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1、21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第1辑 你负责为一个大型的世界银行项目准备成本估计。你决定利用自下而上的估计,因为你的估计需要尽量准确。你的第一个步骤是( )A找到一个计算机化的工具来辅助该过程B应用以前项目的成本估计来帮助准备这一估计C确定和估计每个工作项的成本D向项目事务专家咨询,以他们的建议作为估计的基础正确答案:C 130 Situations calling for a matrix organization include outside pressure for dual focus, _ and pressure for high info

2、rmation processing capability.A. Pressure for clear accountabilityB. Pressure for reduced duplication of effortC. Pressure for shared resourcesD. Pressure for formalized communication正确答案:C 你有一个网络公司,目前公司刚刚起步,很少有合适的项目管理政策和规章,但是你的公司去年还是有很可观的利润。经验告诉你:一定的控制是必要的,尤其是对于变更频繁的项目。你试图为你的公司建立一个变更控制系统,但是一定要说服一群2

3、0来岁的,急着想挣钱的这群年轻人接受它。为了保证这个系统行之有效,变更控制系统必须包括A、定义项目文件如何变更的程序B、项目预期的具体的变更要求及其回应计划C、预示项目变更的业绩报告D、对于一个事物或者一个系统的功能和物理特征的描述正确答案:A 你管理着一个电子设备的项目, 需要建立了一个变更控制委员会来负责项目变更建议的审查和处理工作。在你立这个委员会的时候,你还确立了支配起运作的具体程序和规则。这个程序要求所有得到批准的变更都要在下列哪一项中得到反映( )A业绩衡量基准线B变更管理计划C质量保证计划D项目计划正确答案:D 91 The Risk of NOT meeting project

4、 quality objectives:A. can be minimized through continuous monitoring.B. considered a long term risk.C. will be reflected in the in-service life of the product or service.D. B and CE. All of the above正确答案:E Screening of risk events for potential risk is known as _ .A problem structuring.B risk ident

5、ificationC risk quantificationD risk modelingE risk mitigation正确答案:B 以下哪些因素对团队沟通作用最大?( )A外部反馈B绩效评估C项目经理平息团队冲突D协作正确答案:D 产品可获取的两个成分为:( )A可用性和可维护性B可生产性和可维护性C可用性和可靠性D可靠性和可维护性正确答案:D21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第2辑 目标坚定不移是持续改进的一个核心概念,以下所列不是“一个目标坚定不移的组织”应该包含的成因是:( )A组织目标和前景展望已形成文件并且广泛传播B一套战略、策略计划C所有组织人员都认识到组织的目的、前景、目

6、标以及在实现目标的过程中他们所起的作用D负责向高层管理汇报的质量保证和控制部门正确答案:D 119 A communicator can present information using the following media except:A. VisualB. AudioC. TactileD. PerformalE. Both A and正确答案:B 根据学习曲线理论,当很多工作条目重复发生时( )A生产设备操作培训需要更短的时间,降低了单位成本B随着生产率提高单位成本下降C随着产品的增加单位成本有规律的下降D随着自动化水平的提高培训成本增加正确答案:C 184 The followi

7、ng types of costs are relevant to making a financial decision except:A. opportunity costsB. direct costsC. sunk costD. unavoidable costsE. None of the above正确答案:C 85 The _ specification delineates specific end use capabilities which can be tested in the acceptance procedure.A. performanceB. function

8、alC. technicalD. base lineE. operational正确答案:B 你在管理巴布亚新几内亚的摩内斯比港的一个高精密的、技术复杂的防入侵的数据中心的建设项目。这个数据中心将安装500多台服务器,是为准备在亚洲开展电子商务的世界上最大的零售商建造的。虽然这个地方提供的经济优势很大,但台风的威胁使你不得不制定一个备用的方案以备用的方案以备在中心被淹时使用。这是什么类型的风险响应?( )A被动回避B缓解C积极接受D转移正确答案:C 109 The project manager that allows and supports group discussions and de

9、cision making is called a(n) _ manager.A. autocraticB. consultant autocraticC. consensusD. shareholderE. None of the above正确答案:C 在项目的执行期间,发生了大量的变更,项目经理应该如何处理?( )A坐等所有变更公诸于众,然后印制新的进度计划B进行必要的变更,但是保持进度基准计划C进行必要的变更D在进行任何变更前和管理层沟通正确答案:B21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第3辑 Situations calling for a matrix organization in

10、clude outside pressure for dual focus, _ and pressure for high information processing capability.A . Pressure for clear accountabilityB . Pressure for reduced duplication of effortC . Pressure for shared resourcesD . Pressure for formalized communication正确答案:C In preparing a good project definition,

11、 experienced project managers will:A Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.B Realize that only the tip of the iceberg may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.C Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than sta

