3、中篇章阅读理解沿用了老四级题型,篇章词汇理解和快速阅读是新题型。从2005年6月起,四级考试成绩开始采用满分为710分的计分体制,不设及格线;成绩报道方式由考试合格证书改为成绩报告单,即考后向每位考生发放成绩报告单。425分及格。二、四级考试做题顺序答题时间共125分钟,顺序是:写作、快速阅读、听力、仔细阅读、完型填空和汉译英。考生首先在答题卡1上完成写作部分。30分钟后,监考员发试题册,考生在接着的15分钟内完成快速阅读理解部分的试题。然后,监考员收回答题卡1。考生在答题卡2上完成其余部分的试题。三、各项做题应对1. 写作应对大学英语四级新题型考试第一部分是写作,写作写得如何会直接影响以后的
4、做题。短文写得得心应手,对后面的答题可起到事半功倍的作用,否则就有可能功亏一篑。四级写作的体裁包括说明文、议论文和应用文。写作的素材或要求可以是中文、英文和图表。写作字数在120字以上,写作的时间为30分钟,但你应留少量时间作最后的检查。同学们应对一些校园、社会新闻和常识有一定的认识和见解,并能够有层次地、结构完整地在文章中清楚表达你的观点。下面谈谈具体怎么处理作文。1) 确定文章基本结构 文章是由段落构成,而段落的基本结构是由主题句、支撑句和结尾句所构成,它的具体结构可以用以下的图表加以表示: 大学英语四级写作通常采用三段论模式,即:开头段(introduction)、主体段(body pa
5、ragraph)和结尾段(conclusion)。 开头段:限于篇幅,大学英语四级的写作考题开头段一般都不长。然而,这寥寥几句话却占有十分重要的地位,它表达的是整篇文章的主题思想。在议论文中,我们称之为中心论点,它起到驾驭全文的作用。一个意义清晰、明确的开头段,将有助于争取到阅卷老师对你作文良好的第一印象。 主体段:主体段写作方法多种多样,而不同的方法会产生不同的效果,不同的方法需用不同的组织形式。因此,在动笔之前,必须先选择好所采用的方法,然后根据自己所选的方法确定相应的结构形式,才能把文章写好。 结尾段:开头和结尾往往是读者注意最多的部分。开头引起读者注意,提出主题;结尾与开头呼应,使读者
6、感觉全文论述完整,圆满结束。从某种意义上来说,结尾更容易给读者留下深刻印象。 2) 写作实例分析 (一)说明文(1) 说明文一般用于解释和分析社会现象或社会问题。要求考生对某种社会现象产生的原因及其可能造成的种种影响或应采取的措施进行分析和说明。此类文章的基本结构如下: Paragraph 1 phenomenon (现象)Paragraph 2reasons (effects)(原因或危害)Paragraph 3suggestions or solutions (措施)Drug abuse among young people has become more and more prevale
7、nt over recent years. (主题句)Statistics show that the number of youth drug users almost doubles in the past three years.(数据支撑) It is vital to analyze why drugs are so attractive to young people and what can be done to combat it.(结论) Firstly, teenagers are under increasing pressure - this may be peer p
8、ressure or pressure to succeed for example. Drug use may help them escape reality, forget their problems, or simply feel more accepted by their friends.(原因1) In addition, through the media we are exposed to information that glamorizes drug use and makes it look attractive, particularly to young peop
9、le.(原因2) Furthermore, teenagers are usually naturally curious about drugs, and drug dealers can take advantage of this curiosity for their own profit.(原因3) High fines and prison sentences should also be imposed on drug dealers and users. (措施1) However, it is my own personal view that prevention is b
10、etter than cure and so a good education programmed about the dangers of drug abuse is one of the most important steps any government should take. (措施2) (二)说明文(2) 比较性说明文用于比较两种或几种类似的事物,要求考生通过比较它们各自的优点或缺点,说明自己的看法,并加以论证。这种文章的基本结构如下: Paragraph 1 phenomenon(现象) Paragraph 2advantages (优点) Paragraph 3disadv
11、antages (缺点) Paragraph 4comments(结论) A mobile phone is getting increasingly popular.(主题句) Statistics show that eight out of ten college students have got one.(数据支撑) However, as is the case with many issues, a mobile phone has both positive and negative aspects. (承上启下) On the positive side, a mobile
