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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - this system. improve the 2, occupational he ability of self-help, mutualalth and occupati al hel p. 3, the onal disea se preve ntion a nd control work putting preve huma n resour ces Department (1) empl oyee new to pre ntion first and combining preventi o health examination

2、and em ployee son approa ch, s receiv e postprinciples of classification management a nd compre he nsive treatment. Se-leavi ng occupati onal healt h examination before work. (2) is not appropriate to cond, the scope continue theheof appli cation of this sy existing w ork of ty stem is applica he oc

3、cupati onalble to the companys occupational healt h management. Three, -di sease vict ims, unfitting, and make appropriate arrangemedefiniti on 1, nts. 4) units (the woccupational hazar orkshop) responsid: means the la bilities: responsiborers e ngaged i n occupational activity can lea ble for the o

4、ccupati onal health and occupatid to occupati onal hazards. Occupational ha zards i onal disea se preventi on w ork. Occupati onal hazncl ude : professional activitie ar d reporting system 1, s in the vari ous harmful chemical, physi health and technology a ccording to the companycal nd bi ologi cal

5、 factors a nd other harmful factors pr s occupati onal hazards, fait hfully reporting toduce d du o the higher autri utng the w horities in aork process. 2, a n occupational ha timely manner, a nd accept tzard: refers to t he empl heir supe rvision. 2, the maioyers workers i n occupati n conte nts o

6、f t he Donal activity, due to ex e claration are: the emposure to dust a nd radi oactive substances and ot ployers ba sic situation; ty pe, conce ntration or inteher harmful substa nsity of workplacence s caused occupational by factors such as, a hazards; occupati a nd i onal hncl ude d in the natio

7、nal list of occupati azar ds i n pr oducti on te chnol ogies, onal processe diseases. Four, instit utions set up a leadi ng group for occupational health management of the e s and material s, occupati onal hazar d preve ntion facilitie s, first-ai d facilitie s. Employment compa ny and chaired V ice

8、 Pre side nt, each work protecti on (dust, gas, noise) management system; 1, wshop a nd releva orkers e njoynt departme nts mainly responsi t he foll owing occupational health ble for the proteGroup; pr oducti on technology ction rights. (1) the powers ofsecti on for the access to occupati day-to-da

9、y ma ti onal healt h nagement of occupati h educati on and trainional ng; (2) the health a occupa gencies. Five, responsi bility . (6) the a tional health examination and occupatie occupati onali onal health e l-di sease diagducation work carried nosis a nd treatment, rehaout in conjuncti on w bilit

10、ation a nd other it h the De partment of human resour r pow ers of the occupati onalces, popularize a-di sease -preve ntion servind im prove staff knowle ces; (3) produce orle dge of occupati may produce ional health, n the work place occupati oChine se chonal-di sease-i nductive factor racteri stic

11、s. First, carry s and harmful effect a out t he partys mass line ind power n educa of the occupatii on practi ceonal , was ca-disease rrying 18 of -prevention measures should he party spirit, summobe taken; (4) require t a powerf ul force fhe empl r realizing toyer to he greaprovide t rejuve occupat

12、ional di ation of the sease Chi nes preventi nation theon re Cquireme hi nese drnts of the occupational eam of urgent nee-disease s. Partys -preve 18 to prntionAccordi omote strategic ng to Office deploym Party of mass li ent t o buildine education practi ng socialism with Chini ce ase cctivities le

13、 haracterile d group of unified arra stics, prese nts twa ngements, o 100 -year goal, unitnamels main le d to for cay, by 2020 Chi nadres w s gross orkers Sha domesti c png a times oduct and pe party lectr capitaure, due to i ncome of himself level limited, only put this stage r ban a nd r ural resi

14、de nts in 2010 conce on t he ba sintrated lear of double ning of experience today and everycomplete t he buil ding of a we ll-ofone societycommon with le t he middle of thiarni s ng excha e ntury nge, purpose ii nto a pr osps let we furt rous, democratiher deep understanding ma , civilize d and hara

15、 ss line of connotation, insisted onious Socialist m oder n couparty of mass litr y, and on thi s basi ne, s, the do masses w Chi nese dreaork, following mai m of realizii n from four a aspeng the great rejuvenaticts told: a, a on of the Chi a nd full ae se natiwarene on. 18 Css party of mass lin on

16、gress of the e educati party, Comrade on XI practice activitie Jinping reie s of major meapeatedly ex poundning Party ed the Chinese dres 18 major disti am. Ti nct he ba sipropose connotatiod to focus n of the on t Chinehe partys se dream, advanced s the nature national pnd purity, i osperitn the pa

17、rty, with pragmatic ay, nati onal revitali zation, tnd e happi cleae ssn for the of the pepeople as t ople, Chi t he main na important tcontent of the foll ow is tpartys mass line a ke ep China Roadnd educational pra , carry forward the spictice. it and This is comrade cohesi on stre ngtXI Jinping a

