1、海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。林则徐百学须先立志。朱熹项目4Discipline 4选项 Option问题描述Description第一个为什么First Why第二个为什么 Second Why第三个为什么Third Why第四个为什么4th Why第五个为什么5th Why第一个为什么First Why第二个为什么Second Why第三个为什么Third Why第四个为什么4th Why第五个为什么 5th Why第一个为什么First Why第二个为什么Second Why第三个为什么Third Why第四个为什么4th Why第五个为什么 5th Why4.3 管理系统为何
2、允许此类关键原因发生?4.3 Why did your Management System allow the root cause to happen?问题描述 Problem Description昆山正大质量管理 kunshanchaitai Quality Management问题解决-8D报告 Problem solving-8D report根本问题分析Root cause analysis4.1 不合格品为什么会产生?4.1 Why did the Non Conformity Occur?4.2 为什么过去没有检测到不合格品?4.2 Why were you not able
3、to Detect the Non Conformity?问题描述 Problem Description版本/版次:C/1编号:AK-QR-M0401-02勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。刘备丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。杜甫昆山正大质量管理 kunshanchaitai Quality Management问题解决-8D报告 Problem solving-8D report版本/版次:C/1编号:AK-QR-M0401-02项目5&6Discipline 5&6序号 Number负责人Responsible完成时间Deadline序号 Number负责人Responsible完成时间D
4、eadline序号 Number负责人 Responsible完成时间Deadline5.2 将制定何种纠正措施改进对出现不良后的检测?5.2 What are your Corrective Actions to improve Detection of Non-Conformity if it is still likely to occur?内容 What5.3 为防止问题再次发生质量管理系统将会有什么变化(从中学习到经验或教训)?5.3 What changes will you implement in Quality Management System to avoid recur
5、rence of the problem(lessons learned for the future)?内容 What发现并贯彻永久性改进计划及确认Identify and Implement Permanent Corrective Actions and verification5.1 将制定何种改进计划以避免不合格产品再次发生的?5.1 What are your Corrective Actions to prevent the root cause of Non-Conformity from re-ocurring?内容 What非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮良辰美景奈何
6、天,便赏心乐事谁家院。则为你如花美眷,似水流年。汤显祖昆山正大质量管理 kunshanchaitai Quality Management问题解决-8D报告 Problem solving-8D report版本/版次:C/1编号:AK-QR-M0401-02项目7Discipline 7零件号 Parts零件名称序号 Number负责人 Responsible完成时间Deadline批准时间 Date:批准长期措施/Approval Long-term measures suggestion/validating批准人 Approved by:7.1 是否可能此问题将会发生在其他供应给顾客的
7、零件、产品上?7.1 Is this problem likely to occur on other parts/products that you supply to customber?7.2 如何将这个改进措施运用于其他零件,以防止这些问题发生?7.2 How will you extend the corrective actions to prevent occurrence of the root cause on these other parts?内容 What定义并贯彻永久性预防性措施Identify and Implement Permanent Preventive ActionsPFMEA是否更新/PFMEA renewed or not过程控制计划是否更新 Process Control Plan renewed or not作业指导书是否更新 Operation instruction renewed or not