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1、Colllegee Enngliish Moddel Tesst ThrreeBannd FFourrPartt Wriitinng (30 minnutees)Direectiionss: FFor thiis ppartt, yyou aree alllowwed thiirtyy miinuttes to wriite a ccompposiitioon oon tthe toppic: Coolleegess Haave Opeenedd Thheirr Dooorss Wiiderr. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1220 wwordds, a

2、ndd baase youur ccompposiitioon oon tthe outtlinne ggiveen iin CChinnesee beeloww:1高校校扩招是是一件好好事;2高校校扩招会会带来一一些问题题;3我的的观点。提示:在在实考试试卷中,该该试题在在答题卡卡1上。Colllegees HHavee Oppeneed TTheiir DDoorrs WWideerPartt Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn (SSkimmminng aand Scaanniing)(155 miinuttes)Direectiionss: IIn tthiss

3、paart, yoou wwilll haave 15 minnutees tto ggo ooverr thhe ppasssagee quuickkly andd annsweer tthe queestiionss onn Annsweer SSheeet 11. FFor queestiionss 1-7,mmarkkY (ffor YESS)iff thhe sstattemeent agrreess wiith thee innforrmattionn giivenn inn thhe ppasssagee;N (ffor NO)if thee sttateemennt ccont

4、traddictts tthe infformmatiion givven in thee paassaage;NG (forr NOOT GGIVEEN)iif tthe infformmatiion is nott giivenn inn thhe ppasssagee.For queestiionss 8-10,commpleete thee seenteencees wwithh innforrmattionn giivenn inn thhe ppasssagee.Thefft ddeteerreent sysstemmTo ddeteer tthe vehhiclle ttheff

5、t, thee syysteem iis ddesiigneed tto ggivee ann allarmm annd kkeepp thhe eengiine froom bbeinng sstarrtedd iff anny oof tthe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd hoood is forrcibbly unllockked or thee baatteery terrminnal is dissconnnecctedd annd tthenn reeconnnecctedd whhen thee veehiccle is lo

6、cckedd. Thhe aalarrm bblowws tthe horrn iinteermiitteentlly aand flaashees tthe heaadliightts, taiil llighhts andd ottherr exxterriorr liightts. Thee ennginne ccannnot be staarteed bbecaausee thhe sstarrterr ciircuuit willl bbe ccut. SETTTINGG THHE SSYSTTEM1. TTurnn thhe iigniitioon kkey to thee “LL

7、OCKK” pposiitioon aand remmovee itt.2. HHavee alll ppasssenggerss geet oout of thee veehiccle.3. CClosse aand locck tthe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd hoood.The inddicaatorr liightt wiill comme oon wwhenn thhe ffronnt, sliidinng aand bacck ddoorrs aand hoood aare cloosedd annd llockked.As

8、 tthe froont dooors aree loockeed, thee syysteem wwilll giive youu a preeparratiion timme oof 330 ssecoondss beeforre tthe setttinng, durringg whhichh thhe ffronnt, sliidinng aand bacck ddoorrs aand hoood mmay be opeenedd too prrepaare forr thhe ssetttingg.Be ccareefull noot tto uuse thee keey wwhen

9、n oppeniing eittherr frrontt dooor. Thhis willl ccanccel thee syysteem. 4. AAfteer mmakiing surre tthe inddicaatorr liightt sttartts fflasshinng, youu maay lleavve tthe vehhiclle. The sysstemm wiill auttomaaticcallly bbe sset aftter thee prrepaarattionn tiime elaapsees. Thee inndiccatoor llighht wwi

10、lll fllashh too shhow thee syysteem iis sset. Iff anny oof tthe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd hoood is opeenedd att thhat timme, thee seettiing is intterrruptted unttil it is cloosedd annd llockked. Nevver leaave anyyonee inn thhe vvehiiclee whhen youu seet tthe sysstemm, bbecaausee unnlo

11、cckinng ffromm thhe iinsiide willl aactiivatte (使起动动) tthe sysstemm.WHENN THHE SSYSTTEM IS SETTActiivattingg thhe ssysttem Thhe ssysttem willl ggivee thhe aalarrm aand cutt thhe sstarrterr ciircuuit undder thee foolloowinng ccondditiionss: Iff anny oof tthe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd h

12、oood is unllockked witthouut uusinng tthe keyy Iff thhe bbattteryy teermiinall iss diiscoonneecteed aand theen rrecoonneecteed Affterr onne mminuute, thhe aalarrm wwilll auutommatiicallly stoop wwithh thhe sstarrterr ciircuuit cutt keept on.Reacctivvatiing thee allarmm Onnce sett, tthe sysstemm auut

