1、(完整版)课题2探讨加酶洗衣粉洗涤效果promote t he extension of strictly a dminist ering the party grass -roots, but al so the educati onal practi ce of the mass li ne of the party and three -three speci al educati on re sults a chi eved furt her inherited and expa nde d. To r ealize two a learning educati on is a ne
2、cessary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n pr oblem consci ousne ss and insiste d on pro blem -oriented, i s full of stri ctly admini stering t he party si nce the partys 18 a distinctive feature , a successful ex perie nce. Secretary Wang note d that some party
3、member s still have political a wareness, la ck of political re sponsi bility issues, party awar ene ss and consci ousness of the problem beli ef doe s not really beli eve, slim doe s not a ctually fix pr oblem s, outspoken, and jump on t he assessme nt of the partys polici es, a nd so on. Bi Lifu S
4、e cretary point ed out that a quarter of the economic situation is ve ry serious, there is pre ssure on envir onme nt, sea sonal factor s and other objective re asons, but mainly subjectiv e problem, i s the problem of party members a nd cadre s. Some de pressed, negative sla ck, not responsi ble, .
5、 Doubl e six, one, a nd tw o took the l ead, buil d e nergy burst, Hongshan distri ct, economic prosperity, e co-livabl e, civili zed a nd harmonious isl and. It certa inly can not be se parated from t he whole are a 646 grass -roots party organi zations a nd 14,146 mem bers of broa d parti cipati o
6、n and support. Through t he two st udy a nd e ducation, so that every cell of the party health, every orga nizati on is strong, so t hat all member s of the va nguar d and exempl ary role, al l the fighti ng basti on r ole of gras s-roots party organi zations i nto full play so that we can cross the
7、 Rapids, over come al l difficulti es and the smooth reali zatio n of the Thirteen-Five goal. Se cond, basi c lear ning, focus on learning e ducation must understand the l earni ng conte nt and learni ng style s Fou ndati on lear ning the se four wor ds are important i nformation inside i s very lar
8、ge, captur e pr ofound w ork truth i n life. For example, I often say that the good Carpe nter NA O Car pe nter, why do some car penter s made fur niture t o have every body likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are a ppare ntly two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig i nto th
9、e dee p is firm er whe n bot h of hi s apprenti ces are not solid, t here is no g ood t hat way. Luban art of st ory primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practi ce conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, a nd pra ctice perseverance, a nd pr actice patie nce , the n with sev en days s
10、eve n nig ht mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, ser iously learning XI Ge neral Secr etary on reform development st ble, and Int erior di plomati c defe nse, a nd r ule party ruli ng army of importa nt thought, seriously lear ning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central r uling a cting
11、 political new conce pt new t hought new strategy, seriously lear ning XI Ge neral Secr etary study in Inner M ong olia importa nt spee ch spirit, Guide party members and a dee p under standi ng of a seri es of important spee ches ri ch connotation and cor eideas, w hich bega n so thor oug hly Marxi
12、st positi ons 课题 2 探讨加酶洗衣粉的洗涤效果 当你自己动手洗衣服的时侯,会发觉有油渍、汗渍或血渍的衣服很难彻底洗干净,你是 如何解决这个问题的?在本课题中,我们将了解加酶洗衣粉的作用,探讨加酶洗衣粉运用的最适条件。新课1基础学问 活动 1 :阅读课题背景及基础学问,探讨并完成学案 1 1 加酶洗衣粉是指含有酶制剂的洗衣粉 ,目前常用的酶制剂有四类:蛋白酶 、 脂 肪酶、淀粉酶 、 纤维素酶 。其中应用最广泛、效果最明显的是 碱性蛋白酶 和 碱性脂肪酶 。思索 1碱性蛋白酶为什么具有如此强的功效?它的作用机理是怎样的?请写出作用示意图。酶具有高效性, 能快速将血渍、 奶渍等含有
