1、Softwares for Note-takingContents1.EverNote2.OneNote3.Mindmapping1.Evernote“An elephant never forgets.”1)Features of EverNoteCreating textual,video and audialdocumentsEditing web page documents(texts,links and pictures)Synchronizing documents across multiple devicesSearching for text documents insna
2、pshots and picturesSharing within group members2)Function of Evernote Note takingMarking SearchingSharing3)Three APPs of EverNoteWeb APP PC APP Mobile APP4)ApplicationsNote taking in classNote taking in meetingMaking a shopping listMaking a plan for a tripManaging a project2.OneNoteOthers3.Mindmappi
3、ng Mindmapping is a kind of graphical tool to map out yourideas by means of lines,symbols,words and images.Mindmapping converts a long list of monotonousinformation into a colorful,memorable and highlyorganized diagram that works in line with your brainsnatural way of doing things.Tony Buzan2)Five e
4、ssential characteristics of Mindmapping(1)The main idea,subject or focus is crystallized in a central image.(2)The main themes radiate from the central image as branches.(3)The branches comprise the key image or key word drawn orprinted on its associated line.(4)Topics of lesser importance are represented as twigs of therelevant branch.(5)The branches form a connected nodal structure.3)Applications of MindmappingsNotetaking Summarizing eventsLearning vocabularyMaking lists4)Softwares for mindmappingTheBrainNovaMindMindManagerMindMapperXMindFreeMindImindamapMindjetThanks!