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1、20212021 年英语专四真题及答案年英语专四真题及答案LtLtD D20212021 年英语专业四级真题及答案年英语专业四级真题及答案III.III.语言知识:语言知识:11.11._B_B_combinationcombinationofoftechniquestechniquesauthorsauthorsuse,use,allallstories-fromstories-fromthethebriefestbriefestanecdotes to the longest novels-have a plot.anecdotes to the longest novels-have a

2、 plot.A.RegardingA.RegardingB.Whatever.B.Whatever.C.In so farC.In so farasasD.No matterD.No matter12.12.SheShefollowedfollowedthethereceptionistreceptionistdowndowna aluxuriousluxuriouscorridorcorridortotoa aclosedcloseddoor,door,_B_B_ thethe womenwomen gavegave a a quickquick knockknockbefore openi

3、ng it.before opening it.A.A.whereinwhereinB.B.onon whichwhichC.C.butbut whenwhenD.thenD.then13.13.MsMs EnnabEnnab is is oneone ofof thethe firstfirst PalestinianPalestinian_C_C_experience.experience.A.A.womanwoman driversdriversB.B.womenwomen driverdriverC.C.women driverswomen driversD.woman driverD

4、.woman driver14.14.“I I wonderedwondered if if I I couldcould havehave a a wordword withwithyou.you.The past tense in the sentence refers to aThe past tense in the sentence refers to a_B_._B_.withwithsevensevenyearsyears racingracingA.A.pastpast eventevent forfor exactexact timetime referencereferen

5、ceB.B.present event for tentativenesspresent event for tentativenessC.C.presentpresent eventevent forfor uncertaintyuncertaintyD.D.past event for politenesspast event for politeness15.15.“If I were you,I wouldnIf I were you,I wouldn t wait to propose tot wait to propose toher.her.TheThe subjunctives

6、ubjunctive moodmood in the sentence isin the sentence isused to _D_.used to _D_.A.A.alleviatealleviate hostilityhostilityB.B.expressexpressunfavorable feelingsunfavorable feelingsC.C.indicateindicate uncertaintyuncertaintyD.D.makemake a asuggestionsuggestion16.16.“It It s s a a shameshame thatthat t

7、hethe citycity officialofficial shouldshouldhavehave gonegone backback onon hishis word.word.TheThe modalmodalauxiliary SHOULD express _B_.auxiliary SHOULD express _B_.A A obligationobligationB BdisappointmentdisappointmentC Cfuture in the pastfuture in the pastD.tentativenessD.tentativeness17.Timot

8、hy Ray Brown,the first man cured of17.Timothy Ray Brown,the first man cured ofHIVHIV,initiallyinitiallyoptedoptedagainstagainstthethestemstemcellcelltransplantation that _D_ history.transplantation that _D_ history.A.A.couldcould havehave laterlater mademadeB.B.shouldshould havehavemade latermade la

9、terC.might make laterC.might make laterD.would later makeD.would later make18.18.SomeSomeMartianMartianrockrockstructuresstructureslooklookstrikinglystrikingly likelike structuresstructures onon EarthEarth thatthat areareknown _C_by microbes.known _C_by microbes.A.A.havinghaving beenbeen createdcrea

10、tedB.B.beingbeing createdcreatedC.C.to have been createdto have been createdD.to be createdD.to be created19.At that moment,with the crowd watching me,19.At that moment,with the crowd watching me,I was not afraid in the ordinary sense,as _I was not afraid in the ordinary sense,as _if I _A_alone.if I

11、 _A_alone.A.would have beenA.would have been had beenhad beenB.shouldB.shouldbebe had been had beenC.C.couldcould bebe werewereD.D.mightmighthave beenhave been were were20.You must fire _C_ incompetent assistant20.You must fire _C_ incompetent assistantof yoursof yoursA.A.thetheB.B.ananC.C.thatthatD

12、.D.whicheverwhichever21.Some narratives seem more like plays,heavy21.Some narratives seem more like plays,heavywithwith dialoguedialogue byby whichwhich writerswriters allowallow theirtheir_A_to reveal themselves._A_to reveal themselves.A.A.characterscharactersB.B.characteristicscharacteristicsC.C.c

