1、附件3.1:摘要示例(中文)论文题目(中文)中文摘要学位论文是为申请博士、硕士学位而撰写的学术论文,是评判学位申请人学术水平的重要依据和获得学位的必要条件之一,也是重要文献资料和社会宝贵财富。关键词:研究生,学位论文,格式Tital of Dissertation附件3.2:摘要示例(英文)AbstractLanzhou University (LZU) is a key university in China. LZU was founded in 1909. It is one of the oldest universities in China. LZU has beautiful c
2、ampuses, Library, Various laboratories. It has been actively involved in international academic exchange programs.It is the center of China Education and Research Network in northwest China region, through computer networks, LTU has faster and closer connection with the world.Key words: LZU, key university,beautiful campus