1、20XX20XX 三年四级翻译真题及答案汇编三年四级翻译真题及答案汇编20XX-20XX 三年 四级翻译真题及答案汇编 8 20XX年 年 2 12 月1.过去几年里,移动支付市场在 ZG 蓬勃进展。随着移动互联 XX 得出现,XX 购物渐渐成为一种趋势。18 到 30 岁的年轻人构成了移动支付市场的最大群体。由于如今用 XX 付款极简单,很多消费者在购物时 XX 愿用 XX 付款,而不愿用现金或信誉卡。为了鼓舞人们多消费,很多商店给使用移动支付的顾客打折。专家预报,ZG 移动支付市场将来仍有很大进展潜力。参考答案】The pst few yers hs witnessed the rpid
2、development ofChins mobilepyment mrket,The ppernceof mobileinternet hs turned shopping on phones intotrend,Theyoung men between 18 nd 30 re the lrgest consumergroup on this mrket,Considering the extreme convenienceof the mobile pyment,mny consumers re willing to usephones,rther thn csh or credit crd
3、s,for the pyment.Toencourgepeoplesconsumption,mnyshopsofferdiscounts to the customers who use mobile pyment,It ispredicted by experts tht there exists gret potentil forChins mobile pyment mrket.翻译讲解】1、过去几年里 In the pst few yers12、移动支付市场 the mobile pyment mrket 3、蓬勃进展flourish,prosper,boom,develop(rpid
4、ly 进行修饰)4、构成 constitute/mke up 或者用re替换 5、群体可以用部分prt 进行替换 拓展词汇】witness英?w?tn?s美?w?tn?sn.目击者;见证人;证人;证据;证言 v.目击;留意到;为.作证;证明 It ws the quickest swimming lesson Id everwitnessed.这是我所见过的最速成的游泳课。consumption英 k?n?s?mp?n美 k?n?s?mp?nn.消费;消耗;肺病 The production nd consumption ofgoods nd services is the ultimte i
5、m of ll economicendevour.商品和服务的生产与消费是全部经济活动的终极目标。2.由于通信 XX 络的快速进展,ZG 智能 XX 用户数量近年来以惊人度增长。这极大地转变了很多人的阅读方式。他们如今常常智能 XX 上看新闻和文章,而不买传统报刊。大量移动应用程序的开发使人们能用 XX 读小说和其他形式的文学作品。因1此,纸质书籍的销售受到了影响。但调查显示,尽管能XX 阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年人仍喜爱读纸质书。参考翻译】Duetotherpiddevelopmentofcommunictionnetwork,the number of Chinese smrtphone
6、 users hsincresed t n mzing speed in recent yers,which hs drmticllychnged numerous peoples wy of reding.Nowdys,theylwys red news nd rticles through smrtphones insted ofbuying trditionl newsppers.The development oflrgenumber of mobile pplictions enbles people to red novelsndotherformsof literryworksw
7、iththeirphones.Therefore,the sle of pper works hs been ffected.But thesurvey revels tht lthough the smrtphone reding mrket isgrowing stedily,more thn hlf of the grown-ups still enjoyreding printing books.翻译讲解】1、因为、由于 becuse of/due to 2、通信 XX 络的快速进展 rpid development of communiction networks(rpid 快速的)
8、3、.的数量 the number of.4、增长 grow/increse5、阅读方式 reding wy 6、超半数 more thn hlf of 拓展词汇】drmticlly1英 dr?mt?k?l?美 dr?mt?k?l?dv.戏剧性地,引人注目地The climte ws chngingdrmticlly.气候正在剧烈改变。numerous英?nju?m?r?s美?num?r?sdj.众多的;很多的;数不清的 Despite numerous ttempts,I hve been unble to findjob.尽管尝试了许多次,我还是未能找到工作。stedily英 sted?l
9、i美 sted?lidv.稳定地,稳固地;逐步地He could her Rudolphbrething stedily.他可以听到 XX 道夫匀称的呼吸声。3.越来越多的ZG人如今确实离不开XX了。他们中的很多人,包括老年人,都使用XX 应用程序保持联系并拓宽伴侣圈。他们也用 XX 购物,查找信息,因为 XX 便于携带。此外,使用XX 应用程序通信比传统 XX 廉价。然而,这种新趋势导致人们在社交时过度依靠 XX。事实上,一些年轻人已经变得十分上1瘾,以至于忽视了与家人和伴侣面对面的沟通。参考翻译】Tody,morendmorechinesecntlivewithoutphones,mny
10、of them,the old included,keep in touch ndexpnd their circle of friends by mobile pps.They lso usephones for shopping nd serching informtion due to theirportbility,besides,the communiction by mobile pps ischeper thn tht by trditionl phones,however,the new trendlso leds to the overdependence on phones
11、,sresult ofwhich some youngsters hve become so ddicted tht theyignore thefce-to-fcecommunictionwiththeirfmilymembers nd friends.翻译讲解】1、离不开=不能分开,分别,cnt seprte from/cnt livewithout 2、越来越多的 More nd more/n incresing numberof 3、XX 应用程序mobile pps/pplictions 4、保持联系sty/keep in touch 5、拓宽伴侣圈broden their circ
12、le offriends 拓展词汇】portbility英?p?t?b?l?t?美n.可携带性,轻便 When it cme to choosing photogrphicequipment portbility ws s importnt s relibility.1说到选择摄影设备,便携性与可靠性同样重要。9 20XX 年 年 2 12 月1.ZG 的家庭观念与其文化传统有关。和谐的大家庭曾特别令人美慕。过去四代同堂并不少见。由于这个传统,很多年轻人婚后继续与父母同住。今日,这个传统正在转变。随着住房条件的改善,越来越多年轻夫妇选择与父母分开住。但他们之间的联系照旧很紧密。很多老年人仍旧帮
13、着照看孙辈。年轻夫妇也抽时间探望父母,特别是在春节和中秋节等重要节日。参考翻译】The concept of fmily in Chin is relted to its culturltrditions.The lrge nd hrmonious fmilies were once veryenvible.The four genertion fmily used to be very common,in the pst.sresult of this trdition,mny young peoplecontinue to live with their prents fter mrrig
