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1、English-Chinese Translation for International BusinessRitawy.eng Office: III 503Objectives of This Course1. Stylistic Features of Business English2. Criteria of Business English Translation3. Translation Techniques of Different Business TextsTeaching Scheduleweekcontentweekcontent1stChapter 1.210thC

2、hapter 152ndChapter 3.411thChapter 163rdChapter 5.612thChapter 17-14thChapter 7.8.913thChapter 17-25thChapter 1014thChapter 18-16thChapter 1115thChapter 18-27thChapter 1216thChapter 19-18thChapter 1317thChapter 19-29thChapter 1418thFinalIntroduction to ETTBLETTBL全国商务英语翻译考试:English Translation Test o

3、f Business Languagehttp:/www.ettbl.orgPreliminaryIntermediateHigher(advanced)初级笔译(preliminary): 考试要求:掌握5000个以上英语词汇,包括3000个基础英语词汇和2000个商务英语词汇。考试内容设置: 1英汉句子互译 (10句) 2英译汉(300字文章)(2篇)3汉译英(500字文章)(2篇)考试时间:150分钟考试合格标准:考试采用百分制计分方式,满分为100分,考试合格标准为60分。60-70分为合格;70-80分为良好;80分以上为优秀。中级笔译(intermediate): 考试要求:掌握7

4、000个以上英语词汇,包括3000个基础英语词汇和4000个商务英语词汇。考试内容设置:1英汉句子互译 (10句)2英译汉(400字文章)(2篇)3汉译英(700字文章)(2篇)考试时间:150分钟考试合格标准:考试采用百分制计分方式,满分为100分,考试合格标准为60分。60-70分为合格;70-80分为良好;80分以上为优秀。高级笔译higher/advanced: 考试要求:掌握10000个以上英语词汇。考试内容设置: 1英汉句子互译 (10句) 2英译汉(500字文章)(2篇)3汉译英(900字文章)(2篇)考试时间:150分钟考试合格标准:考试采用百分制计分方式,满分为100分,考试

5、合格标准为60分。60-70分为合格;70-80分为良好;80分以上为优秀。Topics AdvertisingEnterprise DescriptionProducts and InsuranceHuman Resource and OccupationEconomyInternational TradeFinance and SecuritiesMarketingLaw, Contract and AgreementTourismMy hopes1. Make full use of the textbook2. Enlarge the vocabulary of Business En

6、glish 3. Do the translation practice4. Take part in ETTBL (optional)翻译学习网站:中国翻译协会 http:/www.tac-中国翻译网 http:/www.chinatranslation.org中国在线翻译网 在线翻译学院 翻译学习期刊:中国翻译上海翻译英语世界Marking Criteria: Attendance 10% Assignments 30% (3x10)Quiz 20% (5 x4) Final exam (40%) ExercisesThere are exercises for each chapter,

7、 and reference versions are provided at the end of the textbook. But you are going to give comments on them, and sometimes you may even make improvements.There will also be some additional in-class and after-class tasks.General Introduction to Translation And Business English Translation What is the

8、 difference between translation and Business English translation?Translation in general covers a wide range of topics, usually more literature-focused.Business English translation is more professional, specified and business activities-focused .翻译理论 在我国,文字翻译最早开始于春秋时期的越人歌,迄今大约有2500年的历史,对翻译标准的争论也有1000

9、多年,但有关翻译标准在翻译界迄今还没有达成“共识”,即还没有一个大家都认同的翻译标准。翻译是一门推敲的,无唯一答案的课程。国内外翻译标准百家争鸣、白花齐放。 功能对等“功能对等”(Functional Equivalence)翻译准则是由美国著名翻译家尤金.奈达(Eugene A . Nida)博士提出的。在众多的国外翻译家中,奈达的翻译理论可以说对我国的影响最大。他认为,翻译的预期目的主要是原文与译文在信息内容、说话方式、文体、风格、语言、文化、社会因素诸方面达到对等。 综观国内外翻译家们的观点,可以得出结论:中外翻译标准其实质上有一致性,即:信息对等。说到底,不管什么样的翻译标准,都离不开

10、一个“真”字,换言之,译文应该是原文信息的真实反映,译者最大限度地将原文作者所赋予原文语言文字的“任务”转译到译文里。 一.翻译的概念.关于翻译的几种定义翻译是一门艺术. -林语堂翻译是一门科学 -董秋斯Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. -尤金奈达.广义的翻译是指语言与语言,语言变体与

