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1、1sstannd ccolllar 领座2haangiing looop 领领吊袢,挂挂耳3toop ccolllar 领面4smmalll shhoullderr 小肩肩5slleevve ttop/sleeevee heead/croown 袖山6laapell poointt 领咀咀7moock butttonn hoole 假眼8arrmhoole 袖窿,夹夹圈9brreasst ppockket 胸袋,手手巾袋110butttonn hoole 扣眼,钮钮门111toop ffly(lefft ffronnt)门襟,左左前幅112froont darrt 前前褶133unnderra

2、rmm daart 肋褶144toop ssleeeve 大袖155slleevve bbuttton 袖扣166slleevve oopenningg 袖口口17hemm 衫脚脚18froont cutt 止口口圆角119froont edgge 门门襟止口口20undder sleeevee 小袖袖21flaap 袋袋盖222chhangge ppockket 零钱袋袋23butttonn 钮扣扣24undder flyy(rigght froont)里襟(右右前幅)25inside breast pocket 里袋26fold line for lapel 翻领线27lapel 驳头28

3、gorge line 串口29lining center back pleat 里布后中省30back lining 后幅里布31top collar 领面32across back shoulder 总肩33back armhole 后袖窿,后夹圈34half back belt 半腰带35vent 背衩36side seam 摆缝,侧骨37center back seam 背缝,后中骨38back yoke 后过肩,后担干英汉汉英服装分类词汇周叔安编, 客人邮件件里对款款式的说说明,有有几句不不会翻:Compponeentss: PPiecces in fabbricc,innterrli

4、nningg annd ssloppingg.Prodductt bllockk: SSendd yoou aa maark时款女装装: 有花花式装饰饰线车缝缝.overr-dyyeddennim指指什么牛牛仔面料料overr-dyyed dennim指指什么牛牛仔面料料?罩染/套套染牛仔仔烦各位帮帮我看看看该信是是否有语语法和格格式错误误,在线线等。谢谢谢您好,我我叫ToonyHHo,是是顺德NNXQ公公司的总总经理。(中中国)很很高兴可可以认识识你。上上个月的的来访,我我已经向向你介绍绍了我们们公司的的基本情情况。同同时,我我相信我我们公司司的实力力可以满满足你的的要求。我我想问一一下样板

5、板什么时时候到我我这里呢呢?还有有,很感感谢你送送给我的的CD。(客客人自己己唱的)我我听过了了,觉得得你的嗓嗓音很美美。Dearr Siirs,Hii,Im TTonyyHo,Thee Geenerral Mannageer oof SShunnde NewwXinngquun KKnitttinng ccomppanyy.(CChinna)Im glaad tto kknoww yoou .Wheen yyou vissit ourr coompaany lasst mmontth,II haave inttrodduceed tthe bassic sittuattionn off ou

6、ur ccomppanyy too yoou .Meaanwhhilee,I bellievve tthe strrenggth of ourr coompaany cann leet yyou feeel ssatiisfiied.Whenn wiill thee saamplle aarriive?By thee waay,TThannks forr yoour CD andd Yoour voiice is verry bbeauutifful!Yoourss faaithhfullly分享服装英英语ZT服装英语语交流流篇 A: TThe cloothiing inddusttry is

7、 onee off thhe llarggestt inn thhe wworlld.服装业是是这世界界上最大大的行业业B: YYes, itt iss diividded intto sseveerall seectiionss: ttailloriing. liightt cllothhingg, hhosiieryy. sswimmmweear. foounddatiion garrmennts andd soo onn.对啊!还还能分成成很多个个分支,比比如,外外套,便便装,针针织,泳泳装,胸胸衣等多多个行业业A: SSo TThe rannge of merrchaandiies i

8、s verry ddiveersee.所以说嘛嘛,服装装种类的的范围很很广。B: IIf iinclludee faabriic aand triimmiingss, tthe scoope is morre wwidee.如果包括括原材料料和辅料料就更多多了A: AAny morre, eacch bbrannch cann bee diividded intto ddifffereent kinnds, liike taiilorringg caan bbe ddiviidedd innto mann taailoorinng aand womman taiilorringg, lligh

9、ht cclotthinng ccan be devvideed iintoo drresssse andd seeparratees, othher kinnds tooo.还有,每每个分支支还可以以再分,象外套可分成男装和女装,便装可分成套裙和单件等,其它的分类也如此。2. AA: HHow do youu thhinkk a dessignn rooom?你是如何何看待设设计室的的?B: TThe dessignn rooom is thee huub oof aa cllothhingg coompaany.设计室是是服装公公司的心心脏A: WWhy youu saaid so?为什么

