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1、摘 要Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.摘要本次毕业设设计主要阐阐述了高炉炉喷煤喷吹吹自动化控控制系统,不不包括制粉粉过程的控控制,控制制范围是从从煤粉仓、中间罐、喷吹罐、喷吹总管管、由炉前前煤粉分配配器到喷吹吹支管的自自动控制过过程。本次次毕业设计计只考虑了了一个喷煤煤喷吹序列列作为控制制对象。本次设计包包含:课题题本身的背背景、由来来、意义、主要工艺艺类型、国国内外高炉炉喷煤喷吹吹技术的发发展现状以以及对未来来发展的展展望;阐述述了所需传传感器、阀阀、开关等等硬件设备备,主要进进行了煤粉

2、粉从煤粉仓仓到中间罐罐倒罐控制制,煤粉从从中间罐到到喷吹罐倒倒罐控制,煤煤粉从喷吹吹罐喷到高高炉风口中中的控制,停停喷控制,中中间罐和喷喷吹罐的压压力控制,煤煤粉仓、中中间罐及喷喷吹罐温度度、压力的的安全连锁锁控制,喷喷吹风压力力的自动测测量等控制制项目;本本设计主要要选用的PPLC控制制系统的选选型、硬件件配置选择择、I/OO表编写、硬件接线线图的绘制制的工作。关键词:PPLC;高炉喷煤煤;传感器器IAbstractAbstrractThe ggraduuatioon prrojecct foocuseed onn thee auttomattic ccontrrol oof bllast

3、furnnace coall injjectiion ssysteem, does not incllude coall griindinng prrocesss coontrool. Cnttrol the proccess of aautommatioon annd coontrool, iincluudinggo coal powdder sstoraage wwarehhousee, the mmiddlle taank,tthe iinjecctionn tankk, injecctionn Expploreer, frontt-endd froom thhe bllast furn

4、nace coall injjectiion ppowdeer diistriibutiion ddevicce too thee braanch pipee. The gradduatiion pprojeect, a PCCI onnly cconsiider as aa conntrollled injeectioon seequennce. TThe ddesiggn inncluddes: Thatt thee isssue oof baackgrroundd, orriginn, meeaninng, tthe mmain typee of techhnoloogy, at hho

5、me and abrooad PPCI jjet ttechnnologgy deeveloopmennt prrospeects and the futuure ddevellopmeent oof. On tthe nneed for the senssors, vallves, swiitchees annd otther harddwaree equuipmeent.MMainlly caarrieed ouut coall powwder fromm thee coaal poowderr possitioon too conntroll thee midddle of tthe t

6、tank,pulveerizeed cooal iinjecctionn in the midddle ttank to ttank can backk conntroll froom thhe puulverrizedd coaal innjecttion intoo blaast ffurnaace ttuyerre sppray canss of conttrol, stoop thhe innjecttion conttrol, thee midddle tankk andd thee injjectiion ppresssure conttrol tankk, cooal sstor

7、ees, iinterrmediiate and spraay caans bblow tankk temmperaaturee andd preessurre coontrool off thee seccuritty chhain, haiir sppray, succh ass auttomattic mmeasuuremeent oof thhe prressuure ccontrrol pprojeects; thee dessign of tthe mmain seleectioon off thee PLCC conntroll sysstem seleectioon, hhar

8、dwware conffigurratioon opptionns, II / OO tabble pprepaared mappping harddwaree wirring workk.KeyWoords:PLC; blaast ffurnaace ppulveerizeed cooal iinjecctionn; seensorrXI详细摘要详细摘要高炉喷煤技技术始于11840年年SMBankks关于喷喷吹焦炭和和无烟煤的的设想;世世界最早的的工业应用用即是根据据这一设想想于1844018455年间在法法国博洛涅涅附近的马马恩省炼铁铁厂实现的的。由此背背景引出本本次毕业设设计的题目目高炉



11、描述了了几种较成成熟的工业业性生产流流程:1、德国KvTTNEER流程;2、美国阿姆姆科(ARMCCO)流程;3、日本住友友流程;4、日本川崎崎流程;5、卢森堡Paaul WWurthh流程;6、混合型流流程;7 英钢联联粒煤喷吹吹流程。再再后简要介介绍了几种种新喷煤工工艺,包括括:1、富氧大喷喷煤量技术术;2、利用等离子大大量喷吹煤煤粉;3、复合喷吹吹技术;4、粒煤喷吹吹技术。在在第一部分分最后介绍绍了我国喷喷煤喷吹技技术现状,进进十几年这这项技术在在国内的进进步和存在在的问题,还还包括对我我国高炉发发展前景的的展望。第二大部分分主要阐述述了高炉喷喷煤喷吹自自动化控制制整体方案案。首先对对喷


