1、兽医学 Veterinary medicine毒理学 Toxicology潮汐能 Tidal energy同义词Thesaurus致畸剂 Teratogens分类学Taxonomy洗涤器Scrubbers再造林 Reafforestation辐射病 Radiation sickness磷酸盐 Phosphates海洋学 Oceanography核电站 Nuclear power plants流浪者Nomads亚硝胺 Nitrosamines硝酸盐Nitrates新社区 New communities摩托车 Motorcyclesthe laws st r ict ly enforced 执法必
2、严exercise the state power in the interes t of thepeople执政为民the corner s tone for i t s (the par tys )governance执政之基municipal i ty di rect ly under the Cent ralGovernment 直辖市the formulat ion of the eleventh f ive-year plan 制 定“十一五”计划running the par ty, s tate and army 治党治国治军the CPC (Communi st Par ty
3、 of China) cent ral commi t tee中共中央CCCP (Cent r al Commi t tee of Communi st Par ty) 中共中央委员会the seventeenth nat ional congres s of the CPC 中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会Social i sm wi th Chinese character i st ics 中国特色社会主义事业the great rejuvenat ion of the Chinese nat ion 中华 民族的伟大复兴cent ral commi ss ion for di scipl
4、 ine inspect ions of the CPC中央纪委uni ted front work depar tment of CPC cent ral commi t tee中央统战部移栖种 Migratory species液化气 Liquefied gas水文学Hydrology硫化氢Hydrogen园艺学 Horticulture冰川学 Glaciology地貌学 Geomorphology地质学Geology氮 Nitrogen fixation甲烷 Methane内插 Interpolation水电 Hydroelectric power盐酸 Hydrochloric acid
5、公路 Highways沙坑 Gravel pits种质 Germ plasm发电厂 日ectric power plants乳品业 Dairy industry细胞学Cytology针叶林 Coniferous forests内燃机 Combustion engines煤液化 Coal liquefaction气候学 Climatology气候带 Climatic zones氯氟碳 Chlorofluorocarbons纤维素Cellulose集水区 Catchment areas镉:亏染 Cadmium contamination贫困阶层 Under-privileged people堆肥
6、Composts通勤 Commuting木炭 Charcoal高炉 Blast furnaces沼气Biogas石棉 Asbestos藻花 Algal bloom藻类Algae隔音 Acoustic insulation酸化 Acidification动物园 Zoological gardens把好政治关 Strictly insist on the political criteria把科学成果转化成生产力Transform scientificresearch results into productive forces把企业推向市场 Encourage enterprises to co
7、mpete in the market把社会效益放在首位 Give prime consideration tosocial effects把水搅浑 Create confusion /muddy the waters把问题摆在做面上 Place the problem on the tablefor discussion问题弄 1 青楚 Get clear on the problems involved把依法治国和以德治国结合起来Govern the countryby combining the rule of law and the rule of virtue罢官 Depose/di
8、smiss from officedebunk揭穿,拆穿假面具deer iminal izat ion 合法化catast rophic succes s灾难性胜利(指大规模、绝对性 的胜利,并不是造成灾难的意思)caval ry原指骑兵;现指(需要借助车辆或直升机快速移 动的)突击部队high-cal iber leading cadres高素质的领导干部队伍shelve cer tain pol i t ical di sputes 搁置某些政治争 议al I local i t ies and depar tment s 各地各部门pat r iots f rom al I walks
9、of I i fe 各界爱国人士per sonages of al I ci rcles 各界人士be wel I pos i t ioned, do thei r best and I ive inharmony各尽其能、各得其所又和谐相处peoples organizat ions 各人民团体at tempt s to spl i t the Count ry 各种分裂图谋civi I r ight s / civi I I iber t ies 公民权利、自由ci t izens par t icipat ion in pol i t ical affai r s 公民政治参与bear
10、in mind the overal I interest s 顾全大局the bureaucr at ic style of work 官僚主义作风a glor ious pat r iot ic t radi t ion 光荣的爱国主义传统gather large number s of talented people 广纳群11又 贝a highly volat i Ie internat ional s i tuat ion 国际局势风云变幻internat ional organizat ions 国际性组织state sovereignty and secur i ty 国家的主权
11、和平安compr ehensive improvement of land and resources国土资源综合整治common aspi rat ions of al I peoples 国人的共同愿望peace, just ice and progress 和平,正义,进步negot iat ions and peaceful reuni ficat ions 和平统 一谈判broaden the fields of endeavor 拓宽领域the complete real izat ion of the r euni f icat ion of the mother land完成祖
12、国统一law-breaker s mus t be prosecuted 违法必究the sole cr i ter ion 唯一标准heal th and spor ts under takings 卫生体育事业 adequate food and clothing program 温饱工程 brave di fficul t ies 迎难而上give pr efer ent ial t reatment to the fami I ies ofservicemen and mar tyr s (拥军)优属suppor t the government 拥政enjoy a last ing
13、peace 永享太平the eternal soul of the army 永远不变的军魂accountabi I i ty for neglect of supervi sor y duty用人失察责任追究accountabi I i ty for the use of the wrong per son用人失误责任追究opt imize st ructur e 优化结构opt imize and upgrade 优化升级the laws observed 有法必依there are laws to go by 有法可依supervi sory funct ion of the media
14、 舆论监督shar e weal and woe wi th the people 与人民群众共命运advances wi th the t imes与时代开展同步伐keep pace wi th the t imes 与时俱进wi th a long hi story behind i t 源远流长developing amids t twi st s and turns 在曲折中开展be mindful of potent ial danger 增强忧患意识st rategic adjustment 战略性调整energet ic and promis ing leader ship 朝气
15、蓬勃、发奋有为的领导层to be rect i fied and s tandardized 整顿和规范government intervent ion 政府干预government organs; government ins t i tut ions 政 府机构special government al lowance 政府特殊津贴separat ing the funct ions of government fromthose of ins t i tut ions 政事分开(have) a good government and a uni ted people政通人和CPPCC commi t tees政协委员会the pol i t ical and economic spheres 政治、经济领 域pol i tburo政治局kingpin 支撑