1、Writtingg Skkillls aand PraactiiceConttenttsPartt Onne Brrieff Inntrooducctioon tto CColllegee Enngliish Wriitinng 27Partt Twwo MMethhodss off Deevellopiing Parragrraphhs 8810Partt Thhreee VVariiouss Foormss off Wrritiing (froom aapprreciiatiion to prooducctioon) 100.21Partt Foour Sellectted Moddel
2、Commpossitiionss 21.30Partt Fiive AA Liist of Mosst CCommmonlly EEmplloyeed Senttencce PPattternns300.332Comppileed bby TThe Firrst Secctioon oof TTeacchinng aand Ressearrch, Deeparrtmeent of Colllegge EEngllishh Teeachhingg & Stuudiees, Qinngdaao UUnivverssityyPartt Onne Brrieff Inntrooducctioon tt
3、o CColllegee Enngliish WriitinngI. FFormmat andd Geenerral Reqquirremeentss off Coolleege Engglissh WWrittingg 1. Formmat of Colllegge EEngllishh Wrritiing IIt iis sstippulaatedd inn Coolleege Engglissh CCurrricuulumm Reequiiremmentts(大大学英语语课程教教学要求求) thaat ccolllegee sttudeentss shhoulld bbe aablee
4、too wrritee wiithiin 330 mminuutess a shoort commpossitiion of 1200 woordss onn a genneraal ttopiic oor aan ooutllinee. TThe commpossitiion shoouldd bee baasiccallly ccompplette iin cconttentt, aapprroprriatte iin ddicttionn annd ccoheerennt iin ddisccourrse. Morre oofteen tthann noot, colllegge sst
5、uddentts aare exppectted to wriite commpossitiionss baasedd onn toopicc seenteencees, outtlinnes givven in Chiinesse, keyy woordss, vvisuual aidds oor ggiveen ssituuatiionss. AAccoordiinglly, it is norrmallly of greeat hellp tto ddeciide on whaat sstylle (narrrattionn, eexpoosittionn, ddesccripptioo
6、n oor aarguumenntattionn) tto bbe eemplloyeed tto ddeveelopp thhe wwholle eessaay, andd thhen to dettermminee thhe cconttrolllinng iideaa coontaaineed iin eeachh off thhe ttopiic ssenttencces/Chiinesse ooutllinees, or to staate thee coontrrolllingg iddea at thee veery begginnningg off eaach parragrr
7、aphh inn reespeect of wriitinng bbaseed oon kkey worrds, viisuaal aaidss orr giivenn siituaatioons.2. Geneerall Reequiiremmentts oof CColllegee Enngliish Wriitinng Unitty(一一致性)and coherence (连贯) are two important general requirements of college English writing. Unitty iis aachiieveed bby aasceertaai
8、niing thaat eeachh seenteencee inn thhe pparaagraaph is rellevaant to thee toopicc seenteencee, tthatt iss, eeachh seenteencee shhoulld bbe aa fuurthher devveloopmeent of thee toopicc seenteencee. AAt tthe samme ttimee, tthe stuudennt wwritter musst bbe pposiitivve tthatt eaach of thee 3 parragrraph
9、hs iis cconnnectted witth eeachh ottherr inn foorm as welll aas iin mmeanningg orr coonteent. CCoheerennce is thee loogiccal connnecctioon oof tthe senntenncess inn a parragrraphh annd tthe parragrraphhs iin aa coompoosittionn too eaach othher. Cooherrencce ccan be achhievved thrrouggh aa vaarieety
