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1、-汉英高级笔译参考题群总结-第 22 页汉英高级笔译参考题随机抽取:第I题 4分5(小题);第II题 10分3(小题);第III题 25分2小题,合计100分第I题将以下各句译成英语汉语(每题4分)1浪漫一身(时装广告。注意“身”、“声”发音相似)Weave romance into your life! Or: Love me, love my dress! Or: Romance for every wear, everywhere. Or: Romance for life.2光彩人生,源于光源!(荧光棒广告)Light your way to a better night.Or: A

2、bright source for an even brighter life.3小商品,大感受。(家具配件广告。要求前者处理为形容词加名词,后者为形容词加介词加名词)Small articles, big in style. Or: Small articles, great in taste.4放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。要求前者译成动宾结构,后者译成动词加副词)Soar far, catch your dreams. Or: Fly towards your dream. Or: Fly as far as your dream will carry you.5人人为我

3、,我为人人!(某著名企业的财富观)From all, back to all. Or: A shared prosperity for all.6人曾是佛,人不能成佛。女卑为奴,女又可称奴。(就中文而言,是个拆字游戏。要求译文反复使用首韵法)A Buddhist cannot bud into a Buddha; a maiden may be made a housemaid.日本,当以何为本?印度,难求大国之度(文章标题,含文字游戏)Nippon lost as to what to found itself upon; India struggling to restore past g

4、lory as a super-topia. .金日在手中,万事好成功!(口服液广告。要求译文押韵)The Golden Sun tonic: never just a matter of taste. .今天购买,就在今天享用!(商家促销口号。要求译文押尾韵)Buy today, enjoy it right away! Or: Buy today, enjoy it without delay!10. 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。(洗衣机广告。要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配)You take credit for all the chores it does.11. 先点

5、击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏)Click and count! Or: With a touch, you get rich.12. 你不理财,财不理你。(某财金杂志广告,其中“理”字含双关)Help money manage itself. Or: Wealth favors only those with a prepared mind.13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。要求三个关键短语都以R开头)We guarantee 3 Rs: Repair, Refund and Replacement.14. “美的”家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻底。(家

6、用电器广告。要求“全面”、“彻底”都译成相当于汉语“从到”的格式)Midea electrical appliances: beautiful from top to toe, from inside out.15. “三优”牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头)3-U furniture: Unrivaled quality, Unbeatable prices, Unreserved post-sale service.16. 茅台一开,满室生香。Maotai a vintage liquor that gives a most daring ex

7、pression to your dormant feeling! Or: Maotai a VIP treat that means everything you ask for. Or: Maotai wakens peoples dormant feelings towards life.17. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行“龙卡”广告)A Loong Card makes your life easier, more enjoyable.18. 非常可乐,非常选择。(饮料广告。要求译文重复两遍字母F和C)Future cola, fantastic choice.19. 皮张之厚无以

8、复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮件制品广告。必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通)Thickest leather for thinnest profits.20. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(护肤霜广告)Dabao lotion: a proven challenge to wrinkles. Or: A proper dose of Dabao a day keeps facial wrinkles away. Or: Use Dabao every day this means you. Or: Dabao Im loving it!21正如广大群众所批评的那样,我们现在是“卫星上天,厕

9、所漏水”。As the popular criticism goes, “Satellites are launched but toilets still leak.”22. 民国万税,天下太贫。Long live the Republic, the Republic live long!23. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。Hard up, you try to make it easy year after year; homeless, I manage to make a home from pillar to pillar.24. 客上天然居,居然天上客。Heaven Inn m

10、akes you feel like in heaven.25. 球票紧张,教练更紧张。他来墨西哥后,几乎没好好睡过觉。Tickets to the ball game were hard to get, but the coach had an even harder time trying to get some sleep. He hadnt rested properly at all since he had arrived in Mexico.26. 在天津教书,天天吃天津饭,吃得津津有味。赴日本留学,日日读日本书,读得本本不通。Tianjin was like heaven, g

