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1、第一课What is SSAT?全称: Secondary School Admission Test 俗称: 美国中考江湖昵称: 小赛达考试Elementary level: 3-4Middle level: 5-7Upper level: 8-11Upper Level计分方法Middle Level计分方法SSAT算分系统原始分= 正确题目数量 错误题目数量*1/423002300分以上分以上 I believe I can fly I believe I can fly2200-23002200-2300分分Top 10Top 102100-22002100-2200分分Top20To

2、p202000-21002000-2100分分Top30Top302000以下。8Your SSAT Scores Upper Level Score Range : 500-800 Verbal Score 659 (Personal Score Range: 638 - 680, SSAT Percentile 47%) Math Score 788 (Personal Score Range: 767 - 800, SSAT Percentile 90%) Reading Score 581 (Personal Score Range: 560 - 602, SSAT Percentil

3、e 13%) Total Score 2028 (Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 48%) Your SSAT ScoresUpper Level Score Range : 500-800Verbal Score 722(Personal Score Range: 701 - 743, SSAT Percentile 76%)Math Score 800(Personal Score Range: 779 - 800, SSAT Percentile 99%)Reading Score 698(Personal Score Range: 6

4、77 - 719, SSAT Percentile 76%)Total Score 2220(Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 88%) Is the score everything?SSAT同义类比30分钟60道题30道同义,30道类比同义考什么 AIMLESS:(A) without purpose(B) without humor(C) reluctant(D) exclusive(E) incompetent类比考什么 Camel is to animal as(A) paste is to paper(B) copy is to o

5、riginal(C) stove is to kitchen(D) cactus is to plant(E) radio is to televisionRaw Score Reading Verbal Quantitative 60 800 55 800 50 779 800 45 752 782 40 800 725 755 35 722 698 725 30 692 671 698 25 662 644 668 20 632 617 641 15 602 590 614记词方法记词方法反复快速多遍声音促进记忆明码标记,各个击破借助各种记词技巧技巧1-谐音法 yes, nice, bus

6、, girls, miss, dress, school amphibian reptile mammal stallion mare goose gander gosling技巧2-拼音法 wan gang gangster fang pan papaya gun技巧3-图像法avarice技巧四:拆分法 bishop主教 - 能买两个商店的人 vicar 牧师 - 能买六辆小汽车的人 trivial 琐事 - 三姑六婆所关心的事技巧5:造句法背多义 saddle I saddle the saddle. mount I mount the mount. seal I seal a seal

7、 with a seal. saw I saw a saw saw a saw.技巧6:联想法 witch warlock flagrant fragrant avian技巧7:记词记一串记词记一串之同根词篇aviaryavianaviaristaviationaviator记词记一串之形近义近词篇aviaryapiaryhive记词记一串之词缀篇 三个“使” -ize inate -ify-izepersonal-personalizemini - minimizemodern - modernizegeneral - generalizespecial - specializesymbol

8、 - symbolize-enfast fastenhaste hastenwide -widenheight heightenlength lengthen dark-darkenmoist-moistenworse-worsenlight -lightenlight -enlighteninate=使timidvigortoxicintimidateinvigorateintoxicate记词记一串之词缀篇“-umble”系列tumblestumblehumblefumblegamblecasino友情提示记长相记意群记类群记特征 能记住单词的方法就是好方法!相关书目KaplanOGMas

9、terPrinceton ReviewBarronsPeterson要你命3000俞敏洪TOEFL词汇:词根+联想记忆张洪伟,戴云TOEFL10000词俞敏洪GRE词汇精选(红宝书)第二课关系汇总关系汇总范畴范畴透视秘法透视秘法类比类比犹抱琵琶半遮面犹抱琵琶半遮面同义词表同义词表同义同义同义:犹抱琵琶半遮面同义:犹抱琵琶半遮面 词根词缀 词根 前缀 后缀 同义词前缀 方向 好坏 大小 数字 强调 否定方向 1. co-, con-, com-, col-, cor- 2. di- 3. se- 4. syn- sym- 5. ana- 6. in-, im- 7. inter- 8. out-

