1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - thrift of excellent traditi strengthe n party spirit. onal a One ind style lack dee s to firmly establip of understa sh t he noblendi ng, one ideal s of struggl -sided t hink i l e for the i i in now of good situation Xi deals of communism, a, economic sm communist strooth m
2、ore fast devel uggle for life, ready t o opme nt, and reform made major sa crifice everyt hing for t he party aprogress, a nd people living nd t he people. Se cond is t significantly improve , and social t he care er made new pr ogress, o conti nuously im prove the qualit y and standard of political
3、, conscienti no necessary always ha ti ously study Deng rd has, no awarene ss to Chi na also ha Xi aoping the ory and three re presents many poverty area, a nd al so has many s important t hought a nd the scientific y poverty population of exists, m Outlook on development, implement t ore living imp
4、r t he partys ove ha basis, more need ke c pr ogram for the pr e ep hard of style. Thre e r imary stage of socialie is not strictly sm, adhere to thonest. he corre ct polititiotal thought units i s a water se ctor, cle an self-discipline away from himself too far, no real pr cal orientation, maintai
5、 n hig hly consistent w ith the CPC Central Committee, is good at toce ssing good living of heorie s of socialism witof impr ove and har h Chine se charr actead, and thrift excell ent traditional ri stics to ana lyze and solve pral of relationshi oblem s. p, no effective do comply with Constituti Th
6、ird, strengt heni ng the party spirit and the won and party of regulati orld tra nsformation, perons must from I do up, no right mer cy good bitter severance of the party Constitution, relive Le, a nd wealt h of relati onship, no rig Party vows t o establish corre ct worlig ht aware d Outlook, ness
7、to in comply Outlook on life and thewith C onstitution and party worl d, pra ctically emof regulations aspect bodies i deals and bes everyone ha liefs into action, s accountability. Four, f combi ne l ofty ideals auture nd practi directi on a ti cal activitiend impr ovement measures 1, belief a s, t
8、ransformi ng the objective w orld, nd faith, , activelyparticipate in the great pra ra ctic of building socialism with CChi nese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, kee e p in mi nd that the pur ur pose of serving, adhere to assumi ng power for the peo
9、ple, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows s of the masses, .tri ct Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corr uption guidelines Sh ang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further c
10、lear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced cl ean politi cs of consciousness and i nitiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before t t he meeting, the way we take surveys soli cited a views, combed, related to team buildingAccording to city discipline, and municipal organization
11、Departme e nt requirements, today we held implement impl pl ementation independent Commissi si on against corrupti on guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is cl ose contact thought, and work actual , control check distri 小学毕业班六年级下学期家长会班主任发
12、言稿尊敬的各位家长:非常感谢大家来参加这个家长会,六年级下学期转眼就过去 11 周了,在这里我要感谢所有支持我们工作,配合我们工作的家长。 是你们相信我们, 支持我们,配合我们的工作,才使孩子们逐渐地成长起来!现在,我们的孩子在校只有两个月左右的时间就要小学毕业了,我希望孩子们在离开母校的时候,能少一些遗憾,多一些收获,多一些回忆。相信,在座的每一位家长都和老师一样,希望孩子带着满意的成绩进入中学,为今后的发展奠定坚实的基础。今天,把大家请到学校来,就是要和各位家长进一步沟通,互相理解、互相支持,一起帮助孩子 走好这人生重要的一步。一、召开家长会的目的 各位家长,随着时间的流逝,孩子们在渐渐地