13、口中的的控制,停停止向高炉炉喷吹煤粉粉的控制,安安全连锁控控制程序),最最后详细说说明了具体体操作过程程。中间罐罐加料:中中间罐加料料前的条件件为中间罐罐必须为“空信号”, 压力必须须小于0.02MPPa,放散散阀处于“打开”状态,充充压阀、流流化阀、上上锥阀和下下锥阀处于于“关闭”状态、中中间罐与喷喷吹罐之间间的均压阀阀处于“关闭”状态;满满足上述条条件后在进进行倒罐操操作开煤粉粉仓下锥形形阀,开中中间罐上锥锥形阀,关关煤粉仓放放散阀,开开煤粉仓流流化阀,中中间罐“料满”信号发出出时再进行行以下操作作,关煤粉粉仓流化阀阀,开煤粉粉仓放散阀阀,关煤粉粉仓下锥形形阀,关中中间罐上锥锥形阀,煤煤粉

14、从煤粉粉仓到中间间罐倒罐顺顺序结束,中中间罐处于于“料满”位置。喷喷吹罐加料料:喷吹罐罐内煤量显显示下限,自自动发出允允许加料信信号,喷吹吹罐内压力力达到设定定值,中间间罐“料满”; 倒罐,关关中间罐放放散阀,开开中间罐充充压阀,中中间罐与喷喷吹罐压差差小于设定定值时,关关闭充压阀阀,打开两两罐间均压压阀,开中中间罐下锥锥形阀,开开喷吹罐上上锥形阀,开开中间罐流流化阀,中中间罐“料空”信号来后后,进行下下列操作,关关中间罐流流化阀,关关中间罐下下锥形阀,关关喷吹罐上上锥形阀,关关中间罐充充压阀,关关中间罐与与喷吹罐间间均压阀,开开中间罐放放散阀,煤煤粉从中间间罐到喷吹吹罐倒罐顺顺序完成。喷吹控


16、IEMMENS公公司的SIIMATIIC S77系列的SSIMATTIC SS7-3000通用型型PLC的的CPU(6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0),模拟量I/O模块(6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0),数字量输入I/O模块(6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0),数字量输出I/O模块(6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0)的选型和详细数据说明。关键词:PPLC;高高炉喷煤;传感器Detailed SummaryDetaiiled SummmaryBlastt furrnacee pullveriized coall injjectiion ttechnnologgy inn

17、 18440 att S. M. BBankss on the injeectioon off cokke annd annthraacitee ideea; tthe wworldds ffirstt inddustrrial appllicattionss aree bassed oon thhe iddea tthat in 11840 18845 iin thhe Frrenchh provvincee of Boloogna nearr thee iroon woorks to aachieeve tthe IIsle of MMan. Thiss bacckgroound lead

18、ds too thee toppic oof grraduaationn PCII dessign autoomatiion ccontrrol iinjecctionn tecchnollogy. Thee maiin toopicss of the blasst fuurnacce puulverrizedd coaal innjecttion systtem tto coontrool thhe innjecttion proccess, doees noot inncludde thhe miillinng prrocesss. IIn thhe teechnoologiies uus

19、ed to pproduuce mmore thann onee hunndredd yeaars, the deveelopmment is rrelattivelly sllow, the basiic laack oof prrogreess; the 20thh cennturyy unttil tthe eearlyy 60s, EEuroppe, CChinaa, thhe Unnitedd Staates befoore ssome of tthe ffactoory sstartted iin thhe bllast furnnace pulvverizzed ccoal in

20、jeectioon onn thee tesst. 77O att thee endd of the secoond ooil ccrisiis inn thee emeergennce oof thhe bllast furnnace pulvverizzed ccoal injeectioon teechnoologyy to speeed upp ressearcch annd deeveloopmennt, eespecciallly inn Eurrope and Japaan iss in the praccticaal apppliccatioon haas beeen mmad

21、e a maajor breaakthrroughh. Foorewoord tto thhe fiirst partt of the defiinitiion oof a blasst fuurnacce puulverrizedd coaal innjecttion is ffrom the blasst fuurnacce tuuyeree dirrect injeectioon too thee groound of tthe ccoal (antthraccite, bittuminnous coall, orr botth, aas weell aas a mixtture of