12、phone allows calls to be made instantly from almost any location. This can be vital where emergency services need to be called to the scene of a crime, accident or fire, where no public telephone is nearby. (优点1) Meanwhile, a mobile phone can serve as a connection to the Internet, which can be extre
13、mely convenient for obtaining information wherever you may be. (优点2) The fact that a mobile phone allows a person to be contacted at any time can in itself be a disadvantage. For instance, an employee may, via the mobile phone, be constantly available to his employer and feels that he never leaves w
14、ork. This may cause distress. (缺点1) Another disadvantage is the perceived health risks associated with its use. Some people believe that using mobile phones for long periods can damage the brain. (缺点2) There is no denying that a mobile phone has both benefits and drawbacks but on balance perhaps the
15、 advantages of a mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages since a mobile has become an integral part of modern life. (结论) (三)说明文(3) 图表写作也属于说明文的类型,这种文章通常结构是: Paragraph 1change(变化) Paragraph 2reasons or implication(原因或意义) Paragraph 3conclusion (effects; implication)(结论) The period 19952005 witnessed a
16、rapid increase in the number of people in City X traveling abroad. As can be seen, in 1995, only about 10,000 people in this city went overseas while in 1995 this number quickly rose to 40,000. In 2005, however the number of overseas traveler surged to over 120,000, which is more than 10 times as ma
17、ny as that of 1995. (变化) This change can be accounted for by a couple of factors. First, along with social and economy progress, the living standard of the Chinese people has been greatly enhanced, so they have enough money and time to travel abroad. Meanwhile, more and more people want to enjoy the
18、mselves and broaden their vision by visiting overseas historical places and experiencing exotic cultures. (原因) Overseas travel has a profound effect on both individuals and the society. It can widen our peoples horizons, promote friendship and enhance cultural interaction. In the meantime, it can al
19、so boost our social economy and make our society more prosperous and dynamic. Its good for our nations progress. (结论) (四)议论文(1) 议论文的第一种形式是要求考生针对某一有争议性的两种观点,来阐述自己的立场,或对这一问题反映出的某一观点进行驳斥,然后提出自己的看法并加以论证。它的基本形式是:一些人认为;另一些人认为;我的看法。这种文章的基本结构如下: Paragraph 1Introduction(启) Paragraph 2Analysis(承) Paragraph 3
20、Conclusion(转合) 例如: 1.一些人认为数据库威胁个人隐私 2.另一些人认为数据库有利于提高工作效率 3.我的看法 My view on Data Collection Data collection is a fact of modern life. Some argue that data collection is endangering the rights of individuals, though others see it as a useful tool which increases efficiency. (启)To be frank, I believe d
