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1、-张家界中英文导游词-第 19 页张家界位于湖南省西北部,属武陵山脉腹地, 1988 年 5 月经国务院批准设立大庸市, 1994 年 4 月更名为张家界市,总面积 9516 平方公里,辖武陵源、永定 2 区及慈利、桑植 2 县。全市总人口约 170 万,市城区建成面积约 30 平方公里,市区人口约 20 万。 张家界因旅游建市,是国内重点旅游城市。武陵源风景名胜区拥有世界罕见的石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌,由中国第一个国家森林公园张家界国家森林公园和天子山自然保护区、索溪峪自然保护区、杨家界景区等四大景区组成,核心景区游览面积264.6 平方公里,是中国首批入选的世界自然遗产、世界地质公园和国家首批

2、 5A 级旅游景区。 “武陵之魂”天门山国家森林公园、“世界罕见的物种基因库”八大公山国家级自然保护区、道教圣地“南武当”五雷山、“百里画廊”茅岩河等景区也是景色秀美、风光独特。土家风情园、老院子等民族风情景点以及魅力湘西、天门狐仙等演艺节目,全面展现了土家族、白族、苗族等少数民族的传统习俗和民族文化。 张家界是少数民族聚居区。全市有少数民族 33 个,以土家族、白族、苗族为主,少数民族人口 115万,占总人口的 77。这里民俗古朴,民族文化浓郁,有各类非物质文化遗产 15 类 70 多项,其中桑植民歌首批列入国家非物质文化遗产,张家界阳戏、张家界高花灯、慈利板板龙灯首批列入省级非物质文化遗产

3、,张家界硬气功曾随国家领导人赴欧洲七国演出。 张家界属亚热带山原型季风湿润气候,四季分明,生态优良。全市森林覆盖率达 66.98 ,有娃娃鱼、中国鸽子花等国家一、二级珍稀保护动植物Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, Zhangjiajie has four administrative area under its jurisdiction: Yongding distrist,Wulingyuan district,Cili county and Sangzhi county. Covering an area of 9516 square

4、 kilometers,Zhangjiajie has a total population of 1.70 million. Named Dayong City,Zhangjiajie was approved a prefectural city in May,1988,by the State Council, but changed its name to Zhangjiajie in 1994.And now, the city embraces an area of 30 square kilometers with the urban population of 0.2 mill

5、ion. As a city for tourism, Zhangjiajie is one of the major tourist city in China. Include Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (known as Chinas first national forest park), Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve, Tianzi Mountain Natural Resource Reserve and Yangjiajie Scenery ,Wulingyuan Scenic Area covers a

6、n area of 264.6 square kilometers with its quartz sandstone canyon peaks which is rare in the world. It is the World Natural Heritage,The World Geological Park and 5A-Class Tourist Attraction which was first selected in Mountain National Forest Park is called “soul of the Wuling”, Badagongshan Natio

7、nal Nature Reserve is namedThe worlds rare species gene pool, MaoYan River is called “one-hundred-mile long gallery”, Jiutian Cave is named “the number-one cave in Asia”, and Wuleishan ,called “ the Southern Wudang Mountain, is a famous Taoist holy land. All of them are famous scenic spots with beau

8、tiful but unique sceneray. The folk landscape of Laoyuanzi( the Old Yard), Tujia Folk Park and performance arts of “Charm Western Hunan”,”Tianmen Fox Fairy”demonstrate the national minority tradition custom and the national culture style of Tujia , Bai , Miao minority. Being a minority neighborhoods

9、, there are 33 minorities in Zhangjiajie, mainly Tujia,Miao and Bai nationality, with a population of 1.15 million which togeher makes up 77% of the total population. With simple folk and rich culture,there are 15 types of intangible cultural heritage, a number of class 70. Among them, Folk Songs of

10、 Sangzhi County was listed in the Protection Catalog of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage In 2006. Yang Drama, High Lantern of Yongding District and Ban-ban Lantern of Cili County were all first included in the Protection Catalog of Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage. Especially, as the master of

11、 “Zhangjiajie Hard Qigong” ,Mr Zhao Jishu was accompanied some leaders of Chinese central government for visits to seven countries of Europe .Zhangjiajie is subtropical moist mountain climate. As distinct seasons and good ecological, the forest coverage rate is 66.98% of the total area , which prote