11、iving me heavenly food to eat with immense gusto; Nippon is like hell, making me read hellish books in sheer disgust.27. 有些天天喊大众化的人,连三句老百姓的话都讲不出来,可见他就没有下过决心跟老百姓学,实在他的意思仍是小众化。“We certainly will write in a popular style,” some of our comrades would say. But what kind of a “popular style” is that?! The

12、y cant even begin to speak the first sentence in the language of ordinary people. Thats enough to show that those comrades havent made up their mind to learn from the very grassroots. What theyre really after is still refinement, not popularization. 28. 希望大家积极支持文字改革工作,促进这一工作而不要“促退”这一工作。My hope is th

13、at all of you will do everything you can to help rather than hinder the development of the new character system.29. 官逼民反,民不得不反。Where there is repression, there is rebellion.30. 他“科员”了一辈子,从来没有得到过晋升的机会。He remained a junior clerk throughout his working life, never getting a promotion.31好一个朋友你连五块钱都不肯借给我

14、。A friend indeed you wouldnt even lend me a measly five yuan!32. 东西南北中,好酒在张弓。East or west, the wine from Zhanggong is the best.33. 上述产品堪称箱包、皮件的世界,劳保用品之王国。特别是皮制劳保手套执世界牛耳。We would like to offer a wide gamut of premiere leather products suitcases, bags and safety articles. Our leather gloves, in partic

15、ular, represent the worlds latest trend in worker protection.34. 中国有句俗话:“赶得早不如赶得巧”。赶上地坛庙会那就是巧。这里浓缩着浓郁的京味文化,叫北京人与外地人都享受。As a Chinese proverb goes, “Better visit the right place only once than the wrong place plenty of times.” The Earth Temple is exactly where you should go at least once. It appeals t

16、o Beijing natives and those from other parts of the country alike with its typical Beijing flavor.35. 任何季节、地点都能穿的外衣。The coats for everywhere, every wear.36. 口味一流,永难忘怀。(百事可乐广告)Too good to forget.37. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。A business in millions, a profit in pennies.38. 再挑剔的妈妈也会挑选吉弗牌花生酱。Choosy mothers choose Jif.3

17、9. 温都度假村:虽不是家胜似家。Holiday Inn: a home away from home.40. 牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。Peony stands out for taste.41. 一册在手,纵览全球。(环球杂志广告)Globe makes local minds global.42. 清除皱纹,马到成功。(护肤霜广告)A proven challenge to wrinkles.43. 当代经典,永久计时。(手表广告)A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece.44. 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。Choose once, choose

18、 for good.45. 默默无“蚊”的奉献。(蚊香片广告)Mosquito-repellent incenses: repelling mosquitoes in silence.46. 品质优良,书写润滑,美观大方。(圆珠笔广告)Zhonghua quality pencils meet the demand for an ingenious design and a natural flow.47. 长城电扇,电扇长城。The Great Wall electric fan is just as invincible as the Great Wall itself!48. 在家靠自己

19、,出国靠国旅(西安国旅广告)Back home, you are your boss. Here in China, your Aladdins lamp is at CITS.49. 美日达音乐电脑万年历Melodate / Musicalendar50. 有形世界,无限风光。(电视台广告)World within inches.51. 我这个人没什么特长。要说还有什么长处,就是还有张长长的脸。Im no good. If anything, its perhaps a good long face Ive got.52. 我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天也需要阳光。We

20、need sunshine all year around winter or summer, spring or autumn.53. 周领导,人家小刘已经是八年的“妇科”病啦,也该给他个正经说法了吧?Mr zhou,liu has not got promoted for eight years, I think he deserve a formal statement.54. 谁说女子不秃头!(生发素广告)Women can go bald indeed!55. 她们是艺术圈中的极品,是芸芸众生里的“劳斯莱斯”。 They are of best quality in artistic

21、 circles and they are the Rolls-Royce of all the livings things.57.不比不知道,一比吓一跳。This is exactly what is called shocked to compare with.或者:You wont be shocked until you compare them.58. 君不正,臣投外国。父不正,子奔他乡。The courtiers will go to other country for shelter because emperor is not personally upright; whil