21、ata collection does more good than harm. (作者观点) For one thing, databases provide a very useful tool. Large databases which contain information on many individuals can enable more effective decisions to be made. Institutions such as government departments and police rely on data collection in order t
22、o operate efficiently, and hospitals use computerized records to help in their fight against disease. (承1) For another, databases stored on computer can also be very efficient. Data which has been collected in one area can be sent anywhere in the world almost instantly. This means that those who hav
23、e legitimate access to this data can work very efficiently. (承2) In summary, data collection on individuals can be justified, although all possible measures should be taken to minimize the risks. (转合) (五)议论文(2) 议论文的第二种形式是要求考生针对某一有争议性的观点,表明自己的观点(同意或是不同意),并提出相应的论证。如: Direction: It is very important th
24、at children should study hard at school. Time spent playing sport is time wasted. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons. We could argue that children go to school to study so that they may become fully productive adults and good citizens. We should ask whether playing sport helps children to b
25、ecome better people. If so, sport is not a waste of time. (启) It is generally believed that students need more than the knowledge of a subject. They need to know how to work in groups to achieve a mutual goal, how to work as a team. Where better to learn those skills than on the sports field? Any of
26、 the team sports involve coordination with other players, understanding and adopting a team mentality. These skills are too useful to be ignored. (承1) Moreover, it is important that people be healthy, and good health is not so easily achieved in a sedentary society. Sport gets students outside and g
27、ives them good reason to run about, thus countering hours spent sitting still. (承2) So although school studies are undeniably important, we should regard time spent playing sport as time well spent. (转合) (六)应用文 应用文是大学英语四级写作考试的一个重要组成部分,形式包括书信、启事、通知、演讲等。应用文较之一般说明文和议论文,与生活、社会联系更紧密,格式、行文习惯更有规矩。无论使用哪种应用文
28、,都必须按其各自规范化的约定俗成的格式来写,不能随意杜撰。以往四级写作考过的应用文有抱怨信、建议信、问候信、见证书、导游介绍、竞选学生会主席演讲稿和招募志愿者启事等。 2. 四级新题型快速阅读中需要注意的几个问题快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完成一篇1200字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题是判断正误(包括NOT GIVEN),后3个是填空题(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。从文章的篇幅和题目的设置都让我们感觉到,考生在复习阶段必须有意识地培养快速阅读能力,以便有效地应对这个部分的测试。 快速阅读能力的提高固然有赖于考生在大量阅读中逐步的积累。但是,在平时的训练的时候,应该注意通过对逻辑关
29、系、标点符号乃至一些特征语言信息点,乃至寻读等方法的积极运用,实现文章主旨的快速把握,并对随后的题目作出有效的判断和填写。1) 逻辑关系在快速阅读中的运用快速阅读理解能力的提高是有一定方法可循的,为此我们首先提示考生应该尤其注意文章逻辑关系在快速阅读中的运用。逻辑关系散布在文章的句子内部、句句之间、以及段落之间。最基本的逻辑关系有以下几种:. 因果关系: as a result ,therefore,hence,consequently,because, for, due to, hence, consequently, etc. 并列、递进关系: and, or, then, in addi
