1、1) Henry couldnt take part in the sports meeting because his leg got broken.Henry couldnt take part in the sports meeting because of his broken leg.2) We were sorry to hear that Mr.Davidson had to retire at the age of fifty because he was in poor health.We were sorry to hear that Mr. Davidson had to
2、 retire at the age of fifty because of his poor health.3) The heavy snow prevented them from going to the concert.They didnt go to the concert because of the heavy snow.4) It was the noise that kept me from falling asleep. It was because of the noise that I couldnt fall asleep.1. 因为下雨所以我们不能去徒步旅行了. W
3、e cant go hiking becauce its raining. We cant go hiking because of the rain.2. 因为他一瘸一拐地走路,让我觉得他和这家店格格不入。 I think he s unfit to the store because he was limped. I think hes unfit to the store because of his limp.3. 他能够走进来因为他有权利这样做。 He can come in because he has the privilege to do this. He can come in because of the privilege.4. 他不能走进去,因为门口有条狗。 He cant get in, because there is a dog in front of the door. He cant get in, because of the dog in front of the door.结束结束