22、e the children will go other places for fathers bad behavior.60. 怕黄昏忽地又黄昏,不销魂怎地不销魂,新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。Dusk is gone yet still to return; the fire of love never ceases to burn. Bathing in tears, I cry and cry for a suffering one at the ends of the earth, oh why?61. County panels OK affordable housing 县事务

23、委员会对经济适用房表示同意62. Globo Cabo(全球电缆公司)to buy cable rival全球电缆公司 购买电缆的对手64. Mississippi man ruled sole heir to blues legend一名密西西比人被法院裁定为布鲁斯音乐传奇人物的唯一继承人69. Takeover hostility criticism of acquisitions of Chinese enterprises by foreign firms off the mark 抵制收购对于外国企业收购中国企业的批评太过离谱70. A head for headcount savi

24、ngs plan unveiled after Alcatels takeover of biggest US phone equipment maker71. Sealing slippage Intercontinental Exchange Inc nets large share of oil futures market after online launch72. Her friends and her detractors have made extravagant claims of goodness and mercy, foolishness and naivety.73.

25、 Joseph Stalin dismissed the Pope with cynical quip, “How many divisions has he got?”74. The success of the A bookstore, which exists only on the Internet, impelled Barnes & Noble to combine its successful physical bookstores with a strong presence in cyberspace and to team up with Bertelsmann, a le

26、ading international media company, in an online joint venture.密封滑动洲际交易所在线上交易启动后网罗大部分的石油期货市场份额75. This is an article that challenges attention even if it fails to command complete assent. 即使不能完全赞同,但这仍是一篇值得一读的文字。第II题 改译以下各段译文(每题10分):1. 【原文】 If that man had any sense, wouldnt he try to look attractive

27、enough to make me want to hire him? Is he too lazy to make the effort? In that case, what kind of a worker can he be? Does he feel so bad about himself, and could his judgment be correct?【原译】 如果那人有点头脑的话,他难道不会打扮得楚楚动人,让我想雇佣他?他是不是太懒了,不愿花力气呢?倘若是那样的话,那他会成为什么样的工人呢?他是否觉得自己不得志?他的这个判断能不能纠正过来?【改译】 但凡他有点头脑的话,就

28、应该打扮得足够吸引人我想雇佣他?他是不是太懒了,不愿花力气呢?倘若是那样的话,那他将会成为什么样的员工呢?他是否觉得自己不得志?这种自我认识会不会就是对的呢?2.【原文】 But I am denied that deeper understanding of them which I am sure would come through sight of them, through watching their reactions to various expressed thoughts and circumstances, through noting the immediate and

29、 fleeting reactions of their eyes and countenance.【原译】 但是,我不认为对于我所深知的人,要想更深入地了解他们,只能通过亲眼见到他们,亲眼看见他们对各种思想和环境的反应,亲眼看到他们的眼神和表情的即时的瞬间的反应。3.【原文】 Our colleague on the Sunday people had been exonerated by the Press Council for writing in her column that an actress had little piggy eyes. It was a moment of

30、keen and necessary judicial wisdom: for where would our great profession be without the constitutional right to slag off anyone who gives us the pip?【原译】 我们的一位在星期日人民报供职的同事已为新闻委员会所开释,因为她曾在她的专栏里写道:某位女演员长着一对“小小的猪一般的眼睛”。那是个 的需要法官般智慧的时刻:因为如果没有宪法所规定的权利来驱除任何使我们不舒服的人,那我们伟大的职业将会处境如何?【改译】 我们的一位在星期日人民报供职的同事已为记

31、者协会所开释,因为她曾在她的专栏里写道:某位女演员长着一对“小小的猪一般的眼睛”。那是个 的需要法官般智慧的时刻:宪法规定无人可以驱除使我们不舒服的人,即使她的所作所为并不合适,否则我们将何以自处?4.【原文】 Bogey played in his own Bogey way that was not at all Harriets. Harriet could never leaveanything alone, and Bogey liked things to be alone and behave themselves in their own way. For instance,