12、tic tool, and thus subject to change.D Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.E All of the above正确答案:E 25 For a given characteristic in a construction process, the standard deviation associated with production variation is 0.8, and the standard deviation associated with measurement variat

13、ion is 0.6. The total standard deviation for this characteristic is:A. 1.4B. 1.2.C. 1.0D. 0.8E. 0.2正确答案:C Participative Management:A involves the solicitation of information from all team members.B assumes that members avoid work and responsibility.C suggests the sharing of power and decision making

14、.D employs a Theory X style. of leadership.E A and C正确答案:E The most common form. of project communication is:A Upward to executive sponsorB Downward to subordinatesC Lateral to the team and line organizationsD Lateral to customersE Diagonally to the clients senior management正确答案:C 一个广告人使用体育或影视明星去衬托一

15、个产品则这是在利用( ) 权力A专家B正当的C奖励D影响力E参照正确答案:E Maslow需求层次的顶点称为:( )A生理满足B得以生存C交往的需求D以上都不是正确答案:D 194 The schedule risk is the _ .A. the accumulated expected durations which maintain project completion.B. Critical Path adjusted by high-risk activity float.C. highest risk path that maintains quality.D. Critical

16、 Path when calculated with most likely duration.E. highest risk path that contributes the most risk toward the project completion正确答案:B21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第4辑 以下哪句关于类比估算的说明是不正确的?A、 支持自上而下的估算B、 是一种专家判断的形式C、 实际成本的准确率为10%D、 在估算当前项目成本时可以参照以前类似项目正确答案:C 你们公司拥有严格的等级制度,各项政策、监控机制也是非常严密的。公司不允许团队成员独自解决问题或者采取不同的方

17、法来完成任务。但是,由于公司的许多工作都要采取应急措施,需要当机立断,因此这种独裁的管理风格也还有写好处。你们公司的特征符合下列哪种理论的说法?A、奥齐理论B、麦克格雷格X理论C、马斯洛需要层次理论中自尊层次上的需要D、沃鲁姆的期望理论正确答案:B 项目经理花在沟通上的时间占多少?A、50%B、75-90%C、30%D、40-60%正确答案:B 一个小组成员投诉说工作条件不安全。项目经理处理这个投诉时,采用的最佳方法是:( )A既然只有一个员工投诉,置之不理B让客户方安全经理查看现场,把潜在的危险通知公司安全部门,然后跟踪投诉的员工。C召开员工会议,讨论这个问题,目的是让他们感觉更舒服D把问题

18、给客户让他们自己解决正确答案:B 你是本地最大医院的项目经理。研究表明病人要等很长的一段时间才能接受治疗。事实上,在过去几个月中有几个人在等待就诊的过程中死去了。你正领导一个项目团队来确定总理2的范围并提出建议和解决问题。为帮助确定产生这一问题的因素,你和你的团队决定应用以下哪一项技术?( )A因果图B帕雷托图分析C离散图D控制图正确答案:A 77 The Delphi Method is _ .A. used to derive a consensus arriving at a convergent solutionB. useful in determining probability

19、relating to future events.C. used with questionnaires based on established scenarios.D. continued as an iterative process until a solution is reached.E. All of the above正确答案:E 趋势分析是用来监控A、 错误成因B、 质量管理计划C、 客户满意D、 技术、成本及进度绩效正确答案:D 159 The Delphi Method is _ .A. used to derive a consensus arriving at a

20、convergent solutionB. useful in determining probability relating to future events.C. used with questionnaires based on established scenarios.D. continued as an iterative process until a solution is reached.E. All of the above正确答案:E21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第5辑 以下哪一项不是风险审计的目标?( )A确保风险管理在项目的生命周期中贯彻始终B确保项目被很好管

21、理,风险被很好控制C帮助在项目初期确定项目价值降低的可能性D确保每个已识别的并被认为是关键的风险有一个估计的期望值正确答案:D 19 Project management has been proven to be successful because employees get to see the entire effort, from beginning to end, rather than just small pieces. This could be considered an example of: A. Behavioral modificationB. Linking pe

22、rformance to payC. Positive job reinforcementD. Job enrichmentE. All of the above正确答案:D 174 A project may be defined as _A. an integrated approach to managing projectsB. a coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities.C. a group of activities directed by a project manger over a life cycleD. an

23、undertaking with a defined starting point and defined objectivesE. All of the above正确答案:D 92 The highest degrees of project risk and uncertainty are associated with the following phase of the project:A. conceptualB. executionC. cut-overD. post project evaluationE. A and D only正确答案:A 以下功能中哪一项不属于项目经理的

24、角色和职责?a. 计划b. 人员招募c. 控制d. 指导正确答案:B110. b See Project Human Resource Management under the heading of Roles and Responsibilities. Normally the project manager has no legitimate control over who will be picked to work on the project, especially in a matrix organization. The functional managers control