13、的大分子蛋白质分解成可溶性小分子肽和氨基酸。蛋白质 蛋白酶 多肽 肽酶 氨基酸思索 2你能写出脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶的作用示意图吗? 脂肪酶 脂肪甘油脂肪酸 淀粉酶 淀粉麦芽糖 纤维素 C 1 酶、 Cx 酶 纤维二糖 葡萄糖苷酶 氨基酸 1. 2影响酶活性的因素有 温度 、 酸碱度 和 表面活性剂 。思索 3酶能干脆添加到洗衣粉中吗?为什么?科学家是如何解决这一难题的?不能,因为洗衣粉中的表面活性物质会降低酶的活性。将基因工程生产出的酶用特别水溶性物质包袱起来,与洗衣粉的其它成分隔离开来。思索 4为什么说加酶洗衣粉能削减对环境的污染? 加酶洗衣粉可以降低表面活性剂和三聚磷酸钠的用量,使洗涤
14、剂朝低磷、无磷的方向发展。一般洗衣粉的化学成分有:表面活性剂、水软化剂、碱剂、漂白粉等成分,有的洗衣粉中还含有增白剂、香精和色素,以及填充剂等。2. 试验设计 To sum up, is divide d int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard t o persi sting a nd developing soci alism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs. 18 since the XIOn mor e than one occasi on, General Se cretary of the hist orical or
15、igin a nd development pr ocess of soci alism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs, the road of socialism with Chi nese characteri stics, Sy stem Info, sy stem, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs is determine d to have bee n pr ofoundly ex pounded, furt her
16、stre ngthe ned the party and the people a dhere t o and devel op t he confide nce and determinati on of the sociali sm with Chine se characteri stics. XI General Secretary s spe ech in thi s regard i ncl ude the pe ople s yearni ng for a better life, that i s our g oal, cl osely focus on the develop
17、ment of sociali sm with Chinese chara cteristics study and publi cize the spirit of party 18, the unw averingly a dhere t o the developme nt of socialism wit h Chine se characteri stics, the persiste nce a nd g ood use of Mao Ze -Dongs t hought of soul. 2. with regard to t he Chine se dream of reali
18、 zing the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nati on. 18 cl osi ng soon, the new Central collective leadershi p w hen t hey visite d the exhi bition of the r oa d to re covery, XI, Ge neral Se cretary of the sol emn declarati on the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation, t he greatest dream of
19、 t he Chine se nation in m oder n times. Zhi hou, on mor e tha n one occa sion, General S ecretary ex pounded t he scie ntific connotati on of Chi nese dream, re alize t he Chinese dream must tak e the r oad, carry forw ard the spirit and cohe sion of Chinese for ces, gradually formed t he China dre
20、am, a strategic t hought. nd practi ce wit h the Chi nese dream, r eflects t he hi story of the new se ssi on of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms t o the devel opme nt trend and the pe ople hope, embodies the greate st common divisor and the conse nsus of Chi nese pe ople at home and a broa d
21、, i nspiri ng all peoples forging a hea d in unity, t he spirit of unsw ervingly foll ow t he roa d of soci alism with Chine se chara cteristics flags a nd high mel ody. This a spe cts XI Ge neral Se cretary of spee ch mai n including achieved Chi nese great rev ival is Chi nese modern yilai m ost g
22、reat of dream in 12th session nati onal peoples Congress first times Confere nce S hang of speech work t o dr eam into r eally in achieve d Chi na dream of vivid practi ce i n the flying y out h dre am achi eved Chi na dr eam not only be nefit pe ople, and be nefit worl d pe ople innovati on due it
23、s Shi, dream suitable have it s potential a chieved Chi nese gr eat revival is bot h at home and a broa d Chine se childre n common of dream,. 3. on dee peni ng reform. 18 since the XI Ge neral Se cretary for the first time t o Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally express the unswe
24、rvingly f ollow t he road of reform and openi ng up power deter minati on a nd courage. Partys 18 session adopte d a decision to deepe n reform, ope ne d a new journey for de epe ning t he reform i n our country. Ce ntral ha s held 22 time s full deepeni ng reform led Group Conference,consider ed th
25、r oug h more tha n 100 m ore items importa nt reform progr amme, devel ope d intr oduce d more tha n 800 overconsider ed thr oug h more tha n 100 m ore items importa nt reform progr amme, devel ope d intr oduce d more tha n 800 over 2promote t he extension of strictly a dminist ering the party grass