13、长大,一转眼,他们已经是六 年级的学生了。 小学六年级, 是学生在小学学习生活中最后一个阶段,是学生终 生学习的一个中转站,对学生的一生具有重要的意义;同时,小学六年级,也是 小学与初中的接轨点, 学生素质的高低, 成绩的好坏, 即将面临到一个新的环境 中受到一个新的挑战、 新的评价。 我们应该认识到, 六年级是小学至关重要的一 个阶段。说它重要是因为:第一、孩子们辛苦了六年,多少风风雨雨,严寒酷暑。现在到了最后收获的季节。这一个句号是否能够划得圆满,的孩子带着遗憾走出小学校门。关系着他这六年定论问题。 谁也不想自己第二、这段时间学习关系着你的孩子将来学习的积极性,以及学习的兴趣。如果你的孩子
14、以较好的成绩步入初中,我想他一定会充满信心, 对以后的学习生活势必也会报着乐观的、向上的态度;有句话说:态度决定一切。可见这对他的 学习影响是十分大的;第三、这段时间学习是你孩子走入初中给初中老师留下的第一印象,也可谓 是展现给老师们的第二张脸。 多多少少会影响初中老师对你的孩子的判断,以及 将采取的一些策略。 所以也可以这么说, 小学毕业既是一个学习阶段的结束,也 是一个学习阶段的开始。 好的开始是成功的一半, 毕业考试的成败也意味新的开 始的成败了;俗话说,好的开端是成功的一半。开学初始,我们请来了各位家长,目的 就是为了针对本年龄段孩子的心理、生理、学习等方面特点,加强联系,相互交 流一
15、下学生在校及在家的情况, 以便老师能够及时调整工作、 提高教育教学质量,家长能够更好教育自己的子女做人与成材。总之我们的目标是一致的,那就是:“ 一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切! ” 因此我相信,我们今天的家长会一定能够 达到预期的效果,取得圆满的成功!二、期中考试成绩公布 我们知道,现在每个人生活都很忙碌,忙挣钱,忙娱乐,虽然忙得顾不上问名师归纳总结 proje democrati ct work, ti c cadres, cadre c meeting a meme s selebection and ot r of the team on her aspects study s of a
16、 total of 19, furtand practi ce t he scientific her defined t ic Outlook he dire on devel ction of rectificati el opment theme, find a pron, a prenhancing the perti oject supponence and effectivene rting strong e nough, t e ss of , t he industrdemocrati y well ec life. nough, urbaGood for thi n cons
17、tructis meeting, on ma nagwe requested t ement leved t he Standing l nee ds t o be im Committee of the munici proved, liveli hood ipal party Committee, municimprovement needs to be strengt pal Secretary General Ta gt hened, district team itseng Wenjin, t lf, such as tt he City Commissi he five aspec
18、ts. i on for eadisci pli ear of 20XX, wne inspe e finction Standid out t t he prng Committee Yoblems mentiong Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Direct ne d above, based on actct or of the ual Shunqing conspersonnel office, a construction and develnd other lea opme nt, conscieding comrade ntiously ss prese m u
19、p imprnt g ovemui dance allnts, ows us to warm a a chievi ng sigpplause for their welcome anificant development rend tha sults and effectinks! veness of theirBelow, I first District work. (A) highlight Committee member of the 20XX team annuathe project handle, maintain high gr ll democratic meetir o
20、wth of investment. Ang implementati dhere to t he strategy as aon of the corrective measures, as a Foundation, carrying s well as mem out proje cts to ber of the team a promote increasnd ed staminaof my own report gui im portant. ui delines for the imOne is t o increase tplementation of the he inten
21、sity of projeindepe cts towards. nde nt Commission against corr Actively seek nati onalupti and provion stateme nci al policy nt inv ited lea cy support, superi ders a i ornd comrade or special tras criticism. First, annual party nsfer pay ments, a variety of a on ta dditihe 20XX team, M onal i ncom
22、e will t ember of t op 700 mildemocratic life acti lion Yuan, a numon pl an impl ber of key infral ementation year 20XX, structure projects, ldistri ivelihood ct 第 1 页,共 8 页proje enginects, i ndustrial ering speed l proje cts int o the cage. Second, i up implementation, effectivenencreasi ng the pr
