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1、製造執行系統簡介Introduction of Manufacturing Execution System,Yves Liou 工程部,Outline,製造業的物流與資訊流特性 製造資訊應用系統的演進 Why MES MES Functionality MES Modules,製造系統的物流與資訊流特性,製造系統基本上可分成”物流”與”資訊流”兩大部分, 彼此相互依存的. 企業如果只有優異且品質良好的製造技術 (物流), 而沒有密切配合的企業經營, 產品研發與製造管理功能 (資訊流), 企業是無法獲致競爭優勢. 即使有靈活的企業經營, 優異的產品研發與製造管理能力, 但若沒有紮實的製造技術與

2、極具彈性的生產應變能力, 亦無法獲致長久的競爭優勢.,製造系統的物流活動,製造系統的物流活動包含了: 原料的取得 (procuring/sourcing) 零組件的生產 (加工, 裝配, 物料搬運, 檢驗/測試, 控制) 產品的完成 配送至顧客 (delivery/distribution) 是屬於實際執行生產活動的”執行面” (execution). “物流”自動化.,製造系統的物流活動,加工 裝配 物料搬運 檢驗與測試,原物料,成品,控制,進貨 (Receiving),運送 (Shipping),工廠作業 (物流),製造系統的資訊流特性,製造系統所有活動的進行, 必定是始於顧客, 亦終於顧

3、客. 要持續不斷的進行生產活動, 就必須能不斷的獲得顧客訂單. 客戶滿意度 (價格低, 交期短, 準時交貨, 品質佳) 必須賺錢 (成本控制),製造系統的資訊流特性,製造系統必須緊密的整合: 企業經營 (市場, 行銷, 訂單管理, 財務, 人事薪資) 產品研發 (產品設計, 產品資料管理, 工程控制) 製造規劃 (製程規劃, 生產規劃, 主排程規劃, 物料與產能規劃) 製造控制 (現場排程與控制, 採購, 品質管制, 存貨管理, 運輸配送) 是屬於讓企業生產活動能盡量順暢的一切管理活動的”規劃面” (Planning). “資訊流”電腦化,製造系統資訊流的整合,企業功能 銷售 訂單取得 客戶帳

4、單,製造控制 工廠現場控制 品質管制 存貨控制,製造規劃 製程規劃 主排程 需求規劃 產能規劃,產品設計 產品發展 工程製圖 物料單,工廠作業 (物流特性),客戶,製造資訊應用系統的演進,存貨控制,製造規劃 物料的控制 數量 時間,製造規劃 MRP 生產管理 與控制 財務規劃,製造規劃 MRP-II 財務規劃 產品研發 市場與銷售 人力資源,整合 ERP APS PDM MES MCS EDI Internet/ Intranet EC,MRP,MRP-II,ERP,VEI,1950,1960,1970,1980,1990,2000,2010,存貨規劃 與控制,物料管理,製造資 源規劃,企業資

5、 源規劃,虛擬企 業整合,製造資訊應用系統的演進,1960年代以前 屬於生產導向的大量生產時期, 其管理重點著重在存貨的控制. 此時期的資訊系統以簡單且獨立運作的進銷存系統為主, 其重點在掌握控制存貨的數量. 1970 1980年代 市場需求重點在於產品的功能與成本, 所以管理重點以集中與大量生產來降低成本. 此時期的資訊系統是以物料需求規劃(Material Requirements Planning; MRP)為主, 重點在生產與物料規劃.,製造資訊應用系統的演進,1980 1990年代 消費市場逐漸轉為消費者導向時代, 產品訴求多樣化與高品質的要求, 導致生產模式進入多樣少量與分散式的生

6、產模式. 單純以MRP為主的資訊系統無法對生產製造現場及企業的資源作整體性的規劃, 因此, 以MRP為基礎, 整合生產規劃, 企業經營管理與財務功能成為製造資源規劃(Manufacturing Resource Planning; MRP-II)系統, 再配合及時生產(Just In Time; JIT)及全面品質管理(Total Quality Management; TQM)等管理手法, 來達到生產力高, 前置時間短, 品質佳及成本低的競爭優勢.,製造資訊應用系統的演進,1990 2000年代 開始進入所謂多樣大量客製化(mass customization)生產模式, 企業優勢特別強調彈

