1、 An Action Research of Formative Assessment for Oral English Teaching in University Zhou Shiyan (College English Teaching Department , Dezhou College , Dezhou , Shandong ,253000) Abstract This stuiiy is based on the fonnative assessment theoiy , is oombineii with oral English teaching in university.
2、 Thus an action research has been ooniluoteil , that is , to iilentify problems , draw plans , implement action , and summarize evaluation. Through the teaching practice in the entire semester , the results show that fonnative assessment has promoted English leaning , increased teacher - student int
3、eraction and improved the students ? oral English skills. Of course , due to the limited and inadequate theoretical knowledge and practical teaching ability , this stuily also needs further iinproveinent ami development. Key words fonnative assessment , oral English teaching , action research 中图分类号
4、H 319.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 16724610(2014) 014)1394)3 I. The Definition of *Formative AssessmentM The concept *fonnative assessment was first put forward by Soriven in connection with the oumoulum ami teaching. l Aoooriling to Black and Wiliam ( 1998) , fonnative assessment consists of the following compon
5、ents: The active involvement of pupils in their own learning. Sharing learning goals with pupils. Involving pupils in self-assessment. Effective questioning. Providing feedhaok which leads to pupils recognizing their next steps anil how to take them. Adjusting teaching to take account of the results
6、 of assessment . Confidence that eveiT student Call improve. II. Formative Assessment and Oral English Teaching On the base of fonnative assessment theoiy and the present situation of oral English teaching , fonnative assessment is intro- iluoeil into the daily oral English teaching. It has long bee
7、n recognized as pail: of good teaching practice and even fonnalized as such by professional groups such as early childhood education associations. So the fonnative assessment of oral English has the following characteristics: Frequency of Assessment Improvement of Students? Learning Students! Involv
8、ement in Assessment Close Relation with Oral English Teaching Content Application of Various Assessing Methods Feedhaok as an Important Guarantee. IE. Action Research Design for Formative Assessment in Oral English Class 3. 1 Research objectives and research questions The objectives are to explore a
9、 set of effective fonnative assessment in oral English teaching in university for non - English majors , and to promote the students? oral English , and to test the feasibility and effectiveness of fonnative assessment in oral English teaching. As a result , this research can promote students autono
10、mous learning and can have positive changes on their learning attitudes and learning behaviors. This study attempts to answer the following two questions: 1) Which means of fonnative evaluation can he used to promote the improvement of the students? speaking ability? 2) After using fonnative evaluat
11、ion , what changes will take place in the students? learning attitudes and learning abilities? 3.2 Research subjects The subjects of this study are 40 freshmen in Histoiy Department of Dezhou College , inoluiling 22 male and 18 female. Due to the lark of the oral teaching in the high schools , stude
12、nts are accustomed to accepting the evaluation of the teaching - and pencil exams. 3.3 Research instmments In the course of the stuily , the writer mainly uses the following research instruments: questionnaires, Students? learning logs and teacher? s teaching Logs. 1. Questionnaires Based on the cur
13、rent oral English teaching , I ilesigneil the questionnaire to investigate the students? attitude of spoken English ,the methoiis to improve spoken English , ami oral evaluation strateg7 they need. The same questionnaire will he oompleteil twice in the beginning ami at the end of the stuiiy. So as t
14、o see what changes or progresses will take place after action research of fonnative evaluation. TEACHING RESEARCH Zhou Shiyan / An Action Research of Formative Assessment for Oral English Teaching in University 2. Teaohers teaching logs The researcher wrote teaching reflection logs ever? week , revi
15、ewing the research design ami research effect. By the teaching logs , I reflected the positive roles ami some teaching problems in the teaching research , at the same time , proposed some iniprovenients for the future teaching. 3. Students, learning logs Besides the teacher s logs , students were al
16、so required to keep learning diaries to record their reflection to the activities. Through studentsJ diaries , I ran know more about the students * needs , thoughts and troubles BO that I can adjust ami improve my teaching acoorclingly. IV. The Implementation of the Action ResearchC The action resea
17、rch started from tlie beginning of March 2013 to the end of June 2013 , lasting four months , and is divided into the followng steps. 4. 1 Mobilization , investigation , analysis before the action research In the beginning of the semester , the teacher introduced advantages ,methods of assessment an
18、d aohieviiig goals. Then , through questionnaires , the teaolier understood the students problems in spoken English. Firstly , students lacked opportunities to practice oral English. Serondly , students larked self - confidence. Thirdly , because of the lack of a good assessment system ami a hannoni
19、ous ami relaxed atmosphere , the students did not want to speak English in the classroom. So the teacher ami the students male an agreement. That was to use new assessment liiethocb , inoluding self - assessment , teacher assessment ,and peer assessment. 4.2 Action design and action implementation 1
