1、E U memberstatest o work togetherINTRODUCTEurope, with i t s fondness f o r multilaterali globalevents. Thegrowingbrutality o fi n tUnion,which couldbecomeincreasinglyu nneighbourhood. Indeed, that process has a I and Libya; divided over t h e eastern M e d i t e Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; and appre
2、hensiB u t t h e bloc i s trying t o adapt. I n recent ) resilience agendat o a more ambitious f ovon d e rLeyen, E Uforeignpolicy chiefJoshard t o create a n E U that i smore a m b i t i o upowers.They callf o r thisi n differentwaygeopolitical Europe. Borrell calls o n t h e b EmmanuelMacronadvoca
3、tes f o ra more s t r asought t o bolster Europe s foreign policy a needs t oadopt amore assertive posture i nThe next challenge f o r t h e E U i s t o become adoptingpoliciesthat meett h eneed f o rmbased o nstronger alliances.The E Uwilln should reinvigorate i t s close security link other democr
4、acies, such a s Japan, A u s t r a I iB u t t h e E U should also start investing i n a alliances, new ones a r e also necessary. T h even military partnerships with a f e w s e I e c t h e Mediterranean region, eastern Europe,This paper arguesThis paper arguest h e E U should launch a st h e E U s
5、id seek t oThrough such security c countries close t o t h e bEastern Partnership countries mostly a s a w missions. This i s despite the fact that East transitioning from Soviet-style defence o r g t h e Baltic countries, Sweden, and Finland hThe challenge posed b y Russia i s another s avoided sec
6、urity cooperation withEastern Istates t r y t o limit Eastern Partnership c o u n help ancehwi ebvael aanw: iet ho fR p s)viear. Withinthis balet hEe U an dwR)uidii)etter respect each other s gImproved relations with Russia are a worth: t h e falsepremise thatvarious balances o fassurances o f mutua
7、l respect, a s well a s g fantasy.Internationalbehaviour has rarelylast only when geopolitical rivals were w i 1 such arrangements.N o regional power and certainly n o t R u s s i respect t h e E U s security interests a n ds e n been reluctant t o engage i n security cooper 1 e d t o Russian self-r
8、estraint. Quite t h e con has avoided forceful action i n crises r a n g i accelerated i t s interventions there. This t o 2 0 0 8; t h e deployment o f specialists t o beef both i n Ukraine i n 2014. One could add s e v pattern. I n this, Moscow has been fairly c oFormore than adecade, t h e Westha
9、s beenresentful o f Western behaviour. During the Obama, t he West hassteadilyreduceditsmbecomingless pronet o lectureothersonI hhasn o t produced a correspondingimprovemesupposedt o b e mostirritatedb y suchbeha vthey have becomemore assertivei n p u r s u i nmeans, includingmilitary fore e t. a iT
10、 gh ee t eEd U h aassassinationsattacks, andattacks, andhostilei n f ao sr sme ar tt ii cv neThis suggests that, instead o f being r e s p e c are becoming their victims. A softer, m e e k e with Russia o r stabilise the region.The main lesson o f recent decades i s that t indispensable. Accordingly
11、, i n eastern Euro automatically lead t o a n improvement i n r e 1 should strengthen eastern European states domains, b u t also i n such areas a s security following methods.THE EASTERN P A R T N EThe E U should launch a n Eastern Partnershi similarly structuredinitiativeswith key pi.align the E U
12、 s fundsand institutions withe c u r i t ycooperationi neastern Europe. I tperhaps, a EuropeanCommissiontask forceThe effort could b efunded b y amixture o fcontributions from member states. The a i m h e E U s neighbourhood through t h e use o f focus o n the areas detailed below.Intelligenc:e Icno