7、性, 反應與整體資源的有效利用. 此時期由於資訊科技及製造技術的長足發展, 並且企業內各種應用系統與組織運作及企業流程之間亦能互相整合. 因此企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP)系統應運而生. ERP系統主要在針對企業的特性及競爭要求, 提供適度整合的各種應用軟體, 對企業的各種資源(製造, 財務, 人資, 市場行銷)作有效的管理與決策支援.,製造資訊應用系統的演進,2000年以後 進入全球分工時代, 內部的資源整合已不足以滿足全球競爭之需求, 企業必須強化其ERP系統, 對企業內部及外部資源作最有效的整體規劃. 內部整合應導入包括製造執行系統 (

8、Manufacturing Execution System; MES), 與製造控制系統(Manufacturing Control System; MCS)的即時性現場控制系統, 先進規劃與排程(Advanced Planning and Scheduling; APS), 產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management; PDM). 外部整合應著重於供應鏈上游供應商與下游顧客的整體資源, 藉由策略聯盟, 組織與流程再造, 加上電子資料交換(EDI)技術, 以達到電子商務(Electronic Commerce; EC)與虛擬企業整合(Virtual Enterprise

9、 Integration; VEI)的競爭條件.,Supply Chain Collaboration,先進生產規劃與排程 APS,企業資源規劃系統 ERP,製造執行系統 MES,製造控制系統 MCS,現場設備,採購管理,倉儲管理,運輸管理,訂單管理,銷售自動化管理,顧客資產管理,供應商,顧客,產品資料管理系統 PDM,倉儲/存貨 管理系統,銷售與訂單 管理系統,物料需求 規劃系統,外包規劃 與控制系統,生產規劃單位,製造執行系統,製造控制系統,設備控制器,設備,Why MES?,Definition of Manufacturing,Manufacturing is a transforma

10、tion process by which raw material, labor, energy, and equipment are brought together to produce high quality goods. 製造是一個從原物料到成品轉換的過程,Definition of Manufacturing,The goods produced naturally should have an economic value greater than that of the input used and should be salable in the presence of c

11、ompetition. (有經濟價值, 並且賣的出去) The transformation process generally involves a sequence of steps called production operations. Each production operation is a process of changing the inputs into outputs while adding value to the entity. Interspersed between these value-adding operations are the non valu

12、e-adding operations, such as transporting, sorting and inspecting. It is necessary to minimize, if not eliminate, the non value-adding operations. (儘可能減少非加值的行為),Non value-adding activities,Material handling Inspection Storage Inventory Rework Machine breakdown Shortages (待料) Warranty costs Handling

13、customer complaints,Performance Measures of Manufacturing Systems,Manufacturing Lead Time Work-In-Process (WIP) Machine Utilization Throughput Capacity Flexibility Performability Quality,Manufacturing Lead Time,Manufacturing Lead Time include: Setup time Processing time Transport time Queue time Set

14、up time + Processing time = 5%,Work-In-Process,WIP is the amount of semi-finished product currently resident on the factory floor. A semi-finished product is either being processed or is waiting for the next processing operation. Inventories are also seen as the insurance buffer against various unce

15、rtainties induced by delayed supplies, machine breakdowns, absenteeism and uncertain customer orders. Inventory is the evidence of poor design, poor forecasting, poor coordination and poor operation of the manufacturing system. WIP should be low.,Machine Utilization,High machine utilization is assum

16、ed to be good because it amortizes the cost of the machinery faster. (攤提成本) Idle time is supposed to be bad since high-priced equipment does not produce anything. Trade off Which one would benefit business more? Idle machine asset or idle inventory asset. (公司策略?) An effective resources utilization i