12、ct kinds of rare animals and plants,such as giant salamander,pigeon China ,etc. thus for tourists ,Zhangjiajie is an ideal place to spend ones holiday.天门山天门山,位于湖南省张家界永定区,因自然奇观天门洞而得名,也因天门洞而蜚声世界,被誉为“湘西第一神山”、“武陵之魂”和“张家界之魂”。 简史 三国时期,263年,天门山突然裂开一个大洞,当地官员报告给吴国君主孙休,孙休认为是吉兆,故而命名“天门洞”。 1992年7月,天门山被批准为国家森林公园

13、。 地理 天门山的主峰海拔为米,平均海拔在1400米之上。天门山国家森林公园面积达190多平方公里。天门山始于燕山运动,后经过喜马拉雅山造山运动,以及千万年的风雨剥蚀,形成了喀斯特台型地貌。植被属于原始次生林。 景观 天门山索道 天门山索道线路斜长7455米,上、下站水平高差1279米,是世界最长的单线循环脱挂抱索器车厢式索道。 鬼谷栈道 天门山的侧壁上有鬼谷洞因而得名。 通天大道盘山公路 天门山的盘山公路全长公里。从山脚一直蜿蜒而上山顶。 天门洞 天门洞高米,宽57米,深60米。李娜别墅 河南籍歌手李娜1997年5月23日游览天门山,6月6日将户口迁移到张家界永定区,并且建筑李娜别墅一栋于天

14、门山山顶,一月之后在山西五台山普寿寺出家为尼。后出走美国。天门山寺 明朝汉传佛教寺庙。TianmenMountain isamountainlocatedwithinTianmenMountainNationalPark,Zhangjiajie,innorthwesternHunanProvince,ChinaAcablecarwasconstructedbytheFrenchcompanyPomafromnearbyZhangjiajierailwaystationtothetopofthemountain.TianmenMountainCablewayisclaimedintouristp



17、egetarianrestaurantinthe10000squaremetresetting.On September 25, 2011 Jeb Corliss glided through the 100 feet (30 m) wide archway in the mountain using a wing suit. The flight began from a helicopter at 6,000 feet (1,800 m), and ended with a safe landing on a nearby bridge.Tianmen Mountain,a famous

18、mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie with an elevation of 1518.6 meters. It is 8 kilometers from the downtown and is one of the most representative natural sceneries of Zhangjiajie. For long time being,Tianmen Mountain attracts the attention of the people not only by its miraculous

19、and unique geology and unparalleled landscape, but also well known for its profound cultural connotations and famous colorful humanistic site. It is revered as the soul of cultural and spirit of Zhangjiajie and reputed as Number One sacred mountain in Western Hunan Province. Tianmen Mountain is uniq

20、uely skyscraping and domineering. Tianmen cave the natural mountain-penetrating karst cave with the highest elevation in the world, hangs on the towering cliff. The cave become the unique sight under heaven and breeds the profound and grand heaven culture of Fairy Mountain in the local area. Tianmen

21、 Mountain is the second national forest park in Zhangjiajie. On the mountaintop are intact sub-primitive forests with overflowing wild atmosphere in all the seasons. In addition, the densely populated karst hillocks and karrens plus the mating of strange rocks and graceful trees create a grand garde

22、n of bonsai as if blessed by the God. Tianmen Mountain Temple, with an area of over 10000 square meters, has been honored as a pilgrimage site ever since the Ming Dynasty. It is the Buddhist center of Western Hunan. The six unresolved mysteries in the past hundreds of years such as Opening of Tianme

23、n cave, shadow of Guigu(famous ancient Toaist), and Auspicious Unicorn have added the mysterious and elusive atmosphere for Tianmen Mountain. The mountain winding bus road of Tianmen Mountain is worth the title of world-shocking masterpiece. It brings shocking and unforgettable experience for the to

24、urists. TianmenMountain cableway; Heaven-linking Avenue, Tianmen cave and Bonsai garden are reputed as the four great wonders. Tianmen Mountain cableway, the longest one-way recycling passenger cableway in the world, has a length of 7455 meters and a height gap of 1279 meters. It takes the tourists

25、from the atmosphere of modern city directly to the hug of the primitive garden in the air. Along the way to the top of the mountain by cable car, you see the landscape transforming into a kaleidoscope, experience a miraculous feeling of flying angels in the sky as well as of being blended into a lon

26、g grand painting of landscape. The mountain-winding bus road of Tianmen Mountain, nicknamed as Heaven-linking Avenue, has a total length of less than 11 kilometers, starts from an elevation of 200 meters and winds up to 1300 meters within short range, paves its way painstakingly over the high valley

