4、okingbansandallowscountiestocollecthighertaxesoncigarettesthanthe87-centperpackstatetax.TheAssemblysvotecameafewdaysafterthecityofSanFranciscoincreasedtheagetobytobaccoproductsto21.Californialawmakerspassedthebilldespite lobbying(游说)from tobaccointerests.ThemeasurealsofacedoppositionfrommanyRepublic
7、therewouldbe223,000fewerpremature(过早的)deathsand50,000fewerdeathsfromlungcancer.” 1.Whichofthefollowingisthefirststatetoraisesmokingageto21?A.California.B.Hawaii.C.NewYork.D.Washington.2.TheCalifornialawincludesallthefollowingmeasuresEXCEPT_A.enlargingno-mokingareas B.allowingcountiestocollecthighert
8、axesoncigarettesC.increasingsmokingbans D.punishingparentswhoencouragetheirchildrentosmoke3.ThewordpolicinginParagraph3probablymeans_.A.enrichingB.controllingC.understandingD.protecting4.Whoisagainstthebill?A.GovernorJerryBrown.B.AssemblymanDonaldWagner.C.AssemblymanJimWood.D.ThemayorofSanFrancisco.
9、5.Whichofthefollowingisanappropriatetitleforthepassage?ACaliforniaLawmakersVotetoRaiseSmokingAgeto21B.SanFranciscoIncreasedtheAgetoBuyTobaccoProductsto21C.HawaiihasAlreadyRaisedtheAgetobuytobaccoD.ACaliforniaBillFacesOppositionfromManyRepublicansPassage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following
10、 passage: Dr. James Barry was the first woman in England to go to medical school. When she was growing up, women could not go to medical school. (77) So how did she become a doctor? She simply pretended that she was a man. No one knows Dr. Barrys real name, her birth date, or her familys background.
11、 Some records show that she was born in 1795 in London. Some people say she was the daughter of a rich man or a royal prince. One fact we know is that in 1810, James Barry became a medical student at theUniversity of Edinburgh.James Barrys classmates made fun of her because she didnt have a beard an
12、d she was only five feet tall. But no one thought she was a girl. At het age of 20, James Barry graduated from the University of Edinburgh as a Doctor of Medicine. She was one of the youngest students to complete her studies. Dr. Barry then went to work in a London hospital and studied surgery. A ye
13、ar later, she entered the army and became a hospital assistant. We will never know how she avoided the army physical examination. For the next 45 years, Dr James Barry was a British officer and a successful surgeon. Everyone admired her. She began to do a lot of important work for the army. (78) At
14、that time. England had many colonies around the world. Dr. Barry spent a lot of time in foreign countries. She travelled to India, Corfu, Malta, and Jamaica. In 1856 she went to South Africa, and she was soon known as the best doctor and surgeon in the governors daughter, and later she became the go
15、vernors personal doctor. People admired Dr Barry, but she also had a reputation as a troublemaker. If people talked about her high voice or tiny figure, she became very angry. She was an excellent swordsman, and she started fights often.6. According to the passage, Dr. Barry was made fun of because
16、she _.A. had a low voice B. had a funny beard C. was tall D. was short7. Which of the following about James Barry is a fact? A. She had a rich father. B. She became a medical student in 1810. C. She was born in Edinburgh. D. She was a royal princess. 8. Which of the following about James Barry is NO
17、T TRUE? A. She was a troublemaker. B. She worked in many foreign countries. C. She made great contributions to the British Army. D. She was the best doctor in London.9. Dr, Barry was not happy when people talked about her _.A. family. B. job. C. university. D. voice 10. The word swordsman in paragra
18、ph 4 probably means _.A. someone who is skilled at fighting with a sword B. someone who is skilled at fighting with a gunC. someone who often fights with other people D. someone who often makes trouble for other peoplePassage 3 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:ChokweSelassieison
37、erSheet.46.WheneveryouaskBobaquestion,hedoesnthardlygive asatisfactoryanswer.(重复)A B C D47.Sidney did bestinthefinalchemistryexaminhisclass,wasnthe?A B C D48.Nomatterhoweverhardhetries,heneverseemstofinishhisworkintime.A B C DHowever=nomatterhow49.Iknowitsnotimportant,butIcanthelptothinkaboutit.Cant
38、helpdoing情不自禁做某事ABCD50.Assoonashisarrivalattheairport,hemadealongdistancecalltohiswife.改为as从句ABCD51.Hejumpedoverthefence,ranacrossthefieldanddisappearingintothewoods.连词ABCD52.YoudonthavetoworryaboutmakingyourselfunderstandasmanypeoplehereknowabitofEnglish.ABCDmakeoneselfunderstood53.AtweekendsIenjoyedtostayalone, readingworksbywriterssuchasMarkTwainandCharlesDickens.ABCDenjoydoing乐于做54.Thatroadisthemostbusiest oneIhaveeverseenitoftentakesanhourtomovetwoorthreemiles.重复ABCD55.Goingtobedat10p.m.isaorderthatmustbeobeyedbyeveryonehere