14、e.Tody,thetrdition is chnging.With the improvement of housingconditions,n incresing number of young couples chooseto live prt from their prents.But the connection betweenthem remins strong.nd mny old people still hve tolook fter their grndchildren.Young couples lso get roundto visit their prents,esp
15、ecilly during the holidys,such s thespring festivl nd Mid-utumn Festivl.翻译讲解】1、与.相关可用 relted to 2、和谐的大家庭:The lrge nd1hrmonious fmilies;令人美慕:envible 3、抽时间探望父母:get round to visit their prents.拓展词汇】hrmonious英 h?m?n?s美 hr?mo?ni?sdj.和谐的;协调的 The different prts of the grden fittogether inhrmonious wy.这座花园各
16、个部分协调地融为一体。envible英?env?b?l美?nvi?b?ldj.令人艳羡的,可艳羡的 They hve envible reputtions sthletes.他们作为运动员有着令人艳羡的声誉。2.ZG 家庭十分重视孩子的教育。很多父母认为应当努力工作,确保孩子受到良好的教育。他们不仅特别情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花许多时间督促他们学习。多数家长盼望孩子能上名牌大学。由于改革开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参与国际沟通项目,让其拓宽视野。通过这些努力,他们期望孩子健康成长,为 GJ 的进展和繁华做出奉献。参考翻译】Fmilies in Chin ttch gret imp
17、ortnce to the eduction of1their children.My prents think tht they should work hrd toensure their children will getgood eduction.They rewilling to spend not onlylot of money on their childrenseduction,but lso plenty of time pushing them to lern.Most of the prents hope their children cn ttendfmousuniv
18、ersity.Due to Chins reform nd opening-up,more ndmore prents re now ble to send their children to studybrod or to prticipte in interntionl exchnge progrms so thtthey cn broden their horizons.Through these efforts,theyexpect their children to grow up helthy nd sound nd tomke their own contribution to
19、the countrys developmentnd prosperity.翻译讲解】1、名牌大学;fmous/renowned/reputble universities2、改革开放;(Chins)reform nd opening up 3、国际沟通项目;interntionl exchnge progrms 拓展词汇】ensure英?n?美?n?rv.保证,确保;保证获得They sid the moves werenecessry to ensure pece nd stbility in the region.他们说这些行动是保证该地区的和平与稳定所必需的。prticipte1英 p
20、?t?s?pe?t美 pr?t?s?pe?tv.参加,参与;共享 Inmodern democrcy,people wntto be invited to prticipte more.在现代民主中,人们盼望能受邀参加更多的事务。broden英?br?d?n美?br?d?nv.使 扩大,变阔,变宽,加宽 We must broden our ppel.我们必需吸引更多人。horizon英 h?r?zn美 h?r?z?nn.地平线;范围,眼界 The sun hd lredy sunk below thehorizon.太阳已经落到地平线以下了。prosperity英 pr?sp?r?t?美 p
21、rs?p?r?tin.兴盛,繁华,兴盛,胜利 3.ZG 汉族人的全名由姓和名组成。中文姓名的特点是,姓总是在前,名跟在其后。千百年来,父姓始终世代相传。然而,如今,孩子跟母亲姓并不罕见。一般1来说,名有一个或两个汉字,通常承载父母对孩子的愿望。从孩子的名字可以推断出父母盼望孩子成为什么样的人,或者期望他们过什么样的生活。父母特别重视给孩子取名,因为名字往往会伴随孩子一生。参考翻译】The full nme ofHn Chinese consists offmily nme ndgiven nme.distinctive feture of the Chinese nme is thtthe f
22、mily nme lwys comes first,followed by the given nme.For thousnds of yers,Chinese fmily nmes hve been psseddown through the fther.Nowdys,however,it is notuncommon forchild to dopt the mothers fmily nme.Generlly,given nme is mde up of one or two chrcters,usully crrying the prents wishes for their chil
23、d.It cn beinferred from the nme wht kind of person the prentswnt their child to be,or wht kind of life they expect himor her to led.Chinese prents ttch gret importnce to thechoice of their childs nme,s the nme tends to ccompnythe child for his or her entire life.翻译讲解】1、consist of 包含同义表达有be mde up of
24、、becomposed of、be comprised of 等等,可以多尝试高级词汇。2、quot;followed by the given nmequot;这里是过去分词作后置定语,用以修饰,补充说明,也可以用 which or tht 引1导的英语从句表达。3、quot;usully crrying the prents wishes for theirchildquot;是现代分词做后置定语,在区分是用现代分词还是过去分词时,可以通过动作与主语的主被动关系来推断。4、quot;s the nme tends to quot;这是 s 引导的状语从句,s 表示因为、由于,引导缘由状语从句,其语气不如 becuse强,通常为附加说明的理由,且是已知晓的缘由,主句与从句没有规律上的因果关系。例如:s she ws not well,I went there lone.因为她身体不好,所以我单独到那里去了。s he istilor,he knows wht to do with this mteril.由于他是个裁缝,他知道怎样利用这块布料。5、quot;ccompny the child for his or her entire lifequot;伴随孩子一生,在英文表达中,伴随的宾语是孩子,而不是一生,与中文的表达存在差异,翻译时应当留意。拓展词汇】1 1、fet.1