13、toepl d r g fe in oc neagencies arethe fintelligence services arealso tools o f p o 1 icorrupt actors. Andtheylack certaincapacsignals intelligence. TheE U can provide c athreats, technical support (particularly o n i n return for deep reformt o these servicesreduction i n competences and procedures
14、 t h provisions t o curtail corruption.involveSuch capacity building wouldthrough both training i n the E U for those f t o local curriculums, education schemes, c a Ukraine, t h e E U A M proved invaluable i n 1 i a judging t h e progress (and, unfortunately, r experience, t h e E U could establish
15、 i n t e 1 1 i g advisable for the E U t o create a n Eastern N i n Brussels. The cell would coordinate a s s i exchanges o f intelligence. The E U could a 1 s intelligence partnerships with Ukraine, GeoThe E U should pay particular attention t o t crime, and subversive actions b y hostile i n U S i
16、 n adopting common and sc torui rr ttxsshrvit 41 F zcrime. The burgeoning s c a W d a b c aaar adfiionrdm 6 re 1 r ym a enterprise a小 h s gt 1 d dia yn db 山 iwifeigiurti nigrop e 1* h it g e n s e serve a s a warning signal i n this. I n a d d i t i needs t o strengthen cooperation between i n 1 say
17、, a s Eastern Partnership states are e q u a operations involving illicit financethe Ethese countries and work more closely withCyber s eA cl ul r E tays : t e r n Partnership countries f a recent years, they have re-established o r r incident response teams, cyber forensic c a f and intelligence ag
18、encies). B u t these i n s t i counter some o f t h e most skilled and a g g r e 5 Consequently, Eastern Partnership states h z for assistance i n cyber security, even for infrastructure. Clearly, there i s ample s c o security between t h e E U , i t s member states, cooperation could include mutua
19、l i n t e 1 1 i g e n securing government communications and c r i partners closer t o t h e E U standards o n the communications supplies for critical i n f r a sSoft security and: dMe i f 1 e i nt (a a* y c a e p fe s, ta at ri o e , t r a iparto f t h e effort(despitet h e fact thati s doing very
20、 little even i n the soft d i m e n s procedures, planning, doctrine, o r tactics, would g o a long way towards improving d e f e and educating future generations o f allies, cooperation, while Brussels could s i g n i f i c a neighbourhood funds t o t h e effort. This c o u officers from Eastern Pa
21、rtnership countries Partnership officers studies i n military a c providing experts t o revise military e d u c a t example, i f t h e E U funded 5 0 scholarships Moldova, this would gradually boost these ( t h e security sector. The E U could also e x p a beyond civilian crisis management training,
22、 nationa Id efence training.Eastern Partnership states and t h e E U have related t o soft scenarios such a s counter-t( Close t o the city o f Lviv, Ukrainian b a t t a 1 from t h e U S , Canada, and the U K (and, occz Ukrainians are highly appreciative o f t h e rr provide trainers o n their own o
23、 r deploy mar command post and staff exercises o n p o s s i b from E U member states and eastern n e i g h b o u streamline their contingency planning. This with sensitive developments i n Eastern Part received some attention from NATO and s e 1 e received little attention, despite having a n tests
24、 o f national security concepts and con training partners for Georgia a s i t stress-tHard s e c u r i t: y T ch oe o jE eU r as t hi oo un 1 d build o n U k r a i n Battlegroup t o engage other Eastern P a r t n e Ukrainian brigade could serve a s a model f ( with those o f E U member states. A s w
