1、单元一4第一部分 语言与语言教师4导 文 1 Lead-in4文献阅读 1 Literature5课堂实录 1 Lesson Extractact5课堂实录 2 Lesson Extractact6导 文 2 Lead in6文献阅读 2 Literature7导 文 3 Lead in8第二部分 文献10文献阅读 1 Literature10课堂实录 1 Lesson Extractact11课堂实录 2 Lesson Extract12文献阅读 2 Literature12第三部分 教学参考15导 文 1 Lead-in15文献阅读 1 Literature15课堂实录 1 Lesson
2、Extract16课堂实录 2 Lesson Extractact16导 文 2 Lead-in17文献阅读 2 Literature18单元二20第一部分 语言学习理论与学习者20导文 1 Lead-in20导文 2 Lead-in21导文 3 Lead-in22导文 4 Lead-in25导文 5 Lead-in27导文 6 Lead-in28文献阅读 1Literature29文献阅读 3Literature30第二部分文献31文献阅读 1Literature31文献阅读 2Literature33文献阅读 3Literature34第三部分 教学参考 Reference for Uni
3、t 236导文 1 Lead-in36导文 2 Lead-in37导文 3 Lead-in39导文 4 Lead-in40导文 5 Lead-in41导文 6 Lead-in43文献阅读 1Literature43文献阅读 2Literature44文献阅读 3Literature44单元三46第一部分 英语课程标准与教材46导 文 1 Lead-in46导 文 2 Lead-in46文献阅读 1 Literature47导 文 3 Lead-in48文献阅读 2 Literature48文献阅读 3 Literature49文献阅读 4 Literature49导 文 4 Lead-in49
4、第二部分 文献 Literature for Unit 352文献阅读1 Literature52文献阅读2 Literature53文献阅读3 Literature57文献阅读4 Literature58第三部分 教学参考 Reference for Unit 361导文1 Lead-in61导文2 Lead-in61文献阅读1 Literature61导文3 Lead-in62文献阅读2 Literature62文献阅读3 Literature63文献阅读4 Literature63单元四64第一部分 英语知识与技能的教学64导文1 Lead-in64导文2 Lead-in65导文3 Le
5、ad-in65导文4 Lead-in66文献阅读1 Literature67导文5 Lead-in67课堂实录1 Lesson Extract68课堂实录2 Lesson Extract68文献阅读3 Literature69第二部分 文献Literature for Unit 471文献阅读1 Literature71课堂实录1 Lesson Extract74文献阅读2 Literature77课堂实录2 Lesson Extract78文献阅读3 Literature81单元一 第一部分 语言与语言教师(Language and language teachers )导 文 1 Lead
6、-inWhat is a language?What do people know when they know a language? You would think that this is an easy question to answer, since, as speakers of it, we all use our language frequently.The situation is rather like driving a car.Many people drive a car perfectly well without knowing how the car wor
7、ks.In the case of languages, the situation is more difficult in that languages are not physical objects like a car.They exist only within the minds of speakers.There are many theories about how language works, but the more language is studied,the more complex it seems to become. Kuiper, K.& Allan, W
8、.S.2004:1【导文提示 Hints 】对于语言观和语言教学观,人们持有不同看法。一种观点是:只要语言功底深,不掌握语言理论也能教好语言。另一种观点是:语言教学是在一定语言观指导下的实践。不掌握语言理论就教不好语言。你同意哪一观点?语言和语言教师的教学观有内在的联系吗?语言和语言教学理论能够成为教学的潜在动力吗? 【任务 Task 】 观察下列话语,并思考:以下话语中体现了哪些语言要素?有关语言要素的知识对英语教学有帮助吗? Taken from Kuiper, K.& Allan, W.S.2004:1112 语言要素: A. 身份 (status)B. 话题 (topic)C. 语体(
9、 register )D. 方式( mode :书面语 / 口语) E. 媒介( medium: on a screen/in a book ) Below are a number of utterances.What factors in the situation have influenced the choice of vocabulary, and grammar in each utterance? (a)My friends and fellow Americans, I speak to you tonight on one of the gravest issues fac
10、ing our great nation, and at the time I want to make one thing perfectly clear (b)Canada is 33 million square miles in area.It is the second largest country in the world, covering more than half the North American continent. (c)Johnson waits for the pitch.Here it comes Swung at and missed! One down.