10、?B: IIts funnctiion is to prooducce ssampple garrmennts thaat wwilll llookk goood, fiit wwelll annd bbe ppraccticcal to prooducce iin bbulkk.它的功能能是制造造出好看看的合适适的具批批量生产产可行性性的样本本A: SSo yyou thiink it is verry iimpoortaant?所以你认认为很重重要?B: YYes, thhe ffutuure commmerricaal eexisstennce of thee coompaany dep

11、pendds oon tthe skiill of thee deesiggn rroomm teeam, Itt iss vrrey impporttantt deeparrtmeent对,公司司的未来来商务操操作就看看设计团团伙的技技术了那那是一个个非常重重要的部部门 3. AA: HHow manny ddesiigneer ddo yyourr coompaany havve?你们公司司有多少少设计师师B: OOnlyy twwo, butt exxperrienncedd只有两个个,但都都很有经经验A: WWhatt iss thheirr woork?他们的任任务是什什么?B: S

12、Seleect fabbricc annd ttrimmminngs, annd ddeveelopp thhe iideaa foor ssampple, paass on skeetchh too paatteern cuttterr选定辅面面料,设设计出设设计图,把把图纸给给样本裁裁剪师A: AAll youur ppattternn cuutteer ccan reaad tthe skeetchh?你们的裁裁剪师都都能读得得懂图纸纸吗?B: AA skketcch mmustt bee eaasy to unddersstannd, andd cllearrly inddicaate

13、 thee poosittionn off seeamss. ppockketss. ddartts. typpe oof ccollllarr. wwidtth oof ssleeeve, ettc.图纸必需需容易明明白,要要清楚地地标注出出拼接和和缝和的的位置,以及袋位,领型袖宽等等参数A: SSo aa paatteern cuttterr caan rreadd a skeetchh eaasilly, rigght?那样裁剪剪师就可可以很容容易地读读懂图纸纸了,是是吗?B: YYes, buut aa paatteern cuttterr shhoulld hhavee ennoug

14、gh kknowwleddge aboout skeetchh.是的,但但裁剪师师也必需需有足够够的图纸纸方面的的知识A: GGreaat, youu arre aa innnerr maanagger!真利害,你是一个专业的管理人员啊!B: TThinnk! 谢谢! 4. A: Hoow mmanyy paatteern makkerss yoour commpanny hhavee?你们公司司有多少少个样板板师?B: OOnlyy onne, butt haave goood sskilll, Alll ouur TTechhniccianns aare exccelllentt.只有一个

15、个,但技技术很好好成果,我我们的技技术员都都很优秀秀A: DDo yyou thiink thee paatteern makker is verry iimpoortaant?你认为样样板师很很重要吗吗?B: TThe samme iimpoortaant as thee deesiggnerr, tthe dessignner deppendds oon tthe pattterrn mmakeer tto ttrannslaate hiss orr heer iideaa.和设计师师一样重重要设计计师的思思想要样样板师来来表达A: OOh.噢B: AA goood pattterrn m

16、makeer sshouuld be symmpatthettic to thee iddea of thee deesiggnerr, aas aany lacck oof uundeersttanddingg beetweeen dessignner andd paatteern makker couuld leaad tto tthe prooducctioon oof ppoorr saamplles优秀的样样板师要要充分理理解设计计师的意意图,因因为他们们之间缺缺乏沟通通会导致致样衣的的劣质 5. HHow manny ssampple macchinnistts yyourr co

17、ompaany havve?你们公司司有多少少样衣缝缝纫师?Sampple macchinnestt? DDo yyou meaans norrmall seewinng wworkker?样衣缝纫纫师?你你是指普普通缝纫纫工吗?Yes, yoou ccan calll tthemm liike thaat, Butt i thiink i sshouuld calll tthemm saamplle mmachhiniistss!对,你当当然可以以那样称称呼他们们,但我我还是叫叫他们样样衣缝纫纫师!Ok! mayybe it willl bbe bbettter, Ouur ccomppan

18、yy 3000 ssewiing worrkerr. ccan prooducce 7700 pieecess eaach dayy.对啊,这这样称呼呼。他们们也许会会更好,我我们公司司有3000普工工,每天天可产7700件件衣服It iis nnot verry mmuchh, BBut enooughh too mee.产量不算算大但对对我来说说够了。Our sewwingg woorkeer hhavee riich expperiiencce, alll abbovee 3 thrree.我们的缝缝纫工都都很有经经验都有有3年以上上的经验验It sseemms ttheyy caan