13、harismacharismaD characterizationsD characterizations22.22.If If you intend toyou intend to melt themelt the snow for drinkingsnow for drinkingwater,water,youyou cancan _D_D_ extraextra puritypurity bybyrunning it through a coffee filter.running it through a coffee filter.A.A.assureassureB.B.insurei

14、nsureC.C.reassurereassureD.D.ensureensure23.23.TheThe daisy-likedaisy-like flowersflowers ofof chamomilechamomile havehavebeen used for centuries to _B_anxiety andbeen used for centuries to _B_anxiety andinsomnia.insomnia.A.A.declinedeclineB.B.relieverelieveC C quenchquenchD Dsuppresssuppress24.Desp

15、ite concern about the disappearance of24.Despite concern about the disappearance ofthethe albumalbum inin popularpopular music,music,20212021 delivereddelivered a agreat crop of album _C_.great crop of album _C_.A.A.publicationspublicationsB B appearancesappearancesC.C.releasesreleasesD.presentation

16、sD.presentations25.25.TheThe partyparty s s reducedreduced votevote inin thethe generalgeneralelection waselection was_C_of lack of support for_C_of lack of support forits policies.its policies.A.A.revealingrevealingB.B.confirmingconfirmingC.C.indicativeindicativeD.evidentD.evident26.He closed his e

17、yes and held the two versions26.He closed his eyes and held the two versionsof La Mappa to his mindof La Mappa to his mind s _B_ to analyzes _B_ to analyzetheir differences.their differences.A.visionA.visionB eyeB eyeC.viewC.viewD.sightD.sight27.27.TwelveTwelvepupilspupilswerewerekilledkilledandandf

18、ivefive_A_injured_A_injured afterafter gunmengunmen attackedattacked thetheschool during lunchtime.school during lunchtime.A.A.criticallycriticallyB.B.enormouslyenormouslyC.C.greatlygreatlyD.hardD.hard28.28.A A15-year-old15-year-oldgirlgirlhashasbeenbeenarrestedarrested_C_C_ accusationsaccusations o

19、fof usingusing InstagramInstagram totoanonymously threaten her high-school.anonymously threaten her high-school.A.overA.overB.withB.withC.onC.onD.forD.for29.It was reported that a 73-year-old man died29.It was reported that a 73-year-old man diedon an Etihad flight _D_to Germany fromon an Etihad fli

20、ght _D_to Germany fromAbu Dhabi.Abu Dhabi.A.boundedA.boundedB.bindedB.bindedC.boundaryC.boundaryD.D.boundbound30.30.It It s s _B_B_ thethe casecase inin thethe region;region;a astory always sounds clear enough at a distanced,story always sounds clear enough at a distanced,but the nearer you get to t

21、he scene of events thebut the nearer you get to the scene of events thevaguer it becomes.vaguer it becomes.A.A.unchangeablyunchangeablyB.B.invariablyinvariablyC.C.unalterablyunalterablyD.immovablyD.immovablyIVIV.完形填空:完形填空:A.A.alwaysalwaysB.B.barelybarelyC.C.demisedemiseD.D.emergenceemergenceE.gained

22、E.gainedF.implicationsF.implicationsG.leafG.leafH.H.lostlostI.I.naturallynaturallyJ.J.objectobjectK.K.oneoneL.L.onlineonlineM.risingM.risingN.singleN.singleO.valueO.valueMILLIONSMILLIONSofofpeoplepeoplenownowrentrenttheirtheirmovies the Netflix way.They fill out a wish listmovies the Netflix way.The

23、y fill out a wish listfrom the 50,000 titles on the companys Web sitefrom the 50,000 titles on the companys Web siteandand receivereceive thethe firstfirst fewfew DVDsDVDs inin thethe mail;mail;when they mail each one back,the next one onwhen they mail each one back,the next one onthethe listlist is

24、 is sent.sent.TheThe NetflixNetflix modelmodel hashas beenbeenexhaustivelyexhaustivelyanalyzedanalyzedforforitsitsdisruptive,disruptive,new-economynew-economy3131implications.implications.WhatWhat willwill it itmeanmean forfor videovideo storesstores likelike Blockbuster,Blockbuster,whichwhichhas,in