26、-roots, but al so the educati onal practi ce of the mass li ne of the party and three -three speci al educati on re sults a chi eved furt her inherited and expa nde d. To r ealize two a learning educati on is a ne cessary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n pr obl
27、em consci ousne ss and insiste d on problem -oriented, i s full of stri ctly admini stering t he party si nce the partys 18 a distinctive feature , a successful ex perie nce. Secretary Wang note d that some party member s still have political a wareness, la ck of political re sponsi bility issues, p
28、arty awar ene ss and consci ousness of the problem beli ef doe s not really beli eve, slim doe s not a ctually fix pr oblem s, outspoken, and jump on t he assessme nt of the partys polici es, a nd so on. Bi Lifu Se cretary point ed out that a quarter of the economic situation is ve ry serious, there
29、 is pre ssure on envir onme nt, sea sonal factor s and other objective re asons, but mainly subjectiv e problem, i s the problem of party members a nd cadre s. Some de pressed, negative sla ck, not responsi ble, . Doubl e six, one, a nd tw o took the l ead, buil d e nergy burst, Hongshan distri ct,
30、economic prosperity, e co-livabl e, civili zed a nd harmonious isl and. It certa inly can not be se parated from t he whole are a 646 grass -roots party organi zations a nd 14,146 mem bers of broa d parti cipati on and support. Through t he two st udy a nd e ducation, so that every cell of the party
31、 health, every orga nizati on is strong, so t hat all member s of the va nguar d and exempl ary role, al l the fighti ng basti on r ole of grass-roots party organi zations i nto full play so that we can cross the Rapids, over come al l difficulti es and the smooth reali zatio n of the Thirteen-Five
32、goal. Se cond, basi c lear ning, focus on learning e ducation must understand the l earni ng conte nt and learni ng style s Foundati on lear ning the se four wor ds are important i nformation inside i s very large, captur e pr ofound w ork truth i n life. For example, I often say that the good Carpe
33、 nter NA O Car pe nter, why do some car penter s made fur niture t o have every body likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are a ppare ntly two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig i nto the dee p is firmer whe n bot h of hi s apprenti ces are not solid, t here is no g ood t ha
34、t way. Luban art of st ory primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practi ce conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, a nd pra ctice perseverance, a nd pr actice patie nce , the n with sev en days seve n nig ht mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, ser iously learning XI Ge neral Sec
35、r etary on ref orm development sta ble, and Int erior di plomati c defe nse, a nd r ule party ruli ng army of importa nt thought, seriously lear ning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central r uling a cting political new conce pt new t hought new strategy, seriously lear ning XI Ge neral Secr
36、etary study in Inner M ong olia importa nt spee ch spirit, Guide party members and a dee p under standi ng of a seri es of important spee ches ri ch connotation and cor e ideas, w hich bega n so thor oug hly Marxist positi ons 活动 2 :阅读 资料一 有效地限制变量,探究一般洗衣粉和加酶洗衣粉的洗涤效果的不同:2. 1 分析:A 同学的试验方案存在问题吗?若有问题,请说
37、明存在的问题。有问题。未说明限制相同的相宜温度; 玻璃棒搅拌的强度难于限制相同; 为确定布料颜色等。思索 5你同意 B同学观点吗?请说明理由。不同意。B 同学忽视了试验中变量的限制问题。思索 6影响加酶洗衣粉洗涤效果的因素有哪些? 水温、水量、水质、洗衣粉的用量、衣物的质料、大小及侵泡时间和洗涤时间等。2.2 设计:你认为应当限制的单一变量是 一般洗衣粉和加酶洗衣粉 的区分,其他条件(如洗衣粉用量、水温、水质、水量、布料的大小和颜色、洗涤方式、洗涤时间等)完全性同。活动 3 :阅读 资料二 考虑实际生活中的详细状况,探究温度对加酶洗衣粉效果的影响:2.3 水温的限制:通常状况下春、 夏、秋、冬