25、this. 购买订单是什么合同形式的例子:A单边合同B双边合同C三边合同D可分割合同正确答案:A In the arrow diagramming method (ADM), _ do not consume time or resources.A.Events.B.ActivitiesC.Slack elements.D.B and C only.E.All of the above.正确答案:AA 工作于系统集成领域,你的主要任务是协议多个分包商的工作。你现在的项目将空中交通控制系统改换为依赖于全球卫星定位的装置就要结束了。除了15家主要分包商外,你还有很多其他卖方。有几家分包商很容易相处

26、你们公司以后还将聘用他们。一家几乎每星期送来一个变更申请并要求更多的钱,而其他的从来不。有两家公司对某些管理请求有困难,但满足了其技术交付日期。现在既然处于收尾阶段,你应该( )A做一个趋势分析B应用挣值来评估得到的教训C要求每个合同签订方自己出钱来单独与你见面D做一个采购审计正确答案:D21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第6辑 In project-driven companies, costs are usually billed againest the project based upon:A . The burdened labor rate of the actual emplo

27、yees who performed the work.B . The burdened labor rate of the line organization average salary.C . The burdened labor rate of the company average salary.D . The burdened labor rate of the average salary of the project team members.E . None of the above.正确答案:A Risk management methodology should be a

28、dhered to in:A construction projectsB system projectsC complex projectsD large projectsE All of the above.正确答案:E 以下哪一项描述了小组内部的强大压力,使得团队不得不放弃重要的、有创造性的主意以遵守团队标准?A、群体内部压制B、群体发言一致C、群体思维D、群体统一意见正确答案:C Standard deviation of project completion is _ .A a relationship of the uncertainty of critical path acti

29、vities.B an indicator of project end date target confidenceC a function of critical path, leveling and project costs.D A and BE All of the above.正确答案:D 在概念和开发阶段最常见的冲突原因是( ),而在执行和收尾阶段是( )?A个性,进度计划B管理,资源C资源,进度计划D项目优先权,进度计划正确答案:D 139 The scope baseline once established and approved, is used:A. as the b

30、asis for making future decisions.B. to accomplish verification measures.C. to evaluate potential changes.D. All of the above.E. A and C only正确答案:D 某公司的员工都是外派职员,他们被派到各种公司工作。其中一个员工从A公司调到B公司。在A公司时,他是一个技术建议书经理。B公司是A公司的竞争对手。该员工在B公司工作了几个星期后,B公司的销售经理想让他对建议书中他最近参与的某些内容担点建议。这是该员工应该做出何种反应?( )A不理睬销售经理的会议要求,寻找别

31、的工作B采取行动前询问销售经理想了解什么C在会见销售经理前,通知某公司可能出现这种不恰当的事情,然后决定采取何种战略处理任何敏感问题D告诉之前工作过的某公司这种利益冲突情况,让他们自己处理这个问题。正确答案:C 177 A _ estimate prepared from layouts, sketches and flowsheets, should be accurate within (-10, +25%).A. ParametricB. Definitive.C. BudgetD. Bottom up. E. Top down正确答案:C21年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第7辑 Ad

32、ding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of:A 2 timesB 3 timesC 4 timesD 5 timesE 6 times正确答案:E 统计样本是一种判断一个项目的部件或者产品对要求的符合程度的一种方法。统计样本的最大的优点在于A、不需要占用大量资源B、一个小于1%的样本就足够准确C、不需要对部件的100%的监督就可以得到一个对人口的满意的推理结论D、只有当最终产品发现问题的时候或者客户有投诉时才需要执行正确答案:C 顾问认定六周延误是由项目经理和项目班子两

33、个月前发现并且在努力解决的一个问题所造成的只要赞助人审查项目经理为赞助人起草的 报告赞助人和项目经理之间的混乱本可以避免 ( )A特别分析B日常工作C例外物项D成果正确答案:C The following types of costs are relevant to making a financial decision except:A . opportunity costsB . direct costsC . sunk costD . unavoidable costsE . None of the above正确答案:C 199 Which of the following is cl

34、osest to Jurans definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement.D. customer focus.E. All of the above正确答案:B 125 Which of the following types of contracts is equivalent to a cost plus contract:A. Fixed firm priceB. Cost reimbursableC. Fixed price plus

35、 incentive feeD. progress paymentsE. All of the above正确答案:B 顾客对项目结果是否满意取决于 ( )A成本估算进度计划控制和获得值计算B管理层的质量办法变更管理和状况报告C技术方法员工资源和项目组织D预期产品适用性和规范符合程度正确答案:D 100 Using the situation the the Special window:A. Productivity will increaseB. His decisions will promote high satisfaction among his teamC. His decisions will require less timeD. All of the aboveE. A and C only正确答案:B


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