1、2016 lear not shake,ning impleme implemee nt to tube main leant impleme ntation ders topic new development seminar spirit counselli conce pt, weakng material 2016 lear nesse s, and swaggar ning imer grams short, aplement to t nd yangube mai cha ngbn leaders t uduan, Stimulaopi c seminar spirit te t
2、he e ndogenous counse lling material Mar s dynami cs, formationch 7, n effect of EMXI Ge neral Se U, firmcretary to I provi implementation ofvi nce delegati on the five plaon participate i nni ng, the n considere devele d and published opment of key industries, has important spee es, ope n Dragon ch
3、, on XXX provi River comprehensive revitalnce pe izatiople for r Chi na revolution new journey, str on vi ctory and Socialist constructitr uggling t o get out of a high on made of contribution give haqua lity, efficie nt, better strs certai nly, uctur e and devely, on I province pa opme nt road a st
4、 five years implementation focus strategy, aof revitalization of the a dvantages i nto full nd grasp focus i play. March 29 to 30thndustry, e , t he Coconomic mmittee orgasocial deve nizee lopmd a pie nt made of results give hape major t hematic seminar s certai nlof leading y, Clarified the cadre s
5、 prefectural 精选学习资料 e ilongjiang nha nce d learprovince, i ning publs of great practical significan icity impl ement implemece and far-reaching ntation XI General Shistori ecretarycal signifi important specance. Mar e ch sch 22 to 24th, provi ch spirit of political consciouslncial hel l d has y, and
6、 thprovince tube main lea ought consciously, and actiders t opi c seminar, provion consci ously and mincial S ecretary Wa ssion conscia ng Xously, puia nkui comrade it lear ning XI Gen seminar neral Sear opecretary aning provi nce nd provi nce do has important speech, Wancial Secretary Wa ng Xiankng
7、 Xia ui speech spirinkui stre t as current ssed: in prim-de ary pth lear political taning acquisiti sk , to more str on Ge neral Se tr ongly cretary of spe of attitude, aech, is on XXX nd more powerfua politi l of measurecal account, w s, a nd me must put learni ore full of drive ng impleme promotee
8、 nt XI General Sed forest transformaticretary importa on development, str nt speech spirit as mtr uggled t o ajor political task, a o out of forest transformation dapted and led e devel opment conomic devel ne w , ensure a opment a s schedulenew normal, insisted t d achieved fullo economic constr bu
9、ilt forest society of targeucti t. Todayon for Ce nter t hel comrade Jia Yumei made an importa- - - - - - - - - er must to effective e demands for developme opme nt in He County for convening this Conference, i s to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and i s a major pol
10、itical task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter i r i nto the e heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed wit h Jia, Secretary of spirit and mi mi nd, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important t spee ch spirit
11、 with you. Awareness, deepe n the County, General Secretary指数函数、对数函数、幂函数专题1(2007 北京文、理, 5 分)函数f x ( )x 3 (0x2)的反函数的定义域为()A (0,)f x ( )B (1 92)C (0 1)D 9,)(1 9, 。B;解析 函数x 3 (0x 的反函数的定义域为原函数的值域,原函数的值域为考点透析 根据指数函数在对应区间的值域问题,的定义域问题。结合原函数与反函数的定义域与值域之间的关系处理对应反函数f x2 ( 2007山 东 文 、 理 , 5 分 ) 给 出 下 列 三 个 等 式
12、 :f(xy)f x ( )f( ),f xy)f x f( ),y)1f x ( )f( )下列函数中不满足其中任何一个等式的是()f( ) x f y ( )满足A f x ( )x 3Bf( )sinxCf x ( )log2xDf( )tanxf x ( )f( ),而 DB;解析 依据指、对数函数的性质可以发现A 满足f xy)f x f y ,C 满足f xy)f xy)f( )f y ( ),B 不满足其中任何一个等式。1f x f( )考点透析 根据指数函数、 对数函数, 结合三角函数等其他相关函数讨论分析对应的性质是高考中比较常见的考题之一,关键是掌握对应函数的基本性质及其应
13、用。3(2007 全国 2 理, 5 分)以下四个数中的最大者是()2A (ln2)Bln (ln2)C ln 2 Dln2 D;解析 0 ln 2 1, ln( ln2)0,(ln2)2ln2,而 ln 2 = 1ln2ln2 ,最大的数是 ln2。2考点透析 根据对数函数的基本性质判断对应函数值的大小关系,一般是通过介值(0,1 等一些特殊值)结合对数函数的特殊值来加以判断。B=4(2007 安徽理, 5 分)若 A=x2Z|2x22x8,B=xR|log2x|1,则A(CR B)的元素个数为 ()A 0 个B 1 个C2 个D3 个Z|2 21x1= 0 , 1 , 而C ; 解 析 由
14、 于A=x8=xZ|12x3=xZ|xR|log2x|1=xR|0x1或x2 ,那么A(CR B )=0,1,则A(C R B )的元素个数为2 个。2考点透析 从指数函数与对数函数的单调性入手,解答相关的不等式,再根据集合的运算加以分析和判断,得出对应集合的元素个数问题。5(2007 江苏, 5 分)设f x ( )lg(12xa)是奇函数,则使f( )0的 x 的取值范围是(ndi cators, )of green food anni ng. As l ong and preservis we put theng pe nsi on ise resourcedeal s to place