10、of tecchniiquees, succh aas tthe empployymennt oof ttrannsittionnal worrds/linnk wwordds/cconnnecttorss(过渡渡词语), repetition of key words, consistent use of the same point of view, proper pronoun reference, logical organization of the information and arguments in a paragraph and between paragraphs. Th
11、e student writer must be certain that there is appropriate transition from one sentence or one paragraph to the next. IIn oordeer tto mmakee thhe pparaagraaph morre iinteeresstinng aand vivvid, itt iss a goood iideaa too usse ssenttencce vvariietyy. AAn eeffeectiive wayy too doo thhis is to varry tt
12、he graammaaticcal strructturees oof ssenttencces to avooid monnotoony. Diiffeerennt sstruuctuuress noot oonlyy coonveey ddisttincct sshaddes of meaaninng, butt allso givve aa coompoosittionn ann atttraactiive atmmosppherre. II. Forrm oof GGoodd Wrritiing IIt iis ggeneerallly asssumeed tthatt a welll
13、-wwritttenn paaraggrapph cconttainns aa toopicc seenteencee, ddeveeloppingg/suuppoortiing senntenncess annd aa coonclludiing senntennce if neccesssaryy. BBeloow iis aan eexammplee too shhow thee prroceess of wriitinng aa paaraggrapph. Suppposse tthatt yoou aare reqquirred to wriite a pparaagraaph on
14、 thee toopicc “Riddingg a biccyclle iis bbettter thaan rridiing a mmotoorcyyclee”. IIt iis aadviisabble forr yoou tto ggo tthrooughh thhe ffolllowiing prooceddurees bbefoore wriitinng tthe parragrraphh prropeer.Stepp 1. Deeterrminne tthe wriitinng sstylle arrgummenttatiionStepp 2.Seeek oout thee coo
15、ntrrolllingg iddea beetteer Stepp 3.Colllecct ssomee coonviinciing faccts aboout or arggumeentss foor tthe conntroolliing ideea innexppenssivee too buuy, eassy mmainntennancce , goood forr heealtth, nonnpollluttingg, ssafeer, etcc.Stepp 4.Lisst ddetaailss abboutt soome of thee faactss orr arrgumment
16、ts tthatt wiill inttereest youur aaudiiencce, e.gg., heaalthh moore exeerciisess, llesss poolluutioonStepp 5. Ouutliine thee paaraggrapph. Toppic senntennce: Riidinng aa biicyccle is bettterr thhan riddingg a mottorccyclle. Devveloopinng ssenttencces: A. IIt iis rrelaativvelyy innexppenssivee1.too b
17、uuy 2. tto ooperratee B. IIt iis mmoree heealtthfuul.1.moore exeerciisess2.leess pollluttionn C. IIt iis pperssonaallyy saatissfyiing.1. enjooy tthe sceenerry2. becoome parrt oof tthe nattureeStepp 6.Wriite thee paaraggrapph bby uusinng tthe dettaills yyou havve jjustt liisteed.Ridiing a bbicyyclee
18、iss beetteer tthann riidinng aa mootorrcyccle. Fiirstt off alll, a bbicyyclee iss reelattiveely ineexpeensiive to buyy annd tto mmainntaiin. Whiile a mmotoorcyyclee maay ccostt thhoussandds oof YYuann too buuy aand hunndreeds of Yuaan aannuuallly ffor maiinteenannce, a goood bbicyyclee wiill onlly c
19、costt twwo hhunddredd Yuuan or so, annd iits annnuall maainttenaancee coost is verry ssmalll. Bikkingg iss allso heaalthhfull. NNot onlly ddoess thhe ccycllistt geet mmoree phhysiicall exxerccisees tthann thhe mmotoorcyycliist, buut bbicyyclees aare nonnpollluttingg, sso ttheyy keeep thee ennvirronm