17、s to run the machine to manufacture exactly the right quantity of exactly the right things at exactly the right time.,Throughput,Throughput is generally expressed as an hourly or daily production rate (i.e., the number of parts produced per hour or day). The reciprocal of the throughput or productio

18、n rate is the production time per unit of the product. The transfer lines the throughput approximates the reciprocal of the cycle time (transfer time + longest operation time),Capacity,Define the maximum possible output of the transformation process the plant is able to produce over some specified d

19、uration. For a continuous plant, the duration is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whereas for an automobile plant the capacity is defined over a shift period.,Flexibility,A flexible system is one that is able to respond to change, and flexibility is the ability of the system to respond effectively to

20、change. Flexibility is fundamental to archive competitiveness. In general, high degree of flexibility requires high levels of automation and more investment. However, such a system will be an adapting organism capable of surviving in uncertain and changing markets.,Flexibility cont.,Changing circums

21、tances include both internal and external changes. Internal changes or disturbances include breakdown of equipment, variability in processing time, work absenteeism and quality problems. External changes are typically changes in design, demand and product mix. The ability to cope with internal chang

22、es requires a degree of redundancy in the system, whereas the ability to cope with external changes requires that the system should be versatile and capable of producing a wide variety of part types with minimum changeover times and costs to switch from one product to another.,Performability,One fac

23、tor that has major influence on system performance is the unscheduled downtime of the equipment due to failures. Traditionally reliability and availability are measures that capture the percentage of downtime or repair time.,Performability,Reliability: Quality which match the actual product with the

24、 specifications and expectations of the user. Operational success. Availability: Availability = (MTBF MTTR)/MTBF * 100% MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure MTTR: Mean Time To Repair,Quality,Maintenance of high quality requires conscious efforts in various stages in design and manufacture. The effects of

25、 total quality control (TQC) are “fewer rework labor hours” and “less material waste” in addition to higher quality of finished goods. Thus good quality is not expensive but actually increases productivity, because so many costs such as rework, scrap, inspection, customer returns and warranty costs

26、are all avoided with quality improvement. Continual improvement is a must since what was good last year will not make the grade this year.,製造系統的三個 layer,Planning layer MRP, MRP-II, purchasing, inventory, cost accounting, ERP Execution layer MES Control Layer machine tool, Oven sensor, AS/RS, Robot,

27、tool storage, conveyor.,Definition of MES,Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is an on-line integrated computerized system that is the accumulation of the method and tools used to accomplish production,Benefits of using MES,Reduces manufacturing cycle time Reduces or eliminates data entry time Redu

28、ces WIP Reduces or eliminates paperwork between shifts Reduces lead time Improves product quality Eliminates lost paperwork Empowers plant operations people Improves the planning process Improves customer service,Advantage of MES,Ability to integrated more accurate and current information into the d

29、esign-making process. An MES can be proactive, causing events to occur or tasks to be completed according to the plants operating method or plan and without human intervention.,MES的功能與角色,提供一個 interface 更精確的生產控制 更即時的現場資訊,MES Functionalities,From MESA,Resource Allocation and Status,Manages resources i

30、ncluding machines, tools labor skill, materials, other equipment, and other entities such as documents that must be available in order for work to start at the operation. It provides detailed history of resources and insures that equipment is proper set up for processing and provide status real time

31、. The management of these resources includes reservation and dispatching to meet operation scheduling objectives.,Operations/ Detail Scheduling,Provides sequencing based on priority, attributes, characteristics, and/or recipes associated with specific production units at an operation such as shape o

32、f color sequencing or other characteristics which, when scheduled in sequence properly, minimize setup. It is finite and it recognizes alternative and overlapping/parallel operations in order to calculate in detail exact time or equipment loading and adjust to shift pattern.,Dispatching Production U

33、nits,Manages flow of production units in the form of jobs, orders, batches, lots, and work orders. Dispatch information is presented in sequence in which the work needs to be done and changes in real time as event occur on the factory floor. It has the ability to alter prescribed schedule on the fac

