1、Unit 3 Fit for lifeReading (II)u内容分析: 【What】本板块的话题为“基因组编辑”,语篇来自一位生物学家的演讲稿。演讲者首先介绍了基因和基因组的概念和作用;然后描述了基因组编辑技术如何用以治疗和预防种种疾病;随后话锋一转,点出这一技术的不正当使用可能引发道德等层面的问题;最后展望未来,对基因组编辑这一革命性的医学技术予以肯定。【Why】演讲者清晰而鲜明地表达了对基因组编辑技术的态度:一方面是肯定、兴奋,另一方面则是严肃、谨慎。对尖端科技的解释和展望有助于学生了解医学进步对人类生命健康和未来社会发展的重要意义和积极影响,激发学生的创新精神;对这项技术潜在风险的分
2、析则提醒学生要理性思考,以严谨、科学的态度辩证地看待医学发展,学会尊重生命、尊重科学。【How】本文的语篇类型是演讲稿。演讲标题既点明主旨又饱含深意;演讲者由浅入深、循序渐进地为听众呈现了生物医学的相关知识,主题鲜明,脉络清晰。在语言特点上,演讲者采用了简明通俗的语言对“基因”“基因组编辑”“设计婴儿”等科学名词进行相应的解释,并多次采用举例、反问、比喻等手法阐明道理,激发听众对话题的兴趣。学习本篇有助于学生掌握演讲的格式和特点,有意识地用英语来学习其他学科的知识。u教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1.unde
3、rstand the usage of the key words and expressions:2.use the above words and expressions in new situations;3.have a better understanding of the outline and key information of the news report.u教学重难点:1.Understand some new words and expressions;2.Be able to use the new words and expressions correctly.u教
4、学过程:Step 1 Lead-inRead the passage and underline the following key words and expressions.Step 2 Building vocabulary1.Word study: contractIntroduce the meaning of “contract” through different situations, first the context of the speech and then other situations.Collocations of “contract”.Exercises of
5、 “contract”: Practice makes perfect.uTests found that they were more likely to feel a sense of fear at the moment when their heats are _ (contract) and pumping blood around the bodies.uOther organizations such as banks ask customers to sign long _ (contract) they may not read or understand.uIt criti
6、cizes the main _ (contract) for seriously erring in their estimates. 2.Word study: identifyIntroduce the meaning of “identify” through different situations, first the context of the speech and then other situations.Collocations of “identify”.Exercises of “identify”: Practice makes perfect.uHe was to
7、o far away to be able _ (identify) faces.uScientists _ (identify) a link between diet and cancer.uYou should not identify wealth _ happiness.3.Word study: relateIntroduce the meaning of “relate” through different situations, first the context of the speech and then other situations.Collocations of “
8、relate”.Exercises of “relate”: Practice makes perfect.uIn the future, pay increases will _(relate) productivity.uHe _(relate) the facts of the case _ journalists.u According to experts, the amount of time spent watching TV _ _ _ _ (not relate) reading ability.4.Word study: applyIntroduce the meaning
9、 of “apply” through different situations, first the context of the speech and then other situations.Collocations of “apply”.Exercises of “apply”: Practice makes perfect.uThe advertisement for engineers on the Internet attracted many _ (apply).uThe mans _(apply) for membership of the club was turned
10、down.uApply the cream evenly _ your face and neck.6.Word study: restoreIntroduce the meaning of “restore” with through different situations, first the context of the speech and then other situations.Exercises of “restore”: Practice makes perfect.uThe family not only returned the important documents
11、to us that day but also _ (restore) our faith and trust in people.uThe _ (restore) took about four years.7. Word study: fundamentalIntroduce the meaning of “fundamental” together with relevant exercises.Exercises of “fundamental”: Practice makes perfect.uFresh air is fundamental _ good health.uIn li
12、ne with this, Jeff Warren tells us that the way we sleep has changed _ (fundamental) since the invention of artificial lightning and the electric bulb.8. Word study: ariseIntroduce the meaning of “arise” together with relevant exercises.Exercises of “arise”: Practice makes perfect.uA number of high
13、buildings _ _ (arise) where there was nothing in a year, but ruins.uAccidents often arise _ carelessness.uNot all problems _ (arise) from social discrimination can be addressed through communication.9. Word study: restrictIntroduce the meaning of “restrict” together with relevant exercises.Exercises
14、 of “restrict”: Practice makes perfect.uThis time as an expert witness, he used environmental protection laws to explain _ (restrict) on development in and around wetlands.uThe biggest _ (restrict) on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return
15、we get on our investment of time.uOn top of that, most of the 3D food printers now _ _ (restrict) to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.10. Word study: prohibitIntroduce the meaning of “prohibit” together with relevant exercises.Exercises of “prohibit”: Practice makes
16、perfect.uThe plastic bags_ _ (prohibit) in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles.uPlease note that any _ (prohibit) items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.uIn 1897, the state of Michigan passed a law _ (prohibit) the killing of passenger pigeons.11. Word study: resist
17、anceIntroduce the meaning of “resistance” together with relevant exercises.Exercises of “resistance”: Practice makes perfect.uThe _ (resist) to vaccine has continued for decades, and it is driven by a real but very small risk.uThe more pesticides are used, the more _ (resist) the insects become.uIt
18、is the easiest of crops to grow and is seemingly _ (resist) to any disease.12.Phrase study: put.in placeIntroduce the meaning of the phrase “put.in place” together with some relevant phrases.13.Phrase study: work to ones advantageIntroduce the meaning of the phrase “work to ones advantage”.Step 3 Consolidation1. Exercises to review the knowledge learned;2. Finish B1 on P33.u教学反思