22、ppulveerizeed liignitte), to rreplaace tthe ccoke to tthe bblastt furrnacee to provvide heatt andd redducinng aggent. Ledd by the defiinitiion oof thhe meeaninng off thee usee of thiss tecchnollogy, it repllacess thee loww-cosst cooal aand iincreeasinngly scarrce eexpennsivee mettalluurgiccal ccoke,

23、 cokking reduuced so tthat the costt of blasst fuurnacce suubstaantiaally reduuced. It is aa meaans oof reegulaatingg thee staatus of ffurnaace, but alsoo worrk too impprovee thee heaarth, andd is stabble aanteggradee blaast. And thenn inttroduuced the basiic prrocesss teechnoologyy useed, uunderr t

24、hee milllingg devvice to tthe ddistaance fromm thee blaast ffurnaace, coall stoores, injjectiion ttank placcemennt diifferrencees inn thee thiickneess ppipelline injeectioon, iinjecctionn preessurre iss higgh orr loww conncenttratiions of tthe ssize of ttranssmisssion as wwell as ddiffeerentt forrms

25、 oof sppray, youu cann havve a direect iinjecctionn, inndireect iinjecctionn; sttringg injjectiion ccans and canss of injeectioon; EExploorer injeectioon, mmultii-braanch injeectioon; hhigh-presssuree injjectiion, presssuree injjectiion; densse phhase injeectioon, ddilutte cooal iinjecctionn andd ox

26、yygen injeectioon maachinne, iinjecctionn macchinee andd othher cconveentioonal formms off injjectiion. Proffile desccribees soome oof thhe moore mmaturre inndusttriall prooducttion proccessees: 11, Geermanny KvvTTNEER prrocesss; 22, thhe Unnitedd Staates armcco (AARMCOO) prrocesss; 33, Jaapans Suum

27、itoomo pproceessess; 4, floow Kaawasaaki, Japaan; 55, Luuxembbourgg Pauul Wuurth proccess; 6 , mixxed-ttype proccess; 7 BBritiish SSteell Uniion CCoal partticlee injjectiion pproceess. Agaiin affter a brrief intrroducctionn of seveeral new coall tecchnollogy, inccludiing: 1, tthe vvolumme off oxyyge

28、n-richh larrge ccoal techhnoloogy; 2, tthe uuse oof a largge nuumberr of plassma ppulveerizeed cooal iinjecctionn; 3, commpounnd innjecttion techhniquues; 4, ttableets ccoal injeectioon teechnoologyy. Fiinallly, iin thhe fiirst partt of the stattus qquo oof Chinas coal injection technology, more tha

29、n ten years into the technology progress in China and problems, but also the development prospects of Chinas outlook for blast furnace. The second most of the major coal injection on blast furnace automation control package. First point of injection and detection process carried out on the layout, i

30、ncluding the choice of three cans of string emission requirements can injection valve, fluid valve, charge pressure valve are pressure valves, fire nitrogen valve, conical valve under , the cone valve, under the coal feeder and the distribution of the ball valve were compared and described in detail

31、 on the installation drawings indicate the location, but also all the necessary measuring equipment (such as pressure, temperature, weight, gas content, etc.) , the required number, a description of the installation location. And then in the graph on the basis of the control process described inject

32、ion. First introduced the basic mode of operation: fully automatic operation, manual operation, and maintenance operations, and then is a major operation carried out by Overview (including coal from the coal inverted position to the intermediate tank can control, to the pulverized coal injection in

33、the middle tank cans cans back control from the injection of pulverized coal to blast furnace tuyere spray cans of control, stop the blast furnace pulverized coal injection control, security control procedures for the chain), and finally a detailed description of the specific operation. Tank feeding

34、 the middle: the middle of the pre-conditions can feed tank for the middle must be an empty signal, the pressure must be less than 0.02MPa, emission valves in the open status, filling pressure valve, fluid valve, cone valve and the valve under the cone in the off state, intermediate between the cans

35、 and the cans are injection valve in the off state; to meet the above conditions can operate in open coal was under the cone valve position, open the middle of the cone-shaped tank valve, Bleeding valve clearance warehouse coal, the coal flow position of valve, the middle tank full feed signal when