30、tion, besides, in other words, moreover, etc. 转折关系:however,but, yet, in fact, etc.这些我们其实已经很熟悉的逻辑提示词在文章中起的效果,并非仅仅是衔接文章的句子,从阅读的角度来看,其实同时在给我们某种提示,告诉我们哪些句子是有效信息,相对重要的信息,哪些信息是相对不重要的信息,因为我们在处理文章的时候,有一条清晰的思路,你不是为了完整翻译文章而进行阅读,而是为了获取主旨来阅读。例如样题中的第一段:You have just finished your meal at a fast food restaurant a
31、nd you throw your uneaten food, food wrappers, drink cups, utensils and napkins into the trash can. You dont think about that waste again. On trash pickup day in your neighborhood, you push your can out to the curb, and workers dump the contents into a big truck and haul it away. You dont have to th
32、ink about that waste again, either. But maybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up.我们注意到,在该段尾部出现了“But”。这里的“But”,说明作者陈述的内容的逻辑主旨发生了变化,因此,转折逻辑词之前的信息就变得不重要了,简单的处理方法是可以仅保留阅读转折词之后的信息。相应地,并列、递进关系词,意味着它们前后衔接的信息从主旨的体现上没有发生变化,而更多的表现为前后句子主旨的相似性,所以我们选择其中的一半进
33、行阅读。这样,在保证了阅读质量的基础上,也极大地提高了阅读速度。如样题中“How Is a Landfill Operated?”一段中:Along the site, there are drop-off stations for materials that are not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A multi-material drop-off station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-acid batteries. Some of these materials can be re
34、cycled.In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill. These chemicals are disposed of by private companies. 注意到“In addition”,该词的出现意味着其后内容和上一段信息主旨基本一致,可以放弃本句的阅读。2) 标点符号在快速阅读中的运用可以运用标点符号(破折号、小括号、
35、冒号)了解不认识的词汇或句子的含义。因为这些标点符号的出现就是为了更进一步地其前的信息。但同时,由于快速阅读用词相对比较简单,很容易理解和把握标点前的被解释信息,所以,可以将这些标点符号后面的信息删除,从而更加快速地把握文章的主旨。3) 特殊信息点在快速阅读中的运用所谓“特殊信息点”是指那些很容易在文章中识别的词汇,诸如,时间,数字,大写字母等形式的语言点。这些形式的表达一方面很容易识别出来,另一方面,这些信息点的表现的一般都是文章的琐碎信息,对于主旨的理解和把握而言,不过是更进一步论证而已。因此,可以忽略这些信息的阅读。如果后面测试的题点中确实涉及到了,再回来细读也无妨,毕竟它们的表现形式非
36、常利于查找和定位判断。4) 寻读在快速阅读中的运用寻读的目的主要是有目标地去找出文中某些特定的信息,也就是说,在对文章有所了解(即略读)后,在文章中查找与某一问题、某一观点或某一单词有关的信息,寻找解题的可靠依据。寻读时,要以很快的速度扫视文章,确定所查询的信息范围。值得庆幸的是,在四级快速阅读的测试文章中,已经有了明确的小标题,这就能够帮助我们很快地锁定解题范围。同时,还应该注意题目中体现出的所查信息的特点。如:问题或填空的句子中涉及到人名、地名,则主要寻找首字母大写的单词;有关日期、数目的问题,则主要查找具体数字;有关某个事件、某种观点等,就要寻找与此相关的关键词,而与所查信息无关的内容可
37、一掠而过。总的来说,从最新的样题来看,快速阅读理解部分由于其篇幅长,题目灵活,会让考生感觉无从下手。但是,对于该题型我们有一个清晰的概念,那就是快速阅读测试的重点就是考生在短时间内获取篇章主旨和特定信息的能力,因此,它更强调了正确的阅读方法和技巧的贯彻。只要我们掌握一定的方法,培养好的阅读习惯,还是很容易在一段时间内取得满意的成绩。 3. 听力老题的听力题目由两部分组成,一部分叫做短对话(short conversation),和新题的第一部分是一模一样的。老题的第二部分有两种选择,一种是长段子(passage),另外一种是复合式听写(compound dictation),而新题中这两种题型
38、都必须考察,考察的形式和题目数量均与以往完全一致。唯一不同的部分是新题中增设了一个长对话部分(longer conversation)。题目的总量增加了,做题时间增加了,本身对学生是否能够长时间的集中听力注意力就增加了考验。另外以往有同学在考听力的时候存在侥幸心理,特别是惧怕复合式听写的同学往往会在考前祈祷这次考试不要出现这种题型。改革以后以往所有的题型都必考了,无形中还是增加了总体的难度。综上所述,长对话并不可怕,它结合了短对话对问答句式,建议请求,和关键场景赐予的考察和长段子对文章层次和理解能力的要求。所以做这样的题目往往需要具备综合的素质,既要注意其中的细节,又要注意整体的把握,还要能够
40、的能力都是有好处的!现在又有了长对话,听写练习的必要性将进一步提高。总的来说,对于四级考试的听力部分,改革并不是一件可怕的事情。从上面的分析大家也不难看出,我们复习的策略并不应该有很大的变动,更不需要因为改革而慌了手脚,盲目的认为以前所学的知识都没有用处了。就听力部分而言,我建议以前好的方法完全可以沿用下来,以前的真题也完全可以继续使用。唯一需要增加的是对长对话的训练,增加题感,这样才能做到有的放矢,从容应对。4. 英语四级新题型考试应对:如何高效浏览文章在文章的浏览(即略读,skimming)过程中,对文中信息重要性的判断可以帮助读者快速有效地了解段落的大意。在浏览过程中,读者可以通过寻找“