10、 9. ex- e- ef-方向 10. pro- 11. for-, fore- 12. pre- 13. ante- 14. post- 15. sur- 16. over- 17. sub- 18. under- 19. de-, di- 20. cir-, circu- 21. peri- 22. anti- 23. re- 24. with- 25. ob-, op- 11. DEFICIENT: (A) painful (B) contrary (C) lacking (D) illegal (E) alarming(OG lower level 1 11) 15. PROPHES

11、Y: (A) defeat (B) annoy (C) foretell (D) testify (E) prompt(OG lower level 1 15) 28. EVASION: (A) weariness (B) imposition (C) avoidance (D) flattery (E) displeasure(OG lower level 1 28) 26. INSCRIBE: (A) chisel (B) sign (C) copy (D) tattoo (E) identify(OG lower level 2- 26)好坏 bon-, ben-, bene- mal-

12、, male- 7. AIMLESS: (A) without purpose (B) without humor (C) reluctant (D) exclusive (E) incompetent(OG lower level 1 7) 10. EVACUATE: (A) throw about (B) empty out (C) grope for (D) smooth over (E) cross off(OG lower level 1 10) 22. COMPEL: (A) violate (B) force (C) certify (D) justify (E) combine

13、(OG lower level 1 22) 21. ASCERTAIN: (A) give up (B) add to (C) join with (D) follow after (E) find out(OG upper level 1-21) 13. SECLUDE: (A) isolate (B) bury (C) disguise (D) camouflage (E) obscure(OG upper level 2 13)大小 macro- micro- max- mini- mega-数字 hemi-, semi-, peni-, demi- mono- uni- bi- twi

14、- amphi- tri- quadr-, tetra- penta- hex- hepta-, sept- oct- nov- dec- cent- milli- poly- multi- 17. UNIQUE: (A) singular (B) first (C) alone (D) different (E) special(OG upper level 2 17) 19. NULL: (A) never (B) illegal (C) unjustified (D) intolerant (E) zero value(OG upper level 2 19) 29. TRIFLE: (

15、A) type of mushroom (B) deal with lightly (C) cocoa-covered candy (D) long narrow gun (E) cat plaything(OG upper level 2 29)强调 a* ad- em-, en- im-, in- il-, ir- 6. DECEIVE: (A) alter (B) examine (C) astonish (D) mislead (E) pretend(OG lower level 1 6) 17. COMPASSION: (A) courage (B) honor (C) shynes

16、s (D) amazement (E) sympathy(OG lower level 1 17) 22. COMPEL: (A) violate (B) force (C) certify (D) justify (E) combine(OG lower level 1 22)否定 a-/ an- ab-, abs- anti- counter- contra-, contro- un- im-, in- il-, ir- dis- mis- de- 28. EVASION: (A) weariness (B) imposition (C) avoidance (D) flattery (E

17、) displeasure (OG lower level 1 28) 5. INCISION: (A) being precise (B) open wound (C) point out (D) result of cutting (E) fold over(OG lower level 2-5)后缀 名词 形容词 动词第三课类比 35. Rose is to plant as (A) pine is to tree (B) daisy is to flower (C) emerald is to gem (D) dog is to animal (E) ice is to water(O

18、G lower level 2-35)类比 42. Bread is to baker as pendant is to (A) scientist (B) actress (C) banker (D) jeweler (E) writer(OG lower level 2-42)类比 46. Agenda is to meeting as (A) clipboard is to paper (B) rule is to order (C) map is to car (D) blueprint is to building (E) gavel is to podium(Princeton 2