19、wworkk ouut hhighh quualiity gooods.看来你们们能加工工出高质质量产品品。You neeed tto ggivee a commmennd, Youu haad sseenn thhe ssampple.你已看过过我们的的样本你你自己说说吧Yes, Itt iss OKK. 确是不错错6. Whhat youu thhinkk abboutt yoour equuipmmentts?你认为你你们的设设备如何何?Advaanceed!先进!Why?为什么?Our steeam preessiing equuipmmentt waas iimpoorteed ff

20、romm Jaapann, IIt iis ttempperaaturre-ddigiitall,Cuuttiing macchinne wwas impportted froom GGermmanyy, SSewiing macchinnes aree thhe llasttestt prroduuce in Chiina, Meessuurinng ttoolls. marrkinng ttoolls aand misscelllanneouus ttoolls aare newwestt prroduuctss tooo.我们的蒸蒸气熨烫烫机是从从日本进进口的,是是温度数数控,的的裁剪机

21、机是从德德国进口口的,缝缝纫机是是国内最最新产品品,还有有测量工工具描图图工具和和其它工工具都是是最新产产品。Impoort froom JJanppan andd Geermaany? Whhy? Youur ccounntryys cloothiing macchinne iis aadvaanceed, whyy usse iimpoorteed mmachhinee?从日本德德国进口口?为什什么?你你们国家家的服装装设备够够先进了了,为什什么用进进口设备备?Onlyy addvanncedd onn poopullar macchinne, butt noot aall typpes!

22、仅仅多数数设备先先进,但但不是所所有类型型都先进进Oh II seee哦,原来来如此7. AA: IIf II waant to ordder womman weaar, cann I?如果我要要订购女女装行吗吗?B: YYes, Whhy nnot?当然可以以,为什什么不可可以呢?A: DDo yyou havve aa miilliinerr, ccan I mmeett hiim?你们有女女饰设计计员吗?我能见见见他吗吗?B: SSo ssorrry, it seaam iit nnot so connvenniennt nnow, hee haad ggonee too a exhhi

23、biitioon, do youu knnow thee biiggeest exhhibiitioon iin CChinna bbeguun iin GGuanngzhhou sinnce yessterrdayy?真不巧,见见不着,他他去参展展了,你你知道昨昨天开始始的在广广州举行行的中国国第一大大展吗?A: OOf ccourrse, myy frriennds atttendd innsteead of me, soo I havve ttimee too coome herre当然,我我朋友代代替我去去参展我我才有空空过来的的B: SSo II amm soorryy, bbut

24、he willl bbackk inn 3 dayys, youu caan mmeett hiim bby tthatt tiime.所以你见见不着他他,但他国国3天内回回来,到时你你再和他他聊A: OOh, no neeed, I ccan meeet hhim wheen ii coome nexxt ttimee, iit sseamms mmostt off yoour toools aree neew, it meaans it is a nnew facctorry?不必了下下次来再再见他吧吧,好象你你们的很很多工具具都是新新的,你们是是新厂吗吗?B: hhad runn foo

25、r 55 yeearss, yyou thiink it neww orr noot, we buyy neew ttoolls vveryy offtenn, oonlyy guuaraanteee tthe quaalitty. eveen ttinyy tooolss liike: piinkiing sheear, thhreaad cclippperr, tthimmblee, sseamm riippeer, blaade, sppooll annd ssuchh kiindss.做了5年年了,你你说是新新的吗?我们经经常买新新的工具具和配件件,就是是要保正正产品质质量,甚甚至一些

26、些小配件件也不例例外,像像花齿剪剪,割线线刀,顶顶针,拆拆缝刀,刀刀片线轴轴等等A: IIt sseamms yyou aree a sommeboody, frrom youur wwordds oor ffromm yoour ideea.无论从谈谈话还是是从观念念看,看来你你确是一一个人物物啊!B: aafraaid so!那里那里里!8. AA: CCan I vvisiit yyourr woorksshopp aggainn?我能再看看看你们们的车间间吗?B: oof ccourrse请吧A: aany commmennt aabouut ssewiing thrreadds?对缝

27、线你你有什么么说法吗吗?B: TThe corrrecct sseleectiion of thee seewinng tthreeadss prriorr too gaarmeent asssembbly is esssenttiall inn orrderr too acchieeve thee reequiiredd fiinissh tto tthe garrmennt aand to aidd thhe mmachhiniist durringg maakinng为了到达达预期效效果,并并有助于于缝制,在在缝制前前有必要要选择与与面料相相匹配的的缝线。A: II seee, whaa

