2、仓、中中间罐及喷吹吹罐温度、压压力的安全连连锁控制,喷喷吹风压力的的自动测量等等控制项目;本设计主要要选用的PLLC控制系统统的选型、硬硬件配置选择择、I/O表表编写、硬件件接线图的绘绘制的工作。关键词:PLCC;高炉喷煤煤;传感器AbstracctThe graaduatiion prrojectt focuused oon thee autoomaticc conttrol oof blaast fuurnacee coall injeectionn systtem, does nnot innclude coaal griindingg proccess ccontrool. Cntrr
3、ol thhe proocess of auutomattion aand coontroll, inccludinngo coal ppowderr storrage wwarehoouse, the miiddle tank,the iinjecttion tank, injecttion EExplorrer, front-end ffrom tthe bllast ffurnacce coaal injjectioon powwder ddistriibutioon devvice tto thee brannch piipe. The ggraduaation projeect, a
4、a PCI only consiider aas a ccontroolled injecction sequeence. Thee desiign inncludees: Thhat thhe isssue off backkgrounnd, orrigin, meanning, the mmain ttype oof tecchnoloogy, aat homme andd abrooad PCCI jett techhnologgy devvelopmment pprospeects aand thhe futture ddeveloopmentt of. On thhe neeed f
5、orr the sensoors, vvalvess, swiitchess and otherr harddware equippment.Mainlly carrried out ccoal ppowderr fromm the coal powdeer possitionn to ccontrool thee midddle off the tank,pulverrized coal injecction in thhe midddle ttank tto tannk cann backk conttrol ffrom tthe puulveriized ccoal iinjecttio
6、n iinto bblast furnaace tuuyere sprayy canss of ccontrool, sttop thhe injjectioon conntrol, the middlle tannk andd the injecction presssure ccontrool tannk, cooal sttores, inteermediiate aand sppray ccans bblow ttank ttemperraturee and presssure ccontrool of the ssecuriity chhain, hair sprayy, succh
7、 as autommatic measuuremennt of the ppressuure coontroll projjects; the desiggn of the mmain sselecttion oof thee PLC contrrol syystem selecction, harddware confiigurattion ooptionns, I / O ttable prepaared mmappinng harrdwaree wiriing woork.KeyWordds:PLCC; blaast fuurnacee pulvverizeed coaal injjec
8、tioon; seensor详细摘要高炉喷煤技术始始于18400年SMBankss关于喷吹焦焦炭和无烟煤煤的设想;世世界最早的工工业应用即是是根据这一设设想于184401845年间间在法国博洛洛涅附近的马马恩省炼铁厂厂实现的。由由此背景引出出本次毕业设设计的题目高高炉喷煤喷吹吹技术的自动动化控制。课课题主要阐述述了高炉喷煤煤系统的喷吹吹工艺控制,不不包括制粉工工艺。在此项技术产生生的一百多年年间,发展却相相对缓慢,基基本无进展;直至20世纪60年代初,欧欧洲、中国、美美国的一些工工厂才陆续开开始在高炉上上试验喷煤。7O年代末,第二次石油危机的出现,加快了高炉喷煤技术的研究和发展,特别是欧洲和日
10、压喷吹、常压喷吹;浓相喷吹、稀相喷吹和氧煤枪喷吹、常规枪喷吹等各种形式的喷吹。简介描述了几种较成熟的工业性生产流程:1、德国KvTTNER流程;2、美国阿姆科(ARMCO)流程;3、日本住友流程;4、日本川崎流程;5、卢森堡Paul Wurth流程;6、混合型流程;7 英钢联粒煤喷吹流程。再后简要介绍了几种新喷煤工艺,包括:1、富氧大喷煤量技术;2、利用等离子大量喷吹煤粉;3、复合喷吹技术;4、粒煤喷吹技术。在第一部分最后介绍了我国喷煤喷吹技术现状,进十几年这项技术在国内的进步和存在的问题,还包括对我国高炉发展前景的展望。第二大部分主要要阐述了高炉炉喷煤喷吹自自动化控制整整体方案。首首先对喷吹
12、停停止向高炉喷喷吹煤粉的控控制,安全连连锁控制程序序),最后详详细说明了具具体操作过程程。中间罐加加料:中间罐罐加料前的条条件为中间罐罐必须为“空信号”, 压力必须小小于0.022MPa,放放散阀处于“打开”状态,充压压阀、流化阀阀、上锥阀和和下锥阀处于于“关闭”状态、中间间罐与喷吹罐罐之间的均压压阀处于“关闭”状态;满足足上述条件后后在进行倒罐罐操作开煤粉粉仓下锥形阀阀,开中间罐罐上锥形阀,关关煤粉仓放散散阀,开煤粉粉仓流化阀,中中间罐“料满”信号发出时时再进行以下下操作,关煤煤粉仓流化阀阀,开煤粉仓仓放散阀,关关煤粉仓下锥锥形阀,关中中间罐上锥形形阀,煤粉从从煤粉仓到中中间罐倒罐顺顺序结束
13、,中中间罐处于“料满”位置。喷吹吹罐加料:喷喷吹罐内煤量量显示下限,自自动发出允许许加料信号,喷喷吹罐内压力力达到设定值值,中间罐“料满”; 倒罐,关中中间罐放散阀阀,开中间罐罐充压阀,中中间罐与喷吹吹罐压差小于于设定值时,关关闭充压阀,打打开两罐间均均压阀,开中中间罐下锥形形阀,开喷吹吹罐上锥形阀阀,开中间罐罐流化阀,中中间罐“料空”信号来后,进进行下列操作作,关中间罐罐流化阀,关关中间罐下锥锥形阀,关喷喷吹罐上锥形形阀,关中间间罐充压阀,关关中间罐与喷喷吹罐间均压压阀,开中间间罐放散阀,煤煤粉从中间罐罐到喷吹罐倒倒罐顺序完成成。喷吹控制制:前提条件件得到高炉“允许喷吹”信号,喷吹吹罐内料位
14、不不低于下限,满满足安全连锁锁要求,检查查喷煤管路上上手动阀门的的状态,人工工输入正常;喷吹控制,开开喷吹风阀,开开安全阀,开开喷吹罐下煤煤球阀,开喷喷吹罐流化阀阀,启动给料料器。最后是是停喷控制(发发出停喷指令令终止各“倒罐”操作,关喷吹吹罐下煤球阀阀,停给料器器,关安全阀阀,关喷吹风风阀)和对三罐罐及喷吹管道道的压力、温温度的安全连连锁控制。第三部分主要阐阐述了所用的的各种测量设设备(包括料料位、压力、温温度、氧含量量、一氧化碳碳含量和重量量测量设备)的的选型和其技技术指标的说说明,所选用用控制设备采采用SIEMMENS公司司的SIMAATIC SS7系列的SSIMATIIC S7-300