19、-46)三十种主流类比关系题型分类讲解一题型分类讲解一种属关系种属关系种属关系 31. Tent is to house as hammock is to (A) table (B) bed (C) stool (D) rug (E) plate(OG lower level 1-31)种属关系 32. Camel is to animal as (A) paste is to paper (B) copy is to original (C) stove is to kitchen (D) cactus is to plant (E) radio is to television(OG lo

20、wer level 1-32)种属关系 33. Club is to weapon as cave to (A) rock (B) cliff (C) beast (D) attack (E) dwelling(OG lower level 1-33)种属关系 46. Dodo is to bird is as dinosaur is to (A) mammal (B) conifer (C) reptile (D) octopus (E) amphibian(OG lower level 1-46)种属关系 49.Woodwind is to clarinet as percussion i

21、s to (A) flute (B) cymbal (C) trumpet (D) harp (E) violin(OG lower level 1-49)种属关系 40. Dodo is to bird is as dinosaur is to (A) mammal (B) conifer (C) octopus (D) reptile (E) amphibian(OG upper level 1-40)种属关系 43.Woodwind is to clarinet as percussion is to (A) flute (B) cymbal (C) trumpet (D) harp (

22、E) violin(OG upper level 1-43)种属关系 46. Dill is to herb as azure is to (A) cloth (B) spice (C) drink (D) sound (E) color(OG upper level 2-46)种属关系 35. Rose is to plant as (A) pine is to tree (B) daisy is to flower (C) emerald is to gem (D) dog is to animal (E) ice is to water(OG lower level 2-35)种属关系

23、47. Money is to tree as Euro is to (A) bush (B) grass (C) cranberry (D) stalk (E) elm(OG lower level 2-47)种属关系 37. Skit is to play as (A) couplet is to word (B) limerick is to poem (C) verse is to metaphor (D) rhythm is to line (E) figure is to speech(OG upper level 1-37)题型分类讲解二题型分类讲解二二维三维,测量单位二维三维,

24、测量单位二维三维 33. Circle is to sphere as (A) square is to cube (B) triangle is to rectangle (C) pyramid is to cone (D) point is to dot (E) hexagon is to trapezoid(OG upper level 1-33)二维三维 40. Spiral is to curve as (A) swirl is to cone (B) twist is to pyramid (C) helix is to triangle (D) coil is to cylind

25、er (E) screw is to arc(OG lower level 2-40)二维三维 39. Cube is to square as (A) box is to cardboard (B) circle is to street (C) cylinder is to pen (D) line is to angle (E) sphere is to circle(Princeton 1-39)测量单位 36. Liter is to quart as (A) ruler is to inch (B) pint is to mile (C) meter is to yard (D)

26、day is to week (E) degree is to temperature(OG upper level 1 36)测量单位 41. Mile is to length as (A) sky is to height (B) coffee is to drink (C) pot is to stew (D) floor is to ground (E) quart is to volume(Princeton 1-41)测量单位 37. Pint is to quart as (A) cup is to teaspoon (B) mile is to road (C) measur

27、e is to recipe (D) week is to year (E) temperature is to thermometer(Princeton 2-37)第四课题型分类讲解三题型分类讲解三功能关系功能关系功能关系 45. Map is to land (A) negative is to print (B) diagram is to machine (C) camera is to film (D) crayon is to paint (E) lens is to glasses(OG upper level 1-45)功能关系 42. Morgue is to corpse

28、 as (A) refrigerator is to jar (B) library is to book (C) hospital is to nurse (D) warehouse is to automobile (E) church is to pew(OG upper level 2-42)功能关系 47. Paper is to printing as (A) woman is to clothing (B) water is to sailing (C) metal is to rust (D) canvas is to painting (E) highway is to dr

29、iving(OG upper level 2-47)功能关系 52. Program is to computer as direction is to (A) assembler (B) map (C) book (D) location (E) compass(OG lower level 2-52)功能关系 58. Irrigate is to water as (A) refresh is to mist (B) alienate is to complain (C) refrigerate is to chill (D) ventilate is to air (E) cool is