20、mentt clleann. FFinaallyy, bbicyycliing is, unnlikke mmotoorcyycliing, peersoonallly sattisffyinng. Inssteaad oof bbeinng aa roobott innsidde aa maachiine, thhe bbikeer ppedaals aloong, ennjoyyingg thhe sscenneryy annd bbecoominng ppartt off thhe nnatuure. Inn onne wwordd, tthe biccyclle iis aa plle
21、assuraablee meeanss off trranssporrtattionn. WWhatt iss saaid aboove is truue oof aa weell-orgganiizedd esssayy, ii.e., aan iideaalizzed commpossitiion is supppossed to conntaiin 33 paaraggrapphs a toppic/inttrodducttoryy paaraggrapph, a ssuppporttingg paaraggrapph aand an enddingg paaraggrapph. Let
22、t uss taake thee foolloowinng eessaay aas aan eexammplee.Stayyingg HeealtthyGoodd heealtth iis tthe mosst vvaluuablle pposssesssionn a perrsonn caan hhavee. TTherre aare thrree thiingss thhat a ppersson cann doo too sttay in goood hheallth. Onne sshouuld eatt thhe rrighht ffoodds, gett ennouggh rres
23、tt, aand exeerciise prooperrly. (Toopicc/inntrooducctorry pparaagraaph)Propper nuttrittionn iss immporrtannt ffor goood hheallth. Avvoidd foood witth llotss off suugarr annd ffat. Eaat pplennty of higgh pprotteinn fooodss, vvegeetabbless annd ffruiits. Buut ddo nnot oveereaat bbecaausee itt iss noot
24、 hheallthfful to be oveerweeighht. Getttinng tthe prooperr ammounnt oof ssleeep iis aalsoo immporrtannt. Witthouut eenouugh sleeep, yoou aare likkelyy too feeel tirred andd irrrittablle. So alllow youurseelf eigght houurs of sleeep eacch nnighht. Finnallly, gett pllentty oof eexerrcisse ssincce iit
25、iimprrovees yyourr heeartt annd llungges, annd pprevventts yyou froom ggainningg weeighht. (SSuppporttingg paaraggrapph) IIf eeverryboody werre tto eeat thee riightt fooodss, gget pleentyy off slleepp, aand exeerciise reggulaarlyy, ttherre wwoulld bbe mmuchh leess commplaainiing aboout pooor hheallt
26、h. (Enndinng pparaagraaph)III. Sppeciificc Sttepss Innvollvedd inn Wrritiing andd Nootewwortthy Poiintss 要想在在30分分钟内完完成一篇篇不少于于1200词的文文章, 应认真审审题,仔仔细构思思,拟出出提纲,拟拟订各段段的主题题句,或或根据所所给主题题句确定定各段中中心思想想,想好好用什么么事实或或细节来来支持主主题句的的观点。这样写写出的文文章语言言通顺、逻逻辑严密密、观点点明确、错错误较少少。1. 审审题所谓审题题,就是是根据所所提供的的有关写写作范围围、内容容要求、目目的方面面的信息息
27、进行仔仔细推敲敲斟酌,从从而确定定文章的的主题、体体裁、重重点、长长短等等等。审题题主要是是解决“写什么么”的问题题。1.1 确立文文章主题题通过审题题,明确确文章主主题即中中心思想想,才能能理清思思路,抓抓住重点点,这样样的文章章才能紧紧扣主题题,立意意鲜明,文文笔流畅畅。例如如:Direectiionss:Foor tthe parrt, youu arre aalloowedd thhirtty mminuutess too wrritee a commpossitiion on thee tooipcc:Gllobaal SShorrtagge oof FFressh WWateer.
28、 Youu shhoulld wwritte aat lleasst 1120 worrds andd yoou sshouuld basse yyourr coompoosittionn onn thhe ooutllinee (ggiveen iin CChinnesee) bbeloow:(1) 人们以为为淡水是是取之不不尽的。(2) 实际上淡淡水是非非常紧缺缺的。(3) 我们应该该怎么办办?根据对本本篇作文文的审题题,可以以明确文文章中心心是淡水水资源保保护。可可以从淡淡水资源源看似非非常丰富富的错误误表象出出发,列列举出淡淡水资源源实则严严重匮乏乏的事实实及原因因,最后后提出问问题的
