1、第七章 国际航空货运第一节航空运输(air transportation)n一、国际航空运输组织及有关当事人n二、航空货物运输方式(types of services)n三、从事航空货物运输飞机的类型(types of aircrafts)n四、航空运单(Air waybill)n五、航空货物运价和费用(Freight Tariffs)n the concept of “time defined”delivery was first created by Federal express(now called Fedex)in 1981,which is the largest airfreig
2、ht company in the world nFedex carried a total of 14.6 billion FTKs(5.6 billion were international)in 2004nKorean Air carried 8.2 billion nOver 75 billion FTKs 1994n120 billion FTKs in 2002n145 billion FTKs in 2005注:FTK freight tonne kilometers,are the number of metric tons of freight carried multip
3、lied by the distance they were carried,expressed in kolimeters国际民用航空组织(ICAO)n协调世界各国政府在民用航空领域内各种经济和法律事务、制定航空技术国际标准的重要组织n1947年4月4日(芝加哥公约)n190个成员(2007年)n36个理事成员(一类11个、二类12个,三类13个)国际航空运输协会(IATA)n世界航空运输企业自愿联合组织的非政府的国际组织n凡国际民航组织成员任一经营定期航班的空运企业,经其政府许可都可成为该协会的成员。n总部设在加拿大的蒙特利尔,蒙特利尔和日内瓦设总办事部n协会的活动:n(1)协商制定国际航
4、空客货运价n(2)统一国际航空运输规章制度n(3)通过清算所,统一结算各会员间及会员与非会员间联运业务帐目。n(4)开展业务代理n(5)进行技术合作n(6)帮助各会员公司改善机场布局和程序、标准以提高机场运营效率international regulationsnDominated by the International Air Transportation Association(IATA国际民航运输协会)and the International civil Aviation Organization(ICAO国际民用航空组织理事会)nBilateral agreements have
5、been signed and circumvent the restrictions-open skies agreements开放天空协定 nThe first open skies agreement is between US and Netherlands nAs of 2006 100 agreementsnLimited to the landing slots Narita Airportopen skies agreements开放天空协定n所谓“开放天空”,是航空运输中的概念,指在敬重各国主权的前提下,各国之间相互赐予自由进入对方航空运输市场的权利,即是说,相互开放航空运输
7、人)n航空货运公司(代理人)二、航空货物运输方式types of servicesn(一)班机运输Airline n(二)包机运输(部分包机,全包机)Charter airplane n(三)集中托运 consolidation航空货物运输方式types of services(一)(一)Airline(班机运输)(班机运输)noffer liner services(regular scheduled voyage between two airports)two types of air cargo services both are scheduled voyage and comple
8、ment each other The first is provided on passenger airplanes(客机)(the cargo is carried in the belly of the aircraft or on part of the main deck)The second utilize an all-freight cargo aircraft(全货机)that does not include any room for passengerstypes of services-(二)Charter airplane nCharter airplane ser
9、vices for large air shipments between two portsnTraditional freighter aircrafts can be used in the following circumstancesThere is an increase in seasonal trafficThere is an increase in volume on a particular route due to a large increase in the volume of a single new productl nontraditional freight
10、er aircrafts can be used in the following casesThe ports with short runways are too small to accommodate the traditional freighter aircraftsThe product does not fit in traditional aircraftnontraditional freighter aircraftsAir bus A-300 Beluga with large fuselage机身Aircraft with large fuselage able to
11、 land on short runwaynAntonov-124 RuslanThe largest freighter in the world-the Antonov-225 Maiya安托诺夫 10月29日上午11时许,全球最大民用货机首次从乌克兰飞抵郑州 机舱内部空间巨大“巨无霸”大肚能容120吨货物 货物被源源不断地送抵“巨无霸”打开硕大无比的机舱头 包机:整包机和分包机n(1)定义:航空公司依据与租机人事先约定的条件及费用,将整架飞机租给包机人,从一个或几个航空港装运货物至目的地。n(2)包机人在货物装运前一个月与航空公司联系,以便航空公司支配运载和向降机场及有关部门申请,办理过
13、的地集中,制定航空公司的总运单(MAWB)master,发货人和收货人均为货代。n(3)打出总运单项下的货运清单(Manifest)n(4)将总运单和货运清单作为一票货物交给航空公司n(5)货物到目的地机场后,当地货代作为总运单的收货人接货,分货,按不同分运单制定报关单据代为报关n(6)实际收货人在分运单上签收后,目的地货代以此向发货地货代反馈到货信息。集中托运的特点n(1)节约运费n(2)延长航空公司服务n(3)提早结汇,交给货代后即取得分运单,可持分运单结汇n我国进出口航空货运主要的方法三、从事航空运输飞机类型 types of aircraftsnThe first differenti
14、ation is made between passenger airplane(客机)and pure cargo plane(货机)nThe second differentiation is made between plane used in regular scheduled voyage and plane used by cargo services that are contracted on a single voyage basis(一)客机 passenger airplanesnA type of airplane designed to carry passenger