28、t aare theey ddoinng?哦,知道道了,她她们在干干什么?B: FFor butttonn fiixedd, tthreeadss off adddedd sttrenngthh arre pprodduceed bby ttwisstinng pplieed yyarnns iin tthe oppposiite dirrecttionn too whhichh thhey hadd allreaady beeen ttwisstedd为钉纽扣扣准备的的,把已已捻好的的纱线合合股朝相相反的方方向捻,这这样做出出来的纱纱线才更更加牢固固可考。A: GGreaat!真利害!9.A

29、: I wannt tto ttakee a loook aat yyourr cuuttiing toools我想看看看你们的的裁剪工工具B: OOK! as youu wiish, Alll ttypees oof ssheaars andd sccisssorss arre aavaiilabble forr booth thee riightt annd lleftt haand好的,请请便吧,看看,所有有剪刀都都有左右右两个柄柄A: IIt sseamms ttherre aare manny sspeccifiicattionns看来你们们的剪到到有多种种规格B: TTo bben

30、tt-haandlle ddresssmaakerr shhearr: 220.33 too 255.4 lonng, forr cuuttiing fabbricc, sscisssorrs 112.77 too 155.2 lonng aare forr liightt cuuttiing, trrinnningg, aand cliippiing corrnerrs aand currvess 对弯柄剪剪刀来说说,200.3到到25.4的是是用来剪剪面料的的,122.7到到15.2的是是用来裁裁剪修角角和剪弧弧形的10.AA: TThosse ffor whaat?那些是干干什么用用的B

31、: TThiss iss thhreaad cclippperr, aan eeffiicieent toool ffor cliippiing thrreadds ffor botth hhandd annd mmachhinee seewinng, theey ccan alsso bbe uusedd inn cllipppingg cuurvees aand opeeninng bbutttonhholees那叫纱剪剪,一把把修剪手手缝和机机缝线头头的剪刀刀,还可可以用来来修剪弯弯曲部分分和开纽纽扣洞A: AAnd theere?那边的呢呢?B: PPinkkingg shhearrs

32、, 22.9 oor 225.44 ussed to givve aa ziigzaag ffiniish to raww eddgess off fiirmlly wwoveen ffabrricss.花齿剪, 22.9的或25.4的用来把厚的梭织物的毛边剪成锯齿状 A: SSo tthesse aare speeciaal ttoo?那么这些些也有特特别用处处吗?B: TThesse aare seaam rrippper, foor rripppingg ouut uunneecesssarry sstittchees aand forr oppeniing macchinne-ssti

33、ttcjeed bbutttonhholees. 这叫拆线线器用来来拆除不不需要的的线痕或或剪除纽纽扣洞的的 20005-11-155 111:400:000 lbba755 等级:兽兽皮围身身 文章:1104积分:3317注册:220044-3-29第 2 楼 实用语句句1 1 欢迎语语句Welccomee too ouur ccomppanyy欢迎光临临我们公公司Is tthiss yoour firrst vissit to ourr pllantt第一次来来我们公公司吗?Is ttherre aanytthinng yyou aree paartiicullarlly iinteere

34、sstedd inn?对我们的的什么东东西感兴兴趣吗?2 请对对方询问问Pleaase feeel ffreee too assk aany queestiionss yoou wwantt没关系,请请随便问问什么吧吧Pleaase stoop mme iif yyou havve aanytthinng tto aask有什么就就随便问问吧Justt leet mme kknoww iff yoou hhavee anny qquesstioons还有什么么问题吗吗?2 1.介绍个个别部门门Our Admminiistrratiion Depparttmennt iis ooverr thh

35、eree我们的行行政部在在那边I wiill shoow yyou ourr Maarkeetinng DDepaartmmentt我带你去去看看我我们的市市场推广广部Alloow mme tto sshoww yoou oour shoowrooom请允许我我带你去去看看展展览室吧吧2.关于于销路Therre iis aa grreatt deemannd ffor thiis pprodductt这种产品品很好销销The gooods aree muuch in demmandd这种产品品很热销销Thiss moodell iss hoot wwelccomeeed by ourr cll