20、, Designing oral activities Aooording to analysis of students oral English situation ami College English Curriculum Requirementslx ,1 think that the spoken language training should he clividecl into two stages: the first stage is Meohanioal Practice , and the second is Meaningful Practice. The speoi
21、fio tasks are designed as Table 1. 2. Setting up scoring criteria The teacher and students work together to iletermine the assessment criteria of fonnative assessment of oral English- 2 * 4 * * 7 In this research , the scoring criteria are based on the teaching syllabus of college English. The score
22、 is based on the speakers language content ( 20 points) , aoouraoy , language scale ( 20 points) , sentence length ( 20 points) , coherence ( 20 points), ami language flexibility ( 20 points). 4. 3 Reflection ami evaluation of action research effect After the implementation of the action research ,
23、I compared the students changes through doing the questionnaires. At the same time f the teachers can sum up and reflect on their own teaching concepts ami changes by the teacher s teaching logs ami the students logs. 1. Analysis and discussion of questionnaire sunrey Table 2 Comparison of Scores be
24、twe Comparing the questiomiaire survey before and after , the re- suits showed that over 75% students were very interested in oral English after the research. Before the research there were only half of them who liked English. Only 2 students agreed that they were veiy content with their oral Englis
25、h in the pre - questionnaire ,hut in post - questionnaire , the nienihers of students raised into 15. Nearly half of the students thought that oral English was helpful to improve English level after the research. Almost all the stmientB thought that opportunities ami assessment system were very impo
26、rtant in oral English teacliing in tlie post - test. 2. Students changes in oral ability In the followed Table 2 , it indicates the changes in scores of oral English tests before ami after the research. Abscissa shows the numher of students and Vertical coordinates shows the scores of oral tests. i
27、Pre - oral Test and Post - oral Test 140 Generally speaking , most students make some progresses to some extent. From the analysis of the scores in the pre - test anti post test , the effect of oral English teaching with fonnative assessment is evident. 3. Analysis and discussion of the teacher? s l
28、ogs March 1 found that Ss have some passion to speak Eng- lish in class hut dont dare to speak in the puhlic . April lOth. PT ith my encouragement , there are more Ss coming to the platform to make the oral activities , but they always made some avoidable mistakes May 1st, the accuracy had improved
29、a lot , while length of sentence still needs to be developed From the teacher? s log , we also can see students? changes in attitude anti behavior. During the research , I felt the great pressure in teaching. Anti I also felt the pleasure of teaching from the students? progress in speaking ability ,
30、 because I got satisfaction ,self - fulfillment anti happiness. 4. Analysis anti tlisoussion of the students? logs 51 : The teachery s evaluation methods are mainly to encourage us , so that we feel comfortable in class and are no longer nervous 52: / like self - assessmefit. Because / cafi reflect
31、what I did carefully and find my distance to be perfect 53: / do care about the pee? assessment from my partner and learn a lot from them V. Conclusion 5. 1 Major findings Firstly , formative evaluation had positive influence on students learning anti teacher? s teaching in oral English teaching. Se
32、oontlly , it helped the students to improve their oral ability in English oral class. Thirtlly , it can stimulate learner? s interests anil change students? learning attitmle. Then it can also foster the learners? autonomous learning ability. 5.2 Limitations of the research The limitation of the stu
33、dy is the size of its samples and the time of the experiment. In acklition , the limitation is that when questionnaire anti inteniew were ooncluotetl , some misuntlerstancl- ings were possible. Of course , clue to the limitecl anti inaclecjiiate theoretical knowledge anti practical teaching ability
34、, this study also needs further iinproveinent anti clevelopinent. 【 Refemices 】 1 Soriven , M. 1967. Tlie Methoclologr of Evaluation M. Washington , D. C: American Ecluoational Research Association. 2 Black , P. , Wiliam , D. 1998. Inside the Black Box: Raising Stanclarils through Classroom Assessme
35、nt M . UK: King s College London School of Education. 3 Harlen , W. 2003. Enhancing Inquiry through Fonnative Assessment M . San Francisco: Exploratorium. 4 魏薇 .形成性测试在大学英语口语教学中的应用 D.东 南大学 ;2006. 5 王蔷 .英语教师行动研究 M.外语教学与研究出版社, 2002. 6 大学英语课程教学要求 M.教育部大学英语教学改革 思路和全国大学外语教学指导委员会; 2 7. 7 Black ,P. , Wiliam
36、 ,D. 1999. Assessment for Learning: Be- yontl the Black Box M . Assessment Refonn Group , University of Camhritlge , School of Education. 8 罗少茜 .英语课堂教学形成性评价研究 M.外语教学与 研究出版社; 2 3. 形成性评价在大学英语口语教学中应用的行动研究 周世燕 (德州学院大学英语教学部,山东德州 253000) 摘要 表文以形成性评价的理论为基础,探讨形成性评价对大学英语口语教学的影响。运用行动研究 中的确定问题、拟定计划、实施行动、总结评价的基
37、私研究方法,通过整个学期的教学实残和行动研究,结果表明: 在大学英语口语教学中运用形成性评价 ,在一定程度上促进英语学习,增加师生互动,提高学生的英语口语表达能 力。当然,由于理论水平和教学实际操作水平的不足,衣研究还有待于进一步完善。 关键词 形成性评价;口语教学;行动研究 (上接第 102 页) 专业课程设置等进行教学改革 。以六盘水师范学院为例进 行的大学英语教学现状调查结果表明,本校大学英语教学和 课程设置等方面还存在一些问题,大学英语教学改革仍然存 在很多困难。结合课题组的调查数据分析可归纳为教材、教 师、教法成缋评定四个大方面的问题淳前教育专业大学生 对幼儿英语教学法等相关理论学习
38、不够,学校教师大都采取 传统的大学英语教学模式,没有有针对性的结合学生专业的 特点进行教学,部分学生的英语基础知识不能满足幼儿机构 英语教学的需要。因此浮前教育专业大学英语教师应根据 学校的实际情况结合所教学生的专业特点重视相关教育教 学理论知识的学习,不断更新教育理念,改革教学模式和教 学内容基础英语学习和专业学习有机结合起来,满足不 同学生的要求,努力把学生培养成具备较好语言基础知识和 综合应用能力的复合型人才。 【参考文献】 1 张志远 ,高云智 .儿童英语教学法 M.外语教学与研究 出版社; Z002. 2 刘润清戴曼纯 .中国高校外语教学改革现状与发展策略 研究 M.外语教学与研究出版社 ;2 4. 1 4 1 一