11、语言变体,语言与非语言等的代码转换和基本信息的传达.狭义的翻译是一种语言活动,是把一种语言表达的内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来二.翻译的分类.按所涉及的两种代码的性质分为:语内翻译(intralingual translation):同一种语言间不同语言变体的翻译语际翻译(interlingual translation):不同语言间的翻译,是狭义翻译的研究对象语符翻译( interseniotic translation):用非文字符号解释文字符号.按翻译主体的性质分为人工翻译和机器翻译两类.按照翻译的工具和成品形式可分为口译和笔译.按翻译的客体即所译资料的性质可分为:文学翻译(litera

12、ry translation):包括诗歌,小说,戏剧等文学作品的翻译,着重情感内容和修辞特征的表达实用翻译(pragmatic translation):包括科技,商务,公文等资料的翻译,着重实际内容的表达三、翻译的过程翻译的过程是理解和表达的有机结合翻译的关键在于对原文的理解,要真正理解原文,译者必须有扎实的语言功底和相关专业背景知识,并熟知英汉两种文化知识,否则译者就不能真正理解,从而产生误差Requirements to Business English TranslatorsChinese & English & CultureKnowledge on Business Transla

13、tion Skills四、翻译的方法直译 (literal translation) P5意译 (free translation) P5活译 (dynamic equivalence translation)直译:是指不但表达原文的内容,而且还保留 原文表达的形式。意译:是指不拘泥于原文的表达形式、形象、民族特色等而只是将原文的意义传达出来的翻译。What is Business English?A branch of ESP (English for Specific Purposes专门用途英语),English for Business activities, including:La

14、nguage Knowledge 语言知识Communication Skills 交际技能Professional Content 专业知识Management Skills 管理技能Cultural Awareness 文化背景商务活动(Business Activities)商业推广 Business Promotion招商引资 Invitation of Investment 对外贸易 Foreign Trade 技术引进 Introduction of Technology 商业保险 Business Insurance 国际投资 International Investment 国

15、际运输 International Transportation商务文本(Business Texts)本课程涉及的商务文本是指在商务活动中最为重要,也是对外商务活动的必备语篇,如: 1)Business Letters 商务信函2) Contracts商务合同3) Advertisement 商务广告4) Product descriptions 产品说明书3) Business cards 商务名片5) PR documents 企业宣传材料6) Trademarks 商标Stylistic Features of Business English词汇使用特点语句使用特点语篇风格特点一、词

16、汇使用特点1.专业词汇的精确使用Counter-offer还盘Counter-suggestion返还盘Bid递盘Surcharges附加费Irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证Insurance policy保险单QC质量控制2. 常用缩略词、古体词1)缩略词 BECBE/B.E.3GRdINVCOMMASAPR.S.V.P2)古体词We send you herewith two copies of the contract. 我们随函附上合同一式两份。hereunder 以下herein 在此whereby 借以thereafter 之后3. 一词多义In

17、strument of payment支付工具Instrument of pledge抵押契据Instrument of ratification批准证书Instrument of credit control信用管制手段Instrument of acquisition购置凭证4. 不同搭配Straight B/L记名提单Direct B/L直达提单Clean credit光票信用证Documentary clean credit无跟单信用证不同的介词、词序及单复数变化等都会导致词义发生变化Property in goods货权Property of goods货物属性Appearance

18、surface外表Surface appearance表面状况5. 多用介词短语In the nature of LikeFor the purpose of for In the case of IfOn the grounds that since/becauseWith reference to/with regard to about二、语句使用特点1、简洁严密:多使用简单句、简短并列句和简短复合句(商务信函的语句使用) Thank you for your letter dated 7th October offering us Chinese Embroideries. Subje

19、ct to your confirmation 由贵方确认。2、商务合同中多用长句、复合句以及介词短语、插入语、同位语、被动语态等特殊句型This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.本合同由买卖双方订立,因此买卖双方同意

20、按照下面规定的条款购买以下商品。3、套语polite formula使用频繁Please quote us the lowest price请报最低价We refer toBe informed thatBe subject to change without previous notice 如有变化,不另行通知三、语篇风格特点1、完整completeness 2、简洁conciseness 3、具体concreteness 4、正确correctness 5、清晰clarity 6、体谅consideration 7、礼貌courtesyCriteria of Business Englis

21、h Translation1、忠实性 faithfulness2、准确性 accuracy/exactness3、统一性 consistency4、通顺 smoothnessFaithfulness & Accuracy 忠实/准确We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations. 鉴于我们之间长久愉快的业务关系,本公司将酌情考虑给予5%的折扣.In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for an

