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1、单位代码: 10183 密 级:公开 分类号 : HO 研究生学号:2011812009 吉林大学 硕士学位论文 听力学习策略与大学英语听力理解关系的研究 The Study of The Relationship between Listening Learning Strategies and College English Listening Comprehension 作者姓名:樊蓓京 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学 研究方向:应用语言学 指导教师:杨仲韬副教授 培养单位:公共外语教育学院 2014年 J: 月 听力学习策略与大学英语听力理解关系的研究 The Study of The

2、 Relationship between Listening Learning Strategies and College English Listening Comprehension 作者姓名:樊蓓京 专业名称:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:杨仲韬副教授 学位类别:文学硕士 答 辩 日 期 月 以 曰 未经本论文作者的书面授权, 依法收存和保管本论文 书面版本、电子版本的任何单位和个人,均不得对本论文 的全部或部分内容进行任何形式的复制、修改、发行、出 租、改编等有碍作者著作权的商业性使用 ( 但纯学术性使 用不在此限 )。否则,应承担侵权的法律责任。 吉林大学硕士学位论文原创性声

3、明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的硕士学位论文,是本人在指导教师的 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内 容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成 果。对木文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方 式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 曰期:年 J- 月曰 中文摘要 听力学习策略与大学英语听力理解关系的研究 在听、说、读、写这四大语言技能中,听力占据着主要地位是毋庸置疑的。 听力是一种既复杂又活跃的理解过程,听力把听到的内容与已知内容紧密联系。 然而,尽管大多数中国英语学习者已经想方设法地提高英语听力水平,但效果

4、并 不显著。 许多西方二语习得研究学者,如, OMalley and Chatom, Krashen and Terrell, and Gary,已经解释了类似的观点,学习者能够灵活地培养和掌握学习策略;这 些学习策略有元认知策略,认知策略以及社会 /情感策略。国外一系列实验表明, 听力学习者了解听力策略后,能在特定任务中提高他们的听力水平。国内一些学 者和研究人员受到国外实验研究的启发,也进行了很多延伸调查研究,旨在寻求 一条更有效的方法提高国内非英语专业的英语听力水平。近几年,在国家教学要 求下,改革的大学英语四、六级考试内容里,听力理解的比例上升到 35%,也就 是说听力已经成为英语教与

5、学的关键,提高听力理解不仅有助于提高大学英语 四、六级考试的分 数,同时,更能提高大学生的实际听力能力。 即使国内学者己进行一些相关研究,但大学生的英语听力理解并无大的提 高。因此,探索有效的听力学习策略是必要的,也是迫不及待的。本研究旨在理 解学生的听力过程,增添某些有益于听力能力的学习策略或方法,为强化听力能 力策略的重要性提供数据或经验支持,并为听力教学提供些尝试性的建议。 本次研究以学习策略理论与实践为指导,以英语作为外语的非英语专业学生 为对象,进行了本项研究以用于考察运用学习策略的有效性。本研究选取长春师 范大学两个非英语专业班级的 66名大一学生作为研究受试 ,持续进行 15周的

6、实 践研究。以 OMalley and Chamot的理论为依据的调查问卷主要涉及三大策略等 方面 -元认知策略,认知策略和社会 /情感策略。此研究方法的工具也运用了英 语听力前后测试,用以揭示其背后的,如有关研究受试对象如何使用哪些学习策 略的情况等所要探讨的问题。调查数据结果使用了 SPSS19.0 进行描述性分析, 包括频数、均值、标准差和样本 T 检验。 另外,本研究主要解决以下四个研究问题: (1) .目前非英语专业的学生,听力过程中基本了解和使用哪些学习策略? (2) .学生的听力理解过程中采用实验的学习策略后能达到什么样的效果? (3) .在英语听力理解过程中,学生可能运用了哪些

7、学习策略的方式? (4) .可以得到哪些更能有效地提高听力理解的学习策略? 本论文主要分为五个部分: 第一部分是绪论,主要包括研究的背景,研究的目的和论文的整体框架。 第二部分是文献综述,简要介绍了听力理解的定义及主要特点,听力理解的 相关性研究,国内目前听力理解的教学现状及问题所在,国内外语言学习策略的 基本理论及研究,学习策略和听力理解之间的关系,听力理解与元认知策略、认 知策略及社会情感策略之间的关系等,其 目的旨在为日后的实验研究提供坚实的 理论基础。 第三部分是基于学习策略理论的实证研究。主要包括研究问题、研究对象, 实验工具及其目的,如测试前问卷调查,两次前后考试测试,听力理解样本