25、 fact,started a similar service?What willhas,in fact,started a similar service?What willit it meanmean forfor moviemovie studiosstudios andand theaters?theaters?WhatWhatdoes it show about long tail businesses-onesdoes it show about long tail businesses-onesthat combine many niche markets,like those

26、forthat combine many niche markets,like those forDutchDutchmoviesmoviesororclassicclassicmusicals,musicals,intointoa a(32)single(32)single largelarge audience?audience?ButBut oneone otherother majormajorimplicationimplicationhashas(33)barely(33)barelybeenbeenmentioned:mentioned:what this and similar

27、 Internet-based businesseswhat this and similar Internet-based businessesmeanmean forfor thatthat stalwartstalwart ofof thethe oldold economy,economy,thetheUnited States Postal Service.United States Postal Service.EveryEveryday,day,somesometwotwomillionmillionNetflixNetflixenvelopes come and go as f

28、irst-class mail.Theyenvelopes come and go as first-class mail.Theyareare joinedjoined byby millionsmillions ofof otherother shipmentsshipments fromfrom3434 onlineonline pharmacies,eBay vendors,Amazonpharmacies,eBay vendors,Amazonandand otherother businessesbusinesses thatthat diddid notnot existexis

29、t beforebeforethe Internet.the Internet.TheThe 3535 demisedemise of snail mail in the age ofof snail mail in the age ofinstantinstantelectronicelectroniccommunicationcommunicationhashasbeenbeenpredictedpredicted atat least asleast as oftenoften asas thethe comingcoming ofof thethepaperlesspaperless

30、office.office.ButBut thethe consumptionconsumption ofof paperpaperkeepskeeps 3636 risingrising.It has roughly doubled since.It has roughly doubled since1980.1980.OnOn average,average,anan AmericanAmerican householdhouseholdreceives twice as many pieces of mail a day as itreceives twice as many piece

31、s of mail a day as itdid in the 1970s.did in the 1970s.The harmful side of the Internets impact isThe harmful side of the Internets impact isobviousobvious butbut statisticallystatistically lessless importantimportant thanthanmany would guess.Peoplemany would guess.People(37)naturally(37)naturally w

32、ritewritefewerfewerlettersletterswhenwhentheytheycancansendsende-maile-mailmessages.messages.ToTo(38)(38)leafleaf throughthrough a a boxbox ofof oldoldpaper correspondence is to know what has beenpaper correspondence is to know what has been_(39)_(39)lostlost i in n thisthis shift:shift:thethe prett

33、ypretty stamps,stamps,thethevarying look and feel of handwritten and typedvarying look and feel of handwritten and typedcorrespondence,correspondence,thethe tangibletangible(40)(40)objectobject thatthatwas once in the senders hands.was once in the senders hands.V V.Reading comprehension.Reading comp

34、rehensionSection ASection APassage onePassage one1 1When I was a young girl living in Ireland,When I was a young girl living in Ireland,I I waswas alwaysalways pleasedpleased whenwhen it it rained,rained,becausebecausethat meant I could go treasure hunting.that meant I could go treasure hunting.What

35、sWhatsthe connection between a wet day and a searchthe connection between a wet day and a searchforfor buriedburied treasure?treasure?Well,Well,itits s quitequite simple.simple.Ireland,as some of you may already know,is theIreland,as some of you may already know,is thehomehome ofof LeprechaunsLeprec

36、hauns littlelittle menmen whowho possesspossessmagicmagic powerspowers and,and,perhapsperhaps moremore interestingly,interestingly,pots of gold.pots of gold.2 2 Now,Now,althoughalthoughLeprechaunsLeprechaunsareareinteresting characters,I have to admit that I wasinteresting characters,I have to admit

37、 that I wasmoremore intriguedintrigued byby thethe storiesstories ofof theirtheir treasuretreasurehoard.hoard.ThisThis,as all of Ireland knows,they hide at,as all of Ireland knows,they hide atthethe endend ofof thethe rainbow.rainbow.LeprechaunsLeprechauns cancan bebefearsome folk but if you can dis