30、 to ice(OG lower level 2-52)功能关系 48. Buttress is to support as scissor is to (A) press (B) store (C) create (D) cool (E) cut(Princeton 1-48)功能关系 59. Hammer is to pound as (A) vase is to flowers (B) briefcase is to papers (C) nail is to wood (D) screwdriver is to tool (E) jack is to raise(Princeton 2

31、-59)题型分类讲解四题型分类讲解四组成关系组成关系组成关系 34. Atom is to molecule as (A) opera is to soprano (B) wood is to carpenter (C) theater is to script (D) word is to sentence (E) diction is to orator(OG lower level 1-34)组成关系 59. Step is to ladder as tone is to (A) singer (B) voice (C) tune (D) piano (E) scale(OG lower

32、 level 1-59)组成关系 33. Paragraph is to sentence as (A) equation is to number (B) chain is to link (C) book is to chapter (D) cloud is to water (E) newspaper is to column(OG lower level 2-33)组成关系 41. Movement is to symphony as (A) act is to play (B) exercise is to conditioning (C) recipe is to cookbook

33、 (D) wedge is to pie (E) segment is to orange(OG lower level 2-41)组成关系 45. Water is to spring as (A) spray is to surf (B) lava is to volcano (C) smoke is to vent (D) exhaust is to engine (E) steam is to kettle(OG lower level 2-45)组成关系 50. Yarn is to cloth as (A) pulp is to paper (B) gravel is to pat

34、h (C) sand is to dune (D) electricity is to lamp (E) amplifier is to sound(OG lower level 2-50)题型分类讲解五题型分类讲解五结果关系结果关系结果关系 56. Gully is to erosion as (A) drought is to precipitation (B) mine is to excavation (C) clot is to dispersion (D) forest is to cultivation (E) water is to inundation(Princeton 2

35、-56)第五课题型分类讲解六题型分类讲解六动作情感关系动作情感关系动作情感关系 49. Grin is to delight as (A) anxiety is to confusion (B) frown is to dismay (C) perspiration is to exhaustion (D) laugh is to happiness (E) resignation is to uncertainty(Kaplan upper level 1-49)动作情感关系 57. Smile is to frown as cheer is to (A) jeer (B) wince (C

36、) laugh (D) extricate (E) leap(Kaplan upper level 1-57)动作情感关系 50. Contempt is to sneer as (A) shame is to shrug (B) anger is to laugh (C) enjoyment is to groan (D) agreement is to grimace (E) displeasure is to frown(Kaplan upper level 2-50)动作情感关系 49. Sneer is to disdain as cringe is to (A) lonelines

37、s (B) bravery (C) intelligence (D) distrust (E) fear(Princeton 1-49)动作情感关系 35. Laughter is to joke as (A) read is to story (B) question is to answer (C) wince is to pain (D) talk is to conversation (E) cramp is to swim(Princeton 2-35)题型分类讲解七题型分类讲解七部分与部分关系部分与部分关系近亲关系近亲关系近亲关系 35.Frog is to toad as (A)

38、 cat is to panther (B) dog is to wolf (C) hog is to boar (D) fish is to whale (E) turtle to tortoise(OG upper level 1-35)近亲关系 38. Brass is to cornet as (A) iron is to tympani (B) string is to bow (C) woodwind is to clarinet (D) rhythm is to metronome (E) gold is to necklace(OG lower level 2-38)近亲关系

39、57. Train is to plane as (A) skateboard is to surfboard (B) motorcycle is to sidecar (C) trailer is to truck (D) auto is to wheel (E) ship is to bus(OG lower level 2-57)题型分类讲解八题型分类讲解八整体部分关系整体部分关系整体部分关系 49. Perimeter is to figure as (A) curvature is to arch (B) symmetry is to shape (C) outline is to

