1、2018考研英语必背词汇(一)1 Although the bosses may create or perpetuate a culture in which those lower down the ranks feel entitled or expected to abandon morality, there is seldom a chain of e-mails or other direct instructions that actually advocates wrongdoing.尽管可能是老板创造或保持了这种企业文化,即让员工感觉他们理应甚至是企业希望他们背弃道德;但几
2、乎查不到实际上支持这种不道德行为的一系列的电子邮件或其它直接指示。morality n. 道德;道德准则;道德观【构词】moral(a. 道德的)+ity【近】virtue n. 美德;德行【词组】social morality社会道德seldom ad. 几乎不,不常【近】scarcely ad. 几乎不【词组】seldom or never极难得,简直不,几乎不instruction n. 指示,指令;教导;说明书【构词】in+struct(=build,建立,结构)+ion【派生】instructional a. 指导的,教育的【 近】direction n. 方向;指导(Why hav
3、e so few bankers gone to jail? May 13, 2013)2 The great thing about letting light travellers board first is that everyone else on the flight will be able to tell exactly who is cheating the systemits hard to sneak on earlier than youre supposed to when you have a rolling bag in tow.让行李少的乘客先登机的好处是飞机上
4、的其他乘客能清楚地知道谁在违反制度当你拖着一个带滚轮的行李箱时,你很难比理应登机的时间更早地溜上飞机。cheat v. 欺骗;作弊;逃脱 n. 欺骗(行为);骗子【近】deceive v. 欺骗,行骗【词组】cheat on sb. 对不忠hard a. 困难的;辛苦的 ad. 努力地;牢固地【派生】hardish a. 较硬的【近】tough a. 困难的【词组】be hard on 严厉对待;对不忠sneak v. 溜 n. 鬼鬼祟祟的人;小偷 a. 诡秘的【近】slink v. 潜逃【词组】sneak attack 偷袭tow v. 拖;牵引;拖行 n. 拖拽所用之绳【派生】towabl
5、e a. 可拖拉的;可牵引的【近】drag v. 拖拽【词组】in tow 在严密的指导下(A reward for packing light/May 20, 2013)3 Likewise, a series of papers over the past decade have shown similar abnormal activation of part of the brain called the amygdala in people diagnosed with anxiety, major depression and post-traumatic stress disor
6、der.同样,过去十年中的一系列论文证实了确诊患有焦虑症、抑郁症及创伤后应激障碍的患者的大脑中名为杏仁核的部分有类似的异常活化。likewise ad. 同样;也,而且【构词】like+wise(副词,方向,状态,也可表形容词)【近】similarly ad. 相似地abnormal a. 反常的,异常的;不规则的;变态的,畸形的【构词】ab+norm(=rule,规则,规范)+al【派生】abnormally ad. 反常地;变态地;不规则地【反】normal a. 正常的;正规的 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望;担心【构词】anxi(焦急)+ety【反】ease= n. 轻松,舒适
7、;安逸,悠闲【词组】anxiety for sth.渴望 disorder n. 障碍;紊乱;混乱;骚乱【构词】dis(分离,否定,消失掉)+order(The American Psychiatric Associations latest diagnostic manual remains a flawed attempt to categorise mental illness/May 18, 2013)4 That may be a legally sensible approach to a knotty question combining genetics, economics
8、and ethics这也许是对结合了遗传学、经济学和伦理学的棘手案件比较合法且合理的解决方式。sensible a. 合乎情理的;明智的 n. 明智的人【构词】sens(=feel,感觉)+ible【派生】sensibly ad. 明显地;容易感知地【近】rational a. 合理的approach n. 方法;途径 v. 靠近;着手处理【构词】ap+proach(=near,接近)【反】separate v. 分开;隔开 combine v. 使结合;兼有n. 联合【派生】combinable a. 可以化合的【反】depart v. 离开 genetics n. 遗传学【派生】genet
9、icist n. 遗传学者(Americas Supreme Court is to rule on the patenting of genes/Apr 20, 2013)5 But the absolutely fundamental strategy question is whether the top 25 branded players will be so stuck in the mud and say lets just keep doing what we are doing.然而最基本的策略问题是排名前25位的商学院是否深陷泥沼,决定维持现状。absolute a. 绝对
10、的,完全的;无条件的 n. 绝对事物【构词】ab+solu(=loosen,溶解,解决,松开)+te【派生】absolutely ad. 绝对地;完全地 absoluteness n. 绝对,完全;无限制【近】supreme a. 最高的;最重要的 n. 至高;霸权【词组】by absolute necessity 万不得已 fundamental a. 基本的,基础的n. 原理,原则【派生】fundamentality n. 根本;基本性【近】essential a. 基本的;必要的strategy n. 策略,战略;战略学【近】intrigue n. 阴谋,诡计mud n. 泥沼;没价值的
11、东西 v. 钻入泥中【近】dirt n. 污垢,泥土【词组】as clear as mud (非正式)难以弄清楚(Disruption on the line/Apr 9, 2013)6 Bloomberg scrambled to allay privacy concerns after it emerged that the financial-information providers reporters had access to privileged data about users of its ubiquitous terminals.彭博资讯,这家金融信息提供商的记者能获取其遍