13、ommatiicallly ressetss thhe aalarrm eeachh tiime thee frrontt, ssliddingg annd bbackk dooorss annd hhoodd arre cclossed aftter thee allarmm sttopss. Thhe aalarrm wwilll bee acctivvateed aagaiin uundeer tthe folllowwingg coondiitioons: Iff anny oof tthe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd hoood

14、is opeenedd Iff thhe bbattteryy teermiinall iss diiscoonneecteed aand theen rrecoonneecteedStopppinng tthe alaarm Tuurn thee iggnittionn keey ffromm thhe “LLOCKK” tto “AACC” possitiion. Thhe aalarrm wwilll bee sttoppped witth tthe staarteer ccirccuitt cuut kkeptt onn. SStopppinng tthe alaarm in thii

15、s mmannner willl kkeepp thhe aalarrm ffromm beeingg reeacttivaatedd whhen anyy off thhe ffronnt, sliidinng aand bacck ddoorrs aand hoood iis oopenned. Inteerruuptiing thee seettiing Wiith thee syysteem sset, thhe bbackk dooor cann bee oppeneed wwithh thhe kkey witthouut aactiivattingg orr caanceelin

16、ng tthe sysstemm. WWhille iit iis oopenn, tthe froont andd sllidiing dooors andd hoood mayy bee oppeneed iin aaddiitioon, andd thhe ssysttem cann bee acctivvateed oonlyy byy thhe bbattteryy teermiinall diiscoonneectiion. Too reesumme tthe setttinng, cloose andd loock thee frrontt, ssliddingg annd bb

17、ackk dooorss annd hhoodd. TThe bacck ddoorr muust be cloosedd wiith thee keey rremoovedd.CANCCELLLINGG THHE SSYSTTEM Unnlocck eeithher froont dooor wwithh thhe kkey, orr unnlocck tthe sliidinng ddoorr wiith thee keey wwhenn itt haas bbeenn clloseed. Thiis ccanccelss thhe ssysttem commpleetelly aand

18、thee sttartter cirrcuiit ccut willl bbe ccanccellled at oncce.INDIICATTOR LIGGHTThe inddicaatorr liightt giivess thhe ffolllowiing thrree inddicaatioons wheen tthe sysstemm iss inn usse. Wheen tthe ligght is: FLLASHHINGGThhe ssysttem is sett. YYou neeed tthe keyy too oppen thee frrontt, ssliddingg a

19、nnd bbackk dooorss annd hhoodd. ONNThhe ssysttem willl aautoomatticaallyy bee seet wwhenn thhe ttimee coomess. TThe froont, sllidiing andd baack dooors andd hoood mayy bee oppeneed wwithhoutt a keyy. OFFFTThe sysstemm iss innacttivee. YYou mayy oppen anyy dooor andd hoood.TESTTINGG THHE SSYSTTEM1.OO

20、penn thhe ddrivvers aand froont passsenngerrs winndowws.2.SSet thee syysteem aas ddesccribbed aboove. Thhe ffronnt ddoorrs sshouuld be locckedd wiith thee keey. Be surre tto wwaitt unntill thhe iindiicattor ligght staartss fllashhingg.3.UUnloock onee off thhe ffronnt, sliidinng aand bacck ddoorrs ff

21、romm thhe iinsiide. Thhe ssysttem shoouldd acctivvatee thhe aalarrm.4.CCanccel thee syysteem bby uunloockiing eittherr frrontt dooor witth tthe keyy.5.RRepeeat thiis ooperratiion forr thhe ootheer ddoorrs aand hoood. Wheen ttesttingg onn thhe hhoodd, aalsoo chheckk thhat thee syysteem iis aactiivatt

22、ed wheen tthe battterry ttermminaal iis ddiscconnnectted andd thhen recconnnectted. If tthe sysstemm dooes nott woork prooperrly, haave it cheeckeed bby yyourr Tooyotta ddealler.提示:在在实考试试卷中,8-10题在答题卡1上。1. TThe sysstemm iss ussed to detter thee veehiccle theeft acccorddingg too thhe iinsttrucctioons.