27、s , along the breathtaking cliffs, zigzags with 99 sharp turnings like flying dragon, declares itself as another world engineering wonder. People couldnt help marveling at it.黄石寨各位朋友大家好,欢迎来到张家界,非常高兴能同大家一起游览张家界最大的凌空观景台-黄石寨。人们常说“不到黄石寨,枉来张家界”,可见黄石寨是整个张家界风景的精华。一位著名诗人曾经这样评价黄石寨“五步称奇,七步叫绝,十步之外,目瞪口呆。”下面就请大家

28、跟随我沿着这条山林幽径来欣赏两旁让人目不暇接的风景吧。 Dear friends, welcome to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. Im very pleased to be your guide to visit the largest viewing platform in the park- the Yellow Rock Village. You will regret about that you never visited Zhangjiajie if you do not visit the Yellow Rock Village. Hu

29、angShizai is the most important sight in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It was highly praised by a famous poet: It makes us surprised in five steps, astonished in seven steps and shocked in ten steps. And now, let us enjoy the beautiful views. 这是一排排曲折而又陡峭的山路,自古登黄石寨只有后山一条路,今天我们走的这条路,是十多年以前人工开凿的。大家

30、请注意听,前面传来了阵阵歌声,这是悦耳动听的土家山歌,前面便是土家姑娘的点歌台。一个个衣着秀丽的土家姑娘正在载歌载舞地欢迎着各位来宾,她们优美的歌声是否会唤起您对土家民风的无限向往呢?她们的热情好客,淳朴善良是否带给您一种从未有过的轻松和快乐呢?此时此刻,您是否已经感悟到了张家界山美、水美、人更美的真谛了呢? There is an only single road to climb Huangshi/Yellow Rock Village. This road we are walking now was made by manpower more than ten years before

31、. Listen, this is a wonderful local song in front of us from the singing platform. Well-dressed TuJia girls are welcoming ladies and gentlemen with dancing and singing. Will their songs awake your infinite imagination to seek TuJia customs and culture? Will their hospitality, simplicity and kindness

32、 bring you some relaxation and happiness that you never had? At this moment, will you comprehend the true essence of beautiful mountain, beautiful water and more beautiful people? 大家请看右边对面的山上,有一个大约20米高的石柱,上面还有一块长约3米、宽米的石匣,在石匣上有一个石盖,这石盖一半凌空,一半盖于匣上,周围环绕着五棵翠绿的松柏。传说张良曾将黄石公的三卷天书藏于匣内,后因战事平息,张良又取出天书放置在其他的地

33、方,但是他却忘记了合上抽盖,至今留下一只半掩半开的石匣。由于这石匣内曾藏过天书,因而被人誉称为“天书宝匣”。 Look! There is a wonderful rock on the top of the peak, which has 20 meters tall with a half-opened stone box on it. In the local folklore, this is a treasure-box for classical books of King Xiang, who had treasured up his tactics books presente

34、d by Zhangliang. 大家请看前方,两山相挤,中间仅有一条通道,大有一夫当关,万夫莫开的气势,这里就南天门。再请大家看这边,顺着我手指的方向便是定海神针,它高大挺拔,巍然屹立, 14 似乎在用强硬的身躯支撑着整座大山。定海神针与金鞭岩遥遥相对,形成了一幅十分壮观的天然壮景。 Look ahead, this is SOUTH HEAVEN GATE. Between two narrow mountains, there is only one channel just like a Door General guard the heaven. This way, please.

35、I am pointing a Magic Needle, which strongly stands there to support the whole mountain with its rough body. Magic Needleand JingBian Rock stand face to face so that a natural spectacular has been formed. 那前面这座孤立的柱峰又是什么景点呢?它拔地而起,直插云霄,高达300余米,这就是张家界有名的“南天一柱”了,因为它立在南天门的下面而得名。“南天一柱”是整个“武陵源”风景的特写,它拔地而起,

36、上大下小。在它身上有一种历经万年沧桑却仍然坚忍不拔的精神,它是整个“武陵源”石英砂岩峰林地貌景观的缩影,也是“张家界国际森林保护节”的节徽和标志。 What is the solo pillar? It is the most famous scenic among the natural park- The SOUTH-HEAVEN PILLAR and it is 300 meters high from the ground to the top of the clouds. It named after South Heaven Gate because it stands close

37、 to South Heaven Gate. It is a feature of WuLingYuan. Its top is bigger than its bottom. Although it had experienced ten thousand years rain and wind, its perseverance has never lost. It is an epitome of quarts sandstone mountain forest in WuLingyuan and it is also a log of International Forest Prot

