1、 市中小学生日常行为规(2016年修订)一、爱党爱国爱人民。了解党史国情,珍视国家荣誉,崇敬英雄模。热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。尊敬国旗、国徽。升降国旗脱帽、肃立,行注目礼,少先队员行队礼。会唱国歌,声音洪亮。传承中华优秀传统文化,理解民族传统节日的含义。Love the Communist Party, love our motherland and love the people. Have the knowledge of the Communist Party and the nation; treasure the national honors, and pay homag
2、e to heroes and respect to working models. Show respect to the national flag and emblem. Hats off; standing at attention and gazing at the national flag when its being raised or lowered, meanwhile the Young Pioneers must salute in the process. Sing along the national anthem with loud and clear voice
3、. Pass on the best part of the Chinese traditional cultures, understand the values of traditional festivals.二、勤奋学习。学习态度端正,有适合的学习方法,专心听讲,学会独立思考,乐于科学探索。有良好的阅读习惯,在文艺、体育、科技等方面培养自己的兴趣、爱好。Study hard. Have a positive attitude toward and proper methods in learning. Listen with attention and think independen
4、tly, and be ready for scientific researches. Form a good reading habit and take up various hobbies in art, sports, science and technology, etc.三、健康身心。培养运动兴趣,养成锻炼习惯。按时作息,合理饮食,讲究卫生。读、写、坐、立、行姿势正确。乐观向上,了解自我,有学习、生活目标。善于和他人沟通合作,遇到困难和挫折积极面对。Keep good health both physically and mentally. Enjoy sports and bu
5、ild up a routine for exercise. Lead a healthy life with enough sleep, a balanced diet and good personal hygiene. Maintain proper gestures while reading, writing, sitting, standing and walking. Set goals in study and life. Strengthen the skills in communications and cooperation with others. Be optimi
6、stic when facing challenges and frustrations. 四、勤俭自立。热爱劳动,珍惜劳动成果,生活不攀比。自己事情自己做,学会管理个人生活,掌握基本的劳动、生活技能。Be industrious and frugal. Treasure the fruits of hard work. Dont rely on others while you are able to manage your own business. Grasp certain basic life skills. 五、珍爱生命。热爱生活,懂得生命的宝贵。掌握基本的自护自救方法。未经父母或
7、监护人同意,不在外边留宿。不接受陌生人赠予的物品。拒绝烟酒,远离毒品。Value life. Know the first aid skills. Never stay outside overnight without permission. Dont receive things from strangers. Do not drink or smoke. Never try drugs. 六、遵纪守法。遵守校规校纪,了解个人成长、社会生活必需的法律法规,依法规自身行为。明辨是非,有正义感,学会运用法律方式维护自己的权益。Obey the laws and school regulatio
8、ns. Learn about laws related. Be righteous and able to tell right from wrong. Learn to protect yourself in lawful way. 七、孝敬父母。体谅父母辛劳,关心父母健康,积极承担力所能与的家务劳动。听从父母的教导,主动与父母交流,礼貌回答问话。外出和回到家时主动与家人打招呼。Respect your parents. Be considerate of their hard work. Care about their health and share household chores
9、. Value your parents advice and always talk to them. Express your greetings when leaving or arriving at home. 八、尊敬老师。见到老师行礼,主动问好。回答老师问题要起立,进入办公室要经过老师同意。接受老师的帮助和教育,正确对待老师的批评和建议,知错就改。Respect your teachers. Always give greetings when seeing a teacher. Stand up to answer your teachers questions. Ask for
10、 permission before entering your teachers office. Be ready to receive help and advice from your teachers. Be able to learn from ones mistakes/Improve your performance accordingly. 九、团结同学。热爱集体,关爱同学。同学之间相互尊重,互相帮助。善于发现、乐于学习同伴的长处和优点,分享彼此的成长进步。发生矛盾时多做自我批评。Get along well with your classmates. Care, respec
11、t and be ready to help each other. Always look at the strong points of your classmates. Perform more self-check rather than criticize others more when in conflicts.十、诚实守信。真诚待人,信守诺言。不说谎,不作弊。答应别人的事努力做好,借别人的东西按期归还,拾到他人的财物与时交还。Be honest and keep promise. Treat others sincerely; do not lie or cheat in wh
12、atever situations. Do your best in keeping your promise. Return borrowed items on time. When picking up lost items, send them back quickly.十一、举止有礼。衣着得体,行为端庄。自觉使用礼貌用语与体态语。尊重他人隐私,不妨碍他人的工作、学习和休息。尊重不同民族风俗习惯。尊重世界各地文化差异,在国际交往中真诚友好,大方自信。Behave with proper manners. Dress and behave properly. When communicat
13、ing with others, use proper verbal and body languages. Respect the privacy of others and dont disturb them while they are working, studying or resting. Respect the customs, habits and differences from various cultures. Be sincere, friendly, confident and gracious in the international communications.
