1、【国外文学】艾伦图灵传艾伦图灵传第1章1:他得学会合群 Part One THE LOGICAL Esprit de Corps第一章:他得学会合群Beginning my studies the first step pleas'd me so much,探索伊始,我心已醉。The mere fact consciousness, these forms, the power of motion,只说那微妙的知觉,形态,力量,The least insect or animal, the senses, eyesight, love,只说那轻巧的昆虫,动物,还有感受,还有目光,The
2、 first step I say awed me and pleas'd me so much,还有爱,都让我由心敬畏,欣然忘食。I have hardly gone and hardly wish'd to go any farther,我止步不前,不再期待远方,But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.我要留在这里,用狂喜的曲子,不住地歌唱。A son of the British Empire, Alan Turing's social origins lay just on th
3、e borderline between the landed gentry and the commercial classes. As merchants, soldiers and clergymen, his ancestors had been gentlemen, but not of the settled kind. Many of them had made their way through the expansion of British interests throughout the world.大英帝国之子艾伦图灵,出身于一个半贵族半资产阶级的家族。在他的祖先中,有
4、上流社会的商人、军人和牧师。随着不列颠席卷全球的扩张,他们也开拓了自己的世界。The Turings could be traced back to Turins of Foveran, Aberdeenshire, in the fourteenth century. There was a baronetcy in the family, created in about 1638 for a John Turing, who left Scotland for England. Audentes Fortuna Juvat (Fortune Helps the Daring) was t
5、he motto of the Turings, but however brave, they were never very lucky. Sir John Turing backed the losing side in the English civil war, while Foveran was sacked by the Covenanters. Denied compensation after the Restoration, the Turings languished in obscurity during the eighteenth century, as the f
6、amily history, the Lay of the Turings1, was to describe:上溯到公元14世纪,图灵家族发源于北苏格兰阿伯丁郡的佛汶然地区。1638年,这个家族里有一位准男爵,叫约翰图灵,他离开了苏格兰,来到英格兰。图灵家族的信条是勇者好运,但不幸的是,约翰勇气有余,却没遇到好运。在英国内战中,准男爵吃了败仗,佛汶然遭到大肆洗掠,在王政复辟后,他也没有得到赔偿。于是,到了18世纪,图灵的家族没落了。在他的家史上,有这么一首歌谣:艾伦图灵传第1章2:歌谣 Sir Robert Turing brought back a fortune from India i
7、n 1792 and revived the title. But he, and all the senior branches of the family, died off without male heirs, and by 1911 there were but three small clusters of Turings in the world. The baronetcy was held by the 84-year-old eighth baronet, who had been British Consul in Rotterdam. Then there was hi
8、s brother, and his descendants, who formed a Dutch branch of Turings. The junior branch consisted of the descendants of their cousin, John Robert Turing, who was Alan's grandfather.歌谣里的故事是这样:1972年,罗伯特图灵爵士从印度归来,终于带回好运,恢复了爵位和领地。但是,图灵家族并没有真正复兴,因为他和家族的各大支系,都偏偏没儿子。到1911年,图灵家族只剩三个很小的分支,一位84岁的英国驻鹿特丹领事继
9、承了爵位,带领兄弟儿孙,在荷兰形成了一个分支。还有一位约翰罗伯特图灵,带着他的后代,形成了另一个小分支,这位就是艾伦图灵的祖父。John Robert Turing took a degree in mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1848, and was placed eleventh in rank, but abandoned mathematics for ordination and a Cambridge curacy. In 1861 he married nineteen year old Fanny Boyd an
10、d left Cambridge for a living in Nottinghamshire, where he fathered ten children. Two died in infancy and the surviving four girls and four boys were brought up in a regime of respectable poverty on a clerical stipend. Soon after the birth of his youngest son, John Robert suffered a stroke and resig