15、通用用型PLC的的CPU(66ES7 3315-2AAG10-00AB0),模拟量I/OO模块(6ES7 331-77KF02-0AB0),数字量输入入I/O模块(6ES7 321-11EH01-0AA0),数字量输出出I/O模块(6ES7 322-11HH00-0AA0)的选型和详详细数据说明明。关键词:PLCC;高炉喷煤煤;传感器Detaileed SummmaryBlast ffurnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion teechnollogy iin 18440 at S. M. Bankks on the iinjecttion oof cokke
16、 andd anthhracitte ideea; thhe worrlds firstt induustriaal appplicattions are bbased on thhe ideea thaat in 1840 18445 in the FFrenchh provvince of Boolognaa nearr the iron workss to aachievve thee Islee of MMan. TThis bbackgrround leadss to tthe toopic oof graaduatiion PCCI dessign aautomaation con
17、trrol innjectiion teechnollogy. The mmain ttopicss of tthe bllast ffurnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion syystem to coontroll the injecction proceess, ddoes nnot inncludee the milliing prrocesss. In tthe teechnollogiess usedd to pproducce morre thaan onee hunddred yyears, the devellopmennt is rela
18、ttivelyy sloww, thee basiic lacck of progrress; the 220th ccenturry unttil thhe earrly 600s, EEuropee, Chiina, tthe Unnited Statees beffore ssome oof thee facttory sstarteed in the bblast furnaace puulveriized ccoal iinjecttion oon thee testt. 7O at thhe endd of tthe seecond oil ccrisiss in tthe emm
19、ergennce off the blastt furnnace ppulverrized coal injecction technnologyy to sspeed up reesearcch andd deveelopmeent, eespeciially in Euurope and JJapan is inn the practtical appliicatioon hass beenn madee a maajor bbreaktthrouggh. Fooreworrd to the ffirst part of thhe deffinitiion off a bllast ffu
20、rnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion iss fromm the blastt furnnace ttuyeree direect innjectiion too the grounnd of the ccoal (anthrracitee, bittuminoous cooal, oor botth, ass welll as aa mixtture oof pullverizzed liignitee), too repllace tthe cooke too the blastt furnnace tto proovide heat and rred
21、uciing aggent. Led bby thee defiinitioon of the mmeaninng of the uuse off thiss techhnologgy, itt repllaces the llow-coost cooal annd inccreasiingly scarcce exppensivve mettallurrgicall cokee, cokking rreduceed so that the ccost oof blaast fuurnacee subsstantiially reducced. IIt is a meaans off regu
22、ulatinng thee stattus off furnnace, but aalso wwork tto impprove the hhearthh, andd is sstablee anteegradee blasst. Annd theen inttroducced thhe bassic prrocesss techhnologgy useed, unnder tthe miillingg deviice too the distaance ffrom tthe bllast ffurnacce, cooal sttores, injeectionn tankk placceme
23、ntt diffferencces inn the thickkness pipelline iinjecttion, injecction presssure iis higgh or low cconcenntratiions oof thee sizee of ttransmmissioon as well as diiffereent foorms oof sprray, yyou caan havve a ddirectt injeectionn, inddirectt injeectionn; strring iinjecttion ccans aand caans off inj
24、eectionn; Expplorerr injeectionn, mullti-brranch injecction; highh-presssure injecction, presssure injecction; densse phaase innjectiion, ddilutee coall injeectionn and oxygeen injjectioon macchine, injeectionn machhine aand otther cconvenntionaal forrms off injeectionn. Proofile descrribes some of