15、 s, for est carbon use a nd ex ploit the advasinks and other industries. From the perspective of the priority of chara cteristic re sour ces, wild blueberr y, ntages of good, could give g 第 1 页,共 11 页A ( 1,0)B (0,1)C (,0)D (,0)(1,), such aon regi ons the nature, i construction ns the atidevel opment
16、 onal poli cy plafurther clarify the transformational development, XI Jinping stressed that XXX has its adva a ntages, also hav v e their own boar r ds, key to focus on weak k nesses, short swagger grams, yangcha ngbuduan, integrated effect of policy measure e s towards the target solid forward. Thi
17、s important statement for us to do a good job pr ovovidi ng a dialectical thinking a nd the scientific method, fully embodies the dialeel opment ctical t prunity of subjeprospe cts; rective and objective lacoverable reserve s of higlaw. We must speh quality minerak to tal water rehe spirit for gsour
18、 ces uidamillince, and further dee pon tons, i s the base ofe n understa rare natural andi ng, targeted to lnd poll ution-free miong neral wateng well, r. Seel, Hawk shelters make good n from the a dvantages short, releaseof cult ural enri d in full devel i chment, wit l opmeit h Nortnt potential. h
19、ern cult ure, 一 . Potentia nd Xianbei cal and tulturehe big five short Board, ts, Or oqen culture and a hat is, enum ber of cultucological ral resourenvironment, resources, r ock only found mces, water, eore tha economic develan 1000 paintiopme nt advantage ags, cult ural industry dvantage, a develo
20、pment dvantage ahas great ps policy otential. Fromoverlap, m the cult ural enriperspective chme nt, and ie of polindustrial boards, institcy overlap advantage, with tutional weakhe State Fness, short peorestry Admiopl e short, short of funds nistration and the provincand talent. From tial gover nmen
21、t twhe po chaerspennels ctive of eof poli cycol ogical towar d environment, ds dire ct enjoyment our regint of non aatural fores an im portant gt protectiuarantee on program, Wester of national ester n cological n development, resoursafety, higourh forest cover, ce-base d citie water, air as sustain
22、a blnd soil e developmeenvironmental int and main functi名师归纳总结 opme nt. (In addition to Jia Shuji mentioned adrugs, big snow, big wetlands, River and forest tourism resources, variety, large reserveof mineral resources such as molybdenum, lead a nd zinc, has translated iinto strong material conditio
23、ns for economi c advantage. Economc development out of the water, total more than 16 billion n cubic meters of surface water resources and hydr r o-junction project of devel dvantages, XX we have in agri i culture, water conservancy and other uni que resources. Agricultural resources, 1.129 million
24、mu of arable land throughout the County, da hinggan Ling was the only predomina na ntly rural administrative districts, green pla nting area of 850,000 acres. Water resources, in a river over more than 180, many river hy y dropower development pr oje ct conditi ti ons, rich in three five Luo and- -
25、- - - - -2016 lear not shake,ning impleme implemee nt to tube main leant impleme ntation ders topic new developmenseminar spirit counselli conce pt, weakng material 2016 lear nesse s, and swaggar ning imer grams short, aplement to t d yangube m cha ngbai n leaders tduan, Stimulateopi c seminar spiri
26、t t he e ndogenoucounse lling material Mar dynami cs, formatioch 7, effect of E, XI Ge neral SeU, firm icretary to I provi mplementation ovi nce delegati the five plaon participate i n nni ng, the dc onsiderevel opmed and published t of key industrihas important spee s, ope n Dragon River ch, on XXX
27、 provi omprehensive revitalnce pe izatiople for r Chi na revolution new journey, son vi ctory and Socialist constructir uggling t o get out of a high on ma qua lity, effde of contribution give hacie nt, better str ucturs certai nly, e and devely, on I province pa opme nt road a st five years impleme