29、解解决办法法。思路路清晰后后,文字字自然通通顺连贯贯。范文: Glooball Shhorttagee off Frreshh WaaterrSomee peeoplle bbeliievee thhat thee frreshh waaterr wiill nevver be useed uup. Beccausse ppeopple cann geet ffressh wwateer ffromm thhe rrainns, froom tthe rivverss, ffromm thhe wwellls aand froom tthe lakkes, itt seeemss thhat
30、we havve mmoree thhan enooughh frreshh waaterr too usse.But as a mmattter of facct, thee whholee woorldd iss inn seeverrs sshorrtagge oof ffressh wwateer. Witth tthe devveloopmeent of inddusttry, moore andd moore facctorriess usse aa loot oof ffressh wwateer. Manny ffacttoriies disschaargee a larrge
31、 nummberr off pooisoonouus wwasttes intto tthe rivverss annd llakees aand cauuse serriouus ppolllutiion of thee frreshh waaterr. AAnd beccausse oof tthe rappid inccreaase of thee woorldds poppulaatioon, theere is a cconttinuuoussly rissingg deemannd ffor freesh watter. Inn faact, inn soome bigg ciit
32、iees, freesh watter cannnott meeet thee peeoplless daailyy neeedss.Now it is timme ffor us to do sommethhingg too soolvee thhe pprobblemm off frreshh waaterr shhorttagee. FFirsst, we musst ttakee effficciennt sstepps tto pprottectt ouur ffressh wwateer ffromm beeingg poolluutedd annd mmakee itt clle
33、ann. TThenn wee muust lett evveryyonee unnderrstaand thee daangeerouus ssituuatiion he is in. Wee muust alsso eeduccatee thhe ppeopple to knoow: wheere theere is no watter, thheree iss noo huumann beeingg.1.2 确定文文章文体体文体,即即文章的的表现形形式,其其中包含含体裁和和语言。一一般来说说,不同同的体裁裁应具备备不同的的语言表表达模式式和特点点,比如如说明文文说明事事物时强强调语言言明
34、确清清晰,实实事求是是;议论论文则要要求语言言具有逻逻辑性,肯肯定性强强。大学学英语作作文文体体可分四四大类,即即议论文文、应用用文、描描写文和和记叙文文。例如如:Direectiionss: FFor thee paart, yoou aare allloweed 330 mminuutess too wrritee a commpossitiion in thrree parragrraphhs. Youur ppartt off thhe ccompposiitioon sshouuld be no lesss tthann 1220 wwordds, nott inncluudinng
35、 tthe worrds givven. Reememmberr too wrritee cllearrly. Yoou sshouuld wriite thiis ccompposiitioon oon tthe Commpossitiion Sheeet. Timee(1) Somee peeoplle tthinnk ttimee iss vaaluaablee annd mmakee goood usee off itt.(2) Somee peeoplle mmakee pooor usee off itt.(3) I thhinkk wee shhoulld fformm thhe
36、 ggoodd haabitt off saavinng ttimee.根据对本本篇作文文的审题题,可以以明确它它的主题题是:珍珍惜时间间。议论论文体裁裁,但兼兼有说明明部分。本本篇提纲纲中的第第1、2点要求求说明人人们对待待时间截截然不同同的两种种态度及及其原因因和表现现,第33点则要要求在前前文的基基础上论论述自己己的观点点应养养成珍惜惜时间的的习惯,总总结全文文的同时时,强调调了珍惜惜时间这这一主题题。由于于说明的的目的是是为了“告知”,所以以应侧重重摆事实实,注意意客观、准准确;论论说的目目的是为为了“说服”,应注注意提出出有力的的论据和和明确的的结论。范文:TTimeeSomee p
37、eeoplle tthinnk ttimee iss vaaluaablee annd mmakee goood usee off itt. TTheyy reeallly uundeersttandd thhe mmeanningg off “TTimee annd ttidee waait forr noo maan”. Heencee thhey treeasuure eveery sinnglee miinutte oof eeverry dday andd maake goood uuse of it in praactiice. Thhey arrrangge eeverry dd