25、thhe morre matture iindusttrial produuctionn proccessess: 1, Germaany KvvTTNERR proccess; 2, thhe Uniited SStatess armcco (ARRMCO) proceess; 33, Jappans Sumittomo pprocessses; 4, fllow Kaawasakki, Jaapan; 5, Luuxemboourg PPaul WWurth proceess; 66 , miixed-ttype pprocesss; 7 Britiish Stteel UUnion Co
26、al partiicle iinjecttion pprocesss. Aggain aafter a briief inntroduuctionn of sseveraal neww coall techhnologgy, inncludiing: 11, thee voluume off oxyggen-riich laarge ccoal ttechnoology; 2, tthe usse of a larrge nuumber of pllasma pulveerizedd coall injeectionn; 3, compoound iinjecttion ttechniique
27、s; 4, ttabletts coaal injjectioon tecchnoloogy. FFinallly, inn the firstt partt of tthe sttatus quo oof Chiinas coal injecction technnologyy, morre thaan tenn yearrs intto thee techhnologgy proogresss in CChina and pprobleems, bbut allso thhe devvelopmment pprospeects oof Chiinas outloook foor blaas
28、t fuurnacee. The seconnd mosst of the mmajor coal injecction on bllast ffurnacce auttomatiion coontroll packkage. Firstt poinnt of injecction and ddetecttion pprocesss carrried out oon thee layoout, iincludding tthe chhoice of thhree ccans oof strring eemissiion reequireementss can injecction valvee
29、, fluuid vaalve, chargge preessuree valvve aree presssure valvees, fiire niitrogeen vallve, cconicaal vallve unnder , the cone valvee, undder thhe coaal feeeder aand thhe disstribuution of thhe balll vallve weere coompareed andd desccribedd in ddetaill on tthe innstalllationn drawwings indiccate tth
30、e loocatioon, buut alsso alll the necesssary measuuring equippment (suchh as ppressuure, ttemperraturee, weiight, gas ccontennt, ettc.) , the requiired nnumberr, a ddescriiptionn of tthe innstalllationn locaation. And then in thhe graaph onn the basiss of tthe coontroll proccess ddescriibed iinjectt
31、ion. Firstt intrroduceed thee basiic modde of operaation: fullly auttomatiic opeeratioon, maanual operaation, and mainttenancce opeeratioons, aand thhen iss a maajor ooperattion ccarrieed outt by OOverviiew (iincludding ccoal ffrom tthe cooal innverteed possitionn to tthe inntermeediatee tankk can c
32、ontrrol, tto thee pulvverizeed coaal injjectioon in the mmiddlee tankk canss canss backk conttrol ffrom tthe innjectiion off pulvverizeed coaal to blastt furnnace ttuyeree spraay canns of contrrol, sstop tthe bllast ffurnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion coontroll, seccurityy conttrol pproceddures
33、 for tthe chhain), and finallly a detaiiled ddescriiptionn of tthe sppecifiic opeeratioon. Taank feeedingg the middlle: thhe midddle oof thee pre-condiitionss can feed tank for tthe miiddle must be ann emppty siignal, thee presssure must be leess thhan 0.02MPaa, emiissionn valvves inn the openn staa
34、tus, filliing prressurre vallve, ffluid valvee, conne vallve annd thee valvve undder thhe conne in the off statee, inttermeddiate betweeen thhe canns andd the cans are iinjecttion vvalve in thhe offf sttate; to meeet thhe aboove coonditiions ccan opperatee in oopen ccoal wwas unnder tthe coone vaalv
35、e ppositiion, oopen tthe miiddle of thhe conne-shaaped ttank vvalve, Bleeeding valvee cleaarancee wareehousee coall, thee coall floww posiition of vaalve, the mmiddlee tankk fulll feeed siignal when the ffollowwing cclosinng of coal flow valvee posiition, the valvee emisssion coal warehhouse, custto