36、the following closing of coal flow valve position, the valve emission coal warehouse, customs warehouse under the cone of pulverized coal valve off the middle of the cone-shaped tank valve, coal from the coal warehouse cans down to the middle of the order of the end cans, cans in the middle of full

37、feed position. Feed tank injection: injection volume of the tank showed that the lower limit of coal, to allow automatic feeding signal injection tank pressure settings to reach the middle tank full feed; inverted cans, Bleeding Tundish valve clearance, the tank filling the middle pressure valve, in

38、termediate pressure tank and the injection tank is less than set value, the filling valve shut down, open the two cans were pressure between the valve and open the next among the tank valve cone, the cone-jet on the tank valve, open the middle fluid tank valve, the middle tank feed air signals, the

39、following operations, clearance of middle-tank flow valve, clearance under the middle of tank valve cone, the cone-shaped tank clearance injection valve, filling tank clearance intermediate pressure valve, intermediate clearance between tank and tank-pressure injection valve, the valve emission Tund

40、ish, pulverized coal injection in the middle tank to tank down the order can be completed. Injection control: a prerequisite for blast furnace to be allow injection signal injection tank of not less than the minimum level to meet the security requirements of the chain, check the PCI manual control v

41、alves on the road, and entered into the normal; injection control , the injection valve, the safety valve, the injection of coal under the tank ball valve, open valve injection fluid can start to feed. Finally, there is cessation of injection control (injection instructions issued to stop the termin

42、ation of the anti-tank to operate, clearance under the coal injection tank ball valve, stop feeder off safety valve, injection valve clearance) and the three cans and the injection pipe pressure, temperature control of the security chain. The third part mainly used on a variety of measuring equipmen

43、t (including level, pressure, temperature, oxygen content, carbon monoxide content and weight measuring equipment) selection and description of its technical indicators, the use of control equipment selected by SIEMENS companys SIMATIC S7 series of SIMATIC S7-300-size-fits-PLC-CPU (6ES7 315-2AG10-0A

44、B0), analog I / O module (6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0), Digital Input I / O module (6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0 ), digital output I / O module (6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0) the selection and detailed data. Keywords: PLC; blast furnace pulverized coal injection; sensor目 录目录摘要IAbstractII详细摘要IIIDetailed SummaryV1 前言11.1 高炉喷煤技

45、术背景11.2高炉喷煤的意义11.3高炉喷煤基本流程21.4喷吹技术的发展31.4.1富氧大喷煤量技术41.4.2利用等离子大量喷吹煤粉41.4.3复合喷吹技术41.4.4粒煤喷吹技术41.5我国喷煤喷吹技术51.5.1我国喷煤喷吹技术现状51.5.2我国高炉喷煤技术的进步61.5.3我国高炉喷煤存在的问题61.5.4我国高炉发展前景72 高炉喷煤喷吹自动化控制整体方案92.1 喷吹工艺及检测点布置92.2 工艺流程示意图92.3 喷吹控制过程描述102.3.1 喷吹系统操作方式102.3.2 喷吹过程描述113 设备选型143.1 所用测量设备选型143.1.1 料位测量设备选型143.1.

46、2 温度测量设备选型163.1.3 压力测量设备选型163.1.4 氧含量测量设备选型173.1.5 一氧化碳测量设备选型183.1.6 重量测量设备选型193.2系统硬件配置方案203.2.1 总体配置方案203.2.2 SIMATIC S7-300通用型PLC简介203.2.3 CPU213.2.4 PS 307 电源模块5A 6ES7 307-1EA00-0AA0253.2.5 模拟量输入模板 SM 331 AI 8 12 位(6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0)263.2.6 数字量输入模板 SM 321;DI 16120 VAC(6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0)293.2

47、.7 继电器输出模板SM 322 DO 16继电器120VAC(6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0)303.2.8 PLC接线图(见附录D)33结 论34参考文献35致 谢36附录A模拟量I/O表37附录B数字输入量I/O表39附录C数字输出量I/O表41附录DPLC接线图431 前言1 前言1.1 高炉喷煤技术背景高炉喷煤技术始于1840年SMBanks关于喷吹焦炭和无烟煤的设想;世界最早的工业应用即是根据这一设想于18401845年间在法国博洛涅附近的马恩省炼铁厂实现的。但此后的一百多年,发展却相对缓慢,基本无进展;直至20世纪60年代初,欧洲、中国、美国的一些工厂才陆续开始在高炉上试



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