25、ell a sthese units could b e tightly linked t o t h e E operations. Joint US-Ukrainian exercises p r defence scenarios such a s those involving wider deterrence routine. Over t h e years, t sophistication, providing a n indicator o f t Similar exercises under the E U umbrella i raise the E U s polit
26、ical profile and s t r e n g tHardware c:o 6p o/eant itchm t several European arm and upgrading Soviet legacy equipment, t h e with local manufacturers i n Eastern Partner versions o f combat vehicles, artillery s y s t for local militaries. A s there i s a fairly 1 equipment, such projects may even
27、tually p a envisage a foreign military sales programm could acquire European military equipment conditioned o n the wider rule o f 1 a w and a c European influence far beyond t h e securityCooperation o:nMairlrhtsa ry) nctcr ob e r a t i o n should assist Eastern Partnership countries b y par arms c
28、ontrol treaties. Forexample, a s Russ under the Open Skies Treaty, Canadian a i r c could d o t h e same thing. And European sate where Moscow has banned i t , such a s CrimeaEUROPEThese recommendationsareboundprobthereshould b e n o furtherE U o r NATO e n 1 agreaterEuropeanstabilitya newo n neutra
29、lityandnon-alignmentfrom someHowever,one should n o tconflate security cThe best defence: Why t h e E U sEh&EiRd 3fto6r g e s e c u rl i 5t y c oengage i nsecuritycooperation withactivity t o t h e enlargement debate. The s a m cold war, European states that were not m e Switzerland and Sweden, had
30、a much closerdefenceindustrialmattersthan the contethis i sdespitet h e fact thatsomeEasternpolicy than areaccessioncandidates such aRegardlesst h e debatenew E u r o p e aroundtables and diplomatic notes o f protest operations, protect public institutions, and E U s neighbourhood are strong states
31、built institutions. Such institutions would d e f e nalso from hybrid threats and subversion. A nighbourhoodmore stableandmoreI f i t i s indeed ready t o become more g e o p o 1 being afraid o f i t s own shadow o n security made i t uncomfortable, t h e bloc will limit time for the E U t o start i
32、nvesting much moreasterneasternand southernneighbourhooABOUTG u s t a vi s G nessaior policy fellow with the W i o n Foreign Relations. H i s research focuses holds a PhD i n Strategic Studies a t the F a c Service, Budapest and a Master s Degree i n author o f numerous publications regarding commen
33、tator o n international affairs.Nicu P ios p ethceudirector o f t h e Wider Europe p Relations. H i s topics o f focus include E U s countries. I n 2019, Popescu served a s Minis Moldova. Previously, h e worked a s a senioradvisor o n foreign policy t o the prime mini from the Central European Unive
34、rsity i nB u andpost-Soviet conflicts: stealthi n t e r v e n 1E UForeign Policy (with B e n e d e t t aBerti a nABOUT E C F RThe European Councilo n Foreign Relations( E C F R ) i st hLaunched i n October 2 0 0 7, i t s objective i st o conduct racross Europe o n t h e development o f coherent, eff
35、ective E C F R has developeda strategy with three distinctive e I A pan-European Council. E C F R has brought together hundred Members politicians, decision makers, thin E Us member states and candidate countries whichThrough geographical and thematic task forces, m e m b and feedback o n policyidea
36、s and help withE C F R saTheCouncili s chairedb y Carl Bildt, L y k k eFriis, an A physical presence i nt h e mainE U memberstates.Ethink-tanks, has offices i n Berlin,London,Madrid, Foffices a r eplatforms f o r research, debate,advocacyDeveloping contagious ideas that g e t people talking, disting
