 1) Some marketing-related information about Internet consumers, their characteristics and decision making process; 2) How do companies target Internet consumers and implement customer service; 3) Organizational buyer behavior model.3. 基本概念和学问点 1) Building customer relationships 2) The consume
29、r behavior model a. Consumer behavior b. Direct sales, intermediaries, and customer relations 3) Personal characteristics and the demographics of Internet surfers a. Environmental variables b. Personal characteristics and individual differences c. Consumer buying patterns 4) Consumer purchasing deci
30、sion making a. The purchasing decision-making model b. The customer decision model in Web purchasing c. A model of Internet consumer satisfaction 5) One-to-one and relationship marketing a. One-to-one marketing b. Issues in EC-based one-to-one marketing 6) Delivering customer service in cyberspace a
31、. Product life cycle and customer service b. Types of customer service functions and tools c. Some tools of customer service d. Examples of superb customer service 7) Market research for EC a. Market segmentation b. Online market research c. Online market research methods 8) Intelligent agents for consumers a. Intelligent agent .