12、布全球的终端用户的特许数据,在此事暴露之后,该公司竭力平息隐私权顾虑。privacy n. 隐私;不受公共干扰的状态【构词】priv(=single/alone,单个)+acy【近】solitude n. 孤独;隐居;荒僻的地方 financial a. 金融的;财政的,财务的【构词】financ+ial(=of,relating to,characterized by,形容词,关于的)【派生】financially ad. 财政上;金融上 access n. (使用或见到的)机会,权利;通道,入径【构词】ac+cess(=go,行走,前进)【近】entry n. 进入,入场【词组】have
13、access to 使用;接近;可以利用 terminal n. 终端;终点站 a. 末期的【构词】termin(=limit,界限,末端)+al【派生】terminally ad. 在末端;最后(Business this week/May 18, 2013)7 Conditions in the factories have often been harshpoor safety, illegally long working hours, cramped accommodation, few breaks and little leavebut for many it has also
14、been liberating and empowering, both personally and financially.工厂的条件通常是十分恶劣的没有安全保障,违法地长时间工作,拥挤的住宿条件,鲜有休息和休假的机会但是对大多数工人来说,不论是个人情感上还是经济上,这既代表着解放,也代表着权利。condition n. 条件;情况【构词】con+dit(=give,给予)+ion【近】status n. 状态;地位【词组】in (out of)condition 健康状况良好(或不佳)harsh a. 恶劣的;粗糙的;残酷的【派生】harshen v. 使粗糙;使荒凉【反】gentle
15、a. 温和的,文雅的accommodation n. 住处;适应;便利【构词】accommodat(e)(容纳)+ion(表名词,动作或状态等)【近】residence n. 住宅 liberate v. 解放;释放【构词】liber(=free,自由) +ate【派生】liberation n. 释放;解放【近】emancipate v. 解放;释放 (Factory women:Girl power/May 11, 2013)8 In a country accustomed to ministries being handed out to the political barons of
16、 various ethnic groups regardless of ability, the lineup was broadly welcomed.在一个习惯于不考虑能力高低,内阁部长由各个少数族群政治贵族担任的国家里,这一阵容受到了广泛的欢迎。ministry n. (政府的)部;神职【构词】mini(=small,小)+stry political a. 政治的;政党的;争权夺利的【构词】polit(=state/city,国家,城市) +ical【派生】politically ad. 政治上ethnic a. 种族的,部落的;n. 少数民族的成员【派生】ethnically ad
17、. 人种上;民族上regardless ad. 不顾后果地,不管怎样 a. 不重视的,不关心的【构词】regard(注意)+less(表形容词,无的)【派生】regardlessly ad. 不受注意地【词组】regardless of不顾;不管;无论 (Kenyan politics:A nice quartetbut the rest? Apr 24,2013)9 The fear that prompts firms to purchase futures (the contracts traded on the CME to protect firms against changes,
18、 for instance, in the level of a currency and the price of energy) was less acute.促使公司购买期货(即在芝加哥商业交易所签订的合约,用来保护企业免受诸如货币汇率、能源价格等变化的影响)的危机感不是很强烈。Purchase v. 购买;采购;努力取得 n. 购买行为【构词】pur+chas(追,捉)+e【派生】purchaser n. 买方【反】sell v. 出售;推销 contract n. 合同;婚约 v. 订契约 【构词】con+tract(=draw,拉,拖,抽)【派生】contractive a. 收缩
19、的;有收缩性的 【近】alliance n. 联盟;联姻instance n. 例子;建议 v. 举为例【构词】in+stan(=stand,站,立) +ce【近】case n. 情况;实例【词组】for instance 作为例子;例如 acute a. 强烈的;敏感的;尖的【构词】acu(=sour/sharp,尖,锐利)+te【派生】acutely ad. 尖锐地;剧烈地【近】keen a. 敏锐的;强烈的 (CME Group:The futures of capitalism/May 11, 2013)10 He says that adapting the Champions Le
20、ague to meet the needs of the proposed binational league would not be feasible, and Ukraines Football Federation will not talk about forming it without FIFAs approval.他认为使欧洲冠军联赛适应所提议的两国联赛的需求是不可行的,没有国际足联的同意,乌克兰足协不会谈论组建一个新的两国超级联赛。adapt v. 使适应;改编【构词】ad+apt(=fit/ability,适应,能力)【派生】adaptive a. 适应的,适合的【近】a
21、djust v. 调整;适应【词组】adapt (oneself) to 使(自己)适应于propose v. 提议;计划;求婚【 构词 】pro+pose(=put,放)【派生】proposer n. 申请人;要保人【近】submit v. 使服从;提交【词组】propose marriage 求婚 feasible a. 可行的;可用的;可能的【构词】feas+ible(形容词,能的,可的)【派生】feasibly ad. 切实【近】workable a. 切实可行的;可经营的 federation n. 联盟,联合会;联邦【构词】feder(=league,联盟)+ation【派生】federationist n. 联邦主义者,联盟主义者【近】ally n. 同盟国;同盟者 (Football in Russia:No silver bullet/Mar 15, 2013)