18、s of Chi na, dreaparty Ge m dreaneral Se ms of the cretary and people of Cadhere to stri hi na, but deterctly admi mined confinistering t ence, ehe part ynha nce y, strengt hen t self -awart he pness, ar tychievs major dee self-reci sion is i liance, t i n lin buile with td a strohe publi ger Chic e

19、xpe na, civilctations and stre zati on, harmony, bengthening the constr auty, Chi na, uction of lear hina, China. ning-oriented trategic concservice i e ptionnovation of Marxist partys major of China wa s 18 the spirit r deployment, iof the enrichment as the important measure to a d devel opme nt of

20、 thea dvance the great party, consci entiously cause of socialt udy the Chinese dism with ream, leading people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activitie e s in depth the fundamental starting poi nt and ending point. Strengthe e n the e ducation of the partys mass line, hel ps to

21、 train the collective consci i ousness of the unity of the party and the pe opl l e, playi ng the Chinese drea a m ideological bba ses. Comrade Mao Zedong stresse d that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History has新教材高中生物必修一知识点总结 看完一个知识点之后一定要到新学案上找相关练习

22、之后才能真正掌握 第一章走近细胞 第一节从生物圈到细胞知识梳理:1 病毒没有细胞结构,由蛋白质和核酸组成,但必须依赖(活细胞)才能生存。单细胞生物的生命活动依赖 单个细胞 就能 完成摄食、运动、生殖等各项生命活动(不能完成 反射 ,反射 需要多个细胞的参与)。多细胞生物依赖 各种分化了的细胞 密 切配合完成各项生命活动,生命活动如生长、发育、生殖遗传变异生命活动调节。2 生命活动离不开细胞,细胞是生物体 结构 和功能 的(基本单位)。3 生命系统的结构层次:(细胞)、(组织)、(器官)、(系统)、(个体)、(种群)(群落)、(生态系统)、(生 物圈)。 每个层次都要能辨别,做几个练习去巩固,下

23、面是一些特例4 血液属于(组织)层次,皮肤属于(器官)层次。5 植物没有(系统)层次,单细胞生物既可化做(个体)层次,又可化做(细胞)层次。6 地球上最基本的生命系统是(细胞)。最大的生命系统是生物圈第二节细胞的多样性和统一性知识梳理:一、高倍镜的使用步骤(尤其要注意第 1 和第 4 步) 1在低倍镜下找到物象,将物象移至(视野中央),2转动(转换器),换上高倍镜。3。调节(光圈)和(反光镜),使视野亮度适宜。4调节(细准焦螺旋),使物象清晰。二、显微镜使用常识1 调亮视野的两种方法(放大光圈)、(使用凹面镜)。低倍镜:物象(小),视野(亮),看到的细胞数目(多)。2 高倍镜:物象(大),视野

24、(暗),看到细胞数目(少)。3 物镜:(有)螺纹,镜筒越(长),放大倍数越大。目镜:(无)螺纹,镜筒越(短),放大倍数越大。4 会判断低倍到高倍镜下细胞数目的计算?(新学案)5 学会移动载玻片?(新学案)。6 目镜( 10X)的放大倍数 乘物镜放大倍数(10X)等于放大倍数(100)三、原核生物与真核生物主要类群:(要知道一些原核生物 细菌 :能判断哪些生物属于细菌新学案上讲的更详细 原核生物: 蓝藻 ,含有(叶绿素)和(藻蓝素),可进行光合作用。(球菌,杆菌,螺旋菌,乳酸菌)放线菌 :(链霉菌)支原体,衣原体,立克次氏体 真核生物:动物、植物、真菌:(青霉菌,酵母菌,蘑菇)等四、细胞学说1

25、创立者:(施莱登,施旺)2. 一切动植物都由细胞发育而来,并由细胞和细胞产物所构成。3. 细2 内容要点:共三点。1. 新细胞可以从老细胞中产生胞是一个相对独立的单位,既有他自己的生命,又对与其他细胞共同组成的整体的生命起作用。3 揭示问题:揭示了(细胞统一性,和生物体结构的统一性)。五、真核细胞和原核细胞的比较(表略,见笔记)第二章组成细胞的元素和化合物 第一节细胞中的元素和化合物 知识梳理:统一性:元素种类大体相同,不同生物间元素种类相同,但含量差别很大 1、生物界与非生物界差异性:元素含量有差异 能判断大量元素有哪些?微量元素有哪些?主要元素有哪些?等等 2组成细胞的元素 大量元素: C

26、、H、O、N、P、S、K、 Ca、Mg 微量元素: Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、B、Mo主要元素: C、 H、O、N、P、S 含量最高的四种元素:C、H、O、N基本元素: C(干重下含量最高)质量分数最大的元素:O(鲜重下含量最高)数量(个数)最多的是H 3 组成细胞的化合物无机化合物水( 鲜重含量最高的化合物) 无机盐 , )核酸、有机化合物糖类脂质蛋白质( 干重中含量最高的化合物4 检测生物组织中糖类、脂肪和蛋白质facilities and individual-used occupational-disease(1)还原糖的检测和观察s occupational health, views

