1、少有人走的路,By M. Scott Parker,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,【美】斯科特派克少有人走的路读书分享,目录,01,作者简介,02,内容介绍,03,创作背景
2、,04,人物介绍,05,作品鉴赏,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,作者简介,第一部分,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility
3、 for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,少有人走的路:心智成熟的旅程是一本通俗的心理学著作,也是一本伟大的心理学著作,它出自我们这个时代最杰出的心理医生斯科特派克。斯科特的杰出不仅在于他的智慧,更在于他的诚恳和
5、的转变,最终达到自我认知的更高境界。,在此处添加标题,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,内容介绍,第二部分,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,在此处添
7、ANJIABIAOTI,也许你会感到奇怪:一本小小的书怎么会有如此巨大的能量,是什么让它创造出上述那些奇迹呢?这要归功于本书的作者,斯科特派克。这位资深的心理医生在20多年的行医生涯里,看到了太多的痛苦、沮丧、绝望。这些见闻促使他开始思考一个问题:人类所承受的这无尽的痛苦,其根源究竟是什么呢?在总结了自己见过的无数案例之后,他得出结论,人类痛苦的根源,就是我们的逃避本能。,在此处添加标题,The second most common misconception about love is the idea that dependency is loveLove is the free exer
8、cise of choice. Two people love each other only when they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live with each other.,创作背景,第三部分,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or org
9、anization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,在此处添加标题,生活中令人痛苦的问题接连不断,解决它们的过程又会带来新的痛苦。各种各样的问题接踵而至,使我们疲于奔命,不断陷入沮丧、悲哀、痛苦、寂寞、懊丧、恐惧、焦虑和绝望之中。,在此处添加标题,工作不如意,孩子不争气,家里财政紧张,我们试图想要解决,刚有点起色,老人又生病了,无奈只能家里外面两头跑,没过几天自己也累病了。生活的琐碎迫使我们既要面对肉体的痛苦,又要面对心灵的痛苦
10、,这些痛苦难以解决,而且接踵而至,不让我们有片刻喘息。,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,我们于是感到苦海无边。 斯科特派克发现,大多数人深陷苦海无法自拔,却也有少数人能够凌驾于人生的苦痛烦恼之上。这是为什么呢?经过反复思索,斯科特派克得出结论,因为这些人都找到了一条少有人走的路。如果我们也能发现并且走上这条道路,就可以告别痛苦,变得快乐、强大。 那么,这条神秘的路径究竟在哪里呢?我们要如何找寻它呢?斯科特派克在少有人走的路里告诉我们,要想寻求这条神秘之路其实并不难,只要坦然承受面对问题和解决问题的痛苦,并从痛苦中获得成长,我们便走上了通向幸福和自由的康庄大道。,人物
11、介绍,第四部分,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,The third part analyzes data obta
12、ined from market research by SPSS software through statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analysis and logistic analysis,添加标题文字,81,The third part analyzes data obtained from market research by SPSS software through statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analys
13、is and logistic analysis,添加标题文字,536,The third part analyzes data obtained from market research by SPSS software through statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analysis and logistic analysis,添加标题文字,89,The third part analyzes data obtained from market research by SPSS software thro
14、ugh statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analysis and logistic analysis,添加标题文字,712,作品鉴赏,第五部分,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means
15、we then give away our power to that entity.,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,少有人走过的路是美国心理医生M斯科特派克撰写的一本通俗心理学著作。这本书创造了一个出版业的奇迹:出版30余年发行数千万册,连续20年稳居纽约时报畅销书排行榜前列,亿万读者因为这本书走出了心里的阴霾,以积极乐观的心态拥抱新生活。 可以说,这是一本令全世界读者受益匪浅的伟大作品,也是一部一旦翻开就能改变你人生的书。,在此处添加标题,在此处添加标题,ZAICICHUTIANJIABIAOTI,The Road Less Traveled出自美国著名心理学
16、医生M斯科特派克之手,这本书自1978年出版后就成为畅销书榜单常客,在过去的四十年时间里全球累计销量超过一千万册,改变了无数人的生活。少有人走的路并不是机场书店常见的那种食之无味弃之可惜的心灵鸡汤读物,而是作者结合近二十年心理咨询经验而写成的一部心智成长指南。作者对人性的理解之深让人折服,在读这本书的过程中你会有无数豁然开朗的瞬间,当然也会有无数膝盖中枪的体验。,在此处添加标题,谢谢观看,Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.,THANK YOU,