22、y loss or damage sustained therefore. 在此情况下,卖方负责偿还买方由此所遭受的损失.Faithfulness & Accuracy 忠实/准确The Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods on the terms and conditions as follows.买方同意购买、卖方同意出售本货物,其条款如下. This contract shall be made in duplicate, both in English and Chinese . 本

23、合同用中文和英文两种文字写成,一式两份。Faithfulness 忠实Wiseness does not come from baldness.聪明不必绝顶。(生发灵广告)Typing is knowing.不打不相识。(打字机公司广告)4ord costs 5ive% le$. (Ford)福特为您省5%。(福特汽车)Consistency统一性Munich 慕尼黑George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳Exclusive contract专销合同Smoothness 通顺Breakfast is served at the hotel from 7 to 9 oclock to tho

24、se who produce tickets. 早上7点到9点宾馆有早餐供应, 但需凭票就餐.Please be informed that all the students are to have a meeting at Room 222 in the office building at 2:00 P.M., March 10. 谨定于3月10日下午2点整在学校办公大楼222厅召开全院学生会.SmoothnessWe should be very much obliged if you could let us have full details of your latest produ

25、cts. 倘贵方能详告最新产品的情况,我们不胜感激.You will find enclosed with this letter a sample of new socks. 随函附上本公司新出品的短袜样品,请查收.Criteria of Different Business Texts Translation1. 商务广告的翻译:“劝购功能相似”e.g.1:We take no pride in prejudice.(The Times) 译文1:对于你的偏见,我们没有傲慢。 译文2:对于有失偏颇的报道,我们并不引以为豪。 译文3:正义的力量,舆论的导向。e.g.2: Connecting

26、 People (Nokia) (科技以人为本)e.g.3:Let the rainbow in the sky, send his twin brother to you to keep your spirit high. (Changhong) 天上彩虹,人间长虹。2. 商务应用文的翻译:约定俗成、入乡随俗e.g. The Deputy Prime Minister of Australiaand Minister for Overseas TradeDr.J.F.CairnsRequests the Pleasure of Your Companyat a BanquetOn Tuesd

27、ay, 11 October,2005from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.In Hall Three of the Beijing Exhibition CenterTo Mark the Opening of the Australian ExhibitionR.S.V.PTel:译文: 谨定于2005年10月11日(星期二)12时半至下午1时半假座北京展览馆3号大厅举行宴会,庆祝澳大利亚展览会开幕。 敬请光临 澳大利亚副总理兼海外贸易部长 杰弗凯恩斯博士 (请赐复) 电话: R.S.V.Prepondez sil vous plait (france) = please repl

28、y 3. 商务信函的翻译:事实准确、礼貌得体1)贴切再现原文的礼貌语气中文信函礼貌套语:“贵(处,公司)”,“谨”“承蒙”“烦请”“敬请”获悉”“为盼”英语信函礼貌套语e.g.: please, thank you, It would be appreciated if We should be obliged/pleased ifDear Sirs/Gentlemen; Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully“敬启者、执事先生“”敬上、谨上“2)符合公函文体的语言特征There are quantities of this item here, in differe

29、nt weights and sizes, with varied colors and shapes. The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request. 译文1:现有各种不同重量、尺寸、颜色和形状的大理石供君选择,价格绝对公道,按需报价。译文2:我方现有各种不同重量、不同体积、颜色丰富、形状各异的大理石,数量甚巨,价格合理,受函报价。 (译文1有点象广告)e.g.2: Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, a

30、s I am sure you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to minimum.译文1:我们的价格已经是大量批发的价格。另外,你也知道,我们所处的行业竞争十分激烈,逼得我们将价格压至最低。译文2:我方报价已考虑到大批量订货的因素。相信贵公司了解我们是在一个竞争十分激烈的市场上经营销售业务,因而已经不得不把利润降到最低限度。译文1过于口语化4. 商务合同的翻译:准确完整、通顺得体1)行文通顺,条理清楚 e.g.: The Buyer

31、shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.译文1:如果买方向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),并出具相应的检验证明,卖方将支付全部费用。译文2:买方须凭复检证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),由此引起的全部费用应由卖方负担。2)符合契约的文体特点e.g.:The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.译文1: 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力,双方必须遵照执行。译文2: 仲裁裁决是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。AssignmentsPage 31Page 43Translate the passages and make comments on them


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