1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上修 订 记 录 版本修订内容 修订章节修订人修订日期文件编制编 制审 核批 准1 目的Objective 为规范公司内部薪酬管理制度,达到公司内部人力资源成本进行合理核算的目的,故制定本制度2 适用范围Applicable Scope 凡本公司人员均适用。 Apply to all staff in the company.3 职责Responsibility 3.1 人事部 HR Department 3.2.1 制定相关薪酬管理方面的规定。3.2.2 提薪及薪酬管理工作的执行。 4 工作程序Work Procedures5.1 招聘及录用:Employment a
2、nd hire 5.1.1用人单位因生产及其它需求要补充人员应提前填写人员需求单。 Each department can fill in “Request form of Human Resource”5.1.2各用人部门的人员需求单经部门经理及核准权限代表核准后提交至人事部。 Each department should hand the request form to HR department after agreed.5.1.3人事部收到经签字确认的人员需求单后开始进行招聘事宜。 HR department start to employ after getting the agre
3、ed request form.5.1.4人事部开始实施招聘,并对应聘人员进行初试,含相关证件查验、基本素质考察及根据公司确定应聘人员是否符合公司要求。如符合要求,则安排申请招聘部门人员进行复试。 HR department starts to carry out hire, and interview the interviewers, check documentation and requirements. If satisfy the requests, then will arrange the relative department to interview again.5.1.5
4、部门复试后需回复人事部复试结果,如通过复试则视岗位需求是否再由总经理进行面试。 After second interview, leader of department should inform HR of result. If second interview is all right, to see if there is another interview from General Manager depends on details. 5.1.6决定录用之人员,由人事部统一发放录取通知书,录取人员需按时并按公司规定提交相关资料后到人事部报到。 Decide to employ, HR
5、 department will send uniform offer to that person. Employers should register to HR department according to the regulations of company 5.1.7人员试用期满后,由人事部办理转正手续。 After probation is over, HR department hand with relevant procedures.5.2 培训计划Training Plan5.2.1 各单位根据生产工作需要,每年12月5日前制定部门年度培训计划表报人事部备案,由人事部归纳
6、汇总。 According to production requirement, each department shall submit the annual training application to HR department for keeping before 5th December each year and collected by HR department.5.2.2 人事部根据公司的需求和各单位的培训计划,于每年12月25日前制订公司年度培训计划,经总经理审批后实施。Based on the company requirements and the applicati
7、on from the relevant departments, HR department shall establish “Annual Training Plan” before 25th December each year and submit it to the General Manager for approval.5.2.3 培训计划包括培训类别、内容、对象、人数、课时、形式、师资、主办单位、经费预算等。 The training plan includes training classification, contents, audience, amount of tra
8、inees, courses, forms, teacher, sponsor, expenditure, etc.5.2.4 需赴外培训的由单位填报外培申报表,经部门主管审核后,报总经理批准。总经理批准后人事部方可安排相关培训事宜。 In case of external training, the relevant department shall fill in application form of external training and submit to the HR department for audit and to the General Manager for app
9、roval. 5.2.5 各单位因故不能参加培训学习,应书面报告,经其部门主管批准后方可调整计划,未经批准而不按期参加者,按缺勤论处。 If the relevant department cannot attend the training for some reason, it shall submit a written report to the HR department. Approval must be obtained from the HR Manager prior to the adjustment of training plan. Otherwise, those w
10、ho do not attend the training shall be deemed as absence.5.3 培训内容要求Contents of Training5.3.1 培训内容包括基础理论、专业技能、管理要素等。 The training covers basic theory, professional skills, managerial elements and so on .5.3.2 对于普通操作人员,按其岗位的技能要求,由所在部门负责组织培训。 The relevant takes charge of training for normal operators a
11、ccording to the specifications of their own positions.5.3.3 从事质量检验、试验、测试的人员,需参加专业、基础培训考试,合格后持证上岗。Those who engage in quality examination and test shall attend exams of professional and basic training courses. Passing the exams, they will be given qualification certificate and then be allowed to work
12、 on position.5.3.4 对特殊工种人员,如电氧焊工、叉车司机、电工等特殊工种人员,报送市劳动局或有关上级主管部门进行专业技术培训,考核合格后持证上岗。 The personnel on special position, e.g. electric & oxygen welder, forklift driver and electrician, shall be reported to the municipality labor bureau or other superior authority for professional technical training. On
13、ly those who have passed the exam are allowed to work on post.5.3.5 对关键工序的操作工和维修工采取参加相关单位组织的外训办法培训。 The operators and maintenance workers for special operational process (e.g. imported equipment, etc) might be trained .5.3.6 根据各单位计划需要,对一般管理人员进行专业知识、质量管理和岗位技能培训。 According to the requirement of each d
14、epartment, the common management persons will beprovided with necessary training on professional knowledge, quality management and job skills.5.3.7 对新上岗和转岗人员,由人力资源总务部提供名单并组织有关部门配合进行上岗前的职业道德、安全生产、质量管理专业知识、岗位技能培训,培训合格后方能上岗。 For the new employee or the staff transferred to another post, the HR departme
15、nt shall provide a list and organize the relevant department to conduct pre-post training on occupational moral, production safety, quality management and job skills. Only those who are qualified are allowed to work on post.5.4 培训实施Conducting the Training5.4.1 人事部负责组织培训计划的实施。The HR department is res
16、ponsible for organizing the implementation of the training plan.5.5 培训有效性考核Assessment of Training Effectiveness5.5.1 每次培训结束后,应由培训部门填报培训有效性评估表,对培训情况进行评估,如评估情况不合格须重新进行培训。 After training, the training department should fill in the “Training Assessment List ”to assess the training r. Take training if th
17、e assessment is unacceptable.5.5.2 每年11月初,由人事部主管对上一年度培训计划的执行情况进行检查、评价,并报请总经理审核,并为改进下一年度的培训工作提出建议。At the beginning of November each year, the HR department shall check and assess the implementation of the training plan last year, and submit the results to the General Manager for review. Meanwhile, pr
18、ovide suggestions on the training of next year.5.6 培训档案的保存、分类及销毁Retention, Classification and Scrap of Training Archives5.6.1 建立职工培训档案,各类培训班结束后,相关部门应将培训签到表、记录表及相应试卷(考核记录)等交人事部存档。 Set up training archives for the staff. At the end of training courses, the HR department shall collect the attendance li
19、st, records list and relevant exam papers (examination records), and then file them in volume.5.6.2 培训档案一般保存期限为3年。培训档案超过保存期限,应由人事部主管向总经理提交申请报告,批准后,方能销毁。 The training archives shall be generally retained for 3 years. If the training archives have exceeded the retention period, they can be scrapped af
20、ter the HR department has submitted an application to the General Manager and obtained the approval.6 相关文件Specific Documents 年 月 日注塑部生产1份成型条件表计划部1份品质部IQC1份-需要二次加工包装指示书成品注塑生产课1份-不需要二次加工注塑部生产1份注塑部生产1份外观检查辅助仓储1份计划部1份计划部生产计划1份计划部跟单1份计划部物控1份品质部1份品质部1份注塑部维修1份品质部1份包装指示书半成品产品检查标准书注塑部生产1份喷油部3份机种资料文控中心盖“受控正本”章,原版保留文控,按发行要求复印,盖“受控副本”章发行。各部门部门按客户要求制作资料责任担当流 程专心-专注-专业