37、uished researchers and practitioners from a I I research and policy development projects with a pan originalresearch; publishespolicyreports;hosts p rfriendso f E C F Rgatheringsi n E Ucapitals; and re aE C F R i sa registered charityfunded b yt h e OpenS o ci e tfoundations, individuals and corpora
38、te entities. These advocate f o r a values-basedE U foreign policy. EC F R w oandorganisations b u t does pv(W tw .me ac kf . g u a n ts t o in d i vi d u aTheEuropean Councilo n Foreign Relations does n o t t a kpublications of t h e European Council o n Foreign Re I a ti oauthors.Copyright o fthis
39、publication i sheldb y th e E umay n o t copy,reproduce, republish or circulatei n anyf o r yourown personal andnon-commercial use. Any ot h epermission o f t h eEuropean Councilo n ForeignRelation9 7 8 - 1 - 9 .1 3P3114b71 -i 至ic8d b y t h e EuropeanCouncil o nForeignTennyson House, 1 5 9 - 1 6 5 G
40、reat Portland Street, London, P A O p op U U 6 U I J O 9 )6 9 U I P J n se q n si o p S u i a u h , X j i j n o 9 s j 9 q X o p u u uoijpjdooo sijjunoo diqsj9ujjuj u j 9 ) s p 3 S u 1 p 1 a o j d u 1 1 j j u n o o pooqinoqqSiou u j o j s b 9 j o 9 o u 0 1 ( 1 s 0 j m q j e o j j 1 ijo X j 9 j p i fi
41、 a 9 q j 6 j s n d q q )j q a q n s 90U9ii9jui 69jn)onjjsujjui 1 p 1 j 1 j U l Q J O J 6EpUEE(Jojd LU o J j J I n e s s p ) u e j s u o e0 q j j o 01UOS j n g -snojQUjnu 9 j e sjusiuQAQiqopS)U9UJ99jSepue 6 A 3 1 j n o 9 sui n sui n s,pooqjnoqqi9upjnqijjuoo seq fia 9 q 1 opeo 0P j s u 19 q j u j,sjno
42、qqSisu0p p I O A P O ) pup 6S9AI)09fqO 9IUIOUO9Q-OI0OS 3 s p q fi a oqi osneooq j n q已! ssny j o 6 p u 1 q 39 q j o u s 1 s 1 q j p u y , S u 1 j q n o j )9 j p sjodsoadu j 9 ) s p 9 u 19 o u 9 n j j u 1 s n a gqj, , s 9 ) p ) s quayjsojPd-iQPJSi pup 6 X q 1 q 6 p i j X u i s j i j j u o s 9 q S n o
43、 j 9 q j o j ) u p a q q j j i X j 9 S j p j s i flH oqjL1 V N I 9 H V WS n H H H 1os p u e 6 o o o o j o p6 e i s i u n s u q n s s 9 i j ) u n o oo p p u u 6 p i j o 9 96 9 u i u j fi q j t m sdiqsjujjuds i s j o e d ui o o A ) i j n o 9 s j o b 9 p i 9 q j soiJiunoo S 9 ) E J S diqSJQUJJPJ U J 0
44、J S U a M0J e u I 9 j e j 9 d o J 0 S 9 P J 9 d P (J S l q 1- 9 0 U 9 J 9 P pup 690U9StIQ)UIsure,t h e U S and t h e E Uworked t o g e tbloc advancegoals.But,vagaries o f U S partnerships i ndomestic politics), i t s neighbourhood.PREMIUMS E C U R I TA t first glance, t h e United States security E
45、U s they are equally 1 o w o n ambition, a n s t J 5 日 e 1 M ee sc 11 nuaiai Ins te c u r i t y mattersi n the e a s t e rsecurity outreach has been far more e f f e c t i synchronising them with other political e f f this targeted support has earned t h e U S i n f Ukrainian politics.The first o f
46、these key policy areas i s intel cooperated with i t s Georgian, Moldovan, a n information o n malign Russian activities a n The U S has unmatched capabilities i n areas and emails), signals intelligence (measurin military systems), and satellite photograph presidential a d m i ni ins 11 en ra vt ii
47、veoi i h oaurtg U h d U nS , a wr ee don t know anything about t h e war, about RBecause they have consistently provided t h i gained considerable trust i n Eastern P a r t n e relationship t o compel some eastern Europe important successes, a s well a s setbacks, o completely absent i n this area.T
48、heUS h aalsoupported thee f o r m andThemost successful US-backedpolice r e f o randmanualand leadingdramatic i n csimilar reform i n Ukraine transformed the o conducted with the help o f former Georgian t o Georgia, vested interests i n U k r a i n es M from extending into other branches o f the pMeanwhile, the FBI has actively tracked d o and drug smugglers i n the region. The a g e n provide material for local I a w enforcement organised crime groups are sometimes d e e p 1 structur