11、That brings up Thomas. (d)Tonight it appears that all the 247 passengers are dead.Search and rescue teams are making their way to the scene in order to start a full search at daybreak. (e)The earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein: For he hath founded it
12、 upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. (f)Thats a good boy.Now you promise your grandpappy you wont do that again. (g)My husband and I are pleased again to be visiting your beautiful country. 文献阅读 1 Literature Theory of Language【任务 Tasks 】依据文献内容,为下列语言观点写出定义: Structural view: _Functional
13、 view: _Interactional view: _下列课堂教学实践体现了哪种语言观? A. 结构主义观 B. 功能观 C. (社会)互动观 要求学生根据班里同学的体能状况,讨论参加学校运动会的人选。 学习问路和指路。 从对话中选出重要词汇和语法进行练习。 让学生猜测新开业的超市里有什么文具。 通过听和模仿,形成正确的语言习惯。 听一段餐厅服务员与顾客之间的录音对话,学习用英语点菜和付款的表达方法。 课堂实录 1 Lesson Extractact Can We Have Ice creams?Children: Mm! Ice creams! Man:Are you next? Gir
14、l:Yes. Man:What would you like? Girl:Can we have three ice creams,please?Like those? Man:Three? Here you are.30 pence please. Girl: Thanks.Lovely! Willis, J.1992: 96 【观察与思考 Observation & Reflection 】1.Does the teacher have control of the language used in class? _ 2.Is the new language to be learned
15、predetermined? _ 3.What is the objective of the lesson? To acquire the sentence structures or to develop the ability to communicate with people? _ 4.Does the teacher worry that students may make mistakes when they speak? Why? _ 5.What is the teachers view on language teaching? 课堂实录 2 Lesson Extracta
16、ct Listening exercise“Bad weather has caused chaos in many parts of Britain today.From the South, reports have come in of an oil tanker, carrying thousands of tons of crude oil, running aground in the channel.It was making its way through heavy seas in poor visibility when it struck rocks, off the F
17、rench Coast.The officers and crew have been rescued by helicopter,but the vessel itself is badly damaged.Oil is spilling out from the tanker into the sea, and attempts to stop the oil leak were stopped by the chronic weather onditions and rough seas.The French are worried that the oil will drift ont
18、o their coast and spoil their beaches, endangering wild life and harming their summer tourist trade” Willis, J.1992: 137 【观察与思考 Observation & Reflection 】 1 Does the teacher require his students to understand every word? Why or why not? _ 2 Why does the teacher give the students 3 questions before t
19、hey listen to the news? _ 3 Why does the teacher ask the student to predict what the news would be about next? _ 4.What is the objective of the lesson? _ 5. What is the teachers view on language teaching? _ 导 文 2 Lead in So you ve decided to be a language teacher!Welcome to a profession that will gu
20、arantee you more than you fair share of challenges, growth, joy and fulfillment.Challenges await you at every turn in your professional path because the discipline of language teaching has only begun to solve some of the perplexing questions about how people successfully learn foreign languages.Oppo
21、rtunities for growth abound because, for as long as you continue to teach, you will never run out of new questions, new possibilities, new ways of looking at your students, and new ways of looking at yourself.The joy of teaching lies in the vicarious pleasure of witnessing your students attainment o
22、f broader and broader vistas of linguistic proficiency and in experiencing the communal bond that you have been instrumental in creating in your classroom.And, ultimately, few professions can offer the fulfillment of knowing that your seemingly insignificant work really can make a difference in a wo
23、rld in need of communication that transcends national borders and interests. Brown, H.D.1994:3【导文提示 Hints 】 外语教师这一职业给人们带来美好的憧憬、乐趣和成就感。但是,机遇与挑战同在。英语教师随时可能遇到的挑战是:怎样解决“究竟如何成功地学习外语”这一令人们十分困惑的问题?当然,机遇也无所不在:通过不断遇到问题并解决问题,你会:从新的视角观察学生和自己,分享学生的欢乐;通过自己“微不足道”的工作,学生的语言能力与日俱增,课堂充满集体的凝聚力。 你想成为一名优秀的英语教师吗?世界需要无国界的
24、交流。就此而言,还有其他任何职业能够与你所从事的工作相比吗?但是要记住:“千里之行,始于足下。”课堂教学是新教师体验教学生涯的第一步。【任务 Task 】以下是你在课堂教学中可能遇到的问题,写出自己的观点和建议。完成后在小组内比较并讨论。 Taken from Gower, R., Phillips, D.& Walters, S.1995: 8 35 1.What should you do before the class starts? _ 2.How can you use eye contact? _ 3.How does gesture and mime affect what y
25、ou do in the classroom? _4.Is there anything to be avoided? _5.In what way does your voice vary? _ 6.Why should you learn and use students names? _ 7.How can you learn students names? _ 8.How can you write on the board without turning your back on the students? _9.How can you avoid unnecessary and u
26、nhelpful teacher talking time? _文献阅读 2 LiteratureThe secret of the teachers magic 【任务 Tasks 】 在阅读文献前,请根据你心目中好教师的标准从高到低进行排序,然后在小组内讨论,在协商的基础上重新排序。 Taken from Scrivener, J.1994:7 8 The effective teacher a.really listens to his students; b.shows respect; c.gives clear, positive feedback; d.has a good se
