1、英语教师个人简介范文英语老师个人简介范文 本人就读于XXXXX,英语翻译专业,能讲一口流利的英式英语。曾担任本校外语系分团委的科研助理,主要协助主任进行英语翻译的工作。也曾担任晨读小老师,主要协助解决学生在备考晨读小老师时对英语的困惑和英语难题,培育学生早读的习惯和爱好。 为人和善且健谈。提倡互动式的英语学习方法。善于调动课堂气氛,营造融洽的课堂氛围,促使学生学习进步。 教学感言:爱好是最好的老师。 Angelina, a proficient British English speaker,is now studying at (毕业学校名称)in English Translation.
2、Being appointed as a science and research assistant in the Youth League Committee Branch at her universitys English Department,which is to assist the director of English Department to accomplish most of the work of English translation,she is also appointed as a morning reading teacher, which is chie
3、fly to provide some methods assisting students of lower grades with their preparation of CET-4 and CET-6,solving their bewilderments and puzzles as well as cultivating both interests and habits in the process of English learning. She is very nice and a brilliant talker. With a great capability of cr
4、eating harmonious class climate, she suggests interactive teaching method, with which to promote students English learning. Teaching Motto: Interest is the best teacher. 英语老师个人简介范文 xx,男,1973年12月生,汉族,辽宁省瓦房店人。毕业于大连大学英语系,进修于辽宁师范大学中文系;1996年8月参加工作,于大连市第十四中学任教至今;历任英语学科组长、年部主任、团委书记等职; 任教中学英语7年,20xx年获大连市英语评优课一等奖;20xx年至今,任教中学语文;199820xx年连续三年担任班主任工作,20xx年至今,本篇