8、数据 的 SPSS分析、数据收集和具体的实验分析程序。 第四部分是详细分析和统计实验结果,主要是通过统计分析软件 19. 0 对试 验过程中的考察问卷和听力前后测试的数据进行分析,对听力理解的试卷样本和 听力理解前后测试的分析和讨论。 第五部分主要是对主要发现结果进行的讨论、对英语学习和英语教学的可能 影响,对未来研究的启示以及本研究 的某些局限性。 数据统计的调查结果显示如下:首先,在听力学习过程中,学生遇到的最大 困难是词汇和习语。第二,从总体来看,非英语专业学生运用了一些听力策略来 应对听力中出现的问题,但水平程度并不高,基本都处在中等水平或以下。三种 策略使用频率从高到低依次排列为认知

9、策略,元认知策略,社会 /情感策略。学 生常用策略也很有限,只有一般推理、联想和降低焦虑三种,而合作策略和预先 组织策略很少被学生使用。第彐,实验班和对照班在使用听力策略方面存在显著 差异。在试验前期,在元认知策略,认知策略与社会 /情感策略方面没有本质的 显著不同。而在后期,在元认知策略,认知策略与社会 /情感策略方面出现显著 差异,实验班更频繁地运用自我管理、自我监察、选择性注意、联想和笔录策略 , 而对照班仍更倾向运用翻译策略,而且,总体来说,实验班学生更多的使用 “ 自 我管理、推理、联想和做笔记 ”来为听力理解创造出更好的情感。 本次调查发现对大学英语听力学习及听力教学有一定的启示。

10、大学英语教师 紧迫的任务是应努力地培养学生运用听力策略的意识,并创造足够的机会有效地 协助学生练习积极的听力 策略。在日常听力课教学中,教师应清晰明了地解释什 么是听力策略,在听力过程中如何使用听力策略,什么时间使用听力策略以及为 什么使用听力策略来培养他们运用听力策略的能力和提高他们的听力理解水平。 除此之外,英语教师还应该为学生安排相关的语言学习策略方面的演讲,演讲过 后让学生进行探讨,以之有助于学生互相分享学习策略及学习经验。 诚然,即便本研究为大学英语听力教与学提供一些启示,但仍有某些局限性, 例如研究的范围及样本可能过小,实验时间可能过短,还会有一些主观因素。所 以,将来的研究需要更

11、大更广的样本,更长的实 验时间以及更相关的实验工具。 真心希望此项研究能更多地引起学者、研究者和教师们对于英语听力学习策略的 关注和研究,以此提高大学英语学生的英语听力能力和教学的质量。 关键词:听力,理解,学习策略,大学英语,教与学 Abstract The Study of The Relationship between Listening Learning Strategies and College English Listening Comprehension There is indubitability that besides the three basic language

12、 skills, that is, speaking, reading, and writing, listening takes up the most significant position, and listening is an intricate and active procedure of interpretation where listeners connect what they hear with what they have already known. However, the current situation is even though most Chines

13、e College English students have already made great efforts to improve their listening ability, they have only acquired a little effect. Numerous overseas second language acquisition researchers like 0, Malley and Chatom, Krashen and Terrell, and Gary have already illustrated a similar idea on whethe

14、r learners could master and develop learning strategies such as meta-cognitive strategy, cognitive strategy and affective strategy in a proper and flexible way. And a series of studies with experiments overseas indicate that after organized listening strategies having been performed, listening learn

15、ers could strengthen their listening ability on specific tasks. Some scholars and researchers on listening strategies at home have been inspired from overseas studies and experiments and have done some investigations and surveys to explore a better way of solution to improve listening comprehension

16、of college students in China. In recent years, under the requirement of teaching in China and after the test reform, the part of listening comprehension in CET4 and CET6 has been increased up to a proportion of 35% of the total score, namely, to enhance listening comprehension will improve both the

17、score of CET4 and CET6 and college students? practical listening ability. Although some relative studies have been done by domestic scholars, it is unsatisfactory that English listening comprehension of college students has not been much improved. Therefore, it is necessary, urgent and feasible to e

18、xplore effective listening learning strategies. This research aims to provide statistical information or experimental support to understand the students? listening process, the importance of listening strategies in strengthening listening ability, and give out some tentative suggestions for listenin

19、g teaching. Based on the background of learning strategies theory and practice, the empirical study is to investigate the effectiveness of learning strategies under the guidance of learning strategies for non-English major students who learn English as a foreign language. In the empirical study, 66

20、non-English major freshmen from two classes with similar English proficiency from Changchun Normal College are selected as the participants for 15 consecutive weeks learning under guidance of instructor. As far as instruments are concerned, on the basis of OMalley and Chamot, the questionnaire for t

21、his survey mainly covers three learning strategies, in which metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies are planned, and the English listening pre-test and post-test which could reveal required information which may underlies the results concerned like what leanin

22、g strategies and how they are employed by participants in the study, and whafs more, SPSS 19.0 is adopted to analyze the acquired data including frequency, means, standard deviations and T-test in descriptive statistics. Moreover, the research primarily aims to serve for responses to the following q