11、ned his living. He died in 1883.1848年,约翰罗伯特图灵以第11名的成绩,获得剑桥大学三一学院的数学学位。但他随后放弃了数学,就任圣职,当了牧师。1861年,他娶了19岁的范妮博伊德,并离开剑桥,定居在诺丁汉郡。在那里,他们一共生了十个孩子,有两个幼年夭折,剩下的四男四女,全靠他的牧师薪水维持生计。1883年,在他最小的儿子出生后不久,约翰罹患中风,见了上帝。As his widow was an invalid, the care of the family fell upon the eldest sister Jean, who ruled with a
12、 rod of iron. The family had moved to Bedford to take advantage of its grammar school, where the two elder boys were educated. Jean started her own school, and two of the other sisters went out as schoolteachers, and generally sacrificed themselves for the sake of advancing the boys. The eldest son,
13、 Arthur, was another Turing whom fortune did not help: he was commissioned in the Indian Army, but was ambushed and killed on the North-West Frontier in 1899. The third son Harvey2 emigrated to Canada, and took up engineering, though he was to return for the First World War and then turn to genteel
14、journalism, becoming editor of the Salmon and Trout Magazine and fishing editor of The Field. The fourth son Alick became a solicitor. Of the daughters only Jean was to marry: her husband was Sir Herbert Trustram Eve, a Bedford estate agent who became the foremost rating surveyor of his day. The for
15、midable Lady Eve, Alan 's Aunt Jean, became a moving spirit of the London County Council Parks Committee. Of the three unmarried aunts, kindly Sybil became a Deaconess and took the Gospel to the obstinate subjects of the Raj. And true to this Victorian story, Alan's grandmother Fanny Turing
16、succumbed to consumption in 1902.他的遗孀范妮身体羸弱,持家的重任落在年长而坚强的姐姐珍妮肩上。为了让家里的男孩接受良好的教育,他们举家搬到了贝德福德。珍妮办了一所学校,并让两个妹妹在里面教书,几位姑娘日夜操劳,一心为了让家里的男孩们成才。不幸的是,长子阿瑟又成了图灵家族的一位勇敢却不走运的人:他应征去印度当兵,结果在1899年西北边界战中遭到伏击,当场战死。三儿子哈维移民到加拿大,成为一名工程师,后来在第一次世界大战时回国,改行做鲑鱼与鳟鱼和田地杂志的编辑。小儿子艾里克当了律师。家中的女孩们,只有珍妮结婚了,嫁给贝德福德的一位地产商,赫伯特特拉斯坦伊夫爵士。另
17、一个女孩希比尔,成为一名宗教执事,夹着一本福音书到处传教。1902年,在维多利亚时代的最后,艾伦的祖母范妮图灵死于结核。艾伦图灵传第1章3:艾伦的父亲 Julius Mathison Turing, Alan's father, was the second son, born on 9 November 1873. Devoid of his father's mathematical ability, he was an able student of literature and history, and won a scholarship to Corpus Chris
18、ti College, Oxford, from where he graduated with a BA in 1894. He never forgot his early life of enforced economy, and typically never paid the 'farcical' three guineas to convert the BA into an MA. But he never spoke of the miseries of his childhood, too proud to moan of what he had left be
19、hind and risen above, for his life as a young man was a model of success. He entered for the Indian Civil Service, which had been thrown open to entry by competitive examination in the great liberal reform of 1853, and which enjoyed a reputation surpassing even that of the Foreign Office. He was pla
20、ced seventh out of 154 in the open examination of August 18953. His studies of the various branches of Indian law, the Tamil language and the history of British India then won him seventh place again in the Final IC Sexamination of 1896.在刚才的介绍中,有一位还没提到,也就是约翰的二儿子,生于1873年11月9日的朱利叶斯马西森图灵这位就是艾伦的父亲。朱利叶斯没