36、ms wwarehoouse uunder the ccone oof pullverizzed cooal vaalve ooff thhe midddle oof thee conee-shapped taank vaalve, coal from the ccoal wwarehoouse ccans ddown tto thee midddle off the orderr of tthe ennd canns, caans inn the middlle of fulll feedd possitionn. Feeed tannk injjectioon: innjectiion v
37、oolume of thhe tannk shoowed tthat tthe loower llimit of cooal, tto alllow auutomattic feeedingg signnal innjectiion taank prressurre setttingss to rreach the mmiddlee tankk fulll feeed; iinvertted caans, BBleediing Tuundishh valvve cleearancce, thhe tannk fillling the mmiddlee presssure valvee, int
38、termeddiate presssure ttank aand thhe injjectioon tannk is less than set vvalue, the filliing vaalve sshut ddown, open the ttwo caans weere prressurre bettween the vvalve and oopen tthe neext ammong tthe taank vaalve ccone, the ccone-jjet onn the tank valvee, opeen thee midddle flluid ttank vvalve,
39、the middlle tannk feeed aiir siignalss, thee folllowingg operrationns, cllearannce off midddle-taank fllow vaalve, clearrance underr the middlle of tank valvee conee, thee conee-shapped taank cllearannce innjectiion vaalve, filliing taank cllearannce inntermeediatee presssure valvee, inttermeddiate
40、clearrance betweeen taank annd tannk-preessuree injeectionn valvve, thhe vallve emmissioon Tunndish, pulvverizeed coaal injjectioon in the mmiddlee tankk to ttank ddown tthe orrder ccan bee comppletedd. Injjectioon conntrol: a prrerequuisitee for blastt furnnace tto be alloow injjectioon siignal inj
41、ecction tank of noot lesss thaan thee miniimum llevel to meeet thhe seccurityy requuiremeents oof thee chaiin, chheck tthe PCCI mannual ccontrool vallves oon thee roadd, andd enteered iinto tthe noormal; injeectionn conttrol , the injecction valvee, thee safeety vaalve, the iinjecttion oof coaal und
42、der thhe tannk balll vallve, oopen vvalve injecction fluidd can startt to ffeed. Finallly, tthere is ceessatiion off injeectionn conttrol (injecction instrructioons isssued to sttop thhe terrminattion oof thee antti-tannk too operrate, clearrance underr the coal injecction tank ball valvee, stoop fe
43、eeder ooff saafety valvee, injjectioon vallve cllearannce) aand thhe thrree caans annd thee injeectionn pipee presssure, tempperatuure coontroll of tthe seecuritty chaain. Thhe thiird paart maainly used on a varieety off meassuringg equiipmentt (inccludinng levvel, ppressuure, ttemperraturee, oxyyge
44、n ccontennt, caarbon monoxxide ccontennt andd weigght meeasuriing eqquipmeent) sselecttion aand deescripption of itts tecchnicaal inddicatoors, tthe usse of contrrol eqquipmeent seelecteed by SIEMEENS coompanyys SIIMATICC S7 sseriess of SSIMATIIC S7-300-ssize-ffits-PPLC-CPPU (6EES7 3115-2AGG10-0AAB0
45、), analoog I / O moodule (6ES77 331-7KF022-0AB00), Diigitall Inpuut I / O moodule (6ES77 321-1EH011-0AA00 ), ddigitaal outtput II / O modulle (6EES7 3222-1HHH00-0AAA0) tthe seelectiion annd dettailedd dataa. Keywoords: PLC; blastt furnnace ppulverrized coal injecction; senssor目录1 前言1.1 高炉喷喷煤技术背景景高炉喷
48、代替了日趋趋贫乏且价格格昂贵的冶金金焦,降低了了焦化,使高高炉炼铁的成成本大幅下降降。2.高炉喷煤可可以作为一种种调剂炉况的的手段。3.高炉喷煤可可以改善炉缸缸工作状态,是是高炉稳定顺顺行。4.为高炉提高高风温和富氧氧鼓风创造条条件。因为喷吹煤粉会会使风口前理理论燃烧温度度降低,导致致理论燃烧温温度降低的主主要原因有:1) 高炉喷吹煤粉后后煤气量增加加,加热煤气气需要消耗热热量;2) 喷吹煤粉带入的的热量少,而而焦炭进入风风口区时已被被充分加热,温温度高达1445015500,而喷吹的的煤粉温度不不超过1000;3) 煤粉中的碳氢化化合物分解需需要热量。5.喷吹煤粉中中的氢含量比比焦炭带入的的多,