23、uestions: (1) . What learning strategies in listening used basically by non-English major students at present can be known? (2) . On students listening comprehension, what kind of effect can the learning strategies experimented with have after having been applied in listening process? (3) . In what

24、ways can the learning strategies be applied by students in college English listening comprehension? (4) . What kind of learning strategies may be gotten to improve probably listening comprehension of college students more effectively? This research thesis consists of five parts: The first part intro

25、duces background and purpose of the research, and framework of the thesis. The second part is literature review which consists roughly of definition and key characteristics of listening comprehension, studies on listening comprehension, importance, situation and problems of listening comprehension i

26、n language learning and teaching in China, basic theories and studies of language learning strategies at home and abroad, relationship between learning strategies and listening comprehension, and relationship between meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies, an

27、d listening comprehension, and so forth, whose aim is to lay a firm theoretical foundation for a later empirical study. The third part contains methodology of the empirical research with research questions, participants, instruments and its purpose, such as SPSS, questionnaire before test, pretest a

28、nd posttest, formation of concrete strategies, listening comprehension samples analysis, and data purpose and collection, experimental and analytical procedures. The fourth part elaborates analyses of the research results and summarizing which are based on the collected experimental data from questi

29、onnaires and listening pretest and posttest through SPSS. The fifth part is composed of findings, implications and limitations of the empirical research with a concise conclusion and practical and feasible suggestions for the improvement of learners? learning strategies in listening comprehension. T

30、he major findings of the statistics are shown in the following: Firstly, it is the most difficult problem for students when confronting vocabulary and idiom. Secondly, in general, students make use of listening strategies to support themselves to improve listening ability, but the degree is not very

31、 high, general at a medium level or lower. Cognitive strategies, metacognitve strategies and social/affective strategies are sometimes used in rank order of total frequency. As for the subcategories, the frequently employed strategies are inference, elaboration and reducing anxiety, while cooperatio

32、n and advance organization are generally not used. Thirdly, it is really different between experimental and control class when listening strategies are used. Before the empirical stage, great difference doesnt exist between the two groups when metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and socia

33、l/affective strategies are used. After the empirical stage, it is statistically different between the two groups when both metacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies are used as well as social/affective strategies. Experimental group uses self-management, self-monitoring, selective attention,

34、 elaboration and note-taking more frequently, while control group mostly applies translation frequently. Finally, it can be concluded that experimental students could employ self-management, inference, elaboration and note-taking to build better emotion for listening. Based on the major findings, so

35、me implications have been proposed to suggest for college English listening teaching and learning. It is urgent for college English teachers to develop the students awareness of using listening strategies, to create enough opportunities to practice positive strategies effectively. In the regular lis

36、tening class English teachers should conduct clearly what the strategy is, how the strategy can be used in listening, when the strategy should be used and why the strategy should be used to enhance their efforts in listening. In addition to the regular listening class, teachers should also deliver l

37、ectures on language learning strategies for students and let them make discussions after lectures, which could make students share their learning strategies and experiences from others. Actually, although some implications have been shown for college English listening and teaching, the present study

38、 is still affected by some limitations, such as the number and the range of the subjects not big enough, the experimental time still a little shorter and also some subjective factors contained. Thus larger and wider samples, longer experimental time, more relevant instruments are suggested for the f

39、uture researches. It is sincerely hoped that this research will attract more attention to the study of learning strategies to improve the English listening teaching and learning in college. Key words: listening, comprehension, learning strategies, College English, teaching and learning Contents Intr

40、oduction . 1 Background of the Study . 1 Purpose of the Study . 2 Organization of the Thesis . 4 Chapter One: Literature Review . 5 1.1 Studies on Listening Comprehension . 5 1.1.1 Definitions of Listening Comprehension . 6 1.1.2 The Key Characteristics of Listening Comprehension . 7 1.1.3 Current T

41、eaching of English Listening in China . 9 1.2 Basic Theories of Language Learning Strategies . 10 1.2.1 Definition of Language Learning Strategies . 10 1.2.2 The Categories of Language Learning Strategies . 13 OMalley and Chamots Classification. 13 Oxfords Classification . 14

42、 Cohens Classification . 14 Wen Qiufangs Classification . 15 1.3 Relationship between Listening Learning Strategies and Listening Comprehension . 16 1.3.1 The Relationship between Meta-cognitive Strategies and Listening Comprehension . 16 1.3.2 The Relationship between Cognitive Strategies a

43、nd Listening Comprehension . 17 1.3.3 The Relationship between Social/Affective Strategies and Listening Comprehension . 18 1.4 Summary . 19 Chapter Two: Methodology . 20 2.1 Research Questions . 20 2.2 Participants . 21 2.3 Instruments . 21 2.3.1 Questionnaire on Listening Strategies before Pretest . 21 2.3.2 Pre-test and Post-test .


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