32、he played with lizards and grass snakes; 【原译】 鲍吉有他自己的完全不同于哈丽特的玩法。要哈丽特不管闲事是不可能的,可鲍吉则喜欢事物栩栩如生各具情态。例如,他爱玩蜥蜴和青草蛇;5.【原文】 The route was across the northern United States and then by ship to Alaska, where the plan was to drive across the Berling Strait on the ice.When the Thomas arrived in Alaska by ship,

33、the locals laughed at its crows plan to cross the Berling Strait. Not one of them could remember the strait solidly frozen.【原译】 汽车竞赛的路线是穿越美国北部,然后搭船到阿拉斯加,在那里按计划驾车在冰上通过白令海峡。当托马斯号搭船抵达阿拉斯加时,该地的居民对车座人员穿越白令海峡的计划付之一笑。不过他们中谁也没想到,海峡早已冰封得坚坚实实了。【改译】竞赛路线是穿越美国北部,然后搭船到阿拉斯加,在那里按计划驾车在冰上通过白令海峡。当托马斯车队抵达阿拉斯加时,当地人对车队人员

34、穿越白令海峡的计划都乐了,他们谁都不记得海峡还有被冻上的时候。6 【原文】 Considering the present situation, it may cause surprise, in view of the large number of reports of resistance from so many important species all over the world, that the impact on insect control programs is not more drastic.【原译】 考虑到目前的情况,人们会感到奇怪,鉴于从世界各地有大量的报告谈到

35、有许多重要的物种出现了抗药性,你会觉得害虫控制计划措施不那么有力。7【原文】 Warming the food before sealing the cans has the effect of reducing the pressure inside the cans while the food is being sterilized. Then the cans are sealed and the food is sterilized by heating the cans in a retort by means of steam.【原译】 当事物消毒时,在罐头封起来之前先加热,有减

36、少罐头内的压力的效果。然后罐头可以封起来,通过蒸汽把罐头放在容器内加热使食物消毒。【改译】 密封罐装食品前,先加热罐头可以有效减少罐头内的压力。然后进行密封,并通过再次加热达到食品消毒的效果。8.【原文】 The difference between emending and amending a text is based on the two ways in which a text can be considered correct. A text might be correct if it is in its original, purest or most authentic fo

37、rm. To restore it to this form, you emend it. On the other hand, the text might be correct if it is in its best possible form, usually different from the original: to change it to this improved form, you amend it.【原译】 校订一个语篇与修订一个语篇之间的区别基于一个语篇可被视为正确的两种情形。如果一个语篇是以其最初的、最纯正的或最真实的形式出现,那么它就可能是“正确的”。把这语篇恢复

38、到这种形式,你就是在校订它。在另一方面,如果那语篇是以其尽可能好的形式出现的,这形式通常与最初形式不同,那么这语篇就可能是“正确的”:把这语篇改变到这种改进的形式,你就是在修订它。【改译】基于对一篇文字“正确”的两种衡量标准是校正与修正间的区别。如果一篇文字的”正确”是以其最原始,最纯粹的,最地道的形式。要恢复到这种形式,你修订了它。另一方面,文本的“正确”以其最好的形式出现,这通常不同于原始形式:把它修改成这种改进的形式,你是在修订它。9【原文】 It would have demanded an unquestioning patriotism, happily uncommon in t

39、his country as it is undesirable, for these people not to have been disturbed by the biter letters they received, by the newspaper stories they read, not to have been enraged by the posters, then to be found all over New York, which described the Japanese as “yellowbellied Japs.”【原译】 毫无疑问地,这本应该激起人们的

40、爱国心(所幸在这个国家里爱国心既不常见也不需要),但那些痛苦的来信使他们心神不宁,还有他们读到的那些新闻报道,那些令他们愤怒的海报。那时候纽约到处都贴着那种海报,把日本人描写成“黄肚皮的日本佬儿”。如果这些人没有被那些令人痛苦的来信和新闻报道所伤害,没有被那些海报所侵扰,没有发现在纽约他们被描述成“黄皮日本鬼子”,他们本应会点燃爱国情绪虽然这种盲目的爱国主义在这个国家里并不受欢迎。10【原文】 But what if, God forbid, one loses faith? The wicked live on denials; denials in themselves are also