38、ect Day of ZhangJiajie. 说起石英砂岩峰林地貌大家一定会觉得奇怪,大自然为何如此的神奇呢?根据科学的论证,三亿多年以前,这里曾经是一片汪洋大海,大约在一亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底沉积了五百多米厚,后来经过新构造运动的强烈抬升,这里成为了陆地,地面抬升后,在流水深切的作用下,一些细小的砂石被冲走了,加上在重力作用下岩石的崩塌,又被雨水、溪流慢慢的冲刷等综合作用,就使得武陵源地区在漫长的岁月中逐渐形成这种奇特的石英砂岩峰林地貌。 We can see this strange landform known as quarts sandstone landfor

39、m. According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean. About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea. Later, owing to the movements of earths crust, the land here appeared out the deep water. With sma

40、ll gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rains erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform. Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of “an enlarged bonsai, a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.” 好了,现在我要告诉大家,我们已经顺利的登上了

41、黄石寨的寨顶了。我带大家到“摘星台”来看看吧。站在这使人油然产生“一览众山小”的感慨,特别是到了晚上,有一种与星星近在咫尺的感觉,似乎一伸手,就能将天上的星星摘下来。 Ok, we have reached to the top of HuangShizai smoothly. Look, this is Pick Star Platform. When you stand here, you will feel all other mountains are smaller, especially at night, you can feel stars are so closed that

42、 you can pick them. 眼前的这个人工景点就是六奇阁。六奇准确地说是指山奇、水奇、云奇、石奇、动物奇、植物奇。好了,我们游览也要结束了,有机会欢迎大家再来黄石寨旅游,谢谢大家。 Please guess what are the queers of the Six Wonder Pavilion? Mountain, water, clouds, stones, animals and plants consist of these queers accurately. Ok, so much for today, welcome to HuangShizai again. T

43、hanks.金鞭溪各位朋友大家好!今天我们要参观的是有着千年长旱不断流,万年连雨水碧青美誉的金鞭溪。金鞭溪是世界上最美丽的峡谷之一,整个峡谷全长大约千米,金鞭溪就好比是张家界这位绝代佳丽身上的一条蓝色丝巾。它把奇峰三千,秀水八百的山水美发挥到了极致! Hello, everybody. Today, we will visit Golden Whip Brook, which is one of the most beautiful valleys all over the world. It is honored with ever-flowing spring in 1000 years

44、drought and ever-green water in 10,000 years raining. The whole valley is 7.5 km long. The Golden Whip Brook is just like a blue scarf around the beauty- ZhangJiajie. And it makes the mountains and waters show out three thousand unique peaks and eight hundred clean waters. 那么金鞭溪究竟是一条什么样的峡谷呢?著名文学家沈从文

45、先生赞誉它是张家界的少女,当年张家界的宣传者-著名画家吴冠中先生在此曾赞叹它是一片童话般的世界,现在就请大家跟随我沿着吴老和沈老先生当年的足迹去揭开金鞭溪神秘的面纱吧! What kind of valley does the Gold Whip Brook belong? A famous writer ShenCongwen signs high praise for her The maid of ZhangJiajie; the promoter WuGuanzhong came here and claimed her a fairy-tale world. Now let us f

46、ollow the prints covered by Mr. Shen and Mr. Wu to uncover this mysterious veil of it. 请大家注意看左边这些奇特的植物,它就是国家一级保护植物-珙桐。珙桐是多年生木本花卉,通常在春末夏初时节开花,花呈白色,柱头上略带一点紫红,很像鸽子的头和嘴,花身有两片又大又长的苞片,像是一对翅膀。整个花朵的形状就像放飞的鸽子,这是我国特有的珍贵树种,因而外国人亲切地称它为中国鸽子花。 Look, these unique plants on the left are HongTong, which is a state f

47、irst-class protected plant. HongTong is a perennial root garden plant, which usually blooms in the early summer or late spring. The flowers are white and its tops are of a little purple, just like heads and mouths of the pigeons. There are two big and long clusters on the body of flowers, just like

48、a pair of wings. The whole flower is just like a pigeon, so the foreigners named it as Chinese Pigeon Flower fondly. 现在大家请看眼前峡谷的两旁,这种高大而华贵的塔形树,这也是国家一级保护植物-水杉。水杉是一种非常古老的树种,人们曾经以为已经在第四纪冰川袭击时期绝迹了。然而1941年我国的植物学家在四川省万县的磨刀沟发现了它,1982年开发张家界时,人们发现这里长着大面积的水杉以及3000多种珍奇植物,这真是大自然赐予的一笔巨大的财富啊。 Look, these luxurious and tall tower-like trees on either side of valley are metasequoia glyptostroboides-State First-class protected pla


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