27、 and recommendati常用材料:苹果和梨试剂:nt protection (dust, gas, noise) (斐林试剂 (甲液: 0.1g/mlon i n the 的 NaOH乙液: 0.05g/mlhe impleme 的 CuSO4)part of the proje ct design, -prevention articles to improve the working conditions of; (5) violate occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations and acts that jeopa

28、rdize life and health the power to criticize, impea ch a nd accuse; (6) participate in the democratic management of the employerons on occupational disease prevention authority. (7) units production workshop providing production environment must meet the requirements of GBZ2.1-2007 and GBZ2.2-2007,

29、shall not be prohi bited by the State of the equipment and materials used. 2, employme1) preventive measures the dust, toxic pre-eval uation of occupational hazards in construction projects, such a s healt t h. Health evaluation of the whole process i ncludi ng feasibility studies, initial desig n a

30、nd construction stages of the health review, health supervision and i nspecticourse of construction, completion nd final acceptance in the monitoring and evaluation of the effect of health protection. building, re building, expansion and construction project s, technological innovation of technology

31、, must have dust and poison control facilities, te ntation of three simultaneities management, namely protection agai nst occupational health facilities with the main constructi 3, organizati on, inspecti ti ons establi ti on abli shnd operati sh and impri on simultaneove the re sponousl sibility y.

32、 Accor sy stem fding to t or preventihe pri onciples of integrated on of occupati onal hpreventi azar ds, rulnti on, es ancompre d regulatie hensive pla nson s and proc, l ocal conditiedures; 4, supervions, and preparati sion, inspeon of dust, gas, ction, the i n-house noi se, pl anning, a noccupati

33、onal hazard preve d i ncl ude d in the a reve ntion, elia nnual plminatian of se on of occcurity measures a upational hazarnd long-term planning, a d accidents i n a timely mannd t ner; 5, to he gradual ensu elimination ure effective implemof dust, toxi e ntatic and noise on of occhazards. Facilitie

34、s for upational hazar d preveprotecti ntioti on agai nst occupatin and control i nputs of the onal e unhazards shoul it; 6, orga d be reg nization anular maintenance, over d impleme ntation haul and mainte nof the units occupati oa nce, so that it is ional a cci dent emergency n the normal state. No

35、t allowency plan; 7, faithfully and d to remove promptly re, and t porthe esta ed occupblishme ational accidnt of prote e nts. ction the runni Second, tni ng account. II access to toxi he responsi bility of Heai c or harmful positions wds of compete nt occupational orkers pri or to virus l hazar ds

36、1, clear the preventi enterpriti on knowlese specific rdge to teach . esponsibilities and tasks of prevention and management of occupationa l hazards; 2 organize occupational hazard prevention inspections and impl ementing the requirements of major accident hazards corre cted; 3 organize the formula

37、tion, revision and validation of occupational hazardproved that a people and a nation, if it does not hav v e its own spiritual pillar, there is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sack of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a

38、team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult mea a ns of strength. National rejuvenation of Chinese dream, , not only embodies the common interests and pur suits, a nd covers a variety ofgroups and classes, interests of the ovhas a wi erwhelmide app

39、li cabil ity and i ng majority of the nclusive, with a str ong integrati people, it is a touchstone of the ng force a nd lea d the force. She Marxist party of judgement, i s also embodies t he aspirations of several ge sign of Marxist party is different from other nerations of Chine politie se, refl

40、ecti ng today . Into sex a cal parties. Marxist political party has a nd purity, and the i clear political i nevitable position ae re quireme nt of consta nd histori cal missi on: fora rntly improvi the interestng the partys governi s of the vast majority of peng ca ea pacit y. Strengthe ning t he c

41、onstructi opl e, committed to the fundamental ii on of the adva nterests of the nce d nat ure and purity, the core overwhelming majority of the problem is alway people. From ts maintaini he day of the ei ng the partys flesh stablishment of the -and-bl ood tie s with t he masse s, so that our party w

42、i Chi nese Communist Party, always adhere to basill always be the most wholehe c principles of hi storical materialiarted support of the masses. Must take the fundamental intere sm, for the interests of the most people as their goal, always serving aasts of the overwhelming majority of the s its fun

43、damental purpose and valuepeople a s. Fully trust ts the party all the starti ng poi nt and ending he masse s, closely rely on the masses maintaig poi nt, the party has al n flesh-and-blood tiel ways be en a common fate with the masses, t his is t he magic wea s with the masses i s always the source

44、 of our party full of vigor aa pon for our party to alway s maintain t nd vitality, is always the most determihe adva nce d nat ure and purity. Stre ngthening the ned i n the development of our party and our countrconstruction of partys a y. Conscientia dvanced nature a ously a ccept supervind purity and enha sion by the massea nci ng the party s, pay attention to liste ty s ruli ng ability w ill event te n to the masses assessmeually be im nt, whiplemente d to realize ch itself was the party, safeguard and s advanced devel nature aop the


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