23、oject attra ss obviousl y. Expe cted to cts. T his year be achieved tar a total his year, areof 23 sig ned a major a-wi de GDP 17 project, billion of which 14 billion project, China Metallurgical group, vanke group, Guangdong he ngda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI group, Shenzhen Kaisa, jife
24、ng agricultural machiner y, Mer er cede s-Benz, A udi 4S store and ot her large enterprises a nd projects have settled in Shunqing. Third, strengt t hen project construction. Annual implementation focus proje ct 39 a, fixed assets inve e stment total w w ill breakthrough 12 billion yuan, created dis
25、trict yilai history high, S outh door r dam, and five in shop old city transformation, and Yi i ng C hina industrialal concentrated d district construction, and city main r r oad construction, and Northeast steam Trade Center, , and modern farmers industry Park, and vocational educatition city, and
26、low rental, and also room constructi on, and features blocks build, a nd farmers market transformation, and rural version Street transformation, focus s - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - thrift of excellent traditi strengthe n party spirit. onal a One ind style lack dee s to firmly establip of u
27、ndersta sh t he noblendi ng, one ideal s of struggl -sided t hink i l e for the i i in now of good situation Xi deals of communism, a, economic sm communist strooth more fast devel uggle for life, ready t o opme nt, and reform made major sa crifice everyt hing for t he party aprogress, a nd people l
28、iving nd t he people. Se cond is t significantly improve , and social t he care o conti nuously im prove the quality and standard er made new pr ogress, of political, conscienti no necessary always ha ti ously study Deng rd has, no a warene Xi aoping the ory and e ss to Chi na also ha three re prese
29、nts many poverty area, a nd al so has many poverty population of exists, m s important t hought a nd the scientific Outl ook on development, imore living impr plement t he partys ove ha basis, more need ke c pr ogram for the pr e ep hard of style. Thre r imary stage of socialie is not strictly sm, a
30、dhere to thonest. he corre ct polititiotal thought units i s a water se ctor, cle an self-discipline away from himself too far, no real pr cal orientation, maintai n hig hly consistent w ith the CPC Central Committee, is good at toce ssing good living of impr heorie s of socialism wit h Chine ove an
31、d har e se characterid, and thrift excell ent traditional stics to ana lyze and solve pral of oblem relationshi s. p, no effective do comply with Constituti Third, strengt heni ng the party spirit and the won and party of regulati orld tra nsformation, perons must from I do up, no right mer cy good
32、bitter severance of the party Constitution, relive Le, a nd wealt h of relati Party vows t o establish ti onship, corre ct worl no rig ht aware l d Outlook, ness to in comply Outlook on life and thewith Constitution and party worl d, pra ctically emof regulations aspect bodies i deals and bes everyo
33、ne ha liefs into action, s accountability. F combine l ofty ideals a our, f uture directi on a a nd practi cal activitiend impr ovement measures 1, s, transformi ng the objective w belief a nd faith, w orld, activelyparticipate in the great pra ra ctic of building socialism with CChi nese characteri
34、stics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, kee e p in mi nd that the pur ur pose of serving, adhere to assumi ng power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows s of the masses, .tri ct Standing Committee team and the perso