15、s on its main deck of the plane,it can also carry cargo below the main deck,in its belly,but the size and type of cargo are restricted 接受客机运输货物出现的问题nSome of the airfreight is loose and not secured onto the airplanenIn Wide-body(larger)airplane,the cargo is palletized and secured onto the airplanenIn
16、ternational cargo services on passenger airplanes are somewhat unreliable as the airlines bump freightnOnly the most urgent of cargo make it on the passenger airplane Such as the machine or computer parts that are necessary for the repair of a critical piece of equipment,and small shipments of fresh
17、 product(fish)客机运输的局限性(Two constraints)nThe biggest is the maximum size that the shipment can be货物的最大尺寸nThe second is that there are many items that are not allowed in passenger airplane(they can be carried in air freighter)货物的种类On board courier(OBC)专人派送/专差递送nA passenger on a regularly scheduled fli
18、ght who relinquishes放弃 his or her baggage allocation allowing companies to ship extremely urgent cargo(二)客货混用飞机combisnA plane designed to carry both passengers and cargo the main decknLarge airplane that are necessary for nonstop passenger travel to remote areas of the world,but can not expect to fi
19、ll to capacitynThe advantages of the combis airplane are that the size limitations of passenger are gone;the main deck has a great weight capacity,a much larger door and can accommodate palletized and containerized cargo,the cargo can be secured onto the plane to prevent damage caused by movement wi
20、thin the plane(三)freighters货运飞机/巨型运输船nLinernThe same to the passenger aircraft except for the roller decknCan purchase new ones as cargo carriersnMore Often are retrofitted翻新 passenger aircraftsnOlder and nosier 1500 DC-3(1930s,1940s)not only in developing countries but in developed ones(US)njet-pow
21、ered喷气动力nOperate at off-hours(night)noise nban night fright nBrussels and the EU enact noise regulationsnMove from metropolitan airport to less urbanized airportRoller deck滚装甲板nThe configuration of the deck of aircraft when it is designed to accept cargo shipment;the deck is equipped with rollers an
22、d bearings that allow cargo to be moved in any direction without much frictionC-5运输机小常识n载重实力高达120吨 nC-5运输机可以装载:n350名全副武装士兵 n277,000罐12液唡(355毫升)饮料 n76,000瓶750毫升酒 n752,000个曲棍球 n328,000,000片阿斯匹林 n2,400,000个高尔夫球 n10,700蒲式耳未去壳的维吉尼亚花生 n25,800,000个乒乓球 n100辆大众甲壳虫 n6辆灰狗巴士 n3辆M1A1主战坦克 n足够美国一般汽车从洛杉矶和纽约之间来回130次
23、或者绕地球31圈的油料 n货舱足够安放一个八球道的保龄球道 n货舱的长度比莱特兄弟的第一次飞行距离还长 nC-5油料重量几乎与C-141总重相当 n方向舵面积几乎与F-104G的机翼面积相同 n油漆重量为2600磅(1200公斤)nC-5有超过103英里(165公里)的电线、4英里(6公里)的管道和5英里(8公里)的电缆 n每一台TF-39引擎每分钟几乎吐下42短吨(short ton)(38吨)的空气 n每一次着陆一条轮胎就会有近0.002英寸(0.05毫米)的磨损 n每一台引擎输出的总功率与800辆一般汽车相等 n飞机平均在空中飞一个小时就须要进行16个小时的修理 n美国空军希望C-5能用
24、到2040年 The largest cargo airport Memphis孟菲斯 airport货机的主要优势nAdvantage of air freighters is to offer regular service for the palletized and containerized cargonBoeing 747-400nAirbus A380 2007包机charters serve chartered transportation under one of the three conditionnUrgent needed goods/JIT/small aircra
25、ft/dc-3,helicopter/US automobile assembly plantsnNot fit for the regularly scheduled/too heavy or two largenGood delivered to a place regularly scheduled airfreight not available/the runway is too shortNASA ship the space shuttle on the back of Boeing 74721日,波音747客机搭载着发觉号航天飞机着陆在美宇航局肯尼迪航天中心 四、航空运单(Air waybill)n航空货运必不行少单据,一种运输合同,不同于海运提单,不行转让,不代表所托运货物全部权,货物收据,由航空公司或其代理出具。航空运单的作用n1.承运合同,当代理人既是发货人代理又是承运人代理时,要在提单上签署两次n2.接收货物证明,运单的第一份正本交给发货人n3.运费账单,作为运费账单和发票,承运人留存其次份正本n4.收货人核收货物的收据,第三份正本随即交收货人n5.报关凭证,收货人持第三份正本报关,海关验收的主要凭证n6.保险证书,当发货人要求承运人代办保险时,航空运单可用作保险证书n7.承运人内部处理业务依据n运单一般三份正本,六份副本,三份额外副本