36、iennts这种产品品深受我我们的客客户欢迎迎3 1. 议价价Woulld iit bbe pposssiblle tto hhavee chhangges in priice?价格不能能变了吗吗?I thhinkk thhe ppricce iis nnot commpettitiive enooughh我想这个个价格没没有足够够的竞争争力I amm affraiid tthe priice is nott acccepptabble恐怕我不不能接受受这个价价格2. 还还价We ccan redducee thhe ppricce bby 330% if youur oordeer iis

37、bbig enooughh如果你订订购量够够大的话话价格可可以降330%We ccan redducee ouur ppricce tto tthe levvel youu suuggeesteed 我们可以以降低价价格到你你的要求求4 1.介绍新新产品Thiss iss ouur llasttestt moodell这是我们们的最新新模型Woulld yyou likke tto ttakee a loook aat oour neww prroduuctss?想看看我我们的新新产品吗吗?Havee yoou ccomee accrosss tthiss kiind of prooducct

38、s befforee?您以前见见过这种种产品吗吗?We hhighhtlyy reecommmennd tthiss kiind of prooduccts我们极力力推荐这这中产品品5 作出出保证We gguarranttee thaat tthosse mmispprinntedd usser mannualls wwilll bee repllacee我们保证证这些印印错的用用户手册册将被换换掉We pprommisee too deelivver thee gooodss beeforre 44 occlocck tthiss affterrnooon我们答应应您今天天下午四四点钟前前把

39、货送送到Pleaase lett uss knnow if thee gooodss arre nnot in goood ccondditiion 请告诉我我们实话话是否货货物不好好6 解释释原因Pleaase unddersstannd wwe aare proocesssinng yyourr orrderr ass quuickkly as we ccan您应该知知道我们们正在尽尽快地赶赶工I wiill cheeck andd seee wwhatt weent wroong我来查查查看错在在那里It wwoulld bbe bbettter if onee off ouur een

40、giineeers hass a loook aat tthe machhinee如果当时时有一个个工程师师看一下下该设备备情况会会好得多多Pleaase accceptt ouur aapollogiies forr thhe ddelaay送货迟了了请接受受我们的的道歉I amm soorryy too heear thaat, theere musst bbe ssomee errrorrs iin tthe prodducttionn prroceess很对不起起肯定是是生产工工序出错错啦7 询问问详情Whatt exxacttly is thee prrobllem?确实的问问题是什

41、什么?Can youu giive me thee orrderr nuumbeer?请告诉我我订单号号好吗?Whatt iss thhe aactuual quaantiity staatedd?实际的数数量说明明什么? 8 讨论论合约内内容Whenn caan wwe ddisccusss thhe cconttracct?什么时候候我们可可以商量量签约We wwoulld llikee too diiscuuss thee meeanss off deelivveryy deetaiil我们想详详细商谈谈送货条条款Therre aare somme ppoinnts we havve n

42、not worrkedd ouut还有一些些要点我我们还没没达成一一致9 不能能立即决决定I caan nnot givve yyou a ddefiintee annsweer rrighht nnow我不能马马上给您您一个明明确的答答复Pleaase lett mee thhinkk itt ovver让我再考考虑考虑虑周全吧吧Woulld iit bbe aall rigght to givve yyou an ansswerr thhis aftternnoonn?下午再给给您答复复好吗?10 在在签约之之前Whenn caan wwe ssignn thhe cconttracct?

43、我们什么么时候签签约?Are youu reeadyy too siign?您准备好好签约了了吗?Are youu saatissfieed tto tthe conntraact?对这合同同满意吗吗? 会面篇1. HHelllo! 你好2. HHow aree yoou你好3. WWelccomee too ouur ccomppanyy欢迎欢迎迎4. GGladde tto mmeett yoou很高兴认认识你5. CCan we beccomee frriennds?我们交个个朋友好好吗?6. CCan we madde ffrieendss?我们交个个朋友好好吗?7. HHopee y

44、oou ssatiisfiied!希望您满满意8. HHopee yoou ggladd!希望您高高兴了解篇(1)1. WWhatt paart of thee woorldd yoou ddid comme ffromm?您是从哪哪个国家家来的?2. WWherre yyou didd yoou ccomee frrom?您从哪里里来的?3. WWhicch ccounntryy diid yyou comme ffromm?您是哪个个国家来来?4. WWhicch ccityy yoou ccomee frrom jusst nnow?您从哪个个城市过过来的?5. BBy ccoahh orr byy trrainn?坐班车还还是坐火火车?6. HHow lonng iit ttakee foor yyou to comme?用了多长长时间?7. HHad youu coome herre bbefoore?以前您到到过这里里吗?8. YYou knoow tthiss ciity welll?您熟悉这这个城市市吗?了


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