38、四季可分别选取 5 、 15 、 25 、 35 。2. 4 其他条件限制:洗涤方式有半自动和全自动,相比之下采纳全自动方式比较好,并且应尽量运用同一型号小容量的洗衣机,其机械搅拌作用 相同 ;洗涤材料以(衣物、布料)作为试验材料比 较可行,做比照试验时可以限制布料的 大小 、 颜色 以及 污物的量 (可用滴管限制)使其相同,同时也便于洗涤效果的比较;水量和洗衣粉用量与布料的大小是成正比 的。3. 试验操作 课题名称:温度对加酶洗衣粉洗涤效果的影响试验目的:比较不同温度下加酶洗衣粉的洗涤效果试验原理:酶的催化活性受温度影响,在相宜温度下酶的催化活性最高,温度过低或过高酶的催化实力降低 试验材料
39、:加酶洗衣粉、天平、白色棉布、 1000mL 烧杯、玻棒、温度计、滴管、簇新鸡血、水浴缸、温度分别为 5、 15、 25、 35的清水。试验步骤:( 1)取 10cm× 10cm 的白色棉布 4 块,用滴管各滴加 5 滴簇新鸡血,晾干备用。( 2)取 1000mL 烧杯 4 个,用天平分别称取 0.5g 加酶洗衣粉,依次倒入 4 个烧杯中。( 3)将 5、15、25、35清水各 500mL依次倒入 4 个烧杯中, 用玻棒搅拌溶化洗衣粉。 To sum up, is divide d int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard t o persi sti
40、ng a nd developing soci alism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs. 18 since the XIOn mor e than one occasi on, General Se cretary of the hist orical origin a nd development pr ocess of soci alism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs, the road of socialism with Chi nese characteri stics, Sy stem Info, sy stem
41、, uphold a nd develop the under standing of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristi cs is determine d to have bee n pr ofoundly ex pounded, furt her stre ngthe ned the party and the people a dhere t o and devel op t he confide nce and determinati on of the sociali sm with Chine se characteri stics. X
42、I General Secretary s spe ech in thi s regard i ncl ude the pe ople s yearni ng for a better life, that i s our g oal, cl osely focus on the development of sociali sm with Chinese chara cteristics study and publi cize the spirit of party 18, the unw averingly a dhere t o the d evelopme nt of sociali
43、sm wit h Chine se characteri stics, the persiste nce a nd g ood use of Mao Ze -Dongs t hought of soul. 2. withregard to the Chi nese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 18 cl osi ng soon, t he ne w Ce ntral coll ective lea dership w he n they visite d the ex hibiti on
44、 of the road t o recovery, XI, Ge neral Secr etary of the solemn declarati on the gre at rejuve nation of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chi nese nation in modern time s. Zhihou, on more t han one occasi on, General Se cretary expounded the scie ntific connotati on of Chinese dr eam,
45、realize t he Chine se dream must take the road, carry forward t he spirit a nd cohesi on of Chinese for ces, gra dually forme d the Chi na dream, a strategi c thoug ht. And practi ce wit h the C hine se dre am, reflects the hist ory of the new se ssion of the CPC Central Committee, a nd conf orms to
46、 the development tre nd and the pe ople hope, embodie s the greate st common divi sor a nd the conse nsus of Chine se people at home a nd a br oad, i nspiri ng all peoples forging a hea d in unity, the spirit of unsw ervingly foll ow the r oad of social ism with Chineseconsider ed thr oug h more tha
47、 n 100 m ore items importa nt reform progr amme, devel ope d intr oduce d more tha n 800 over 3chara cteristics flags and hig h melody. This aspe cts XI Ge neral Se cretary of spe ech main including a chiev ed Chinese great rev ival is Chi nese moder n yilai most great of dream in 12t h session nati
48、 onal peoples Congress first times Confere nce Shang of spee ch work to dream into re ally in achieve d China dr eam of vivid pra ctice i n the flying y outh dream achieve d Chi na dre am not only benefit pe ople , and be nefit world people i nnovation due it s Shi, dr eam suita ble hav e its potent
49、ial a chiev ed Chinese great revival is bot h at home a nd abroa d Chine se childre n common of dream,. 3. on deepeni ng reform. 18 since the XI Ge neral Se cretary for the first time to Study on t he choi ce of the Gua ngdong, une quivocally expr ess t he unswervi ngly follow t he roa d of reform and openi ng up pow er determi nation and courage. Partys 18 sessi on adopt