38、cover the end offearsome folk but if you can discover the end ofthe rainbow,they have to unwillingly surrenderthe rainbow,they have to unwillingly surrendertheir gold to you.So whenever it rained,I wouldtheir gold to you.So whenever it rained,I wouldlooklook upup inin thethe skysky andand followfoll

39、ow thethe curvecurve ofof thetherainbowrainbow toto seesee wherewhere it it ended.ended.I I nevernever diddidunearthunearth anyany treasure,treasure,butbut I I diddid spendspend manymanyhappy,happy,showeryshowery daysdays dreamingdreaming ofof whatwhat I I couldcoulddo with the fortune if I found it

40、.do with the fortune if I found it.3 3As I got older,and started working,rainyAs I got older,and started working,rainydaysdays camecame toto bebe justjust anotheranother nuisancenuisance andand mymychildhood dreams of finding treasure faded.Butchildhood dreams of finding treasure faded.Butforfor som

41、esome peoplepeople thethe dreamdream ofof strikingstriking it it luckyluckynever fades,and for a fortunate few,the dreamnever fades,and for a fortunate few,the dreameven comes true!Such is the case of Mel Fisher.even comes true!Such is the case of Mel Fisher.HisHis dreamdream ofof findingfinding tre

42、asuretreasure alsoalso beganbegan ininchildhood,childhood,whilewhile readingreading thethe greatgreat literatureliteratureclassics“Treasure Islandclassics“Treasure Island and“Moby Dickand“Moby Dick.However,However,unlikeunlike myself,myself,hehe chasedchased hishis dreamdreamandand inin thethe enden

43、d managedmanaged toto becomebecome oneone ofof thethemost famous professional treasure hunters of allmost famous professional treasure hunters of alltime,and for good reason.In 1985,he fished uptime,and for good reason.In 1985,he fished upthethe pricelesspriceless cargocargo ofof thethe sunkensunken

44、 SpanishSpanish shipshipAtocha,Atocha,whichwhich nettednetted himhim anan incredibleincredible$400$400million dollars!million dollars!4 4After the ship sank in 1622 off the coast ofAfter the ship sank in 1622 off the coast ofFlorida,Florida,itsits murkymurky waterswaters becamebecame a a treasuretre

45、asuretrovetrove ofof preciousprecious stones,stones,goldgold barsbars andand silversilvercoinscoinsknownknownasas“pieces“piecesofofeighteight .TheTheaptly-namedaptly-named Fisher,Fisher,whowho ranran a a commercialcommercialsalvagingsalvaging operation,operation,hadhad beenbeen tryingtrying toto loc

46、atelocatethe underwater treasure for over 16 years whenthe underwater treasure for over 16 years whenhe finallyhe finally hit the jackpot!hit the jackpot!His dreams had comeHis dreams had cometrue but finding and keeping the treasure wasnttrue but finding and keeping the treasure wasntallall plainpl

47、ain sailing.sailing.AfterAfter battlingbattling withwith hostilehostileconditions at sea,Fisher then had to battle in theconditions at sea,Fisher then had to battle in thecourts.courts.InIn fact,thefact,the State ofState of FloridaFlorida tooktook FisherFishertoto courtcourt overover ownershipowners

48、hip ofof thethe findfind andand thetheFederalFederal governmentgovernment soonsoon followedfollowed suit.suit.AfterAftermore than 200 hearings,Fisher agreed to donatemore than 200 hearings,Fisher agreed to donate20%20%ofof hishis yearlyyearly findingsfindings forfor publicpublic display,display,and

49、so now there is a museum in Florida whichand so now there is a museum in Florida whichdisplaysdisplays hundredshundreds ofof thethe objectsobjects whichwhich wereweresalvaged from the Atocha.salvaged from the Atocha.5 5This true story seems like a modern-dayThis true story seems like a modern-dayfai

50、rytale:fairytale:a a manman pursuespursues hishis dreamdream throughthroughadversityadversity andand inin thethe end,end,hehe triumphstriumphs overover thethedifficulties-they all live happily ever after,right?difficulties-they all live happily ever after,right?Well,Well,notnot exactly.exactly.Archa


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