23、2. IIn oordeer tto sset thee syysteem, youu shhoulld hhavee alll ppasssenggerss geet oout of thee veehiccle.3. TThe sysstemm wiill be canncellledd whhen youu usse tthe keyy too oppen thee baack dooor.4. TThe sysstemm wiill be nott bee acctivvateed uunleess youu usse tthe keyy too oppen anyy off thhe

24、 ffronnt, sliidinng aand bacck ddoorrs aand hoood.5. IIn oordeer tto sstopp thhe aalarrm, youu haave to turrn tthe ignnitiion keyy frrom thee “AACC” to “LOOCK” possitiion.6. WWhenn thhe iindiicattor ligght is flaashiing, itt iss neeedllesss too usse tthe keyy too oppen anyy off thhe ddoorrs aand hoo

25、od.7. TThe passsagge ttellls uus tthatt thhe ssysttem worrks so efffecttiveely thaat iit nneveer bbreaaks dowwn.8. AAs tthe froont dooors aree loockeed, thee thheftt deeterrrennt ssysttem willl ggivee yoou aa prrepaarattionn tiime of beeforre ssetttingg.9. BBefoore leaavinng tthe vehhiclle, makke ss

26、uree thhat thee inndiccatoor llighht . 10. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, iif tthe sysstemm reefusses to worrk ppropperlly, havve iit cchecckedd byy yoour .Partt Liisteeninng CCompprehhenssionn(35 minnutees)Secttionn ADireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion, yoou wwilll heear 8 sshorrt cconvverssatii

27、onss annd 22 loong connverrsattionns. At thee ennd oof eeachh coonveersaatioon, onee orr moore queestiionss wiill be askked aboout whaat wwas saiid. Botth tthe connverrsattionn annd tthe queestiionss wiill be spookenn onnly oncce. Aftter eacch qquesstioon ttherre wwilll bee a pauuse. Duurinng tthe p

28、auuse, yoou mmustt reead thee foour chooicees mmarkked A),B),C) andd D),annd ddeciide whiich is thee beest ansswerr. TThenn maark thee coorreespoondiing lettterr onn Annsweer SSheeet 22 wiith a ssinggle linne tthrooughh thhe ccenttre.11. A) Steeve cannnott heear.B) Steeve hass soome proobleems witth

29、 hhis earrs.C) Steeve doeesnt llistten to himm.D) Steeve forrgott abboutt thhe mmeettingg.12. A) Shee loovedd thhe ppeopple in Afrricaa.B) Shee loovedd thhe ttourr inn soome plaacess.C) Thrree weeeks is jusst llikee a feww miinuttes.D) Thee whholee toour is quiite inttereestiing. 13. A) Billl ccannn

30、ot afffordd a houuse.B) Billl ddeciidedd too buuy aa hoousee.C) Billl ddoessntt meean to buyy a houuse.D) Billl ggoess beeyonnd tthe houuse.14. A) Sussan Evaans rinngs a bbelll.B) Thee naame souundss faamilliarr too thhe mman.C) Thee maan nneveer hhearrd oof tthe namme.D) Thee maan iis nnot surre aa

31、bouut tthe belll.15. A) To a mmoviie. B) On a ttwoweeek ttripp.C) To worrk. D) On a sshorrt vvisiit tto ttheiir nneigghboor.16.AA)18.50. B)119.550.C)115.550. D)114.550.17. A) He wennt mmounntaiin cclimmbinng llastt yeear.B) He hassntt trraveeledd arrounnd tthe worrld yett.C) Hed llikee too cllimbb t

32、hhat mouuntaain.D) He deffiniitelly ddoess noot wwantt too goo. 18. A) Thee woomanns docctorr. B) Thee woomanns hussbannd.C) A sshoee buuyerr. D) A sshoee saalessmann.Quesstioon 119 tto 221 aare bassed on thee coonveersaatioon yyou havve jjustt heeardd.19. A) Reaadinng nnewsspapperss.B) Reaadinng aa

33、dveertiisemmentts.C) Doiing houusinng bbusiinesss.D) Loookinng ffor a ssuittablle hhousse.20. A) Thee prricee iss tooo hhighh.B) Thee hoousee iss faar ffromm hiis ccomppanyy.C) Thee pllacee iss nooisyy.D) Theere is no shooppiing neaarbyy.21. A) It hass a garrdenn.B) It is nott inn thhe ccityy ceente

34、er.C) It is nott veery exppenssivee.D) It is verry ffar froom tthe plaace thee maan wworkks iin.Quesstioon 222 tto 225 aare bassed on thee coonveersaatioon yyou havve jjustt heeardd.22. A) To finnd oout if he hass thhe fflu.B) TTo ffindd ouut hhow to maiintaain a nnutrritiiouss diiet. C) TTo ffindd

35、ouut hhow to preevennt iillnnesss. D) TTo ffindd ouut tthe ressultts oof aa blloodd teest. 23. A) He getts iill at thee saame timme eeverry yyearr.B) HHe ddoessntt geet eenouugh exeerciise.C) HHe oofteen hhas diffficcultty ssleeepinng.D) HHess siick witth iinflluennza thrrougghouut tthe winnterr.24.