41、a faith, faith in evildoing, and from it one can draw strength for the body. But if the pious man loses his faith, the truth is shown to him, and he is recalled. This is the symbolic meaning of the words, “When a man dies in a tent”: when the pious man falls from his rank, and becomes, like the wick

42、ed, without permanent shelter, then a light shines from above, and all doubts cease 【原译】 但是万一有人不再相信了呢?那些邪恶的人不相信上帝,不相信上帝本身也是一种信仰,信仰做坏事;人可以从中得到力量。但是如果虔诚的人丧失了信仰,告诉他真理他就会恢复过来。这就是“当一个人在帐篷中死去”这句话的象征意义:当虔诚的人掉队时,像邪恶的人一样失去了永远的庇护,这时一道亮光在头顶闪过,所有的疑惑都消失了10【原文】 But what if, God forbid, one loses faith? The wicked

43、 live on denials; denials in themselves are also a faith, faith in evildoing, and from it one can draw strength for the body. But if the pious man loses his faith, the truth is shown to him, and he is recalled. This is the symbolic meaning of the words, “When a man dies in a tent”: when the pious ma

44、n falls from his rank, and becomes, like the wicked, without permanent shelter, then a light shines from above, and all doubts cease【原译】 但是万一有人不再相信了呢?那些邪恶的人不相信上帝,不相信上帝本身也是一种信仰,信仰做坏事;人可以从中得到力量。但是如果虔诚的人丧失了信仰,告诉他真理他就会恢复过来。这就是“当一个人在帐篷中死去”这句话的象征意义:当虔诚的人掉队时,像邪恶的人一样失去了永远的庇护,这时一道亮光在头顶闪过,所有的疑惑都消失了【改译】但是如果,上帝

45、保佑,如果一个人失去信仰了呢?邪恶的人凭借否定而活着,对于他们来说,否定也是一种信仰,信仰罪恶,并从中得到身体的力量。但是如果虔诚的人失去信仰,背弃了真理,那么他就会被遗弃。这就是“当一个人在帐篷中死去”这句话的象征意义:当虔诚的人背弃信仰,变得像邪恶的人一样失去永久的庇护,这时天空就会出现一道光,然后所有的怀疑都停止了11. 【原文】 Henry Bennett performed a carefully controlled study in which anesthetized patients received a suggestion just before being brough

46、t to consciousness. Most patients who were told to pull their ears during a subsequent interview did exactly that, even though they did not recall having received such instructions.译文 亨利贝内特作了仔细的观察研究:在做手术的病人被麻醉失去了知觉前,他建议他们在手术过程中仔细听谈话,即使他们回忆不起曾受过这种暗示,病人也能照嘱咐做。【改译】亨利贝内特进行了仔细的对照研究,即在麻醉病人苏醒前接受一定暗示。即使大多数病

47、人回忆不起曾经受过这种暗示,但是他们在手术过程中也能照嘱咐做,仔细倾听。12. 【原文】 British and American English probably became similar as is necessary for easy mutual understanding, but not more similar than that unless Americans and Britons feel no further need to regard themselves as culturally distinct. As the late Professor J.R. Fi

48、rth is said to have observed of pronunciation: “It is part of the meaning of an American to sound like one.”(丹儿)【原译】 英国和美国英语也许会变得使之容易地互相理解所必要的相似,但不会比这更相似了,除非美国人和英国人感到不再有需要认为自己在文化上是独特的了。如同据说的已故教授J。R。弗思对发音所作的评述:“一个美国人发出声音像个美国人是这个内涵的一部分”。【改译】英式英语与美式英语有时为方便双方理解可变得相近,但仅仅变得相近而已。除非英国与美国认为没有必须再保持文化独立性,两者才会变得完全一样。正如已故教


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