38、ays ttimee prropeerlyy, nnot to wasste it.Somee peeoplle mmakee pooor usee off itt. TTheyy sppendd thheirr prreciiouss tiime oveerslleeppingg, ddrinnkinng, andd soomettimees pplayyingg gaamess orr gaambllingg. TTheyy doo noot rreallizee thhat wasstinng ttimee iss eqquall too waastiing parrt oof tthe
39、iir pprecciouus llifee annd tthatt thhey aree too paay mmuchh foor tthesse ssomeedayy. TTheyy allwayys rregrret havvingg maade litttlee acchieevemmentt inn thheirr caareeer oowinng tto ttheiir ppoorr usse oof ttimee. I thhinkk wee shhoulld fformm thhe ggoodd haabitt off saavinng ttimee. NNeveer pput
40、 offf whhat cann bee doone todday tilll ttomoorroow. We shoouldd thhinkk hiighlly oof oour timme jjustt liike ourr liivess. WWasttingg tiime jusst llikee sttayiing in thee toomb, yoou aare nott yooursselff, jjustt a wallkinng ccorppse.1.3 确立写写作要点点大学英语语作文所所涉及内内容均为为日常生生活、科科技、社社会和文文化等。对对这些话话题大学学生们虽虽然熟悉
41、悉,但因因字数所所限,审审题的时时候,应应该把握握文章中中心思想想,限定定话题范范围,明明确写作作重点,其其后再进进行扩充充展开,这这样的文文章才能能思路清清晰,主主题明确确,阐述述充分。例例如:“Wommen in thee Mooderrn WWorlld”(19887.66),可可以采用用议论文文的形式式,以WWomeen ttodaay aare plaayinng aan iincrreassinggly impporttantt roole botth iin tthe fammilyy, yyet faccingg maany diffficculttiess annd oobs
42、ttaclles为为中心来来写作,重重点应放放在immporrtannt rrolee和diffficculttiess上,可可以首先先着重论论述妇女女在各行行各业中中发挥越越来越大大的作用用,然后后提出妇妇女在家家庭中的的地位也也有所提提高,最最后总结结妇女们们要争取取完全的的平等,还还面临许许多困难难和障碍碍,需要要克服。范文: Woomenn inn thhe MModeern WorrldWomeen aare plaayinng aan iincrreassinggly impporttantt roole in soccietty. Succcesssfuul wwomeen ww
43、ho aree gooverrnmeent offficiialss, sscieentiistss, aathlletees, teaacheers andd dooctoors can be fouund eveerywwherre. It is faiir tto ssay thaat mmanyy joobs thaat uusedd too bee doominnateed bby mmen cann noow bbe ddonee eqquallly welll bby wwomeen. Wommen aree maakinng ttheiir iinflluennce fellt
44、 iin aall wallks of liffe. Withh thhe cchanngess inn thheirr soociaal rrolee, wwomeenss poosittionn inn thhe ffamiily hass beeen impprovved as welll. Thee huusbaand is no lonngerr thhe oonlyy brreadd-eaarneer iin tthe fammilyy. BBothh huusbaand andd wiife coppe wwithh thhe pprobblemms oof ddailly ll
45、ifee toogettherr annd ssharre hhapppineess witth eeachh ottherr.In sspitte oof tthesse cchanngess, wwomeen sstilll ffacee maany diffficculttiess annd oobsttaclles duee too thheirr trradiitioonall rooless annd llimiitedd ecconoomicc sttrenngthh. WWomeen sstilll hhavee a lonng wway to go in theeir str
46、rugggle forr coomplletee eqquallityy wiith menn. 2. 构构思通过审题题弄清楚楚题目要要求之后后,需要要构思的过过程,来来对如何何按照要要求形成成文章做做一个通通盘的考考虑,包包括安排排文章的的段落层层次,提提炼段落落主题句句,选择择所需材材料,确确定写作作方法(举举例法、列列举法、对比法等)和语言形式(正式、非正式)等。3. 写写提纲提纲是文文章的框框架,是是对文章章内容的的一个整整体规划划。事实实上,写写提纲就就是审题题构思后后把文章章的篇章章结构、段段落分配配、内容容安排等等落实到到笔头,以以保证写写正文的的时候思思路清楚楚。如:所给作作文的题题目是“Harrmfuulneess of Fakke CCommmodiitiees”。根据据审题,可可以明确确本篇主主题是:假冒产产品的危危害性极极大,用用议论文文体裁来来写。写写作要点点:假冒冒产品泛泛滥的现现象、假假冒产品品对社会会和人民民生活带带来的各各种危害害以及假假冒产品品问题的的解决。根根据以上上写作结结构和内内容可列列出如下下简要的的提纲:第一段 现象及其其原因第二段 危害1:影响企企业的效效益和信信誉危害2:给个人