36、 A) Hes uunwiilliing to be immmuniizedd.B) HHe ddoessntt geet eenouugh resst.C) HHe fforggetss too taake hiss meediccinee.D) HHe ddoessntt drresss waarmlly eenouugh.25. A) Phyysiccal exaaminnatiionss arre ggiveen ffreee thheree.B) HHe ccan gett ann innfluuenzza vvacccinaatioon ttherre.C) HHelll bbe

37、aablee too geet aa prresccripptioon ffor meddicaatioon ttherre.D) HHelll ffindd liiterratuure on nuttrittionn thheree.Secttionn BDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion, yoou wwilll heear 3 sshorrt ppasssagees. At thee ennd oof eeachh paassaage, yoou wwilll heear somme qquesstioons. Booth thee paassaage

38、 andd thhe qquesstioons willl bbe sspokken onlly ooncee. AAfteer yyou heaar aa quuesttionn, yyou musst cchooose thee beest ansswerr frrom thee foour chooicees mmarkked A),B),C) andd D) .TThenn maark thee coorreespoondiing lettterr onn Annsweer ssheeet 22 wiith a ssinggle linne tthrooughh thhe ccentt

39、re.Passsagee OnneQuesstioons 26 to 28 aree baasedd onn thhe ppasssagee yoou hhavee juust heaard.26. A) Thhey cann doo beetteer tthann ottherrs.B) It is exppenssivee too hiire labbor.C) Theey ddont llikee too bee heelpeed.D) Theey ddont ttrusst ootheers.27. A) Itt puubliishees bbookks oonlyy foor cch

40、illdreen.B) It pubblisshess boookss abboutt peeoplless peets.C) It usees ccompputeers to makke uup sstorriess.D) It makkes thee yooungg reeadeers thee leeadiing chaaraccterrs iin tthe stooriees.28. A) Wrrittten by chiildrren theemseelvees.B) Telllinng sstorriess abboutt thhe rreadder himmsellf.C) Pr

41、iinteed wwithh sttanddardd thhinggs.D) Pubblisshedd wiith thee heelp of commputterss.Passsagee TwwoQuesstioons 29 to 32 aree baasedd onn thhe ppasssagee yoou hhavee juust heaard.29AA) TTheiir fflyiing abiilitty iimprroveed ggreaatlyy.B) Theey bbecaame warrmblooodeed.C) Theey bbegaan tto llay egggs.D

42、) Theey cchanngedd thheirr miigraatioon ppattternns.30AA) OOn tthe grooundd.B) In colld pplacces.C) On thee hiigheest braanchhes of treees.D) Inssidee thhreee trrunkks.31AA) TTo aavoiid ppreddatoors.B) To expposee thhe eeggss too sttronngerr suunliightt.C) To havve aa beetteer vvieww off prredaatorr

43、s.D) To savve llaboor.32AA) HHow birrds leaarn to buiild nessts.B) Whyy biirdss laay eeggss.C) Howw biirdss neestss haave evoolveed.D) Whyy soome birrds neestss arre cconssideeredd prrimiitivve.Passsagee ThhreeeQuesstioons 33 to 35 aree baasedd onn thhe ppasssagee yoou hhavee juust heaard.33. A) To

44、finnd oout howw clleveer mmonkkeyss weere.B) To tesst iinteelliigennce of diffferrentt annimaals.C) To telll tthe diffferrencce bbetwweenn maan aand thee moonkeeys.D) To finnd oout howw moonkeeys seaarchh foood.34. A) To givve tthe monnkeyy a surrpriise.B) To seee hoow tthe monnkeyy atte ffromm thhe bbox.C) To seee hoow ssoonn thhe mmonkkey couuld finnd iit.D) To finnd oout howw thhe mmonkkey wouuld opeen tthe boxx.35. A) By loookinng tthrooughh thhe kkeyhholee.B) By loookinng tthrooughh thhe wwinddow.C) By takkingg piictuuress off thhe mmonkkey.D) By hiddingg hiimseelf beh


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