34、tory floor. Rework and salvage processes are available, as well as the ability to control the amount of WIP at any point with buffer management,Document Control,Controls records/forms that must maintained with the production unit, including work instructions, recipes, drawings, standard operation pr

35、ocedure, part programs, batch records, engineering change notices, shift-to-shift communication, as well as the ability to edit “as planned” or “as built” information. It sends instructions down to the operations, including providing data to operators or recipes to device controls. It would also inc

36、lude the control and integrity of environmental, health and safety regulations, and ISO information such as Corrective Action Procedures. Storage of historical data.,Data Collection/ Acquisition,Provides an interface link to obtain the intra-operational production and parametric data which populate

37、the forms and records which were attached to the production unit. The data may be collected from the factory floor either manually or automatically from equipment in an up-to-the-minute time frame.,Labor Management,Provides status of personnel in and up-to-minute time frame. Includes time and attend

38、ance reporting, certification tracking, as well as the ability to track indirect activities such as material preparation or tool room work as a basis for activity based costing It may interact with resource allocation to determine optimal assignment.,Quality Management,Provides real time analysis of

39、 measurements collected from manufacturing to assure proper product quality control and to identify problems requiring attention. It may recommend action to correct the problem, including correlating the symptom, actions and results to determine the cause. May include SPC/SQC tracking and management

40、 of off-line inspection operations and analysis in laboratory information management system (LIMS) could also be include.,Process Management,Monitors production and either automatically corrects or provide decision support to operators for correcting and improving in-process activities. The activiti

41、es may be intra-operational and focus specifically on machines or equipment being monitored and controlled as well as inter-operational, which is tracking the process from one operation to the next. It may include alarm management to make sure factory person are aware of process changes which are ou

42、tside acceptable tolerances. It provides interfaces between intelligent equipment and MES possible through Data Collection/ Acquisition,Maintenance Management,Tracks and directs the activities to maintain the equipment and tools to insure their availability for manufacturing and insure scheduling fo

43、r periodic or preventive maintenance as well as the response (alarms) to immediate problems. It maintains a history of past event or problems to aide in diagnosing problems.,Product Tracking and Genealogy,Provides the visibility to where work is at all times and its disposition. Status information m

44、ay include who is working on it; components materials by supplier, lot, serial number, current production conditions, and any alarm, rework, or other exceptions related to the product. The on-line tracking function creates a historical record, as well. This record allows traceability of components a

45、nd usage of each end product.,Performance Analysis,Provides up-to-minute reporting of actual manufacturing operations results along with the comparison to past history and expected business result. Performance results include such measurements as resource utilization, resource availability, producti

46、on unit cycle time, conformance to schedule and performance to standards. May include SPC/SQC. Draws on information gathered from different functions that measure operating parameters. These results may be prepared as a report or presented online as current evaluation of performance.,MES Module,Mode

47、ling,Equipment Modeling Eqp Type, Capacity Capability Recipe, reticle In-Line Equipment Sub-equipment, chamber, port, buffer Site Modeling Site/Area/Location Resource allocation,Modeling,Process Route Modeling Part/process route Step Eqp Type/Capability Logical PPID/Reticle Group Operation/Document

48、User Security Control and Authorization Account/User group Privilege/ authorization Certification,Step,Sub Route (CR),Step,Sub Route (ITO),Main Route (製程),Product (產品),WIP Tracking,Lot/Carrier/Sheet (wafer) tracking Create Lot (Schedule Lot) Start Lot Track In Data Collection Track Out Rework,Lot Ma

49、nagement,Lot Type Status Stage/Location Split/Merge Hold/Release Terminate/Un-terminate New Part History data,Component Management,Component Sub Component Unit Quantity Status Scrap/un-Scrap,Carrier Management,Carrier Type and Location Status Control Clean Cycle and Usage Count Lot Mapping Slot Management Assign/Release,Equipment Management,Equipment Status Capacity/ Running Lot Count Capability (Recipe, Reticle),Work Order Management,Create (Receive)/ Complete Priority Start Date/ Due Date Status Control (Hold/Rel


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