40、object (D) angularity is to square (E) height is to range(OG upper level 1-49)整体部分关系 54. Circumference is to circle as (A) mileage is to highway (B) depth is to water (C) perimeter is to polygon (D) shore is to river (E) area is to cube(OG upper level 2-54)整体部分关系 34. Helicopter is to rotor as (A) au

41、to is to engine (B) bicycle is to wheel (C) ship is to propeller (D) airplane is to tail (E) wagon is to horse(OG upper level 2-34)整体部分关系 59. Leg is to knee as (A) door is to hinge (B) wheel is to rotate (C) finger is to knuckle (D) elbow is to bend (E) hair is to curl(OG upper level 2-59)整体部分关系 43.

42、 Kitchen is to house as (A) wheel is to car (B) fireplace is to heat (C) lobby is to apartment (D) galley is to ship (E) exhibit is to museum(Princeton 2-43)第六课题型分类讲解九题型分类讲解九同义近义关系同义近义关系同义近义关系 57. Dominate is to influential as (A) heal is to relaxing (B) fascinate is to interesting (C) protect is to

43、 experienced (D) create is to informative (E) improve is to trustworthy(OG lower level 1-57)同义近义关系 60. Speak is to communication as (A) hear is to acoustics (B) walk is to locomotion (C) work is to organization (D) ask is to rejection (E) eat is to digestion(OG lower level 1-60)同义近义关系 34. Clam is to

44、 calm as (A) shell is to smooth (B) sent is to tens (C) scallop is to doldrum (D) fish is to feel (E) oyster is to quiet(OG lower level 2-34)同义近义关系 48. Melon is to felon as (A) mangle is to tangle (B) bunny is to funny (C) honeydew is to robber (D) cringe is to fringe (E) mango is to tango(OG lower

45、level 2-48)同义近义关系 58. Fanatic is to zealot as (A) ardent is to devotee (B) expectant is to benefactor (C) pensive is to seer (D) formal is to judge (E) modest is to patriot (OG upper level 1- 58)同义近义关系 59. Crush is to pulverize (A) rip is to tear (B) cut is to shred (C) drop is to break (D) end is t

46、o finish (E) constrict is to confine(OG upper level 1- 59)同义近义关系 39. Wily is to cunning as (A) crafty is to handy (B) clever is to gloomy (C) sneaky is to congenial (D) aggressive is to combative (E) feisty is to banal(OG upper level 2-39)同义近义关系 48. Assured is to confident as (A) anxious is to alert

47、 (B) talkative is to quiet (C) curious is to agreeable (D) flexible is to obstinate (E) watchful is to vigilant(OG upper level 2-48)同义近义关系 55. Integrate is to coalesce as (A) agitate is to soothe (B) segregate is to isolate (C) assimilate is to disperse (D) aggregate is to dissipate (E) speculate is

48、 to violate(OG upper level 2-55)同义近义关系 41. Integrity is to honesty as (A) comprehension is to instruction (B) fame is to happiness (C) resolution is to determination (D) severity is to compassion (E) quotation is to report(Princeton 2-41)题型分类讲解十题型分类讲解十正面特征关系正面特征关系正面特征关系 36. Domestic is to dog as wil

49、d is to (A) terrier (B) spaniel (C) coyote (D) hound (E) retriever(OG lower level 1-36)正面特征关系 32. Tutu is to ballet as (A) knee socks are to baseball (B) blue jeans are to sailor (C) grass skirt is to hula (D) white shorts are to tennis (E) face mask is to driver(OG upper level 2- 32)正面特征关系 44. Aspi

50、rant is to incumbent as (A) candidate is to official (B) headache is to fever (C) applicant is to alumnus (D) registrant is to retiree (E) volunteer is to employee(OG upper level 2- 44)正面特征关系 47. Paper is to printing as (A) woman is to clothing (B) water is to sailing (C) metal is to rust (D) canvas


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