21、有继承约翰的数学天赋,而是成了一名文科高材生。1894年,他获得牛津大学基督学院的学士学位,还拿了奖学金。他忘不了童年时期的窘困,拒绝继续花钱读书。他是个很好强的人,从不跟人谈论童年的苦,也不抱怨自己遇到的种种荆棘坎坷。他希望进入印度文职机构,自从1853自由改革以来,印度文职人员的竞争异常激烈,甚至比英国外交部还要难考。但是苦心人天不负,在1895年8月的统一考试中,朱利叶斯在154人当中排名第七。他对印度各项法律、塔米尔语及英属印度史颇有造诣,在1896年的复试中,他又考了第七名。He was posted to the administration of the Presidency o
22、f Madras, which included most of southern India, reporting for duty on 7 December 1896, the senior in rank of seven new recruits to that province. British India had changed since Sir Robert left it in 1792. Fortune no longer helped the daring; fortune awaited the civil servant who could endure the c
23、limate for forty years. And while (as a contemporary writer put it) the district officer was 'glad of every opportunity to cultivate intercourse with the natives,' the Victorian reforms had ensured that 'the doubtful alliances which in old days assisted our countrymen to learn the langua
24、ges' were 'no longer tolerated by morality and society.' The Empire had become respectable.1896年7月,复试的前7名被调到印度的马德拉斯省,朱利叶斯随之走马上任了。这个省覆盖了印度南方的大半疆域,朱利叶斯在此就任民政事务官。跟1792年罗伯特爵士离开时相比,此时的印度,一切都已经不同了。勇者不再有什么好运,能忍受40年酷暑的公务员才有好运。据当时的一位作家记载,这位民政官非常乐于与当地人交流感情。维多利亚改革,使印度社会逐渐现代化,大英帝国也开始受到真正的尊敬了。With th
25、e help of a 100 loan from a family friend he bought his pony and saddlery, and was sent off into the interior. For ten years he served in the districts of Bellary, Kurnool and Vizigapatam as Assistant Collector and Magistrate. There he rode from village to village, reporting upon agriculture, sanita
26、tion, irrigation, vaccination, auditing accounts, and overseeing the native magistracy. He added the Telugu language to his repertoire, and became Head Assistant Collector in 1906. In April 1907 he made a first return to England. It was the traditional point for the rising man, after a decade of lon
27、ely labour, to seek a wife. It was on the voyage home that he met Ethel Stoney.不久,朱利叶斯又调任到内政部,临走时向亲戚借了100英镑,买了马具和一匹小马。他在贝拉里、卡努尔和维萨卡帕特南地区,当了10年助理税务官兼法官。他每天骑着他的小马,走过一村又一村,上至审计监察,下至播种灌溉,什么都要管。1906年,他转正了,成为首席税务官。1907年4月,他第一次回国,这位背井离乡孤独奋战了十多年的男人,终于又要踏上英国的土地了,对他来说,也是时候该成家了。就在这趟回国的途中,他遇到了艾赛儿斯托尼,也就是艾伦的母亲。艾伦
28、图灵传第1章4:祖先 Alan's mother4 was also the product of generations of empire-builders, being descended from a Yorkshireman, Thomas Stoney (1675-1726) who as a young man acquired lands in England's oldest colony after the 1688 revolution, and who became one of the Protestant landowners of Catholic
29、 Ireland. His estates in Tipperary passed down to his great-great-grandson Thomas George Stoney (1808-1886), who had five sons, the eldest inheriting the lands and the rest dispersing to various parts of the expanding empire. The third son was a hydraulic engineer, who designed sluices for the Thame
30、s, the Manchester Ship Canal and the Nile; the fifth emigrated to New Zealand, and the fourth, Edward Waller Stoney (1844-1931), Alan's maternal grandfather, went to India as an engineer. There he amassed a considerable fortune, becoming chief engineer of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway
31、, responsible for the construction of the Tangabudra bridge, and the invention of Stoney's Patent Silent Punkah-Wheel.艾赛儿斯托尼的祖先,也是大英帝国的开拓者。在1688年的革命之后,约克郡的一位年轻人,托马斯斯托尼(1675-1726)在英国最早的殖民地上拥有了土地。他在蒂珀雷里建了一座庄园,后来传给了他孙子的孙子,托马斯乔治斯托尼(1808-1886)。后面这位托马斯一共有五个儿子,大儿子继续接管了庄园,其他人则随着帝国的扩张各奔四方。三儿子成为水利工程师,为泰晤士
32、河、曼城运河和尼罗河设计过水闸。小儿子移民去了新西兰,四儿子爱德华沃勒斯托尼(1844-1931)到印度当了工程师,这就是艾伦的外祖父。在印度,爱德华平步青云,攒下一笔非常可观的财富,成为马德拉斯铁路的首席工程师,负责建设唐各布达拉桥,还发明斯托尼无声涡轮。A hard-headed, grumpy man, Edward Stoney married Sarah Crawford from another Anglo-Irish family, and they had two sons and two daughters. Of these, Richard followed his fa
33、ther as an engineer in India, Edward Crawford was a Major in the Royal Army Medical Corps, and Evelyn married an Anglo-Irish Major Kirwan of the Indian Army. Alan's mother, Ethel Sara Stoney, was born at Podanur, Madras, on 18 November 1881.爱德华头脑精明,脾气却很糟糕。他娶了萨拉克劳福德为妻,她来自一个住在爱尔兰的英格兰家庭。他们生了两儿两女:里查
34、德子承父业,到印度做工程师;爱德华克劳福德是皇家军医的一名少校;伊夫莲嫁给了印度军的柯万少校。还有一位艾塞儿萨拉斯托尼,就是艾伦的母亲,她于1881年11月18日,出生于印度马德拉斯省的博德努尔。Although the Stoney family did not lack for funds, her early life was as grim as that of Julius Turing. All four Stoney children were sent back to Ireland to be educated. It was a pattern familiar to Br
35、itish India, whose children's loveless lives were part of the price of the Empire. They were landed upon their uncle William Crawford, a bank manager of County Clare, with two children of his own by a first marriage and four by a second. It was not a place for affection or attention. The Crawfor
36、ds moved to Dublin in 1891, where Ethel dutifully went to school each day on the horse-bus, crushed by a regimen that permitted her a mean threepence for lunch. At seventeen, she was transferred to Cheltenham Ladies College, 'to get rid of her brogue,' and there she endured the legendary Mis
37、s Beale and Miss Buss, and the indignity of being the Irish product of the railway and the bank among the offspring of the English gentry. There remained a flickering dream of culture and freedom in Ethel Stoney's heart and for six months she was sent, at her own request, to study music and art
38、at the Sorbonne. The brief experiment was vitiated by the discovery that French snobbery and Grundyism could equal that of the British Isles. So when in 1900 she returned with her elder sister Evie to her parents' grand bungalow in Coonoor, it was to an India which represented an end to petty pr
39、ivation, but left her knowing that there was a world of knowledge from which she had been forever excluded.虽然斯托尼家并不缺钱,但是艾赛儿的童年生活并不比朱利叶斯愉快多少。家里的四个孩子,全被送回爱尔兰上学,远离父母。这是一个典型的英属印度家庭,这些孩子的童年,成为了英国扩张的牺牲品之一。他们寄宿在舅舅威廉姆克劳福德家里,他是克莱尔郡的一位银行经理,结过两回婚,头婚有两个孩子,二婚有四个孩子。所以,这个地方对于四个小寄宿者来说,是一个没有爱和关怀的地方。 1891年,这一家搬到了都柏林,
40、在那里,艾赛儿每天乏味地坐着马车去上学,每顿饭只花三便士,这对她的发育造成了一些影响。17岁时,她被送到切尔腾纳姆女子学院去纠正土方言。在那里,她受到了贵族子女们的歧视,他们嘲笑她是铁道+银行的产物。尽管如此,她的心里仍然有一个梦想在摇曳,她想学习音乐艺术。因此,她在6个月后,去了巴黎大学文理学院。但是,她在巴黎也没待多久,因为她很快就发现了,法国人在歧视别人这个方面,并不比英国人逊色。于是,在1900年,艾赛儿跟她的姐姐伊夫莲一起,前往古努尔跟父母一起生活。来到印度,她终于摆脱了生活压力,但同时也告别了知识的世界反正那个世界似乎永远排斥她。艾伦图灵传第1章5:古努尔 For seven ye