41、信号词”来区分重要信息和非重要信息。以下列出的是阅读过程中常见的几类“信号词”。 1) 以下词组提示下文所涉及的重要信息: The main / important point / conclusion / reason. The point to note here 2) 以下词组提示了下文的结构框架: There are three major reasons 3) but 和 however表示对比,常常用来提示重要信息,例如: The rising birth rate is not due to increased fertility, but to a sharp decline
42、in the death rate. 4)在文中提问可以突出问题后的答案,提示读者答案中有重要信息,例如: Why is a piped water supply so important? Disease due to contaminated water is a common cause of death in childhood. 5)有时,为了保证读者完全理解自己的观点,作者会在文中反复提出自己的观点,例如: Death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, the death rate can be cut wi
43、thout anything else changing. 6)文章的结论通常是非常重要的,因此,读者要在文中寻找提示结论的“信号词”,例如: Therefore the result In conclusion we can conclude One of the primary conclusions 7)举例是为了帮助读者理解某一个观点,因此,文中的例子不是浏览文章时的重要信息。在阅读过程中,以下词组提示读者下文是举例部分信息。 For example/instance like Such as these include To illustrate among these are 有时
44、,作者也会用破折号或括号来提示举例信息,例如: The developing countries are dependent on cash crops sugar, coffee, cacao, cotton. Precipitating/violent/unexpected factors are those which reduce the food supply (droughts, floods, wars, epidemics) 在段落浏览时,读者在看到信号词后,应不断对下文信息作出相应的判断,例如: The main reason for (提示:下文信息重要) the redu
45、ction in the death rate in the developing world has been improved public health measures. For example, (提示:下文信息不重要,仅仅是为了用来证明前面的观点) in Sri Lanka the death rate was halved over ten years by spraying the mosquitoes which carry malaria. Why (提示:问题的答案中有读者应该关注的重点) is it so easy to cut the death rate in th
46、is way and yet so hard to reduce the birth rate? One answer (提示:这只是众多答案中的一种,并不是最重要的。) is that public health measures can be very cheap. Anti-malarial spraying is inexpensive. But this is not the important point (提示:but后面的是非常重要的信息). For birth control programmes to be successful, a change in attitude
47、is required, whereas death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, (提示:这里是作者想要强调的重要信息) the death rate can be cut without anything else changing你把文章看了一遍,最起码知道文章写的是什么,采取以下做题策略: 1 把题后的问题看一遍 2 如果题目考察的是细节方面的知识,如一个词组的含义,一个句子隐含的意思等,就要到原文中去找,这时候一定要非常仔细地看,答案往往就是把原文的句子paraphrase了一下,关键你要找到它们所对应的词
48、句。 3 如果题目考的是对整个文段的了解,如做出推断,一大段话的含义,给文章取一个标题等等,这时候就要尽量找出(文段)文章的主题句,也就是要理解文章的大意,一般出现在文(段)首和文(段)尾部分你把文章看了一遍后不知所云,这就意味着你可能要丢较多的分了,这时候你所能做的只有如下几点: a、选择A、B、C、D四项中字数比较多的一项 b、如果是猜词选择比较生僻的词 c、选择含有文中出现频率较高词句的选项 考前做阅读理解练习,最好只做往年的真题,这样有助于熟悉六级阅读的特点,也可以总结出一些做题规则和规律(只适用于理解了文义的情形)。 阅读高手做题总结的经验是: 1 先把文章泛读一遍,然后对照问题精读 2 一定要先搞懂问题题干的含义再看选项 3 不确定的先放下,绝不钻牛角尖 4 要分清题目要考察的是作者的观点还是引述他人的观点 及几条做题规律: 1 在每个选项都无误的情况下选择与文章主题靠得最近的 2 选择关键句与主题句 3 与常理相违背的选项不选 4 语气过于绝对的选项不选 5 句子结构过于简单(不够严谨)的选项不选 5. 四级新题型应对:完型填空/改错部分(未出现过)6. 中译英1) 简介 在四级新题型考试中