14、十二、遵守规则。认识并遵守交通标志、标线和信号灯。乘坐公交车、地铁与购物时自觉排队,主动给老幼病残孕人士让座,公共场所靠右行走。观看演出或比赛时,遵守场馆要求。在图书馆阅览或博物馆参观时保持安静。Follow rules and regulations. Recognize and observe traffic signs and signals. Line up when taking buses, subways and paying for shopping; offer seats to people in need(the elderly, the young, the sick,
15、 the disabled and the pregnant).stay and move on your right-hand side when travelling in public .Follow the requirements when watching performances and sports. Always keep quiet in the library and museums.十三、爱护环境。热爱大自然,保护动植物。出行尽量选择步行、骑车和公共交通工具。节约资源,水龙头随手关紧,不用灯时随手熄灭,用餐不剩饭和菜。爱护公共财物,维护环境卫生,自觉进行垃圾分类。Pro
16、tect our environment. Love the nature and help preserve animals and plants. Try to walk, bike or taking public transportation as much as possible. Help save energies .Always remember to turn off taps and lights when finishing using them. Dont waste food. Show care to public properties and maintain c
17、lean environment. Sort out the wastes properly for recycling. 十四、热心公益。乐于奉献,有社会责任感。关心和帮助有困难的人。主动进行实名志愿者注册,积极参加校外公益活动和志愿服务。Be enthusiastic in activities about public welfare. Be willing to give and have social responsibility. Care and help those in need. Register in real identity and participate in vo
18、luntary work actively on and off campus. 十五、文明上网。合理使用网络,浏览健康容。利用网络资源提高学习与生活质量。以规、文明语言发表网络言论,传播正能量。Surfing the Internet with caution and care. Make use of the healthy resources on the websites and reject the poor ones so as to enrich your studies and life. Mind your words and terms when posting your
19、comments on the Internet and spread positive energy. Regulations for American Pupils and Middle School Students 美国中小学生守则1. Always refer to a teacher by title and last name.每次都礼貌地称呼老师,如“ x(姓)老师/主任/校长”。2. Get to class on time or a little earlier. 准时或稍提前进入课堂。3. Raise your hand when you want to ask a qu
20、estion.先举手, 后提问。4. You may speak to the teacher from your desk while you are seated.在课堂上,学生可以坐着与老师交流,不一定要起立。5. When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work.缺课期间,一定要请老师或同学把落下的学习容、笔记补上。6. If you expect to be away from school because
21、 of an emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss.遇紧急情况需要离开学校时,应提前告知老师并问清楚在离校期间应学的容和应完成作业。7. All assignments you hand in must be your own work.所交的作业都必须是自己独立完成的。8. Never cheat on a test.考试时,决不作弊。9. If you are having difficulty with a class, schedule an appointment to s
22、ee the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you.每当在学习中遇到困难时,你应当主动约见任课老师,寻求帮助。老师随时随地都乐意向你提供学习上的帮助。10.Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness.凡不到校上课或迟到的学生都必须带回由家长解释的便条说明原因。11.The only acceptable excuse for absence is personal illness, a death in the fa
23、mily, or a religious holiday. It is illegal to stay home from school for any other.属下列缺勤情形的,学校将不予追究当事学生的责任:本人生病、家人去世或节日。除上述以外的任何其他原因,学生呆在家中而不到校上课的皆属行为,学校将追究其和家人的法律责任。12.When a teacher asks a question and does not name a particular student to answer it, anyone who knows the answer should raise one hand.当老师提问时,没有明确指定某同学回答时,凡会的同学都应当举手回答。美国中学生守则称为Teacher-Assigned Detention,简称 Detention,上面应该有被罚学生、教师和家长的签名。9 / 9