27、nse of humor; e.is patient; f.knows his subject; g.inspires confidence; h.trusts people; i.empathizes with students problems; j.is well-organized; k.paces lessons well; l.does not complicate things unnecessarily; m.can be authoritative without being distant; n.is honest; o.is approachable 阅读文献,在 Mis
28、s Craddock 身上体现了上述哪些好教师的特征? _导 文 3 Lead inThe teacher I recall with most pleasure and respectWhen I think back on my own experiences of being taught, it is the teaching techniques that I remember least.I certainly remember teachers who made subject matter come alive, through their great knowledge an
29、d enthusiasm.But the teacher I recall with most pleasure and respect was the one who listened to me, who encouraged me, who respected my own views and decisions.Curiously this teacher who helped me most was the one who actually did least teaching of the subject matter and was, eemingly, technique-fr
30、ee, being basically himself in class.My memories of his lessons are of what I did, rather than what he did, of my learning rather than his teaching.Scrivener, J.1994:7【任务 Task 】以“ The teacher I recall with most pleasure and respect ”为题,描述一位令你难忘的教师。单元学习自我评价表What I do to help myself learnMy learning a
31、ct100%75%50%25%Understand key concepts Competent in accomplishing tasks Observe, hypothesize and experiment Initiate personal interaction Look for more information Seek assistance from the teacher/classmate 第二部分 文献Literature for Unit 1 文献阅读 1 LiteratureRichards,J.& Rodgers,T.1986:1617 Theory of lang
32、uageAt least three different theoretical views of language and the nature of language proficiency explicitly or implicitly inform current approaches and methods in language teaching.The first, and the most traditional of the three, is the structural view, the view that language is a system of struct
33、urally related elements for the coding of meaning.The target of language learning is seen to be the mastery of elements of this system, which are generally defined in terms of phonological units (e.g., phonemes), grammatical units (e.g., clauses, phrases, sentences), grammatical operations (e.g., ad
34、ding, shifting, joining, or transforming elements),and lexical items(e.g., function words and structure words).The Audiolingual Method embodies this particular view of language, as do such contemporary methods as Total Physical Response and the Silent WayThe second view of language is the functional
35、 view, the view that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning.The communicative movement in language teaching subscribes to this view of language.This theory emphasizes the semantic and communicative dimension rather than merely the grammatical characteristics of language, and
36、leads to a specification and organization of language teaching content by categories of meaning and function rather than by elements of structure and grammar.Wilkins Notional Syllabuses (1976) is an attempt to spell out the implications of this view of language for syllabus design.A notional syllabu
37、s would include not only elements of grammar and lexis but also specify the topics, notions, and concepts the learner needs to communicate about.The English for specific purposes (ESP) movement likewise begins not from a structural theory of language but from a functional account of learner needs (R
38、obinson,1980).The third view of language can be called the interactional view.It sees language as a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals.Language is seen as a tool for the creation and maintenance of social relation
39、s.Areas of inquiry being drawn on in the development of interactional approaches to language teaching include interaction analysis, conversation analysis, and ethnomethodology.Interactional theories focus on the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.
40、Language teaching content,according to this view, may be specified and organized by patterns of exchange and interaction or may be left unspecified, to be shaped by the inclinations of learners as interactors. 课堂实录 1 Lesson ExtractactWillis,J.1992 : 96 Can We Have Ice creams?The teacher is drawing a
41、 picture of an ice cream man.She has just told her class they are going to learn a dialogue about buying ice creams.Now she is beginning the presentation stage of the dialogue below. T: OK.Now then.Look at what Im drawing Whats this? Ss: Man. T: Yes, a man; and whats he got in here? Ss: Ice creams. T: Yes, is he eating the ice creams? Eating them? Ss: No, buying. T: Buying? Is he buying them or selling them? Ss: Selling. T: Hes selling ice creams, isnt he? Who to? Look, here are some children.What are they going to do? What will