41、ars, Ethel and Evie led the life of young ladies of Coonoor - driving out in carriages to leave visiting cards, painting in water-colours, appearing in amateur theatricals and attending formal dinners and balls in the lavish and stifling manner of the day. Once her father took the family on holiday
42、to Kashmir, where Ethel fell in love with a missionary doctor, and he with her. But the match was forbidden, for the missionary had no money. Duty triumphed over love, and she remained in the marriage market. And thus the scene was set, in the spring of 1907, for the meeting of Julius Turing and Eth
43、el Stoney on board the homebound ship.艾赛儿和伊夫莲在印度待了七年,在这段日子里,她们引领了古努尔少女界的时尚潮流。驾马车,发名片,画水彩画,演戏剧,还有一套十分复杂的餐桌礼仪。在她父亲带着全家去克什米尔度假时,艾赛儿情窦初开,与一位传教士医生坠入了爱河。但由于这位可怜的传教士实在太穷,他们的感情最终被世俗击垮了,艾赛尔恢复单身,闰中待嫁。1907年春天,他们一起乘船回英国,在途中,艾赛尔邂逅了朱利叶斯。They had taken the Pacific route, and the romance was under way before they r
44、eached Japan. Here Julius took her out to dinner and wickedly instructed the Japanese waiter to 'bring beer and keep on bringing beer until I tell you to stop.' Though an abstemious man, he knew when to live it up. He made a formal proposal to Edward Stoney for Ethel's hand, and this tim
45、e, he being a proud, impressive young man in the 'heaven-born' ICS, it was successful. The beer story, however, did not impress his future father-in-law, who lectured Ethel upon the prospect of life with a reckless drunkard. Together they crossed the Pacific and the United States, where they
46、 spent some time in the Yellowstone National Park, shocked by the familiarity of the young American guide. The wedding took place on 1 October 1907 in Dublin. (There remained a certain edge to the relationship between Mr Turing and the commercial Mr Stoney, with an argument over who was to pay for t
47、he wedding carpet rankling for years.) In January 1908 they returned to India, and their first child John was born on 1 September at the Stoney bungalow at Coonoor. Mr Turing's postings then took them on long travels around Madras: to Parvatipuram, Vizigapatam, Anantapur, Bezwada, Chicacole, Kur
48、nool and Chatrapur, where they arrived in March 1911.他们走的是太平洋航路,还没等走到日本时,他们的爱情就已经不可收拾了。朱利叶斯其实是个有节制的男人,但是他也懂得什么时候该激动。他俩共进晚餐时,朱利叶斯对侍者说:你给我拿啤酒来,一直拿,我不说停,你就一直拿。等到他向爱德华提亲时,又摇身一变,成了光辉体面的印度公务官员。他的提亲成功了,但是啤酒这件事,着实给他的岳父留下了极坏的印象,他建议女儿,最好不要嫁给这种轻浮的酒鬼。他们穿越了太平洋和美国,期间还一起到黄石国家公园游玩,看到美国年轻人的亲热行为,感觉很震惊。1907年10月,他们在都柏林
49、举行了婚礼,为了这场婚礼的花销该由谁出的问题,朱利叶斯和爱德华互相抱怨了好几年。1908年1月,他们夫妻二人回到印度,9月1日,在古努尔的家中生下了第一个孩子约翰图灵。朱利叶斯利用职务之便,带着他们在马德拉斯好好玩了一顿,他们去了帕瓦蒂普然,维萨卡帕特南,安南塔普,博兹瓦达,奇卡克尔,卡努尔,在1911年3月,他们来到了查塔布尔。It was at Chatrapur, in the autumn of 1911, that their second son, the future Alan Turing, was conceived. At this obscure imperial station, a port on the eastern coast, the first cells divided, broke their symmetry, and separated head from heart. But he was not to be born in British India. His father arranged his second period of leave in 1912, and the Turings sailed en famille for England.在查塔布尔的深秋里,艾赛儿又有喜了,这是他