35、nal in implementation independent Commission against corr uption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced cl ean politi cs of consciousness and i nitiative, firm set good of ruling ima
36、ge. Before t t he meeting, the way we take surveys soli cited a views, combed, related to team buildingAccording to city discipline, and municipal organization Departme e nt requirements, today we held implement impl pl ementation independent Commissi si on against corrupti on guidelines effective s
37、trengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task s cl ose contact thought, and work actual , control check distri 自己的孩子学习怎么样, 但是我知道, 家长们还是希望自己的孩子能够学到更多 的知识,能有更大的收获。 我们教师也希望尽最大的力量来提高每个孩子,使他 们取得更大的进步, 获得理想的成绩。 然而学校教育并不能替代家庭教育,学校教育与家庭教育的共同作用才会取得良好的效果。尤其对于临近毕业的六年级学生来说,是我们关注的焦点
38、, 所以今天把大家请到这里来,把有关的情况跟各位 家长朋友交流一下。有的家长总是说事太多太忙。 我说,家长忙, 又是为了什么?现在有许多的家 长把精力用在为孩子攒钱, 为孩子攒个房子, 为孩子攒个媳妇, 那你有没有想过用你现在的精力去为孩子攒个高素质,为孩子攒个将来吃饭的饭碗。 有的家长说我家孩子上不出来学,在学校混混算了。我们能做的只有:替孩子多攒点钱,替 孩子多铺铺路。 我想说, 这样想是可以的, 但千万不能当着孩子说在学校混混算了,哪怕他不是上学的料, 我们也要关心关注他的学习,绩更重要。因为学习态度比学习成孩子学习成绩的高低, 很大程度上取决于学习态度。 而学生的学习态度又取决于家长对
39、孩子的关心程度和期望值,对子女抱有期望的家长会自觉地履行家长的职责,千方百计地创造条件,帮助孩子健康成长。相反,不抱期望的家长,往 往采取放任自流、不闻不问的态度。 “ 玉不琢,不成器 ,其后果是可想而知的。家长的期望对孩子成长来说, 具有很大的影响。 孩子如果经常从父母的教育态度 中,感受到家长的预期,得到父母的爱护、帮助和尊重,他就会产生积极的进取 心,充分发挥自己的潜能,不断提升自己的学习成绩和思想水平。因此,家长的 期望是家庭教育中不可或缺的重要因素。当然,我们说的期望是指符合孩子实际情况的适度期望。比如,家长要经常 了解学生的学习情况, 在学校的表现情况, 和学生共同制订学习目标。
40、家长要把多一点的精力投入在关心学生的学习上,对学生的学习过程进行管理, 要求孩子尽心尽力地对待学习, 上课认真听讲, 作业认真完成。 了解孩子什么时间该上学,什么时间放学, 找老师或同学打听孩子的听讲情况,考试情况, 平时检查完成作业情况,字写得端不端正。 孩子们的学习态度从课堂上听课的状态,完成作业的字迹这两方面都能来观察评判。学习态度端正的孩子, 肯定都是好学上进的。 课堂上他们精神饱满,注意力集中。遇到问题时,肯动脑筋,积极发言,甚至是敢 于发表自己不同的见解。学习态度端正的孩子,也肯定是认真完成作业的孩子。不论是课堂作业还是家庭作业,都一丝不苟地完成。 他们的书写端正整洁, 作业中出现
41、的错误也都及时订正, 绝不拖拉。 透过作业, 我们都能感受到孩子是不是 在认真、专注地在学习。家长对其学习的关注,孩子是能感受到的。他们自然在 学习上就不敢马虎,只会努力把学习搞好了。端正的学习态度不仅是优秀的学习成绩的前提和保证!而且会影响到将来在社会上生活和做事的态度, 关系到他将来的生活质量。 现在的学习态度认真负责,则以后生活和做事的态度就会认真负责。 有了认真负责的态度, 他干啥也不会差,咱们还用操心他以后的日子过不好吗?名师归纳总结 proje democrati ct work, ti c cadres, cadre c meeting a meme s selebection
42、and ot r of the team on her aspects study s of a total of 19, furtand practi ce t he scientific her defined t ic Outlook he dire on devel ction of rectificati el opment theme, find a pron, a prenhancing the perti oject supponence and effectivene rting strong e nough, t e ss of , t he industrdemocrat
43、i y well ec life. nough, urbaGood for thi n constructis meeting, on ma nagwe requested t ement leved t he Standing l nee ds t o be im g Committee of the municim proved, liveli hood ipal party Committee, municimprovement needs to be strengtpal Secretary General Tagthened, district team itseng Wenjin,
44、 t lf, such as tt he City Commissi he five aspects. i on for eadisci pli ear of 20XX, wne inspe e finction Standid out t t he prng Committee Yoblems mentiong Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Direct ne d above, based on actct or of the ual Shunqing conspersonnel office, a construction and develnd other lea op
45、me nt, conscieding comrade ntiously ss prese m up imprnt g ovemui dance allnts, ows us to warm a a chievi ng sigpplause for their welcome anificant development rend tha sults and effectinks! veness ofBelow, I first District their work. (A) highlight Committee member of the 20XX team annuat the project handle, maintain high gr ll democrat