28、ntation focus strategy, a of revitalization of the a dvantages ia nd grasp focus into full play. March 29 to 30thndustry, e c, t he Como nomic social deve ittee organize精选学习资料 on for Ce nter t hee lopmd a pie nt made of results give hape major t hematic seminars certai nlof leading y, Clarified the
29、cadre s prefecturl comrade Jia Yumei made an importa- - - - - - - - - er must to effective e demands for developme opme nt in He e ilongjiang nha nce d learprovince, i ning pubs of great practical significance and far-reaching icity impl ement impleme ntation XI General histori S ecretary ical signi
30、fi mportant speecance. Mar ch sch 22 to 24th, provi pirit of political consciouncial hel sll d has y, and thprovince tube main lea ought consciously, and actiders topi c seminar, provi on consci ously and mncial S ecretary Wa ssion conscia ng Xiaously, put lenkui comrade ir ning XI Gen seminar neral
31、 Se cr operetary anning provi nce d provi ne do has important speech, Waial Secretary Wa ng Xiankng Xia ui speech spirinkui stre t as current ssed: in-de primarypth lear political taning acquisiti sk , to moron Ge neral Se e str ongly cretary of spe of attitude, aech, is on XXX nd more powerfua poli
32、ti of measurecal account, w , a nd e must put learni ore full of drive ng impleme promotee nt XI General Sed forest transformaticretary importa on development, nt speech spirit as mtr uggled t o ajor political task, a out of forest transformation dapte d and led edevel opment conomic devel ne w , en
33、sureopment a s schedulnew normal, insisted t d achieved fullo economic constr built forest society of targeucti t. TodayCounty for convening this Conference, i s to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and i s a major political task. County-wide each of the party members
34、and cadre e s must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed wit h Jia, Secretary of spirit and mi mi nd, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important spee ch spirit with you. Awareness, deepe n the County, General Secreta
35、rylg1x0,得1x0,1x0。A ;解析 由f( 0 )0 得a1,f(x)1x1x1x1考点透析 根据对数函数中的奇偶性问题,1x结合对数函数的性质,求解相关的不等式问题,要注意首要条件是对数函数的真数必须大于零的前提条件。6(2007 北京理, 5 分)对于函数f x ( )lg(x21),f x ( )(x2) 2,f x ( )cos(x2),判断如下三个命题的真假:命题甲:f x 2) 是偶函数;命题乙:f x 在 (, 上是减函数,在 (2,) 上是增函数;命题丙:f x 2) f ( ) x 在 (,) 上是增函数能使命题甲、乙、丙均为真的所有函数的序号是()A B C DD
36、;解析 函数 f x ( ) lg( x 2 1),函数 f x 2) = lg(| x | 1) 是偶函数;且 f x 在 (, 上是减函数,在(2,) 上是增函数;但对命题丙:f ( x 2) f x = lg(| x | 1) lg(| x 2 | 1) lg | x | 1 在 x ( ,0)时,| x 2 | 1lg (| x | 1)lg x 1lg(1 2) 为 减 函 数 , 排 除 函 数 , 对 于 函 数 ,f ( x ) c o s ( 函 数 2(| x 2 | 1) 2 x 1 x 32f ( x 2 ) c o s ( 不是偶函数,排除函数,只有函数 2 f x
37、( ) ( x 2) 符合要求。考点透析 根据对数函数、 幂函数、三角函数的相关性质来分析判断相关的命题,也是高考中比较常见的问题之一,正确处理对应函数的单调性与奇偶性问题。7(2007 天津理, 5 分)函数ylog2B.x4x2 (x(0)的反函数是()y42x1x1)A.y4x2x1(x2)C.y4x2x2(x2)D.y4x2x2(x1)C;解析 原函数过 ( 4,1) 故反函数过 (1, 4) 从而排除 A 、B、D。考点透析 根据对应对数函数型的函数的反函数的求解步骤加以分析求解对应的反函数,但通过原函数与反函数之间的特殊关系,利用排除法加以分析显得更加简单快捷。b8(2007 天津
38、理, 5 分)设a b c均为正数,且a 2log1a,1b1clog2c 则()l o g b可 知log1b,22A. abcB. c22c1, 由1bbaC. cabD. baA ; 解 析 由2alog1a 可 知a0a 21l o g a1a 02222200l o g1 12b1,由1clog2c可知c00log2c11c2,从而 abc 。22考点透析 根据指、对数函数的性质及其相关的知识来处理一些数或式的大小关系是全面考察多个基本初等函数further clarify the transformational development, XI Jinping stressed t
39、hat XXX has its adva a ntages, also hav v e their own boar r ds, key to focus on weak k nesses, short ces such as moly bdenuswagger grams, yangm, l ead a nd zicha ngbuduan, i nc, has tra nslated i ntegrated effect of poliinto str ong material conditcy measureions for es towards the target soliconomi
40、 c advantage. Economid forward. c deThis imvel opmeportant nt out of thstatement for us to e wate r, total mordo a gre than 16 bilood job prl ioovidi ng a dialn cubic meterectical this of surface nking a nd twater resourcehe scientific mets and hydrhod, fully embodio-junction pr oject es theof devel dialeel opment ctical t prunity of subje prospe cts; reje ctive and objective coverable reserves of higlalaw. We must speh quality mineak to theral water resour spirit for gr ceuidas millince, and further dee on tons, i s the e pebase ofn understa rare natural andi ng, targeted t